The Life of A Slave

It was 1923, and the roaring 20’s was in full swing. Throughout the country a new society group had emerged. Its name was ADVANT. Members were all worth in excess of one million dollars, they all had to be married, and they all had to be concerned only with their own pleasure. There were cells in all major cities throughout the country. In each city there was a mansion run by an employee. This employee was responsible for the upkeep of the mansion, the food the staff and to make sure that when events were held, everything was perfect, in every way.

I was a resident of the Sisters of Mercy orphanage in Atlanta Georgia. I had just turned twenty-one, when Mistress Eva arrived. She explained to the sisters that she represented a group of very wealth people, who belonged to the Advant Society. She was here to hire some of the older Residents. They all had to be in their twenty first year, not younger or older. They would be taken care of in every way. They would be educated and trained to be housekeepers. She would be responsible for there moral education, and that they would never under any circumstances be allowed to be involved with a member of the opposite sex until they reached a certain maturity, that she would determine.

The sisters were impressed, especially since no one wanted to adopt the older residents. I was the only female that fit the requirements. I cannot remember ever living at any other place. I never really understand why no one ever wanted me. I guess I was not a very attractive child. By my teenage years I had changed and was told by most, that I was attractive. I am now 5’10” tall. I have thick red hair and a very fair complexion. My eyes are green and I weight 130 pounds. When you reach a certain age, most prospective adoptive parents just aren’t interested. After checking on the qualifications and finding all to be in order the papers for my transfer were rushed through.

Mistress Eva picked me up a week later. She was a short middle aged woman. Her hair was streaked with Grey and pulled back into a bun. She wore no make up. She was dressed in all black. Her dress had a very high embroidered neck, long selves, and even though things had changed dramatically in the 20″s, she still wore her skirt almost to her ankles. Her feet were in what could best be described as very sensible shoes. She had a stern demeanor and really did not engage me in any conversation.

After what seemed like an eternity we arrived at an old plant. She explained to me that this was a very special place and required my complete obedience, and if I were not completely obedient I would be punished. We pulled up to the most beautiful house I had ever seen. I never in my life imagined that I would live in a place like this. It was a massive Georgian Colonial. It had large pillars in front of the most beautiful ornate wooden carved doors. A porch ran the length of the house. On the porch were wicker lounge chairs, and hanging baskets of beautiful flowers. The grounds were heavily treed, with weeping willows, Magnolia and oak. It had beautiful gardens with every Varity of flowers you could think of. All I could think of was that it was not real but a movie set.

A butler in a tuxedo answered the door. He was handed my suitcase and told to burn all that was in it. I started to protest and immediately Mistress Eva, garbed my wrist and sternly reminded me I would be punished if I was not totally obedient, and since I was not paying attention, I was going to be paid. I was taken to a basement room. It was about three feet by four feet. With a thick big door. There were no windows, just a small opening at the top of the door. She dragged me into the room, and told me to undress. I was never so frightened in my whole life. I striped down to my underwear, and handed her my clothes. She took them and said what about the rest. I turned so that my back was to her and striped down naked. She garbed my underwear and slammed the door shut.

I stayed in that room for one week. Food was passed through the door and I was forced to eat with my hands. There was no toilet, and when I had to go I had no choice but to go on the floor. I was never so frightened or miserable in my whole life. The orphanage was bad but nothing like this. The walls were of rough stone and the floor was concrete. It was damp and I was continuous cold.

At the end of the week, Mistress Eva opened the door, looked at me, made a disgusted face and said my God you stink. She asked if I now understand what she means by being obedient and if I was ready to join the group. I told her I would never do anything to make her punishment me again and I would be the most obedient person she ever met. Mistress Eva smiled, and said we shall see. Now go and get a mop and pail and clean this room. I want it to be perfectly clean, not a speck of dirt anywhere. If it were not cleaned satisfied I would spend another week in it.

I cleaned the room for maybe three hours. When I was done I walked up the servants stairs to the kitchen. I was still naked but I did not care. I would do anything not to be put back in that room. Mistress Eva took my hand and led me back downstairs. She entered the cell and began to inspect every inch of it. She ran her fingers between the stones, along the grout and over the floor. She told me she was very pleased with the job that I had done. She called one of the other maids, a girl of about the same age as I and told her to take me to the bathroom and bathe me. This other girl did not say a word, but immediately rushed forward and took me to the upstairs bathroom.

We entered what I was later to learn was Roman bath. The floors were marble, the walls were all mirrors, and even the ceiling was a mirrored. In the center of the room was a huge marble tub. To me it looked more like a pool. Along one wall was a sink and commode. Next to the commode was what look like another commode but was a bidet. I had no idea at that time what that was. The tub was filled with steaming water and smelled of rose pedals. The maid who brought me to this room stood quietly by my side, looking down and not moving. Suddenly the door opened and a beautiful woman walked in. Like myself she had long red hair and a beautiful complexion. Her face was made up with the most beautiful make up. Her lips were bright red, and her eyes were shadowed in a magnificent shade of blue. She wore a sheer red negligee, which covered her body, yet gave you the impression that she was naked. She turned to the maid and ordered her to leave. The maid bowed low, took her hand kissed it and left.

This mystery woman now turned to me. All this time I had been standing quite still, and very aware that I was completely naked. The woman walked around me, appraising me as if I was an item for sale. Finally she spoke. I am Mistress Ann. I was sent here to bathe you and to make sure you are as pure as they toldus you were. With that she undid the tie of her negligee and it drooped to the floor. She stood before me totally naked. I could not help but notice her body. Her breasts were quite large, and had started to loose some of their firmness. The aureoles around her nipples, compared to mine were gigantic. Her hips flared out and the public hair was like mine a thick red. She smiled, took my hand and said come my pet its time to bathe you, you do look ghastly.

She led me, not to the tub, but to the mirrored wall on the far side of the room. She pushed against a section and a door, that was completely concealed and it opened. The inside of the room was all marble. It was not very large, as a matter of fact if you stood in the middle and extended your arms you could touch the walls. I then noticed that in the center of the floor was a drain, and in the Center of the ceiling was a large spicket. As a matter of fact, upon close examination the four walls were lined with many spickets. I was trembling. I could not be locked up in another small room. I know that I had done nothing to deserve another punishment. Mistress Ann, sensing this turned to me and said. “Don’t be afraid, this is just a shower room. You did not think that you were going to be in that gorgeous tub as filthy and ratty as you are. Now step into the shower and we will have you scrubbed.”

I bowed my head and crossed the threshold into the shower room. I heard Mistress Ann clap her hands, and the next thing I knew the maid who had brought me here was standing next to me. She was also completely naked. She had very small breasts and absolutely no public hair at all. In her right had she carried a bucket, that I later learned contained soap, shampoo and scrub brushes and a razor. With out uttering a sound she stepped forward, took my right wrist in her hand and positioned me in the center of the room. She next lifted my arm out and up, and attached my wrist to a cuff that was attached to the wall. SheDid the same to my left. She now positioned my legs so that I was standing with my legs spread a little more then shoulder width apart. When she was satisfied she attached my ankles to cuffs which were also attached to the wall. The attachments held me firmly and I was not able to move. Mistress Ann looked on approvedly. She turned to the maid and told her to begin. With that she exited the room and closed the door.

When the door closed the maid turned around and for the first time I noticed that there was a pair of faucets on the wall. She quickly turned the faucets on, and from every direction I was sprayed. The water was hot, but bearable. As a matter of fact nothing had felt so good in a long time. The maid reached in the bucket and brought out the shampoo and began to wash my hair. It did not take long for me to begin to relax, as she massed my scalp. When she finished my hair, she took a scrub brush and began on my back, my arms, my legs, my feet and my toes. My skin glisted. It felt so wonderful to be clean again. I thought she was done, however, I was wrong. She soaped up her hands so that there was a very thick later, walked behind me, I then I felt her spread my cheeks and begin to wash my anus. I felt very strange being touched there. I next felt her finger try to probe my anus, but she was unable to penetrate me their because I was clinking my muscles. This really had no effect upon her. When she finished there she steering in front of me and did the same to my vagina. I was mortified! No one had ever touched me there. The sisters at the home forbid us to touch our selves there. They told us it was a very dirty thing to do. The more she did it, however the more enjoyable it felt. I was starting to have this very strange feeling coming over my whole entire body when she suddenly stopped. She next reached into the bucket and took out a razor and proceeded to shake my legs and underarms. When she finished she turned off the water, opened the doorand left.

There I stood still attached to the wall. The now cool air compared to that in the shower was causing me to shiver. My nipples now were hard and standing away from my body. Whenever this occurred it always embarrassed me. Mistress Ann now once again walked around inspecting me. This time however she did not only look but also touched. Before the maid had left she had ran a comb through my hair and now Mistress Ann was running her fingers through it. She slide he hands down my back and to the cleft between my cheeks. She pushed gently at my anus, but nothing more. She approached me from the front, and gently stroked my face. She lightly ran her fingers down my neck and the out of nowhere grabbed my right nipple and squeezed and pulled it. I let out an involuntary gasp. She Continued to hold my nipple tightly in the extended position looked into my eyes and laughed. I had this mixed feeling. It was one of both pain and pleasure. She didn’t let go of my nipple and with herOther hand she gently started to rub my vagina. As she did this she squeezed my nipple even harder. My mind was in turmoil. The pain from my nipple and the pleasure from my vagina, the two opposites were giving me an exquisite feeling.

As quickly as she had begun is as quickly as she stopped. When she released my nipple and removed her hand from my vagina my legs actually felt week. I think I was lucky to still be attached to the wall, or otherwise I would have fallen. Mistress Ann then proceeded to release my arms and legs and led me to the tub. She held my hand and we entered together. As we submerged into the water I was over come with the perfumed smell and the thickness of the water. I was to learn later that the water of these tubs was heavily combined with oil. I was instructed to lie down between Mistress Ann’s legs with my back to Mistress Ann. I did this, and Mistress Ann gently pushed my head back against her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me and held me. This was the first time in my life that anyone had ever done anything like this to me. I loved the feeling. I had always dreamed of being held and loved and found my self-floating in good feelings.

We lay like this for some time. I was completely relaxed and felt my self-getting drawsy, when suddenly Ann again started to pull and roll my nipples between her fingers. She was alternating squeezing and pulling them. The feeling of pain and pleasure once again invaded my body. It started to feel so good that I involuntarily let out a soft moan. Mistress Ann now was paying attention to my vagina. The last time she just rubbed her hand over it very gently. Now she was spreading my lips and running her fingers up and down. Something very strange was happening. Overtime she came to the top of my vagina where the lips came together, she pressed down and I had the most incredible feeling. She now stopped running her fingers up and down, but was concentrated on that spot when all of a sudden mymuscles in my abdomen tightened and I had this incredible release. She stopped for a moment and began again and again I had this exploration within me. She kept this up for some time and I had many men of these explorations. She finally said enough time to get out of the tub.

We got out of the tub, the maid appeared again and left me standing while she toweled off Mistress Ann. When She finished with Mistress Ann she dried me. I didn’t even notice the Mistress Eva had arrived. Mistress Ann told Mistress Eva that I was indeed pure, and that I was very very responsive and would become a very valuable property.

For the next three years I spent my time being a very obedient service. I attended school, and did well. My primary responsibility were scrubbing the kitchen floor all the bathrooms and making sure that all the silver in the entire house was poisoned. I was punished about three times each year for the very slightest infections. The punishments were always the same, beinglocked in the cell type room for at least a week, and always ended in the tub. By the time I was twenty three, the thought of spending another minute in the cell was so frightening, that there was no way I was not going to be the most obedient maid in the mansion. I also found that I was getting tremendous pleasure from pleasure my Mistress. When Mistress Eva would show that she was pleased with me or on the rare moments when she would smile at me, I would glow. I lived to have her approval, and would do anything to receive it.

During my second year, another two girls arrived. They were of course in their twentyties, I also observed that two of the older girls had also left. This was to be the pattern for the rest of my stay. As some one left there was always another to replace them. The total number was always ten, and they ranged in age of twenty-one to twenty-five.


I had just turned twenty-three when Mistress Eva sent word that she wanted to see me. I became so frightened that I throw up. I could not imagine what I had done. I knocked on her door, and stood quiet waiting for permission to enter. I stood for what felt like hours but in fact was only a few minutes when she finally issued the order for me to enter. I stood in front of her with my eyes cast down really expecting the worst. Finally Eva began. She told me that over the past three years I had progressed rather satisfied and that I was now going to be given new duties. These duties were more important then what I had been doing, would be full time, and I would no longer be attending school. I breathed a sight of relief, I really thought that I was going to be punished. She continued on describing my new duties. She said, ” as you know, we have many guests and many parties here at the mansion. The mansion and the guest belong to a secret society, and they have been responsible for your upkeep. You will now be assigned to one of the suites. You will attend to all the needs ofwhoever is occupying the room. You are to do whatever you are asked without hesitation. If for any reason any guest is not satisfied with you, you will receive a punishment much more sever then anything you have yet had to endure. At no time are any of the guests going to touch you, or ask you to do anything that is improper for a young lady. If they do they will loose there membership and be bannered from the society. You will no longer dress in your scullery clothes, but in the uniform I give you know. You will go through a months training in grooming and make up. You will at all times be perfectly groomed and with the proper make up. Now leave Mistress Mary is waiting for you to begin your training.”

Mistress Mary was waiting for me. Looked into my eyes and said following me. My life had Just taken a tremendous change. For the next month I was taught to do hair, makeup, and what I was told was a very special type of grooming. I was taught shaving. Yes I was taught how to shake underarms, legs and public hair. I was told that the shaving was probably the most important part of my job, and that if I nicked or cut any of our guests I would be so badly punished that I would not see the light of day for months.

The first time a razor was put in my hands I was shaking so badly that I burst out into tears. I was given a balloon. I blew it up, later it with shaving cream and began to shake. It took about two weeks, but at the end of that time I could shake the balloon completely clean in a matter of moments without breaking it. I was now very confident. The next part of the training was to shake myself, which I did quickly and without any mistakes. Mistress Mary then showed me how to shake the public area. I was told that the quest would instruct me on what design they would require. I also became quite adept at hair design as well as makeup. I practiced on myself, and then on Mistress Eva. Mistress Eva’s favorite was to have different designs done with her pubichair. Mistress Eva was so pleased that se actually gave me a kiss on the cheek. When she did this, I fell to my knees and hugged her feet. She patted my head and walked away.

At the end of the month, I was once again called into Mistress Eva quarters. I went through the same nerves, expecting to be punished and was released when none was given. I was told that the training was over, and I no longer would be doing the scrubbing and bathroom cleaning. I would now have new responsibilities. It was explained to me that the main function of the mansion was to provide a safe place for the members of the society to do what ever they wanted within out causing any controversy in the rest of society. To my surprise I was told that members of the Society occurred the mansion from Thursday through Sunday. There could be as few as four and as many as fifty at a time. I would be moved to a different part of the residence, and would no longer see any of the other girls. I would occur a suite of rooms, and when the guest that would also stay in the suite arrived I was to be on call for them twenty-four hours a day. When no guest was there I could relax, and do whatever I wanted. This means I could walk the grounds, read or whatever. However when guests were here I was to be in my quarters at all times. At all times I was to be finely groomed and my makeup was to be perfect. If for any reason I did not please Any guest I would be severely punished. I assured Mistress Eva that I would do nothing to embarrass her, and would do anything to please her. She smiled and said, “I know.”


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