The Library

Hi! So I have to write a letter for my school and having something fun to write helps stimulate my imagination and make unrelated projects easier. This is a fantasy turned into an actual story and yes, this isn’t a series this time. I also was having some relationship troubles at the time I started, so I hope there won’t be any accidental sour notes. In other words, possible mess. It’s also based somewhat on me and my actual partner.

Vote, comment etc and much thanks! I think I will try for the content, but I doubt I’ll be close.

Happy February,



The college library was empty and even more beautiful than usual. Elisabeth toured the walls of books, returning each to their proper place and sweeping away the dust. The pinkish light made her think of Sylvia Plath’s writing, the strange mysterious poison of those moments in her work. Unlike the ill fated author, Elisabeth was a happy one and a student, and she was lucky enough to win the library as workstudy.

Hadn’t she also wrote a journal entry about feeling ‘without identity’ in a library much like this? It slowly came back to her. “…centuries to comprehend before I sleep, millions of lives to assimilate before breakfast tomorrow. Yet I know back at my house there is my room, full of my presence.”

Poetic suffering was not hers. Feeling without identity in a library however was extremely relatable. Though in her case, it was a relief. She could lift out of herself awhile and come back with treasures from dusty ages of books and continue anew. Away from the burdens of family, depression, loneliness, poverty.

A thumb started her out of her reverie and she looked at her phone. 5:00 right now. He was supposedly picking her up from the library in an hour. He’d left a cryptic message:

Stay. I will find you.

He was her long distance boyfriend and dom, Hayden, and while they had met a couple times and had little romantic outings, this was the first time they were going to play. She trusted him, but a shiver still when down her spine. Why did he want to hunt her out?

She put books back throughout the stacks, gently running her hands over them. She grew more and more anxious. She had told him that she wanted to be surprised but was wondering if it was a terrible idea. She wasn’t even terribly experienced.

Elisabeth started again and again as the minutes ticked by and doors opened and closed. She had to close up the place soon. She grabbed her phone to text him that there was a change of plans, only to feel a strong hand take hers.

“I found you sweet thing,” Hayden whispered in her ear as he kissed her throat.

“How did you get in? I didn’t even hear you!” Elisabeth exclaimed and pulled back a little. That was the dangerous thing about Hayden; like the books and the library itself, she’d get lost in him but unlike them he was a person she couldn’t quite fathom. She didn’t really understand why she wanted to let go in his arms.

Like right now. She smiled as she noticed the little bouquet of roses and a newly bought copy of Emily Dickinson’s poems which she’d wanted. “Happy Valentines to you too, kitten,” he purred.

How had she forgotten? Fuck! She was wearing her ugly jeans and tee shirt and smelled of book dust and the nacho fries from her favorite cafe. She hadn’t Even shavled.

“I’m not ready yet sir,” she stammered shyly. “I’m not properly dressed, or…”

“Later. Turn around, now.” She promptly obeyed looking into his chocolate eyes. His dark hand wrapped around her pale one as he pulled her into a deep password kiss, licking and biting at her lips. She was gasping when he pulled away. “You are beautiful as you are. Besides we have time before dinner. Do you understand, kitten?”

Help…all in a moment it had happened. She was weak and shaky, her cheeses a dusky rose. She could feel a tiny heartbeat start in her puss and she was sure her nipples would showany second.

“Thanks, but I should get ready…” she started to turn away, only to feel him yank her against his firm body, his arms wrapping around her in a lovingly possessive way. She could feel his cock press against her through their clothes. She whimpered and he grew in approval as his hands clapped and massages her breasts.

“Is there anyone else here?” He grew, nibbling her ear.

“Well, no but…” she was having difficulty speaking through her desires.

“If you don’t want to do anything now, say so. Otherwise let me take care of you. I will always make sure you are safe and alright with what’s happening. You chose me as much as I chose you.” He turned her around again and gently brushed a lock of hair out of her face. “Tell me why you’re uncomfortable.”

“It feels wrong, and what if we’re not alone?” Elisabeth was blushing frantically. “I mean I want to, but I can’t put myself in jeopardy for some sex.”

“We’re alone. I made sure of that. Whydoes it feel wrong?”

“Well – it’s a library. For intellectual pursuits. Isn’t, umm, banging in one disrespectful?”

He laughed. “Who said those two things had to run counter to each other? But if you don’t want to we won’t.” He started to gather up the gifts. “Let’s go, my kitten…”

She pounded him and gave him the best kiss she could (which was probably not that fabulous). The fact that Hayden was both so overwhelming and consider made her very needy, and suddenly she very much wanted to ‘bang’ in the library. Damn vague notions of propriety.

Hayden deepened the kiss as they rolled onto the floor, biting at her lip. Elisabeth had apparently lost the upper hand that she had when the kiss ended.

“That was very sexy, kitten but you just broke our first rule,” he smiled down at her as his hand brushed down to her hips. “Use. Your. Words.”

“Yes sir,” she giggled. She knew that. It was always difficult for her to talk about her feelings so he insistedshe be very clear with him. She didn’t really know what to say and besides she couldn’t let it be too easy.

“That will be five…” he purred, slowly undoing her jeans, “but I don’t think that’s all. You didn’t speak on purpose didn’t you…little slut?”

“Y-yes sir,” she moaned out. She hadn’t thought it would feel this intensity as she looked towards the ceiling. She was getting lost in him again, just like she got lost in her books. She blushed as he gently worked off her jeans knowing her panties must have a huge wet spot on them.

Elisabeth suddenly felt shy only to have him pin her down “Stop moving kitten. Don’t hide from me remember?” He kissed her gently and massages her tights. “I think that requires a different punishment.”

She shreaked as she felt him kiss her clip through the thin cotton. “Silence, kitten. You will be silent and take what I give you.”

He moved up to lazily lap at her torso and she felt his erection again brushing her leg, and thenjumped as he sat up and ripped her panties off and stuffed the now useless fabric in his pocket.

He smelled her. She couldn’t decide whether she hated or loved this. Hayden’s command felt amazing and yet she felt so embarrassed and unprepared. Did she stink?

“You don’t have to…” she started, only for him to flip her over, sit up and practically slam her onto his lap.

“That’s four rules you broke just now. I think you need to remember your place, little one. Count.”

“But – ow!”

“I. Said. Count.”

Oh god oh god oh god. Why could she never remember anything when she was nervous. “One” she sputtered out as the burn filled her. “*smack* Two, *smack* three…”

He was spanking her in a maddening way; hard enough to Actually hurt, but just gently enough that her arousal spiked higher and higher with each strike. It got to the point where she could figure out whether she was wiggling to get away or to get more.

“*smack* 16…*smack* 17…”

His hand pressed into her back to hold her an she heard him curse under his breath. She then realized that she had been rubbing against his cock the whole time.

It was her turn to smile. With each resounding smack left, she shimmied in his lap. So what if he would later punish her for being a tease?

“*smack* 19…*smack* 20…”

“Take off your shirt and lie on your side.” His voice sounded deeper and more animalistic. As she obeyed, she heard him undress frantically, curling at buttons. She looked up to see him naked, his slim toned body making her shiver. He grabbed his shirt. “Hands behind you.” He twisted his shirt into a makeshift rope and tied her hands tightly.

Then she screamed as he dove his face into her pussy. His cock rubbed against her cheek and she put out her tongue to catch the tiny drop of precum. “Suck. Take as much as you can. Fuck!” She felt him lick up and down her pussy and then resting on her clip, curling his tongue around it. Pausing fora gentle kiss, she opened her mouth to take him as she felt his finger enter her and slowly fuck her.

She curled her tongue and sucked him in deep, pausing to kiss and tease him. He twitched against her. “Yes my pretty little slut! Take it!” His thumb teased her butt, causing a shaking wave of pleasure to drop her. He thrusted against her, and she suckled, loving his salty taste. “Take it. Take my cum in your pretty little mouth. Take it!” She took him as far as she could, moaning around him as he worried her clip and fingered her ass and pussy. She paused to lap at his balls, kissing and licking.

“Shit!” She grabbed him wih her mouth, feeling him start to cum as he speeded up, lapping her clip and rubbing her g spot. She shrieked through his cum as her body snapped and shook as she squirted on his face. He shouted as the last of his cum came out as he thrust into her mouth, causing a little to slip from her lips.

They lay there a moment as they panted, their echosand the cent of old books brought them back to reality. After several long minutes, he rose and gently propped her up, slowly undoing her wrists and using the undershirt to tenderly clean her.

She was floating, feeling happy but exhausted as she allowed him to tend to her. She kissed him on the cheek, a giggle coming out of her throat. “Maybe you should let me use my hands next time, Hayden.”

He let out a shout of laughter. “I could barely contain myself as it was you minx. Now I think you should get ready.” He was beaming and said this with an adorable eyebrow wiggle. “We have dinner to go to and I think you are booked for another punishment in a couple hours for being a tease.”

“I’m so scared,” she laughed. “That orgasm was so…awful. I can barely move.” She squeaked as he pinched at her still sore ass.

“Get dressed my little library slut or we’ll be late.” He kissed her on her forehead. “And I am very hungry.”

She looked around the now darkening libretary as she feel her identity come back. Perhaps Hayden would be her new favorite book.


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