Becca was a hodgepodge of emotions. She was happy that there will be zero chance of getting pregnant but B not having the opportunity to have children, hurts her heart. Living a lifetime without having heirs or having a family must be without a doubt, tough. She didn’t know what to say but managed to share her condolences.
“Why didn’t you say something earlier about this. I feel so bad now…” she manages to say to him as she sits on the bed staring up to him.
“Don’t be. It’s something that I have dealt with for a long time. I just thought I should let you know since you were worried about it.”, he replies back to her.
They star at each other for a bit but she moves aside of the bed then pats the space next to her for him to sit. He saunters over and plops down next to her. She reaches up and touches his shoulder; which turns him to face her.
She then looks up to him and says, “B, you need to share these things with me; I know you have been around the blockMany times over the course of 1000 years. For this to work, you need to share and be forth coming. I don’t want to hurt you or feel stupid. Ok?”
B nods his head to her and replies, “Your right Bec’s, I should be more forth coming. I apologize again for not sharing cause I thought it’s no big deal.” He then leans forward and whispers in her ear: “If it was possible, I would ‘LOVE’ to breed with you.” He leans ever closer and leaves a kiss just below her ear on the neck before retreating back.
Something about his words and what he said has got her buzzing. Like a switch within in her being unlocked. She retreats inward and replays what he said and a warm sensing spreads throughout her body and to her core. She licks her lips and then bites the corner of it before saying, “Then perhaps we need more practice. Are you 100% sure you can’t have children? Hmm…” She reaches out with her right hand and grabs hold his semi-erect cock and strokes him as she looks into his eyes. AndBefore he can reply back to her, she descends down and take him into her mouth; tasting her essence off of him, ever so slowly. She enjoys sucking and licking him back up to full strength.
He is taken aback; her ministers has renewed his desire for her once again. A sly smile forms on his lips as he watches her take him into her mouth. He can see her desire for him and it warms him but will she do everything he ask for and more? Time will tell. So far, she is exceeding his needs. He reaches out and cares her head/hair as she bobs up and down his erect cock.
She bobs back up and licks the pre-cum off the tip then licks her lips and says, “Tasty!” before leaving. She continues to stroke him but then let’s go and falls back onto the bed. Legs open up to show him her wetness for him. She strokes her tights, then move them up her torso to her breasts from the bottom to the outer sides. She looks up into his eyes and says, “Fill me up Master…”
He then crawls up to her; places his cock at her entrance and with one thrust, he is back into her. Filling her tunnel with himself and to full tilt. He lets her get accustom to his thickness before moving in and out of her. He takes his time, enjoying the view and warm/wetness that she provides. He begins moving his hips back and forth; controlling the himself and the tempo. He feels her legs wrap around him, keeping him from leaving. Who in their right mind would want to leave her. She is so exhaust and beautiful. He lets go and give in to his urges. He reaches out and grabs her hands and places them above her head. Holds them there with his right hand while the other cares her cheek before coming down to play with her right breast and pinches her nipple.
She moans his name and arches her back to meet him. She lets go and give in as well. She tells him, “Harder, Master. Fill me up! Breed me…” which in turn makes him harder and increase his tempo into her. With the terms of encouragementshared, it brings with it her another orgasm. It rocks her hard, and she lets herself go. She clamps down on his hard cock but he continues to thrust deeper into her, making the ripples of this orgasm last much longer and building another. Her tits are moving all around, and loses control over herself. Her eyes roll backward as another orgasm hits. She tries to clamp down again but looses the effort. He is hitting her in all the right spots and his essence is filling her with a golden glow from within without his cream. Just when she thinks she can’t take anymore, another orgasm rocks her blindsided. She tries to communicate to him but gibberish comes out. More moans and gibberish leaves her mouth. She can feel him getting bigger and longer from within and with a grunt, he then shoots rope after rope of his cream deep into her pussy. Making her… his!. She feels him pull out and collapses next to her. She reaches out to him and cares his head. bring him closer to her chest. She feels elated and spent. They hold each other and ever so slightly drift into dreamland.
She slowly wakes up to the smell of coffee and the sounds of someone making breakfast for her. She is in la-la land and doesn’t want to leave. She stretches and feeling ecstatic but doesn’t want to leave this warm bed but she must. She throws the covers off of her and walks to the bathroom and closes the door. She does her business, and can feel his essence leave her body. Once done, she jumps into the shower and uses it to wake herself up and clean the remaining juices from her last night escapade. She thinks to herself and wishes every night could be like this but she knows that it will change eventually. It will become broader and open her mind to new things. Just as long it’s with B, she knows she is in good hands.
She dry’s off and puts a bathrobe on. Walks to the kitchen and see’s B with a cup of coffee ready for her. She smiles up to him as she reaches for it. She takes a sip and it perks her up even more.
She then asks, “How was your night? And was it enough for you to release the negative energy from the necklace?” with a smile.
He smiles back and shares, “Mmm, and then some. Your necklace is cleansed and ready for you. Any plans today?”
She replies back, “No plans as of yet; I do need to head over to my condo and pack a few clothes since we are staying here. After that, I have to call the bank; I decided to take a leave of absence. I want to spend as much time with mother as possible. I know she will call her lawyer this week and getting her affairs in order. I will meet with her for a late lunch today and then pick her brain on what she wants to do with her time. How about you, any plans?”
“Actually, I do. I have some errands to do. I won’t both you with the details but I think you will like them when the time comes. Would you like a lift to your condo?” he replies back to her with a slight smile.
She is taken aback by what he said and is curious on what the specifics are but is willing to wait. She knows it will be spectacular. She smiles up at him, and reachs up to cares his cheek with her hand and says, “That would be wonderful! And I look forward to hearing/seeing these details when they are ready, hmm.” She leans forward and kisses him lips. She lingers a bit but pulls back. She grabs her belly and says, “I am familiar. What’s for breakfast?”
“Overhead of eggs, bacon and sausages; I got you some muffins, Danish’s and toast for breakfast this morning. Help yourself and I hope you like what I prepared for you.” he replies back to her. “Oh, going forward; let me know what your into for breakfast and I will do my very best to make it happen for you, Bec’s” he shares with her as she picks up a small cinnamon roll, a pumpkin spiced muffin, and a sliced of toast that is buttered.
She smiles up to him; she knows that he is going well beyond her expectations and hasn’t complained or nagged about beingher boyfriend in front of her mother. Being with him is definitely different compared to previous so called boyfriends. He truly cares about her and her needs. It’s refreshing to say the least. She then shares with him that she isn’t picky with her breakfast. Most of the time, it’s a bagel and coffee. No time for breakfast when you work for a bank…
He takes mental notes on what she shared with him. He has some ideas to make things easier for breakfast time and not bombard her with gourmet meals every day. He then pulls out his phone, and starts jotting down ideas on what to pick up the grocery store. He puts it back into his pocket. Right before she leaves the kitchen, he slapses her butt, not so hard but to get her attention. She turns around and he says, “I enjoyed last night festivals. Even if my…outburst started things. I enjoyed it… I mean, you!” as he stars into her eyes.
She blushes by his words, and sets down her plate and coffee mug. She wraps her hands aroundund the back of his neck and pulls him down. She then whispers in his ear, “It was quite amazing, B. I enjoyed you taking me many times last night and giving me multiple orgasms. I look forward to what you have planned for this evening.” and with that she nibbles on his ear lobe and pulls away.
Fuck, is what he is thinking; he was so enthralled by her whispered message and left him quite hard in the process. It’s too bad they both have errands to do this morning, cause if they didn’t, he would scoop her up and head back to bed and give it to her once more until they were both sated. His heart is beating ever so fast and his ears are heated. He did reach around her waist when she embraced him but now he wants to grab her ass and bring her ever so closer for a deep kiss but she retired and is eating her breakfast at the nook. He is left perplexed but slowly but surely reality hits and he is back to normal.
She watches him throughout the whole process. She sees that her message set him off; something fierce. She wishes she didn’t have errands to do. She would love to spend the day with B either in bed or out/about. Hmmmm, perhaps another day perhaps. Until then, errands, lunch, mother, then dinner and possibly playtime.
She gets dressed while he waits for her in the living room. Once she is done, he gives her the key and pass code for the flat. They both take the elevator to the basement. They walk along chit chatting about stuff. She follows him to his designed parking spot. He hits the key fob once and the Jag purrs to life. He opens the door for her and then walks to the driver side. He presses the Nav System to retrieve her address; it says that it’s 15 mins away. Traffic is lite since its after 9:30am. He drops her off in front of her Condo and give her a kiss on the chef. Wishes her a good afternoon and will see her for dinner. She opens the door and walks to her Condo. The emptyness hits her suddenly. She misses his presence but knows thatshe will see him again soon.
She leaves for her Condo; and he watches the sway of her hips as she walks towards it. He feels emptiness and misses her presence. They say that: absence, makes the heart grow fonder. I believe it’s having an effect on him. He squashes this feeling, hits the gas, car purrs and then drives off from the curb. His heart flutters but he knows he’ll see her later this evening. He smiles at that and heads home.
The next couple of days/nights of the week are similar in nature. Their nights are filled with password; getting to know each other better. Giving her multiple orgasms each night and ever so slightly amping things up for him. During the day, she is with her mother. Spending time, helping her make appointments to get her affairs in order; see any doctor/specialist she might need down the road and ever so slightly asking what her mom would like to do with her time. As for him, errands mostly. Trying to keep busy and count the days. Next week, itwill be time to start Becca’s training into BDSM.
Becca is sad throughout the day but enthralled at night. B helps with her mother’s pain with the help of the necklace but also helps her deal with the emotions, keeping her positive. Yeah, he is rocking my world at night and keeping me elated on cloud 9 but he is also her ROCK. I don’t have to think, he just surprises me every day. It’s the little things that add up to be meaningful. She wasn’t aware that she needed someone like that in her life. Don’t get me wrong, B has been a tremendous help and she feels like the lucky girl in the world. But deep down, she wonders, what can I do for him in return. Guess time will tell…
A week has gone rather quickly; and it’s time to introduce Becca to BDSM. But first, he sits her down and asks her, “What does BDSM mean to you?”
She thinks for a moment, and says: “Hardcore sex, some spanking involved, which leads to full blown masochism…”
He smiles a bit and nods at her but tells her, “It’s all that but not all at once. In the beginning, it’s about the submission. Submitting or volunteering giving yourself to one person. The dominant wants a submissive to obey and yield to his command. His job is to be a teacher, an a guide as well to the BDSM lifestyle.” He pats her tigh and she smiles at him.
“Today, we will start your training. There will be sex Some days but most are you submitting to me and my needs. Some days, we will do scenes. Scenes are like a test of sorts to expand your ideas and/or thoughts on things. Down the road, there will be bondage, discipline, and some sadomasochism. But today, we will start with rough sex. What does that means to you?”
She takes in what he has said, and says: “Hmm, like rough play. Sex involving: spanking, hair pulling, picking, chatting and sometimes, biting. Am I right?”
He smiles that she knows a bit. He nods to her and letting her know that she was right and she did good. He does mention thatEvery session of play has a “safe word” or “signal” to stop play. He also tells her that there will be Punishments if the submissive can’t follow or perform tasks set out for her. Punishments can be random; some are fun and some can be painful. When a sub performs her task properly, then she is either tried and/or given a reward.
So tonight, I will teach you some submissive forms; these forms will be used primarily before and after each session.
First will be the ‘Inspection’ form, which components of you standing a little over shoulder width apart, back straight, looking forward and hands up and interlaced behind your head.
Second is the ‘Wait’ form, used primarily for waiting for the next command. This comprise of you standing up, on the balls of your feet, shoulder width apart, looking forward and having Your arms crossed behind your back.
Third is the ‘Presentation’ form, which comprises of you kneeing, with your legs opened wide, back straight, looking forward and arms are relaxed on your thighs, palms upwards.
Fourth, is the ‘Tower’ form. It’s the same as ‘Presentation’ but your thighs are together and your hands are facing downward. This form is like ‘Wait’, your waiting for your next command.
“Are you ready to begin?”, he asks.
And she smiles and nods her head “Yes”.
“Ok, I want you to stand up, slowly take off all your clothes, fold them nicely and get into the form of ‘Inspection’. Do you understand?” he informs her.
She nods once more and starts taking off her clothes.
He stops her immediately by saying “Stop!”. He then uses his index finger and lifts her chin up to look onto his face and say, “I didn’t tell you to ‘Go’ yet. You have to wait for the command before proceeding, got it?”
She understands and nods but in the process she looks sad. She is upset with herself; she wants to please him.
He picks up on her emotions and says, “Don’t feel down; this is a learning process. Youcan’t go into BDSM all knowing. It’s like a job, you don’t know all the ins/outs of it before you start. Take your time.” He lets that sink in for a bit but then leans forward and whispers in her ear, “I know… you want to please me!” He then leans back up and is received with a smile. He then moves to the chair in the center of the room and sits down. He looks on to her and smiles. “Go!”
She slowly disrobes, looking on to him as she unbuttons her blouse, slides it off her shoulders seductively. She then unzips her skirt and slides it off her one hip at a time, then lets it drop. She then reaches down and folds it on top of her blouse. She then slides of her panty but first turn around to show him that she is wearing a thong. Slides it off so slowly… as the slim clothes slowly Leaves her crack and showing off her exposed lips. She then lets it fall, steps back and bends down to pick it up. All while looking at him. She then turns around, slides off one shoulder strap then the other, then reach back to undo the clap while holding the front. She then extends her arms and the bra slides off and exposing her perfect set. Folds her lingerie. Then thinks for a moment and then gets into ‘Inspection’ form.
He then gets up and walks towards her. He stops a few feet from her and say, “I like what you did there. That was something… but I didn’t ask for theatrics. However, this is your first time and I will let it slide.” with a smile. He then walks around and inspects her form. Not too bad he thinks. “Ok, now go into Presentation form…”
She then gets down on her knees, palms up and knees slightly opened. He then walks around her once more and she is looking up to him. He is shaking his head (No) and tells her to first, look straight ahead and not up at me. Second, your tighs need to be opened bigger and with that he gets down on one knee and opens her up. He then tells her, “Presentation form is to show your openness to your dominant by exposing yoself.” Now show me the ‘Tower’ form…
She then closes her tighs, and turn her palms downward. He then gives her feedback by saying “Good”, which puts a smile on her lips. He then walks around and asks her if she knows the meaning of having the palms up and down? She shakes her “No”. He begins to tell her that in Presentation form, palms up signifies: helplessness and a wish to please. While in the Tower form, palms down meaning to be ready and wait for the next command.” Ok, last but not least, go into the ‘Wait’ form.
She then stands up, feet shoulder width apart and arms behind her back. She thinks for a moment and then instantly go on to her balls of her feet. He then moves around and slightly smacks her left butt chef, which startles her a bit but sees the smile on his lips, tells her that she, indeed pleased him and it warms her to her core.
He then looks at her and then says, Inspection, and she immediately drops down into the form. He then walks around and grabs/lifts her right breast and slightly pinches her nipple. He is pleased. He walks around her and ends up in front of her. He then says, “Each night, you will have to disrobe, and get into one of these forms. As we proceed, I will introduce more forms for you to learn. Now for tonight festivals, we will be having an intro into ‘Rough’ sex; if you fail to stay into position, you will be punished. Understand?”
She nods her head “Yes”…
He then informs her that she is allowed to talk when asked a question. She doesn’t have to nod all the time. He also informs her of the safe word they will be using for tonight, if she wants to stop play… He then tells her, “Get on the bed, go into Doggy Style position; have your ass close to the edge of the bed. But first let’s take off the necklace.” He then takes off the necklace and absorbs the negative energy from it and then places it on the faux neckline of the presentation box. He then takes a moment to relish this feeling. It’s like a certain high for him at the beginning but overtime it takes its toll. He then opens his eyes and then looks at her and says, “You may now leave this form and position yourself on the bed.”
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