The Lewd Hollistic Ch. 07

After cleaning both himself and Baby Girl’s mess, B walks around the bed and throws the dirty towel into the hamper. He then proceeds to the dresser and reachings for the silver necklace; he chants in a foreign language and infuses his power into the necklace for the next day. Once that’s done, he then walks over to the light switch to turn off the light within the room, but before he does, he says, “Alexa, soft lighting.” Soft lights glow around the headboard on either side of the bed. After turning off the lights, he walks to the bed. He then pulls the comforter aside and pushes the giggling girl into the middle of the bed before sliding into it. After reaching out to her, he slowly brought her into an embrace. Once she lays her head on his chest, it eases the giggling and calms her inner self. He slowly strokes her back, pulling her More against him. Feeling her breasts press against the side of his chest, and her leg wrap around his, calms him. It is soothing to snuggle up with someone in bed; especially that someone is Becca. She is so thick in all the right places and can’t believe she is really here, in his arms.

It’s been a long time to have someone in his bed regularly. Yeah, he has occasionally seen people here and there, but not on a weekly basis. He knows he is helping her with her mother, but deep down he knows that he really needs someone in his life- more on a full-time basis. As he thinks to himself, it would be nice to share his life with Becca. It intrigued him to see that she was blowing slowly into the world of BDSM. He hopes that in time, she will be his. Perhaps… no, don’t dwell on it now. Just let it happen and hope for the best. As the old saying goes, ‘Don’t count your chickens before they hate’. Just take one day at a time and let fate decide.

As he is thinking, which happens a lot; she cares his chest with depth fingers and thinking too. She breaks the silence by saying, “Master?”

It startles him for a bit but clearnly replies, “Hmm?”

She then says, “I really enjoyed tonight’s festivals. I know this is the beginning and all, but I am looking forward to learning more. Just be patient with me, Master.”

He smiles inwardly a bit but then take a deep breath before saying, “Master? Thought I told you to call me ‘Sir’. Do you enjoy calling me that?”

She smiles and Continues to cares his chest with her fingertips; then stops and says, “Yes. Sir is a bit informal, I think. Since I know more about you; I think ‘Master’ is a better fit for you. If you don’t like it; I can try calling you ‘Sir’, if that pleases you.”

He takes in what she says, and it feeds his ego a bit. She is right; I am a master in every aspect, but there are still things to learn. And so he tells her, “If you enjoy calling me ‘Master’, then so be it. I am comfortable with it as long as you are too. I know it pleases you to say it, and I know that me calling you ‘Baby girl’ pleases you.”

An instant shudder goes through her body when he says the little endearment. Nothing bad though, but something incredible. It’s like a spark being cast out into darkness and a slow warmth grows deep within. Later, a smile forms, followed by heat radiating her cheeks.

He feels and sees the effect on what he said to her. He then says, “Since we are on this subject, I was wondering if you mind me calling you that, outside this setting?”

She immediately responds, “I don’t mind. You can call me whatever your heart desires.”

He then leans down to kiss her forehead and whispers, “Good night Becca, or should I say Baby Girl.”

She then beams up at him with a smile. That spark within is growing bigger. She then places her head back on his chest and slowly drifts off to sleep. When he hears her breathing even out, he knows she is assistant. Having her in his arms calms him down and eventually he too falls waits.

Becca wakes up from a sound sleep, filling pressure to pee. She doesn’tWant to leave the warmth of his embrace, but she has to relieve herself. Grudgingly, she rolls to the other side of the bed and slides off. She slowly walks to the door but looks at B; he looks so peaceful and then she remembers what translated a couple hours beforehand and smiles. She continues to the door and slowly opens it; and slightly closes it as she makes way to the washroom. She stands in front of the washroom but her eyes see’s the room next door. She wonders to herself if it’s unlocked. There is nothing wrong with taking a quick peek. She slowly walks up to the door and places her right thumb on the top and index finger on the bottom. She slowly and quietly tries to turn the handle. It turns slightly, giving her hope, but stops. It’s LOCKED.

Becca silently curses to herself, but then walks back to the washroom and uses it. She then slides herself back into the main suite silently and moves to the opposite side of the bed. She slides in and notices something amiss. B’scock is semi standing up. Her eyes grow big and she looks at it and then up to him and back down. She licks her lips; can’t pass up an opportunity for some sweet cream. She throws the covers over herself and moves down to his groin. Then grabs his cock with her left hand and starts jerking it up and down until some clear fluid escapes from the tip. She smiles and then leans forward to lick it up with her tongue. The taste is so yummy, and she wants more. So she licks the crown, then the base of his cock up to the tip before plunging down and slowly take more of him into her mouth. She can slowly taste herself and his essence on his cock; and it tastes wonderful. She continues to stroke and plume down, taking more of him down her throat. She loses herself in that moment. The need for his cream is too much and tasting herself fuels her desire.

B is having a vivid dream, and it’s heavenly. In his dream, he thinks to himself that he can actually feel his cock being sucked in his dream cause his cock is twitching from side to side on its own. He slowly wakes up and feels movement underneath the comforter. He feels the air moving along his body as someone is stroking and swallowing his cock. His eyes take a while to adjust, but the noticeable slurping sound coming from underneath tells him it’s indeed real and not a dream. As his eye adjusts, he takes a peek and sure enough she is going to town on his cock. An idea springs to mind, and then a smile appears on his face. He then rolls to his left side; making it easier for her to take him deeper into her throat. He reaches down and pushes her hair away from her face. He then grabs the back of her head and gently pushes her down on his cock.

Becca calms herself down and allow him control. She takes all of him down while her tongue slides back and forth Along the base of his shaft. At the moment, she is in ecstasy. Once he lets go, she slowly rises off his cock and cares his cock with her lips and tongue asshe goes. More pre-cum comes up, and she licks it off, then circles the crown once more before taking him back in. She keeps bobbing up and down his shake, stroking him and urging him on. Her hand then slides down his shake and cares his balls. She can slowly feel that he is getting bigger with each stroke.

God, this woman is insatiable, but he will not complain. It feels heavenly and he can feel His need coming soon. With that thought, he then grabs the back of her head with both hands and then thrusts deeper down her throat.

She is fine in relinquish control and giving him the reigns; it just gives her a chance to enjoy his cock. Her hands are on either side of his thighs, caressing and acting as buffers. With each thrust, his cock is going deeper. Rubbing the back of her throat; while the audible sound of gah, gah, gah comes up from her mouth. She is in slut heaven; as he takes control of her.

B’s cock is pulsing as it slides in and out of her sweet mouth. He can now feel it; he is so close. Then out of nowhere, he says, “Take my cum, baby. Take it all. I am… cumming,” and sure enough, he moans and shoots his first volley down her throat, then next is in her mouth. He slows down and lets her suck/swallow his cum as he shoots the remaining of his load into her mouth. Once his cock stops shooting, she slowly strokes him to milk any leftover cum to the surface and licks the crown. Ever so lightly, she continues to lick around the head and then places a small kiss on top to finish him. He is spent but whispers, “Thank you, Baby-girl; that was outstanding,” before drifting off to sleep.

She licks her lips while sliding up and sayings, “You’re welcome, Master,” then kisses his lips. Her tummy is warm and full of his cum; her inner slut is satiate. She then eases back, rests her head on the pillow, and falls back to sleep.

Morning approaches and Becca rolls over to cuddle with him; to feel his hard body next to hers and to feel his warmth. Her out-stretched arm searches but finds nothing; not even a warm spot or an indentation on where he slept. It pulls her awake; she squints and looks every which way, but he is no longer there. Sadness by the loss and she thinks to herself that it would be nice, once in a while, for him to stay in bed until she woke up in the morning. She is frustrated, but there isn’t anything she can do about it. She plops back on to her pillow, fuming for a bit; deciding if she should stay or get up and face the day. She decides on the latter and throws the comforter aside, then gets up. She grabs the robe that is drawn over the chair and walks out of the bedroom to the kitchen. Clearly not a morning person, she makes her way and sees him holding a cup of coffee.

“Is that for me?” she says sadly.

He extends his arm across the counter so she can grab the cup. Once she grabs it and brings it to her lips; she awakens with a smile.

She looks up at him and says, “Thank you.” He justbeams back with a smile. She continues to take more sips, and with each one, wakes up gradually.

The silence between them lingers for a bit until he stammers and says, “Someone was naughty last night.” With a grin.

She apologizes a bit but says, “I got up to use the washroom, and when I got back to bed, there was a tent. I was amazed and took the liberty to satisfy you, Master.”

He chuckles but then is illiterate by saying, “I am not talking about the amazing blowjob last night.”

She lets out an “Oh”, which stops him from continuing.

He starts back up again and say, “Someone tried to enter the dungeon last night, hmm? I wonder, who could that be?” with a wicked grin. “You probably wondering how I know (lol); you left your fingerprints on the doorknob for starters. And your right thumb and index finger are black from doing it.”

She then grabs the coffee mug with her left hand to check and sure enough, those two fingers are indeed black. She then feels bad and moves closer to him and say, “I was curious, B” with puppy dog ​​eyes.

He moves closer to her and looks down into her puppy dog ​​eyes and say, “I know you’re curious, Baby-girl, but I lock the room for a reason. You’re still vanilla in some ways, but you will eventually get there. Don’t rush… take your time and relish the experience. Sooo…. how will I punish you, this time?” as he reaches down underneath the robe and cares her heart-shaped ass with his hands.

She hear every word he said, but only one that matters most. Each time he says it, the spark within her gets brighter. It warms her ever so softly; she can’t explain it. Perhaps it’s how he says it, hmm. Well, another warmth is spreading through her, and that’s his touch. The warmth of His hands and the healing power that he wilds, expands throughout her body and soothes her. A little moan escapes her mouth and is taken aback by it. She then takes a moment to collect herself, and hope that he didn’t hear it. She then looks up at him and says, “Whatever you want, Master. I did something bad and need to be punished.”

Continuing to care and massage her derriere with his thumbs; he heard her moan, which brought a smile to his lips. It warms and excites him a bit. Becca is letting go ever so slightly and embracing her baby-girl persona. He wished that time would stand still and enjoy this moment for eternity. Just a simple care sends sparks throughout her body and elicits a moan. He bites his lip to control his primary urges. God, he would love to take her again; perhaps right here on the breakfast nook countertop. There is just something about her that drives him crazy. As this transition transpires, he accidentally grabs her cheeks with both hands and pulls her into an embrace. It startles her a bit, but the act alone gets her amped up. He then looks down and says, “For your punishment, I will just give you a kiss for now. ” And with that, he leans down to kiss her lips. Shetilts her head upward to receive it, but at the last second, he places a kiss on her forehead instead.

She pouts a bit but clearly says, “Gee, thanks.”

He then responds, “You didn’t like that?” with a smile.

She tilts her head to the side. “It’s up to you, Master.”

“It was only a minor infection and nothing more; but I can see by your expression that you weren’t happy with the brief peck. Hmm, I will punish you in another way.” He smiles and leans forward and whispers in her ear, telling his thoughts awhile ago: “As you can see, I almost lost control and gave in to my primary urge. I wanted to lean down and kiss you. Which in turn would drive you so fucking crazy with severe lust. The cup you’re holding would drop, but all you would care about is the burning need building from within. I would then lift you up and place you on top of this breakfast nose countertop and have my way with you. I would get you so wound up, you betting for my cock.” and with that, he take a step back and lets his hands fall from her soft derriere. Then he says, “How’s that… hmm. Better?”

In her mind, the only word that she can think of is ‘FUCK’. She smiles to herself and knows that would have been a great punishment to receive, but just hearing him say it causes an effect within. It literally excited her for one, and her pussy is salivating with the need of his cock. Damn. He definitely got me going. Definitely a punishment, say the least. God, that was so fucking hot. She doesn’t give him the satisfaction but says, “Sounds nice; oh well… guess will never find out.” and with that she takes a step back.

Now she sounds like a brat, but it brings a smile to his lips. That was a definite punishment than a peck on her forehead. He wanted to give in to his urges; perhaps another time/place. He can read her well; he knows she is excited for him because his nose senses it. Hence, why move back from him? She doesn’t want to give me the satisfaction thatwhat I spilled mattered. Oh well; punishment delivered. He then breaks the silence and asks, “What is on the agenda for today?”

She takes a breath, and then says, “Before I answer that, I have a question for you. Why do you leave me alone every morning? In my sleep stupor, I want to cuddle up with you, but every time I reach out in search, you aren’t there and the sheets are cold. Why is that?”

B is shocked and understands her frustrations; he then replies, “As an immortal, you require little needed rest. I get up to start my day early; just like older folk do. Plus, I get things ready for you, like setting out the warm bathrobe you’re wearing, getting breakfast and coffee prepared, etc. Just trying to make your morning brighter with warmth and sustainance to start your day. I can see that you’re taken aback by my thoughtfulness. And I can see that this matters most for you. I will try harder and give what you want. Baby steps, ok?”

Becca smiles and take another sip of her coffee. She appreciates what he says and hopes that he will fulfill her need to cuddle more in the morning cause it too gets her ready for the morning. She then says, “Thanks, I appreciate what you do and hope you can fulfill more of my needs. With that said, I forget to mention last night that Mom invited you for dinner tonight at her place. She is making her specialty: Spaghetti Bolognese, and she wants to share her ideas on what she wants to do in the next coming weeks with you. So you don’t have to bring anything tonight but I know you will.” she smiles, take a step towards him and kisses his cheek, then continues forward but reach back and grabs his ass with her left hand; before proceeding to the other end of the kitchen.

The grab alone startles him, but her touch excites as well. He turns his head and looks at her. He can see that she is being bold and testing him. The only word being expressed in his mind is: Touché.

He then turns around to face her but receptionives a grin from her. She is pleased with herself by turning the tables. He lets her win, this time – but next time, he would turn the smug grin off her face. He then changes the subject by asking her, “Do you know what’s on her (your mother) mind?”

“We’ve talked and I have a general idea of ​​what she wants to do, but I think she should share with you than I. Also she is interested in knowing You more since you are indeed my so-called boyfriend.” She replies with a smile. She then proceeds to head to the bedroom to change and get ready to meet with her mother.

He follows her to the room. Watches her heart-shaped ass swway towards her destination. As she enters the room, she slowly looses the belt to the robe and then lets slide off her shoulders. It falls to the floor, but then catches it and place it on the bed. She continues to walk to the dresser to get a pair of panties out with matching bra. She pulls out a black lace cheeky panty and slowly puts in on.

B leans onthe doorjamb and is slowly mesmerized by how she gets dressed. He then asks, “What’s the dress code for this evening?”

As she fastens the black lace 36DD bra, she says: “It’s casual; it’s just a get together for us three. No biggie!” After that, she walks to her closet and grabs some jeans. She slogs the skinny jeans over her curves, which leaves B breathless. Then she grabs a blue designer shirt to complete her ensemble. Her outfit moulds to her curves and make him salivate as she walks back to the dresser. She feels his warmth from afar by his eyes and the slight bulge in his pants. Her confidence spikes, knowing that he likes what he sees and his effect doesn’t go unnoticed; it makes her heart flutters knowing that he desires her.

Once she is back at the dresser, she grabs the silver necklace and then walks towards B to put it on. He then stands up and reachings for the necklace, then presses the end clap on either side and then she turns around so he can place over herneckline and reattach it. His eyes linger on her busty cleavage and pats her shoulders when it’s all done. He bites his lip, but give in by leaning down and kissing her neck. His hands then slide off her shoulders down her arms and then around her waist; pulling her close to him.

She then feels his desire pressing against her ass; she too reachs and rubs her hands over her. Instantly, she feels his power radiate through her. She then twerks her ass a bit and rubs herself against his desire. It feels heavenly; not just the warmth from his power soothing every part of her, but his desire for her. She wants him again and wishes that time would slow down so that they could enjoy each other, but mother awaits. She lets out a deep sight and pats his hands, then say, “I wish we had the time B; would love to unbuckle my pants and bend over for you to have your way with me, but mother awaits. I have to be a diligent conduit for you. I hope you understand.”

He then grabs her rightwrist and twirls her around. His gaze doesn’t false from her face. He sees that desire also, but knows that she is right; her mother is waiting and needs to feel better before it gets too bad. He then cares her cheek, and she tilts her head up to him. A silent conversation begins between the two of them, with no words being spoken. One of need and lust; but something more, understanding and longing. B leans forward and give her a small peck on her lips; he knows anything more would cause her to lose control. He then moves past her, but whispers in her ear, “I understand and wish you a good day. I will see you soon… Baby girl.”


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