What would you do to get rid of aches & pains; you could ask your local healer for a potion or in today’s world, take 2 Aspirin and pray it goes away. Sure you can try that method, or you could try seeing a doctor for a second opinion; which then leads to more care that might take a lifetime to diagnose and cure. What if you could get rid of the pain in an instant. What would it be worth to have no pain & what are you willing to give to be free from it? Well Dr. Lewd Holistic is out and about; you might get lucky and he’ll bump into you or if you know someone, who has seen him, then they might refer you to him. It’s either he finds you or you have to find someone who has seen him to get the referral. Good luck though, finding Dr. Lewdenski is rather tough. This is his stories…
Dr. Brynmor Lewdenski, or Dr. B for short, is at his local bank; to move some of his money around. In this day of age, it’s not wise to have all your eggs in one basket like it was in the Middle Ages;Nowadays, you have to diversify and today is that day. I am kinda early for my appointment with Mr. Brown, he tells the lady behind the Customer Service Desk; her name tag says Melanie.
She smiles and tells me: “let’s see, hmm, aha’ here you are. Have a seat, hmm, you are very early, like 30 mins early. I will let Mr. Brown know that you are here, one moment… “
I move to the set of chairs in the back, and sit down; he reflects when life was much easier and you didn’t have to wait for service. Ugh, this day and age.. Everyone running around with their head cut off trying to multi-task and get stuff done before their break time or end of day… Hmm, let’s see if anyone here needs my services as I wait for Mr. Brown. Dr. B looks around the room and checks for signs of distress, aches & pains. Hmm, nothing immediate but most of these staff seems to be overworked. I see signs of bad posture, muscle imbalances; good lord, these people are lazy. When did people started slouching;in my day, you stood tall and not slouch. I can’t help people if they can’t help themselves. Hmm, wait, who is that running around? I stand up and approach Melanie and ask her, who the distress woman running around, she says:
“oh, that’s Stacie Smith, she has a big day today!” and with a whisper, “Meeting with the Board of Directors, I don’t envy her one bit”.
Dr. B leaves Melanie to her task and scans Stacie. She is showing signs of perspiration on the back of her neck, eyesilids are downward and she looks frantic, like she is missing something.
I approach her and ask: “I see that your running around, is there some of a problem?”.
She stops and looks at me and say, “can I help you?”
Dr. B smiles and tells her: “perhaps I can help you; I am Dr. B. Lewdenski at your service”.
Stacie just smiles a little; great a doctor is in the house and he thinks he can help me, lol
She replies back: “thanks, but I don’t think you can help this instant; Ineed immediately relieve!” Still smiling at her, and says: “let me guess, your suffering from a migraine and you’re are looking for some Tylenol to dull it before your meeting and I am guessing no one has any that you can borrow from, hmm, am I close?”
Stacie is shocked and amazed but the ache in her head squashes her attempt to relay that back to this gentleman. She is frustrated and worried that this migraine will ruin her career. She looks at me and tells me: “I will do anything to get rid of this migraine!”.
Dr. B reflects back to her, “Really?”
Stacie replies, “oh yes! I need this pain gone now…” hand on head to calm the pounding.
Dr. B reflects, “ok, is there a washroom around? I need some privacy to work my magic..”
Stacie leads the way to the back to the washroom area, opens it up and walks in…and Dr. B follows and locks the door behind her. The washroom is your standard 3 toilet stall to 3 sinks and what not. Dr. B approaches Stacie and places his hand on her shoulder and asks her, “is it ok to place my hand hear”
Stacie nods her head and then it happens; for the first time today, it feels amazing and my head is so clear. She tells Dr. B what she is feeling and asks, “am I fixed? And how much do I owe you?”
Dr. B takes away his hand from Stacie’s shoulder and the pain comes right back. Stacie is shocked by this… All he had to do is touch me and my pain goes away instantly. WTF… Pain is still persistent.
Dr. B places his hand on her shoulder again and tells Stacie, “that this fix depends on you. I can dull the pain or get rid of it entirely. I don’t work on a monetary basis; in other words, I don’t need money. I work from a different perspective, more of a Lewd Holistic. So Stacie, how long do you want this gone for?”
Stacie feeling like, white as rain, tells Dr. B, “for a couple hours so I can present my findings to the board and get their review of my work; this feels amazing by the way. I never felt this clear in a long time; what is your secret?”
Dr. B tells her: “you wouldn’t believe it if I told you… Ok, I can help you; for a couple hours of relief as you say. I am now going to tell you what I like for payment; it’s again Lewd…”
Stacie waits patiently and Dr. B begins to speak:
“I will get rid of the migraine for a couple of hours if You take off your top, your bra and show me your breasts. Now I am going to take my hands off your shoulder so you can decide…”
Dr. B takes his hand off her shoulder and Stacie feels the pain coming back. Wow, this doctor is sure lewd. All I have to do is show my breasts and this migraine will be gone, lol. She paces the washroom.. pondering and then approaches the doctor;
she tells him, “I can have you thrown in jail for sexual discrimination” and he replies,
“You could but you still have the meeting with the Board. You can try finding some Tylenol and pray it works. As you feel, I can take it away, asYou say for couple of hours, for the price of seeing your breasts. If you decide to do this, you have to say ‘My Oath is my Bond’ cause if you break your oath, you forfeit this gift and all future gifts, do you understand Stacie?”.
Stacie tries to look up into Dr. B’s eyes and say, “My Oath is my Bond”… And then everything is totally silent, it’s like we are in a magic bubble. I can’t hear anyone beyond the washroom door. Stacie looks at the doctor and slowly take off her blouse, which reveals she is wearing a black lace bra. She reaches around and unsnaps the closure on the back, holds the bra steady and slides one stick down her arm and take it out and does the other arm as well. She hold the bra for a bit, feeling kind of nervous but then slowly lets it fall. Instantly She feels shame and covers her nipples with her hands. Dr. B acknowledges her feelings and places his hand on her shoulder again and the pain is instantly whisked away. Tears start to form in her eyes, butthe Doctor leans forward and tells her, “no one will see this or hear us; I placed a magic bubble around us. Stacie, look at me…” Stacie looks up, tears falling from her eyes…
Dr. B continues, “Stacie, you are a very beautiful woman; by showing me your breasts doesn’t diminish your worth. Are you going to break your Oath”. With that said, she drops her hands and exposing herself to him and what a sight it is. She has a pair of Double D breasts, perfect shape and elasticity, not dropy but with form. Big areola’s and nice nips to match. Damn, she is gorgeous.
I lean in and ask her, “may I touch them?”, she nods and I reach out an support one of her breast and feel it’s weight. So soft… With his thumb, he rubs around the areola clockwise which sends electric heat to her core and once he touches her nipple and move it back and forth, she lets out a loud scream and starts to vibrate and shake. He asks, “are you alright?’” and she informs him: “holy shit, that was amazing! I just orgasmed by just your thumb on my nipple… How?”
I tell her, “it’s all in the touch Stacie; magical hands, remember… Now as promised, I fill fix your head”.
I place my other hand on her shoulder and concentrate, a clock appears in my head and I rotate the hands for 3 hours and for good measure, I lean down and kiss her forehead which in turn will dull the pain Afterwards. He then looks into Stacie’s eyes and tells her,: “y migraine is saved for 3+ hrs, the kiss will dull the migraine afterwards. The orgasm you received and a good night’s rest will take it away for good. However, you need to take better care of yourself Stacie, you need to see someone on a regular basis like a chiropractor or mass therapist.”
Stacie information me, “that it was on her agenda to find someone but stress and due dates prolonged my search; thanks Dr. B, thanks for everything.”
Dr. B hands her a business card. Stacie takes it but its blank on both sides and looks confused. He then tells her with a smile, “it will only work when you have an ache or pain present. Oh, before I forget, if you come across another individual, who you feel needs my services then send them my way. It was a pleasure to meet you Stacie. I hope you get the care you need but sad to say it, I hope to see you again… Soon, I hope” with a grin. He steps away and the magic bubble slowly dissipates. With no pain and feeling clear for the first time in ages, Stacie smiles and thinks in her head, I hope so too.
Stacie starts putting her bra back on then her blouse. Then checks herself in the mirror to see if the tears ruined her mascara but it didn’t. She feels empowered and is set. Mr. B is at the door, and turns to her and asks, “are you ready to go?” and she looks at him with a smile and tells him, “I am ready!”. With that said, he unlocks the door and step out of the washroom and walks to Melanie at Customer Service Desk.
“Sorry Melanie, but is Mr. Brown still availableble or should I make a new appointment?”, Melanie checks the time and calls Mr. Brown, and gets back to me… “Mr. Brown next client cancelled, he will come out and see you shortly”, with a smile. He tells Melanie, “splendid, thanks for your help.”
As he goes back to his chair, he glances towards the washroom area and sees Stacie walk out with a smile on her face, sees me and waves. I smile back… I am truly happy for her.
Mr. B bites his lip and hopes that he sees Stacie again… cause I have plans for her.
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