The Letter

AUTHOR’S NOTE: As my profile states, I don’t really have any fetishes. And, yes…my definition of fetish is slightly broader than what most people think of as a fetish. That this piece ended up being about a master/slave relationship is a bit of a surprise to me. I didn’t begin it that way…but, somewhere, it took on a life of it’s own and I thought…who am I to dissuade it? Since my Knowledge of such things is so very sparse…if I have, in any way, distributed the sub/dom community in my ignorance…please, accept my apologies.

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Dear Sweet Master,

I will do my best to serve you…and service Master Cock.

Read these words and sample my desire to be with you…to please you.

See as I walk to where you sit at the computer. Watch as I knee before you, my head bowed.

I kiss your feet…caress your calves…slowly nibble my way up your leg. I mass your knees as I spread them open to trace my tongue along your inner tights.

My hands tenderly run up your thighs as I bury my face into your heavy balls. Gently, I rub myself there. I can feel them rolling in their sack…rubbing against each other and me.

Not able to resist my Master’s treasures, I lavish them with kisses and licks, covering them completely. My lips part wider and wider. Finally, I suck one testicle into my mouth. My tongue explores it…measures it…pushes and pulls it. I can feel the other testicle hitting my lips…knocking to come into the warmth. I stretch my mouth as much as I can and suck him in.

Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! My mouth is so full of your sheathed sperm! I pump and mouth fuck myself with your balls, knowing that soon the sheath will be gone and I will taste your salty seed.

As I suck you, my nose bangs softly into Master Cock’s hilt…the soft hairs there, brushing my skin. I reach up to feel the triad columns of inner flesh that engorge him with blood…making him swell and loom rock-hard. And, oh yes!He is so hard!

Letting your sack roll out my mouth, I slide up wanting even more from my Master. I throw you a knowing smile. We servants can be so demanding. How do you manage to live with us?

You watch as I rise a bit. My breasts are obscured from view by your own body…but you can see the soft upper swell of them and, in your mind, you follow the line down to my nipples. You can feel them softly slapping against your thighs and balls…swaying as I lean over to make love to my sweet Master Cock.

You see my lips moving sensitively. You hear me speaking…whispering adorations.

“Oh, Master Cock…you’re hardness excites me…your velvet cares me! Feel as I lay my cheek along your shaft. Let me stroke you for a bit that way. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I can feel your veins pulsing under me!”

“Dear sweet Master Cock! Touching you make my nipples tighten…my pussy quiver open! You have no idea the power you have over me! How much I want to be ravaged byyou…to feel you invade my moist tight fortune!”

“I see you…a thick, hard battering ram…poised at my gate…laying siege to my walls as you thrust in deep. You conquer me as my cunt walls suck you in. Finally they collapse in an earthquake so full with spasms that I can only lay limp in your arms…moaning…riding through the final assault…the vicious thrusts.”

“Your hips slap into mine so hard. Both of us are breathing hard…gasping. Your eyes pierce through me. Then you throw back your head and I hear your grunts of sweet victory as a hot wash of sperm floods my deepest sanctuary!”

“Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! It wasn’t enough that you tumbled down my inner walls…now you set fire to them as you continue to explode, launching volleys of Your flamenc seeing deep inside me!”

“I grab you in a tight embrace…arching up…screaming my defeat and surrender! Hailing the victor! Welcome you as Master!”

“Oh, Master Cock! These are the things you make me feel and see…even before you have so much as touched me!”

I open my mouth now. You see my lips seal smoothly around your swollen purple head. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm…Master Cock is sooooooooooooo ready!

I go down on him slowly…savoring every moment…every inch. I can’t help but moan my pleasure.

You feel my mouth work it’s wonders on you… feel as my tongue wraps around and strokes you…feel my teeth, cushioned by my lips, getting caught under your head and pulling you…sucking you in tighter.

OH! Sooooooooooooooooooooo…delicious!

I giggle in my mind, thinking that the reason Master Cock’s head is so purple is because I am sucking one massive hickey onto it!

I hear you let out a long moan.

Your hands grab my hair and roughly push my head down onto Master Cock. I’m not quite ready and balk…but you won’t accept such insurance from your conquered slave and just push harder, forcing me to take your full length before I’m ready. I gag and swallow…but that just spurs you more as my swallowing muscles grip and stroke Master Cock with a tight rippled motion!

You hold my head in place…refusing to let me pull up. I gag and swallow again and again. Now I know why a Master is not only to be adored…but feared as well!

You moan in antinizing pleasure and demand more! The pressure on the back of my head is intense as you push even further…this time, thrusting Master Cock up from below as well…determined that he not only hit the back of my throat…but push past it and slide down towards my stomach!

I know that my active participation has been used by your animal lusts. A true slave at last…I am but a vessel now and nothing more…to be fucked and ravaged until your loins are fully spent.

I grab your hips and hold on for what I know will be the roughest mouth fucking I will have ever received!

You pump me like you were fucking my cunt…forcing my swallowing reflex to stroke you over and overagain! Every swallow sucks Master Cock deeper and deeper down my throat.

Your hilt easily rubs my lips…but having your full length taken is not enough for you! With gravity working against you, I feel you trying to force your balls in too! The mere thought of it drives you wild and you piston me mercilessly!

Finally, I hear you gasp in a deep breath. I feel your body tensing…recoiling. I brace myself! Master Cock swells unbelievably thick! I feel a final lunge…so deep it scares me! I need to breathe!

A split second later, your grunting screams fill the room as you explore load after load of white-hot sticky cum right down my throat

Your iron grip slackens and I push myself off…falling to the floor…coughing and gasping.

Gentle arms scoop me and cradle me. My face is pillowed by a strong chest and hands tenderly stroke my tangled hair back in place. Like a vulnerable child, I curl into your body and basketball in your touch. You cup my chin…lifting my face to you…smiling as you lean in to brush your lips softly to mine. The contented look in your eyes makes me glow inside and I smile happily as I reach up to once again embrace your kiss.


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