The Lesson Ch. 01

You know that I am upset with you because you allowed yourself to cum before me the last time we met. Not only did you cum first, but you actually dared to cum three times before me. You know that you need to do something to please me before I punishment you for your indiscretion. After kneeing naked before me for several minutes without my taking notice, you know that your plan isn’t working.

Quickly you go over and get your slave collar from its hook. You crawl to me with it held in your mouth, knowing that this always pleases me. Not this time. I barely take notice of you, causing you to hang your head even lower at my feet. You feel even worse knowing that you are completely naked kneeing before me, a clothed man, and I am not even paying the slightest attention to you. Tucking your arms closer to your sides, you try to cover your breasts, and you lower your ass towards your heels in an attempt to hide yourself further.

Because you are looking at the ground, you are unaware that I am now smiling, pleased at what I am doing to you. “Get up and put that collar away!” I bark at you. “You don’t deserve to wear my collar after what you have done.”

“I’m sorry…” you began to say hoarsely, as your throat suddenly becomes dry like the desert.

“Silence! Did I tell you to speak?”

“No, Sir.”

“Now do as you were told and return to me.” I smile as you quickly rush to the rack where the collar is kept. As you hang it, you pause to make sure it is straight. Obviously you remember the time you hung it crooked and were spanked with it. Bent over my knee I made you feel like a little girl being spanked with daddy’s belt, right before I put it around your neck so you could feel its warmth after being used on your tender flesh.

By the time you turn around my smile is gone and you quickly return and begin to lower yourself down to knee at my feet. When your half-way down I say, “Don’t bother,” in an uninterested tone. “Just stand in front of me.”

Still wanting to please me, you stand perfectly straight but looking down at the floor as much as you can without moving your shoulders, which are being held back as much as possible in an attempt to make you breasts look more pleasant to me. Your eyes are closed in total submission.

I walk past you but stop and turn to stand behind you. You can feel my breath on the back of your neighbor and can tell that I’m only inches away. Moving this quickly and being this close, it is obvious that I didn’t even take a moment to survey your nakedness or even try to comment on the position that you hold. Usually I would have found something wrong and swatted your ass with a paddle while I corrected you. Oh, how you long to hear me call you a slut and paddle your ass while I pose you Just the way that I want. But that’s not happening tonight. Why? Could I still be that mad at you?

Finally, after what seems like several minutes; I speak, but only in a whisper. “If you want to remain here, you will have to learn your place. You will have to learn what is expected and know what has to be done.” I pause after each sentence to let it fully sink in. My breath on your neck is getting heavier. You can tell that I am very upset with you still and am trying to control my anger. Unable to control yourself, you begin to tremble slightly. “Stop that!” I whisper angrily. “I expect you to hold still. Or, do I need to teach you that too?”

“No.” is all you can get out. You don’t know what else to say or do. Everything you have tried so far has failed.

“No, what?”

“No, Sir. I am sorry, Sir”

“Yes, I’m sure you are. Now where was I before you so rudely interrupted me?” I pause briefly and you can feel my breath even closer and hotter than before. “Oh yes, we were about to talk about your lessons. You have several lessons to learn and I will make sure that they are taught to you properly.” I pause again to let you think about what I have said. “Now it istime. Are you willing to learn what I have to teach?”

You are very nervous because you know that I must have something very serious planned for you but do not want to disappoint me any further. Without hesitating any longer you quickly say, “Yes, Sir. I only want to please you. I will do anything you say.”

With that said, you brief a sight of relief knowing that I must now be pleased. You have again pledged yourself to me and have vowed to obey me like the obedient little slut you are. I back away and you can feel it. Things are going to be back to normal again. What a relief you think, and let out another sight.

Suddenly your head is pulled back and there is great pain in your scalp. Your eyes fly open and you’re looking at the ceiling. My fingers are still wrapped up in your hair and you again feel my breath but now in your ear.

“Did I ask you to say that you would obey me? I already know that you forget how to do that. What I asked, is if you were ready to learn…If you were ready to learn how to obey me again.”

I leave you to think about that but when you don’t respond I pull back more on your hair and twist my fist a bit. You cry out and almost yell. “Yes, Sir. I’m ready to learn.”

“And what will you learn slut.”

“To obey you, Sir.”

“And who will teach you?”

“You will, Sir.”

I pause for a moment and then pull back a bit more, softer this time. “That’s better. Now you are ready to learn.” I release your hair and as you stand there breathing heavy, afraid to touch your now aching scalp. As you close your eyes again, you feel me placing a blindfold over them.

“Your lessons are about to begin,” I tell you, “but first you need to be dressed appropriately for your schooling.” With that I walk away.

Swallowing hard, you wait to see what I have in store for you.

When I return, I set down my items and stand behind you. Slowly I reach around you, purposely pressing my chest against you. My cock is as full as it always is and I press it against your ass, making you want it even more. I can feel you breathing in deeply as you wish I were not clothed so you could feel my hardened flesh pressing against your skin.

You feel material around your waist and can tell I’m fasting something behind your back. I then begin sliding it up to your chest and you can guess that it’s a bra. As it approaches your breasts I take one arm at a time and insert them through the straps. Stepping in front of you, I pull the front of the bra out and up over your breasts, adjusting each one as I place them inside. I return to stand behind you and you gasp as I unhook the bra and retiren it even tighter. If only you could see how much it presses your tits together so they spill out of the half-cup bra. But you get the idea as you realize that you can’t feel any material over the top of your breasts and it feel like you nipples are partially exposed.

With the bra properly adjusted I help youon with your new shirt. Its short sleeped and buttons up the front. Beyond that you can’t tell anything else about it. As I began buttoning up the shirt for you, you notice that it’s getting snugger as I get closer to your breasts. I stop when I the buttons are just at your breasts, leaving the top of the blouse unbuttoned. Then I tie the bottom of the shirt into a knot.

Next come the panties. I knee in front of you and tell you to lift one foot at a time. You have a bit of trouble maintaining your balance with the blindfold on but manage to do you part. It seems awkward for you to be completely dressed without helping at all and having absolutely no say in what you are about to wear.

As I slide the panties up your legs I am careful not to let them touch your skin. All you can feel are my nails as I let them scratch their way up your legs. You breathe deeply as you feel my breath at your crotch and realize that my mouth must only be inches from your sweet spot, which is dripping wet and steaming hot. As I place the top of your panties over your hips I carefully smooth them out by running my hands over your ass and around to the front lettering my fingers slip inside, but pulling them out before they touch your wet pussy. “Damn, your such a slut you already made your panties wet. I hope you’re ashamed of yourself.”

“Yes, Sir. Please forgive me.”

Again I have you lift one leg at a time as I began to slide something else up your legs. You can tell it’s a skirt but that’s all you know about it, except that it doesn’t feel like all the other material. You begin to realize that everything else feel like cotton, but again that is all you know about what you are wearing. The skirt is fastened by my zipping it up in the back. While I do so, I make sure that I properly run my hands up against your ass and between your tights. You try to widen you legs without moving them too much. I ignore your actions by taking my hand away and standing up. I can hearyou groan out your disappointment as I walk to the other side of the room.

Returning, I set a chair down behind you. “Sit down.” Cautiously you back up a half-step to find the chair with your legs and sit down. Again I knee down behind you and you can feel me putting something onto each of your legs. They also feel like cotton and go up to your knees. You Realize that they seem to be knee-high socks. I catch you sliding down into your seat and widening your legs a bit as I adjust your socks. I quickly stand and move behind you. “Sit up you lousy slut!” With a quick tug of you hair, you find yourself pulled up into the chair so your sitting at attention. “That’s better.”

Kneeling once again in front of you I finish dressing you by placing a shoe on each foot and lacing it up. “Lean forward.” Quickly leaning forward you find my hand under you chin squeezing each side of your mouth, causing your lips to pumper. I began applying lipstick to your lips and you realize that I seem to be putting on more than you would usually wear.

I instruct you to close your eyes and keep them closed and then remove the blindfold. Picking up a brush, I began brushing your hair. You breathe a sight of relief as your scalp is massaged by the gentle brushing that I am giving you. You feel so comfortable being patered like this. Once it is straight and feeling very soft, I begin separating it in the middle and carefully pull it into two pigtails.

“Chin up.” Quickly you look to the ceiling but still keep your eyes closed. “Next, come your collar.” I can see your face lighten up as you await your leather slave collar. What you feel is a thin delicate piece of lace that is carefully tied behind your neck.

“Stand.” As soon as you stand, I Turn you around and reattach the blindfold. Without another word you are led to another room to begin your studies.

Once in the other room you are made to stand as I walk around you again, surveying my handiwork. “Are you ready to begin your lessons?”

Swallowing hard you let a slight shudder escape. “Yes, Sir.” I notice your head dipping slightly downward as you contemplate what is about to happen.

I remove the blindfold and you see a mirror in front of you. For the first time you can see how you have been dressed. As you already know, your hair is in pig-tails, your lips are being painted a slutty shade of red and there’s a black lacy chaser around your neck. Your wearing a white short sleep shirt that is buttoned up to your cleavage, which is now busting out from behind the white half bra that is barely covering your hardened nipples, and the tails of the shirt are tied in a knot to show off your sexy belly. Below that is a very small and skimpy plaid skirt that you are sure will show off you white cotton panties if you dare to bend over more than a few inches. The outfit is completed by a pair of white knee-high socks and a pair of black school-girl shoes.

I can see you admiring yourself and notice the slight smile that you try to hide. You’re obviously very pleased with your appearance. Then I see your eyes as they notice the mirror behind you. In this position you can look to the front and see yourself from both sides. From out of the shadows walks your girlfriend. Like me, she is dressed in a suit and tie. The only difference is that she is wearing a skirt instead of slacks. I catch your eyes hungrily looking up and down her legs that are encased in beautiful black stockings. Her skirt is only slightly longer than yours, and barely hides the straps of her garter belt.

Seeing you lick your lips is too much. I quickly slap your ass with my hand making you stumble forward. “You’re supposed to be here to learn to be good! Not look at one of your instructors that way. You really are a stupid little slut, aren’t you?”

Quickly looking down, you’re afraid to answer. “Yes, Sir.”

“That is your Head-Mistress and I am your Head-Master. We will be supervising your training today. For your lessons, we have acquired a special desk for you. Are you ready to begin?”

“Yes, Sir. Very ready.”

Your eagerness is amusing as I chuckle and lead you over to a large object in the center of the room. It is covered in a black sheet and you wonder what it is. Making you stand behind it, I nod to your Head-Mistress and she pulls back the sheet. Instantly you shudder and take one step back only to find me blocking your retreat.

Standing before you is a set of stocks, similar to the ones used in the colonial days. It’s a large wooden frame with a large hole in the middle and a smaller hole on each side. You remember seeing pictures in history books of people being forced to stand behind one of these with only their head and hands sticking out the front of it. They always looked so uncomfortable and vulnerable in them. The very thought of it almost sends you into a panic, but at the same time you notice a warmth growing between your legs again and a fresh flood of juices coating your inner thighs.

Once again your own body has decreased you as we can see your excitement and laugh at you. I push you forward and make you lean into the stocks as your Head-Mistress fastens you securely within. Finally she speaks, “This will be your desk. Here you will learn your lessons. Is that Understood?”

“Yes, Maam.” Your voice breaks several times just trying to utter those two simple words.

Once secured in the stocks you instinctively begin to squirm. Trying to free yourself you realize just how helpless you are. Your hands are just far enough from your head that you can’t touch it and you are unable to sit or squat without choking yourself. You Also can’t move your head more than an inch in any direction. Looking forward you can see that the stocks have been strategically placed between the two sets of mirrors so that you can watch yourself from the front and from behind at the same time.

You look absolutely pitiful from the front in this awkward and embarrassing position. From behind you look even worse. Your legs are forced to be completely straight and standing bent at the waist as you are, your skirt is practically sitting on top of your ass so that your wet panties are on display for the whole world to see.

To make matters worse, I move in behind you and place a long wooden step between your feet. It’s About two and a half feet wide and has a leather strap attached to each end. You watch the mirrors in horror as I quickly stick each of your ankles to a strap making the step into a very effective leg spreader. Then you see your Head-Mistress approaching with a smaller step, which she places on the floor directly in front of you. Another look into the mirrors and you can see me hanging several whips, floggers, and paddles onto small hooks that are on the back of the stocks.

The two of us stand before you and you look up at us with fear in your eyes. “I’m so sorry for cumming withour permission Master. Please forgive me!”

I shake my head in disappointment at your actions. “You should have thought of that before you disappointed me so badly. I had thought that you were better trained than that. Not only did you embarrass me, but you also embarrassed your Mistress as well.”

“I’m sorry Mistress. It won’t ever happen again, I promise!”

This last plea only angers her more. “Silence, slut! You’re only making things worse. Now I can see that you need this training more than ever. You will receive ten spankings from each of your instructors. After we are satisfied with that we will let you go. Is that understand?”

Ten spankings from each of you? You wonder how you could be getting off so easy. No matter what we used, you know you could handle twenty spankings. “Yes, Maam. I understand.”

“Good. Now let us begin.” Without warning the first lash hits you on both cheeses. It’s hard and loud but takes almost two seconds before you can truly appReciate the pain it brings. We both watch as you bite your lower lip in anticipation. You know that you mustn’t scream out or it would surely anger us further.

Closing your eyes and breathing in quickly as you try to tuck your ass in to avoid another blow shows us that the sting has started to set in. Before you can steady yourself for the next one, your Head-Mistress delivers two more swats, one to each cheat, causing you to lurch forward into the stocks.

I stand on the step in front of you so you can look directly at my bulging cock that still lies behind my pants. You try to lean forward and instinctively part your lips for it. I grab your hair and pull sharply. “Silly little slut. Who said you could have a taste of my cock?”

Knowing that an answer isn’t expected, you wisely remain silent and try not to look at the bulge in my pants as it only tempts you to misbehave again. Much to your surprise you hear the zipper of my pants and open your eyes to see me taking myswollen cock out for you to admire. You swallow deeply as I also pull out my thick sagging balls and let them hang before you.

“I guess that I may have been a bit harsh to you. If you can reach my balls with your pretty little tongue, I’ll let you suck on them. Would that be good for you?”

Immediately you stretch your neck forward and stick out your tongue as far as you can. Every muscle is straining and your tongue aches as it reaches for my balls. Suddenly you hear the unmistakable whoosh just before the impact on your now aching skin. Your Head-Mistress has replaced her paddle with one of her favorite whips. Not being prepared, you let out a yelp and almost bite your tongue that was sticking out of your open mouth.

“I hear that,” she says. “Just for that, you can’t have his balls for your little snack. Instead you can have his cock. Open your mouth but hold still. But don’t let your tongue go near it.”

You do as you are told only to find me pointing my cockhead towards your open mouth. As it leans towards you, you can see the precum dripping from it and almost let your tongue go after it. Holding back you remain steady as I slowly rub the tip of my cock around your lips. The precum wets them down nicely and you find it hard to keep your mouth open while swallowing hard. Just when you thought it couldn’t be any worse, I slowly slip the head of my cock into your mouth so it rubs against the inside of your lips.

As I pull my cock from your mouth you moan softly in disappointment only to feel the sudden impact of your Head-Mistress’s whip once again on your tender flesh. Immediately you close your mouth to stifle your scream and find your pussy getting as hot as your aching ass. Your Head-Mistress laughs as you try to rub your thighs together.

“Is this what you’re trying to do?” Turning the whip around in her hands, she rubs the handle against your aching clip through your soaked panties. Moaning louder you try to ride her whip and give yourself your first orgasm. “I suppose I should warn you,” she says, “if you cum, the lesson starts over.”

With disappointment in your heart, you manage to stop grinding into her whip. How many was that you ask yourself. You try to count the whips so far when you are brought back to reality with another swift blow. This time it was a cattle prod that struck you squarely on your already aching pussy. Almost screaming out you try to lift yourself up onto your toes to get away from your pussy’s attacker.


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