**This is my first submission. Please be so kind as to leave comments and let me know what you think. If it’s received well there will be more. Thanks**
I ran my hands over the smooth front of my black satin corset. My matching lace petticoat stand at attention and my dark chocolate cheeses played peek-a-boo as I practiced my walk in the full length mirror. I decided to pin my locs up in an exaggerate bun that sat squarely in the middle of my head. My makeup was flawless and capped off with 1/4 inch long lashes and a dark red apple matte lipstick topped off with just a little gloss.
Tonight my Master was taking me to Fortress. This was the first time he told me in advance that we were going. Usually he would just surprise me at the last minute. Over breakfast, during our morning shower, or after my morning spanking he would nonchalantly state, “We’re going to Fortress tonight. Be ready by four.”
Tonight was a special night. I had a surprise for my Master andI hope he likes it.
We usually have dinner at our favorite restaurant before heading to Fortress. I always had to wear a dress and Master never allowed me to wear panties. I would sit in the corner or in the booth next to the wall. Master would pull up my dress and play with his pussy in the middle of the restaurant like we were the only ones there.
He would whisper in my ear, “Look at you slut. My slut. I can do whatever I want to you and you love it. See how wet your pussy is getting. Pretty soon everyone will be able to smell what a nasty bitch in heat you are.”
I would spend the entire dinner riding out a string of orgasms as Master played with my clip and finger fucked me and there was nothing I could do. Moaning or drawing attention to myself in any way would be met with severe punishment.
I often wondered if anyone could see what he was doing to me under the table. One night my question was answered when with parted lips and tears in my eyes I made eye contact with an older gentleman sitting a few tables down. He smiled at me and my eyes were immediately drawn to his hand as it massed his crotch. I never felt so used in my entire life. That night when we got home I told Master about the man he whipped me so hard with the riding crop that my ass was sore for two days.
However, tonight there would be no dinner before Fortress. I wanted to make sure we got there on time so I convinced Master to eat an early dinner at home.
When we got to Fortress cars were everywhere.
“I wonder what’s going on tonight.”
“Me too,” I said in my most innocent voice trying not to let on that I knew.
As soon as we entered I made my way to the bathroom. I didn’t want Master to put my collar and lean on yet. When I exited the bathroom Gayle, the owner, bumped into me.
“I was looking for you. Are you ready?”
“Are you sure your Master will be OK with this?”
“Yes. He will think it’s hot and he’ll be surprised.”
“Well if you’re ready to start let’s go. You’ll be first.”
I followed her to the main staging area of the dungeon, but stopped short as I watched her take her place on the platform.
Gayle took the mic in her hand, “Good evening kinksters!”
There was a thunderous round of applause accompanied by cat calls and whistles.
“I want to thank y’all for coming out tonight to Fortress’ annual play auction. You all know the rules by now, but for you newbies it works like this – bids start at $5 and the maximum is $20. The first person recognized by the auctioneer, little ole me, wins. We have some very lovely subs, slaves and switches that have agreed to participate. Once your purchase is complete and you have paid your debt these lovely specimens are yours until we close. So please don’t try to take anyone home, unless they want and remember the outside play areas are open as well.”
“With that said let’s get this auction started! Our first sub up isa rare breed around these parts. She’s not new to Fortress, but she’s never been allowed to play outside of her play pin. From the looks I’ve seen some of you guys give her I’m sure I could get more than $20 for her, but rules are rules. Let’s welcome to the Fortress stage Venus.”
I stepped up on the platform to a thunderous applause, shouts and few yee haws. I immediately made eye contact with my Master who was sitting in our usual corner. I smiled, but he did not smile back. I waved, but he just gave me an icy star. I felt a lump forming in my throat.
“Let’s start the bidding at $5. Can I get $5?”
“$5,” said a very fat woman in the front row.
My eyes got big and I immediately started to sweat. I looked over at Master again. He was calmly sitting talking to a man sitting across from him.
“I got $5 from the lovely lady in the front row. Can I get 6?”
“$6,” said a rather tall hillbilly looking man in a bicycle jacket with a bear that looked like it had not been groomed in months.
“$6 from Easy Rider in the back. Can I get $7?”
“$10,” said the fat lady again.
She looked at me and said, “I’ve always liked the taste of chocolate.”
I wanted to vomit. I looked at Master and he did not look up. He was just chit chatting away. Why the hell was he not bidding on me? This was supposed to be a joke. I just wanted to be a little mischievous to spice things up.
Then the unthinkable happened. Master got up and walked out. I felt dizzy and grabbed my forehead.
“I got $10 down front. $10. Can I get $11? $11?”
The big hillbilly stood up and began walking towards the platform. “Hell $20. I don’t have time for this.”
“$20! And the little lady is sold to Easy Rider for $20.”
I stared at the door waiting for Master to come back in. What if he left me? I wanted to cry. I was only doing this for him.
As the big hillbilly got closer to the platform I realized just how big he was. He had to be atleast 6’6 and about 250lbs. I took a step back. When he was standing in front of me he tossed a $20 at Gayle and held out his hand to me.
I shook my head, “No there’s been some sort of misunderstanding.”
“There’s no misunderstanding darling. I paid my twenty bucks now we get to play ’til closing time. The night is young and we have a lot to do so get your pretty little ass over here.”
“No! I’ll just give you $20.”
“No ma’am a deals a deal. This opportunity is priceless and no amount of money is gonna make me give this up.” With that he throw me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes and headed out the back door.
I squirmed trying to get free until his big hand slammed down on my ass and I immediately began to cry. The big hillbilly did not care he just marched over to the fence in backyard and sat my feet on the ground.
My vision was blurred with tears.
“You have been a very bad girl tonight Venus. If you were my slave I would make you suffer the consequences of your actions, but you’re not. Maybe one day I’ll have girl like you, but you belong to David and I’ll let him deal with you.”
Through all of my crying and fear I had not seen my Master walk up. He shook the hillbilly’s hand and he walked away.
I ran over to him and throw my arms around him. He did not hug me back. I felt my collar being placed very firmly around my neck and Master lead me back to the car with my lean.
As the car drive away I knew I never wanted to see Fortress again.
During the ride home Master was silent. I cried thinking about all of the things that could have happened. I was just trying to be mischievous and get a laugh out of my Master. Perhaps I had taken it too far.
When we got home Master opened the car door for me and we walked into the house without him even looking at me. I walked past him and felt my arm being pulled as my body was slammed against the front door.
“You walked past me with not as much as an I’m sorry.”
I started crying again, “I’m sorry Master. I just-“
Master had taken out his knife and was cutting off my corset and petticoat.
“Take off your stockings and shoes. Whores don’t wear clothes. For the next three days I better not catch you with a stitch on.
“Yes Master.”
“You need to be taught a lesson. You need to be reminded who you belong to. Who owns you. Now go to the chair and wait for me.”
I walked into our bedroom and over to the overstuffed straight back chair. I wide my Stance and bent my body over the back of the chair. Lucky for me the chair was heavily padded and I could not feel the back of the chair cutting into my stomach.
Master came into the room and silently tied each of my feet to the chair legs. He then tied my wrist to the arms of the chair. He ran the riding crop lightly down my back across both of my ass cheeks, and down to my pussy lips.
Any other time this kind of play would have me dripping wet,but tonight I knew this was about punishment. In fact this was my first official punishment and I was scared.
“Who is your Master Venus?”
“You Master. You are my Master.”
“Hmmm funny. I don’t remember giving you permission to participate in that little spectacle at Fortress tonight. So who is the Master that authorized that Venus?”
I hated when he pronounced my name by stressing all of sylables.
“You’re my only Master. I just thought it would be-“
CRACK. I felt a tremendous sting hit my ass unlike anything I had ever felt before. CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. What was he whipping me with? The sting hit me like a ton of bricks.
CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. My mind was spinning as he continued his assault landing the each blow on my ass, thighs, and occasionally on my back.
“Venus this hurts me more than it hurts you, but you will learn to obey. You will learn your place and you will love it!”
CRACK. CRACK. CRACK. The sound of him connecting wit my sore ass seemed to go on forever and just like he started he stopped, untied my ankles and sat on the bed.
I laid down on the floor with my ass in the air.
“Come to me Venus. Crawl to your Master.”
I crawled over to him and for a minute I thought I saw a smile on his face. When I reached him I took the place I had taken so many times before, on my knees between his legs with My face resting on his inner thigh. Only this time I had to avoid my ass making any contact with the balls of my feet. It was then that I saw the source of my pain, a single tail whip laid on the bed next to him.
Master must have seen my expression because he lifted my chin so our eyes could meet, smiled at me and said, “I got it at Fortress tonight. Gayle recommended it to me when you went to the ladies room. She must have known it would come in handy tonight.”
That evil bitch I thought, but Master interrupted my thoughts, “Don’t worry yourself my dear. It will only be used wheren you truly deserve it. Is that understand?”
“Yes Master.” I tried to lower my face, but he held it steady and forced me to look into his eyes.
“What you did tonight Venus was very dangerous. Being a little imp in the house is one thing, but when you involve other people it makes it hard for me to protect you. What if Gayle hadn’t told me that you were on the block tonight? What if I’d gone to the bathroom or outside to smoke a cigar?”
“So she told you?” I whispered.
“Yes she was being a bitch and her motive was questionable, but you allowed it to happen.”
“I’m so sorry Master. It will never happen again.”
“It or anything like it better never happen again. I won’t share you with anyone for real or at play. You are mine. Do you understand?”
“Yes Master.”
“Now to make up for your carelessness you will spend the night on your knees sucking my dick. If you can get me to cum, great. You better swallow every bit. If you can’t – keep trying. Understand?”
“Yes Master.”
“Now get to work. Wrap those beautiful thick lips around my hard White dick and you better suck me off good you nasty little Black bitch.”
Immediately I went to work. Somehow I think he knew this was in no way a punishment for me, but what the hell it makes us both happy.
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