She sat there after her torture, thinking of ways to get even. He went beyond the point of no return this time, breaking the code was not the deal. Hard limits are set for safety; not for masters to take and use against you.
Still fuming she gets up slowly, struggling with her broken body to get it to the shower stall.
As the painful pelts of the shower begin to land on her now throbbing body she stifles the tears, turning them to her anger.
“Oh, he will pay dearly for this.”
Knowing he wouldn’t be back for two days she had plenty of time to recover and to plot her revenge.
Looking at the cat with a cruel smile she says “If breaking hard limits is what his game is I’ll break all of his.”
After a long hard two days, she is ready for his return. She has several surprises for her soon to be bitch, it’s going to be a very long painful night for him. She had to giggle at the thought of him in the positions she has planned.
Supper was waiting forhis return as usual not, wanting him to think there is anything up.
“Hey babe I’m home” he bellows obviously.
She runs to him, the cuffs hidden behind her back as she smiles sweetly at him.
“Mmmmm supper smells….. what the fuck are you doing girl?”
She laughs deviantly, sending chills down his spine. For the first time in his life he fears his own slave.
“Sit down Sir, over here on this wooden bench” she sneers.
He does as was bid him, still shocked he didn’t even see the three men in the corner, until they began to move handing my beloved slave chains to strap him down with.
“Strip!” she orders.
With shake hands and numb fingers I work the buttons on my clothes. Wondering how the shirt will come off when the handscuffs were in the way. Thats when I spot the knife, shining in the corner of my eye.
She sees me shaking and smiles the most evil smile I’ve ever seen. What did I do?
She began to laugh,
“Oh my fucking God, you are clueless as usual aren’t you. You have no idea what it is that brought this on. Do you. “
Stumbling over my words I say “no, non”
She lifts her shirt turning her back on me, I look at her back it’s a mess, it looks as if a cheese grater went crazy tearing her flesh from her body.
“Oh my god, what happened?” I ask looking concerned.
” HELPERS!!! GET THIS WORTHLESS PIECE OF GARBAGE SECURED!!!” she screams almost hyperstemally
They began to laugh as they tear down my pants. Leaving me naked and shrinking to near inversion at their sneers and laughter.
Dragging him to the chamber, he is strapped to the giant x in the middle of the room it’s cold and made of wraught iron.
The sound of the chains clanging makes her excited. Her eyes begin to glow with pure sexual desire.
She hands each “helper” a whip and announcements it’s a free for all for 1 minute so make the best of it.
Before I can even register what that means I feel the cutting lick of the cat tail, then the hard unforgiving slap of the crop. A sound I once loved.
“Why, why my love please tell me” I beg.
“HARDER!!! I WANT BLOOD TONIGHT” she screamed.
Moving closer to me she whispers,
“You must remember our last night together, how you broke every rule we have ever set, you sick fuck. I’ll break all your rules and mine tonight, you WILL learn for the next slave you have.”
She walked away beginning to strip down to the one outfit I loved her in, her leather thong.
She turns rubbing her nipples I lovely pierced licking them, sucking them.
“Oh god!” I scream in pain.
She looks at the clock
“Oh dear, I wasn’t watching the time. STOP!”
The tears are blinding me but I try not to whimper.
She walks around admiring the work. “Lovely beginning don’t you agree gentlemen?”
I can barely see their masked heads nodding as I try to shake the tears clear from my eyes.
“Bend him over Boris,I think Josh is wanting to abuse him the way only he can.” she says in an almost too calm a voice.
Josh walks over to my slave and for the first time I notice how slow she is moving, how bruised I left her. I began to ache, until I see her dropping slowly to her knees infront of Josh and his abnormally huge cock.
She licks her lips, then sucks his enormous rod into her mouth slurping hungrily.
He holds her head and begins to fuck her mouth, ramming his monster into her throat forcing her to gag and fight for air then backs out slowly.
My own dick hardens, remembering that sweet mouth swallowling my member with ease.
She is salivating beyond belief, the drool flowing from her chin as she works his cock into something I’ve never seen before.
With help of Josh she gets back up onto her feet and leads him by his erection towards me. Then past me.
“Oh my god noooo please nooo.” I groan.
I hear them laughing as I feel the cold lube being rubbedinto my ass.
Boris holds my arms and says quietly, “Breath easy and you will love it.”
I doubted him but took his suggestion to heart. Trying to control my breathing and concentrated on anything that came to my mind.
I feel her sweet warm hands begin to work my ass, she moans as her finger enters my cavity. I start to relax feeling more fingers enter me and begin to fuck me.
Feeling a sense of emptiness as she removes her fingers. That is soon gone when I feel the head of that giant cock pushing it’s way into my ass.
“Ohh fuck, he is tight” Josh grunts.
I make an animal noise that sounds soo foreign to me, unnatural.
I feel fingers squeezing my balls, but nothing compares to the pain my ass is feeling.
Boris whispers again “breath go with it, trust me”
I began my breathing, after a few more thrusts the feeling begins to be a warm glow, and I feel my body accepting more of him until I feel his balls bounce off my own.
“Josh,you have made him love this big cock of yours!” she shouts with glee.
“Frank, you getting all this on tape? I can’t wait till he, and everyone gets to see his face, as he feels that cock going balls deep into that ass of his”
she sounds soo excited to me in the fog of my orgasm.
“Fuck!” I scream.
“Did I tell you you could cum bitch. Huh? did I?”
“No” I say.
Trying not to fall apart from the pain of the crop whipping across my hard throbbing cock.
“pardon me?”
“I said no you stupid cunt!”
*wackk wacckk *
6 more painful thwacks against my withering cock.
I realize there is no hope for me.
“No Mistress” I finally spit out.
“I’m no mistress you stupid bitch, and I don’t own you, I don’t want to own a piece of trash like you.” she spits at him.
“Fuck him hard Josh, rape this little whores ass!” she snarls.
Josh begins to ride me hard slamming my body in ways I’d never wanted to dream about. I began to moan in extasy loving the feel of a real cock finally in my ass.
Josh stops and pulls out immediately.
“He is liking this too much, get the piercing kit I think he needs to have a few of his own.”
The kit is by her side, in seconds with three drooling men rubbing their cocks in my face, as she begins to rummage through all my gear.
“Ok boys, enough, you can enjoy him later but right now I think its time for some fun”.
“Get him on his back and strap him down we don’t want him to botch his own keepsakes now do we?”
“Boris, sit on his belly and hold his legs way in the air I’m gonna pierce his gooch first.”
“Oh and Josh, might as well give him a thrill. You sit near his face, have him suck that nice messy cock of yours clean and feel free to cum into his throat babe. Make him choke I wanna hear this bitch gag as I stall him”.
I feel my legs go up beyond lifting my ass off the floor as josh fed me his mammoth instrument.
I attempt to scream as the needle glides into my very sensitive area.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm very nice this big ring is gonna do wonders for you I think. Dont you bitch?” she laughs.
“Now, legs down as we pierce half a ladder on this pitiful cock, I think that will make what, three barbells Boris?”
I see his head nod and hear him laugh at the size of my small gear.
I began to fight for air as Josh began to pay more attention to the piercing then the fact that he is deep into my throat.
The push of the need makes my eyes open beyond normal levels while the tears begin to flow freely.
“Just two more bitch”
She stands back and admits her work as boris and the other two goons lift me up strapping me to the water wheel.
I begin to panic, she knows I hate the water, she knows I cant take this form of torture.
“Oh god that hurts” I moan, more to myself then to anyone else.
I take my first step feeling the gooch piercing rubbing. Once strapped onto the wheel I spot my slave rubbing herself. God I love watching that. She looks at me with lust as she spreads her legs wide showing me her drenched pussy.
She runs her fingers through her slit, moaning as her fingers graze her clip. The three goons move in and begin to suck nibble and lick everything they can reach, leaving her pussy to her and for me to see.
“Oh, fuck!” I shout.
The first pain shooting from my cock to my teeth, I cant stop my now excitingly sore cock from getting hard.
She smiles and begins to rub harder while taking each cock in turn into that warm inviting mouth. Her ruby red tongue flicking them, then sucking them deep into her throat past those pouty lips.
She starts to speak to the men and each one picks a spot. First Boris is between her legs lapping up that delicious nectar that is uniquely her. My mouth begins to water at the memory of her squirming beneath me, as I lap at her pussy bringing her close to orgasm then letting her drop down again.
She is now screaming for him to fuck her. He wastes no time, they both groan with satisfaction at the same time as he enters her.
“Oh yea, fuck me baby, your the best don stop, let me cum all over that cock mmmmmmmmmm maybe bitch will suck you clean.”
“Ohhh” they scream in unison as he fills her little pussy full of his manly spunk.
Frank gets her next, he spreads her wider then I’ve ever seen her limber legs go and tells her to push. She does shoving big puddles of Boris’s remain oozing out of her. He bends down lapping it up. She groans.
“Give me some Frankie, dont keep all the good stuff to yourself”.
He leans over her letting some of the white goo ooze down into her mouth, she sucks it in as if its the most delicious delecasy.
My cock is harder then it’s ever been, the pain is second to the pure sexual pressure that is overtaking me.
Watching them kiss as he enters her, with boris working the cam making sure he gets every angle and every orphis. It doesn’t take him long before he has her and himself moaning and screaming to their god in a powerful orgasm.
Josh stands behind Frank eager for his turn. As I watch, I hope who ever works the cam gets a shot of how stretched she gets. I want to enjoy a close up later.
She smiles at Josh, arms and legs stretched out inviting him in.
“Mmmmmmmmmmm I can’t wait to get this monster in here”
The other two block my view as they gather around to watch as he enters her tight hole. “Oh yea, baby fill this pussy makes me yours.”
“Uh huh” the three say in unison.
She screams out as he enters her, the sound nearly making me cum then and there. All three men moan as they bend even closer towards her, watching as he guides it in further. She is to move her hips taking him in completely. My ass starts to twitch at the memory of how good that cockFeels. I feel me cock twitch and blow strings of my gooey innards into the water below me.
Hearing her, the sloshing of her wet pussy as he fucks my slave; my cock gets rock hard quickly. She now only grunts with an animal sound then a loud scream. Her legs are being lifted over her head as Frank gets down and the three watch her pussy spit out all the spunk they deposited. Frank bends down lapping it up. I suddenly feel jealous and left out, needing to taste her, needing to watch her beautiful stretched pussy overflow. I groan, grabbing the attention of the trio.
“Flip him would ya Boris, and don’t be gentle I don’t care if that bitch throws”
She holds Franks head to her gaping hole as he continues to clean her. I try to keep my eyes open keeping a calm sense, when the wheel begins to Turn. The cold water and my fear take over. Boris thank god, didn’t leave me under very long and after I recover I have a few seconds grace to see that they are all standing naked Josh,with the cam angled at me as I get turned again.
I manage to keep my eyes open, but my panic is overtaking me and I start to struggle. I can see them all laughing at me. I feel the warmth of my tears as the air leave my body, the panic is gone. The world goes black.
Waking up I jump with a start, not knowing where I am for a few seconds. I focus on a tv with the words, turn me on. I Follow the instructions and watch in horror as my nightmare unfolds before me.
First the view of the days of healing on my beloved; then the torture she put me through. It was nothing compared to what I had done to her. I deserved it. Watching, as the three walk out of the room laughing and fondling each I get a pang of nausea and fear. How can I go back to what ever I was now?
I turn off the lights and head up to my shower feeling lost alone and broken.
Several years later I ran into my slave, she smiled and laughed as I moved to go to her. She shook her head and driftedinto the sea of people.
I’ll never forget the lesson she taught me, and my own master is grateful.
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