The Lesson

I can feel her eyes on me as she walks about me in a circle, on hand on her hip, a crop in the other tapping lightly against her thigh. I want desperately to follow her with my eyes, to look for the approval I so desperately desire. But that isn’t the way this works. I must be good. I must be the essence of patience. For her.

“Kneel, my pet.”

I quickly comply, as gracefully as I can manage, sinking to my knees on the soft plus carpet, and sit back on my heels, hands resting lightly above my knees, just how she likes it; as I was trained to do, with eyes downcast. As she makes another circle around me, I can see her boots go by, high heeled suede done in a rich black. Maybe later she’ll let me nuzzle them. I love the feel of suede against my skin.

She’s standing behind me again and I hear a jangling sound; suddenly there’s a leather collar around my neck that she locks shut in back. It’s heavy, but soft, and hearing that lock click into place, feeling the cool metal of the lock against my flushed skin is enough to arouse me. She’s still for a moment, and she gives another command.

“Give me your hands, pet.”

“Would you prefer up or down, Mistress?”

I can almost hear the smile in her voice as she replies to me. “Good girl for asking. Up.”

I lift my arms into the air for her, wrists together, and feel her fitting leather padded cuffs around them. She gently bends my elbows, and fastens the rings on the cuffs to the ring on the back of the collar, pinning them. I can feel her plant a soft kiss on the top of my head, and she moves around to the front again, this time with a spreader bar in hand. She tells me to rise up so I’m on my knees, and she fastens the bar right above them, so that I can still knee, but my legs must be apart, presented for her pleasure. I close my eyes and try to see how I must look to her. Breasts thrust forward and up from how my wrists are bound, eyes cast down in total subservice, legs spread, moibranch starting to gather where they meet. I feel my skin begin to flush from the feel of her eyes on me.

I’m so lost in thought that the swish and crack of the crop on my back catches me by surprise and I almost topple over. I can hear her chuckle to herself before chatising me for daydreaming. I murmur an apology, and try to regain my composition. I see her boots move in front of me again, and the crop is gently under my chin, lifting it so that my eyes rise to meet hers. She’s smiling softly, and looks pleased, which only sets my heart racing faster.

“You are so lovely presented this way, pet. Do you enjoy it?”

“Yes Mistress, I do.”

She hooks the crop onto a small clip on her belt and leans down, placing her lips firmly on mine, tasting what is hers to take. I try to sit up higher, to make it easier for her, and the kiss deepens, her tongue working its way into my mouth, tasting of vanilla and spice. She pulls back, too soon in my opinion, and she looks down atme again, hands on her hips.

“Would you like to play, pet?”

My face brightens and I nod eagerly. It’s not often we get a whole night uninterrupted.

“Yes, I would!”

Her eyebrow quirks and a small smile tugs at her mouth.

“What was that, pet? I believe you missed a word.”

I realize my mistake, not using her title. I try to correct it, to apologize, but I can see by the smile on her face that she’s set now on making sure I don’t soon forget my mistake. Unbuckling my knees, but keeping my wrists pinned to the back of my neck, she grabs my upper arms and helps me stand.

“You were doing so well, pet. But a slip like that cannot go unpunished. But don’t worry. I don’t think you’ll make the same mistake again anytime soon, will you pet?”

“No Mistress.” I can hear the embarrassment in my own voice. How could I have done something like that? Calling her by her title was one of the first things she trained me to do. But I forget myself in my excitement. I would have to try harder in the future.

She sets me in the middle of the room, and taps one manicured finger against her lips, a contemplative look on her face as she tries to decide the best way to discipline me. I personally can think of a few very effective ways, but it isn’t as if she needs my help. She’s devilishly creative enough on her own.

Then her face brightens, and I know she’s Come up with something. Moving to a toggle switch on the wall, she lowers down one of the chains from the ceiling above me. She unclips the wrist cuffs from my neck and fastens them to the dangling chain, then moves back to the switch, and raises the chain till my arms are stretched high in the air, and my feet can barely stay flat on the carpet. She approaches me again and attaches one of the longer spreader bars to my ankles, so that now Only the balls of my feet are making solid contact with the floor. She stands back, admiring her handy work, and nodding goes to the cabinet against the far wall. From it I can see her take a leather wrapped bit gag and a blindfold. Walking back over, she places the blindfold on me, taking care not to catch my hair in it, and then pauses.

“Before I gag you pet, have you anything to say?”

“I sincerely apologize for not making proper courtesy to you, Mistress. I will try harder.”

“Dully noted, pet.”

And Then the gag is in my mouth, the taste of leather familiar and almost soothing as I feel the straw tighten around my head as she buckles it into place. For a few moments after, nothing happens, and I begin to worry that she’s going to leave me like this, waiting, just to watch me squirm. But she prefers to make me squirm in other ways. I catch a whiff of the perfume she’s wearing moments before I feel her hands on me, gently caresing my breasts, thumbs lightly brushing my hard, upturned nipples. Moaning softly into the gag, I try to push myself forward with my toes, to give myself to her hands, but I can’t get enough contact with the floor. I hear a swish and a line of fire lights up across my ass as I hear her cluck her tongue, behind me now.

“You’ve been bad. Why do you think you deserve to be rewarded?”

Another swish and another line of fire, and this time her hand follows it, not hitting, but rubbing, seeming to push the burn farther into my skin. She strikes me three more times, each time pausing to rub it in with her hand. By the time she’s done, my cheeks are burning, and must be a glowing shade of red, from the feel of it. Despite the pain, though, I can still feel my arousal growing, my pussy getting wetter. I feel her touch the end of the crop lightly against my moon, and I try desperately to push down against it, but she moves it with me, keeping it just so; keeping it so that there’s maddening contact, but not any friction. Not that I can move very far anyway. My arms are pulled up so high that I can’t even lower myself a fraction of an inch. I’m moaning more steadily now against the gag, trying to make her understand that I’m sorry, that I’ll never be bad again. She ignores me, and changes to gently tapping the end of the crop against my throbbing clip, not enough to hurt, but enough to stimulate my already sensitive flesh. If she keeps this up much longer, I’m sure I’ll go insane.

“Now pet, you were bad. Take your punishment like a good kitten. If you complain it will only get worse; you know that.”

The tapping from the crop stops, and I almost cry from the loss of even that much contact. I can smell her perfume near me again, and I feel something being pressed up against my clip and strapped into place around my hips. With dawning horror I realize what it is. It’s the remote control butterfly vibrator I got her for her birthday. I try to plead for mercy from behind the gag, sure that I’ll go mad if she keeps stimulating me without giving any release. Her only response is a low laugh and the click noise of the dial on the remote being turned on. The sensing begins immediately, what feels like little fingers thrumming against my clip, driving me crazy. I twist in the restraints, knees going momentarily weak before I regain my bearings. I can feel tears of need starting to run down my face behind the blindfold, and I wish she would un-gag me just so that I could beg forgiveness from her. I hear another click, and can feel the vibrator rev up to its highest setting, and I swear I can see the vibrations behind the blindfold, waves of tingling color, washing over my clip, making me wrong. Then there are two clicks, and suddenly the sensing stops, and I’m left hanging; literally and figuratively. My breath is ragged in my ears, and I can hear myself whimpering practically into the leather of the gag. She un-straps the vibrator from me, and I feel one of her fingers probe my wetness as I feel her breath light on the side of my face.

“Now pet, I believe you’ve been properly distributed for your transgression. That being said, I think you’ve suffered enough for the evening. Would you like to come now?”

I nod weakly, tears still streaming down my face, as I feel the finger in me begin to move, followed by another one pressed firmly against my clip, rubbing. Between that and the almost unbearable teasing I just went through, it doesn’t take me long to come, screaming my release at the top of my lungs. By the time the convulsions in my pussy stop, it’s only the arm restrains holding me up, my being far past the point of exhaustion and endurance. I hear the whir of the motor in the ceiling, and the chains from the ceiling slacken slightly so that my feet come all the way to the floor even with the spreader bar still on. She releases that, and then I feel one of her arms around my wait, holding me firmly, as the other reachings up to unhook my wrists from the ceiling chain. Taking me in her arms, she lowers me gently back to the soft carpet where I started the evening, and removes the cuffs from my wrists, kissing each one in turn as she does so. Lastly she removes the bit and the blindfold, offering me a glass of water to sip from as I sit in her lap and she slides the hair back from my face. She leans down and gently kisses me on the forehead, hugging me as she does so.

“Love you, pet.”

“I love you too, Mistress.”


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