The Lesson

She doesn’t know what she did or why he isn’t talking to her. Her master told her to wait, be patient, the answers will come. She is Master Aynes Dracu’s favorite pet, and his most expensive submissive female. She is his top submissive and she is always by his side, or at his feet. That is until now.

Master Dracu has many submissive students in various states of training. His top submissive made a cruel mistake.

Alone in the “punishment corner” Master Dracu’s favorite pet listens as her master flogs another Submissive. Favorite pet is blindfolded with her hands tied behind her back. She is sitting naked on a high bar stool. She is not allowed to slouch. The sensitive swish of the flogger echoes through the quiet dungeon, landing against the sensitive skin of a new female submissive’s lower breasts. The flogger’s leather ends crack into favorite pet’s lonely senses, causing her to ache with desire. And she can hear another submissive groan at the anticipation of pleasure. Sadly, it isn’t her. Why?

“You must not do what she did,” decries Master as he points to the “punishment corner.”

“Yes Sir.” She strains against her restraints. The subby shudders because she knows that another smack of the flogger is coming. “What has she done sir?”

“That is Master to you subby.” Master is silent for several minutes as he exams the restraints used on the submissive in front of him. He then goes over to the wall and gets a large brown flogger. It is the largest flogger in his collection and his favorite.

The next swing of his flogger brings her a little closer to orgasm. Swish! Then another swish, then another.

“Spread your legs.”

She complies with eagerness. Master retrieves a four foot long spreader bar. The restrained subby can’t seem to spread her legs wide enough. He attaches one ankle brace to her left ankle, then gently kisses and nibbles on her right leg, coating it to move out farther. She is at her limit! Her legs spreadwide as she stands restrained against the flogging post. Now her right ankle is affixed to the other end of the spreader bar. If not for the restraint of her arms she would collapse into a shaft of aching muscles.

From the punishment corner comes quietly moans and soft whimpering. Favorite pet begins to slouch. Then a crack of a whip, “sit up straight.” Another crack of the whip, this time its wicked end ticles favorite pet’s back. She arches her back, has the need to release her orgasm, but mustn’t. She doesn’t have master’s permission.

Lord Dracu strides over to the punishment corner and gently strokes his subby’s hair, pulling it firmly at the base of her neck. This is a signal from him that things are OK, that she is safe within his wishes. “You must learn patience.” He gently kisses her left ear, not enough to make her come, but almost. Then she is alone again still not knowing what she has done wrong.

Master is now back at the flogging post. He has produced a vibating blue dildo. He turns it on and begins to probe his other subby’s exposed anus. She moans with pleasure and fear as she tries to escape her menacles. The chains rattle and clank

“Be still,” he commands!

“Yes Master.”

He slowly starts to insert the dildo. “This is an initiative that all my subbys must go through.”

In the punishment corner there is silence. She knows all to well about the initiative. The wetness in her groin increases, and her own butt plug begins to become loose in its own condensed environment.

“I will become your master when this is over.” He has inserted the head of the blue dildo into her anus. She moans and flinches in pain, but she is wetter now than she has ever been.

“Yes please,” she whimpers.

“SILENCE!” Master produces a wooden paddle and smacks her right butt chef. He removes the dildo and undoes her restraints. Then he takes her into the next room and closes the door.

This is odd favorite pet wonders asshe sits alone in the punishment corner. He didn’t finish the initiative. What could that mean? Perhaps the new subby won’t be her sister after all.

Several minutes pass. In the dungeon there is only silence. Behind the door where master and new initiative went there is only silence. They are in there well over an hour before the door opens and a fully dressed woman walks out. She has her head down and is walking quickly towards the exit. She didn’t pass master’s final test.

”She is not worthy of my attention. Can you tell me why my pet?”

”No Master.”

”She could not address me in the proper way.” Master approaches the punishment corner. He has a warm and caring look on his face. “Let this be a lesson to you. Always show me respect.” He is massaging her shoulders. She knows from his touch that she is safe, and that her master loves her.


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