Summary: Barbara is abducted by two vicious women. They transform her into a sleazy whore to use as their sex toy.
Narrator: the former Mrs. Barbara Carrilla: snotty, authoritative CEO, diploma, mother of two daughters. Fabulously wealthy. Stunning, imperious, feral. Snide bitch. Her breasts must be swollen with venom instead of milk. She doesn’t speak, she hisses.
1. My Capture.
“MMMrrrrhhh…. NNNnnnnggg….” That’s all I could get out of my panty-packed mouth. I was trustsed and bound as tight as a package. It required a strong effort simply to twist and provide some relief for my aching body. I wasn’t blindfolded, thankfully, but all I could see was the cold marble floor and the high-heeled feet of my captors. They clicked on the floor with lethal, ear-piercing cracks. As I arched my back my ass was further elevated. It seemed to release some of the pressure from my scalding hot bladder, which was so swollen I thought it might burst like a water balloon. I felt a bubble of gas in my ass and was clenching it shut in hopes of avoiding the humiliation of a fart. I already felt humiliated enough, being trusted up like a pig. They’d even forced me to squeal and oink before pinching my nose shut so I’d open my mouth… “Gloop!” I felt the hot, slimy, oily satin of Inga’s panties on my tongue. The smell and taste must have made me turn green. “Suck on that cuntslop, you nasty slut. Chew it! Move your jaws! If you stop I’ll plant my heel in your ass!”
I could hear the crackling lace through my head. As I bit down on the panties, the goo squeezed out of the gusset and felt slick in my mouth. The taste was overwhelming and the bitchy smell filled my nose. I was meowing through the gag, like a cat in heat…. mmmeeiiioooowwww…. mmmeeiiiooooowww… mmmeeiiiooooowww… I felt the sharp siletto heel on my ass, menacing me as I was verbally taunted. The taste was a mildly salty glop, like mucus when you blow your nose and some of it gets inYour mouth. The texture was similar- a smooth, solid goo swimming in an oily, slick fluid. The smell was like rotting salmon, besides the soggy perspiration. A cloying milky taste must have been the breast milk Inga squeezed into the panties before stuffing them in my mouth. The segment of the panties in which her asshole had been nestled had a waxy texture. I had to swallow my spit- it was an instinctive reaction.
She had held them in front of my face. After displaying the stains and wet spots, delineating the female genitalia and its variety of secretions, discharges and hygienic skips, she told me to open wide. I turned my head away but she pulled me hard by the hair, grabbing it close to my scalp. That’s when she pinched my nostrils shut. I saw the flashy rings of her fingers just under my nose and felt the hot silk being forced between my lips and teeth. My teeth clicked on her pink-enameled fingerprintnails but I know if I bit her she’d slap and kick the snot out of me. One ofHer nasty tricks was to have me gulp down as much liquid as I could- knowing a nearly bursting bladder would make me whine and squirm after tying me up. And if I couldn’t hold it in, my humiliation would be complete and my luxurious tailored suit ruined. A silk scarf was tied tightly around my head, preventing me from spitting out my panty gag.
I squirmed on my belly with the coldness of the marble penetrating my clothes. My pearls clatered on the parquet, my jewelry was tinkling… a fortune’s worth of opulent gold, rubies, pearls, sapphires and diamonds on that filterthy floor- and my suntuous tailored suit. Millions pass through my hands every week, the careers of hundreds of people depend on my decisions… and now I’m reduced to squirming on the floor with the filter of these disgusting whores packed in my mouth, trusted up like a heifer on the butcher’s block.
Inga crouched next to me. She lifted my head with a clump of my hair in her fist. I looked up at her sneeringlips and staring, predatory eyes. “You’re coming with us, cunt. Don’t give me any problems. I’ll shove Glenda’s pantyliner in your mouth, you cuntslime licking whore, wouldn’t you like that? Just makes your mouth water, doesn’t it?” I looked up at Glenda. She was greasy-looking, sneering at me with thick, wet lips. She pulled up her dress to display her heavy thighs and a thick white pad inside her nylon panties and pantyhose. I could see the dark, elongated stain of her menstrual secretions in the thick padding and her ratty cunt hair sticking out of the leg holes. The bush ran up her greasy belly. Glenda looked like a slimy dishwasher from a low-class dinner. Sleaze oozed from her like a cold sweat. She stared at me with the glassy eyes of a carnivorous sow. I’d swear she was drooling. Glenda pulled down her panties to reveal the gummy, blood-stained pantyliner and her hairy cunt. The thick hair was matted with sweat and secretions. Her thick, wet bush looked like a drowned rat. A filthy string hung from her pissflaps. Her skin had a grayish tone and her flesh was spongy. I knew her pulpy belly would be bouncing against my ass as she rapes me. Still sneering at me, one side of her mouth stretched in a smile before she flicked out her tongue and licked her lips. My heart was pounding and I felt a panic rushing over me.
As I waited for my captors to remove me, I was regretting my choice of clothes and finery. My extravagant outfit was only exacerbating my prediction. As I perspired, my sweat was soaked up by my clothes. Under proper circumstances, my attitude was selected to envelop me in sensitivity and comfort. Now, everything I wore seemed to become tighter, heavier and more constricting. The Swiss horn buttons of my wool bouclé suit jacket were digging into my flesh, pressed deep by my own weight… one in particular was pinched against my breastbone. The gold-mounted jewels and gold links of my opera necklace were stallbing me. My garters and bra cut into myskin. A musky sweat was oozing from my pores, satisfying everything. An overwhelming desire to stretch my body and break free possessed me. I wanted to scream but my mouth was so tightly packed I could only moan. I began stewing in my own juices. Even my expensive perfume was not going to mask the rancid odors of my marinating cunt, steamy ass and sweaty flesh. That’s how I felt- I was starting to cook. I was going to ripen very soon and my swollen bladder was sending waves of heat and perspiration through my body. I was straining my pelvic muscles to prevent that filter from adding to the marinating fluids I was soaking in.
Fear, pain and arousal were centered in my throbbing, itching cunt and nipples. My breasts swelled and my labia became engaged. My sexual nerves were strung as taut as a wire, buzzing with electricity. The sensing of Inga’s fingers on my wrists surged through me like a shock. I heard a sudden buzz of activity. More hands squeezed my body. I feel myself being abruptly lifted. I was hoisted and flung so rapidly and with such ease I felt as if I were a thin slice of cuntmeat. They raised me and tossed me as easily as if I were a plastic doll. The pressure of my belly on the floor of their vehicle caused my bladder to void. The feeling was like an orgasm- literally- a hot fluid boiled in my crotch and caused my cliporis to furiously throb and itch. My cunt pulsed and my pelvic muscles went through a set of contracts. My skin tingled as waves of released tension flowed out of my body, concentrating all its energy on the heat and pressure in my cunt. I experienced paroxysms and a sudden strung-out paralysis. All my vital fluids seemed to flow from my body in a hot stream. A scalding heat flooded my panties, pantyhose and tight slacks. An acrid odor filled my nostrils. A sharp siletto heel stalled my ass.
I heard the engine heaven and felt motion. I was being taken away and I had no clue to where. A chattering of voices berated me. Some spoke about me as if I weren’t there, or as if I were a slab of inanimate meat about to be consumed in a cannibalistic orgy. My entire existence prior to this day was irrelevant. My status, my wealth, my authority, everything had evaporated. I was a throbbing cunt trusted up in the rear of a van, entirely at the mercy of a pack of sadistic, rutting whores. My only question now was… what are they going to do to me? I keep hearing peculiar “pttheww” sounds and something heavy landing in my hair. A hot sliptered on my cheek and rolled off. I struggled to turn my head and see. Glenda was amusing herself by anxious gobs of her sticky spit on me. Her jaws were working a fat wad of gum, obviously to encourage salivation. I also realized it was Glenda’s heel that was stallbing my ass.
2. My Initiation.
I could not see where we were, but I felt and heard the difference when the van left the highway for a winding road, and later the winding road for a dirt one. I realizedthe dirt road was narrow and rarely traveled because the van swayed and jerked violently and I heard the branches of trees scratching the sides. I imagined what they were going to do to me. I saw myself as a naked, bloated corpse with buzzing flies feeding off of me. Eventually the animals would discover my tasty morsel. In the end, all that would remain was some scattered, bleached bones. I swore I would never watch those trashy Crime shows again, the tasteless garbage that exploits people’s fascination and fears of violence, morbidity and death. Besides, they made my imagination run wild.
My relief was palpable as the wheels hit smooth pavement. I reasoned with myself that it was only a shortcut, this rough ride through the wilderness. Soon afterwards, though in my prediction it seemed like forever, the van stopped and the side doors were opened. I looked out and saw a set of mahogany double doors in a wall of ashlar masonry. I could see stainless steel kitchen fittings throughouth the screen doors. I was roughly lifted and taken outside. Mystified as to where I was and to the nature of this building, I soon realized it was a luxurious manor house. It must have been somewhere in the Watchung Mountain range west of the city, judging from the hills surrounding it. I’d spent many pleasant days horseback riding in Bedminster and it seemed to be somewhere in that victory. The grassy meadows and green forests of my memories were now bare and dry, covered in a light snow.
I was shivering with a combination of fear and the biting cold. My sweaty clothes suddenly felt icy cold on my skin. I heard one of them say, “Shouldn’t we have blindfolded this stupid cunt?” The answer I heard was ominous and sent a shiver down my spine, “We don’t need to worry about her identifying anyone. She won’t be around much longer.” I kept trying to reassure myself that’s not what she meant. More visions of my bloated corpse, only this time I was a slab of rigid, putrefying meat suspended from a hook. I’ve read far too many trashy, sleazy true crime books. No more mobster movies for this bitch! My imagination was running away again. It felt like the time I was a teenaged girl and my parents went on vacation. I was home all by myself and decided it would be fun to watch the Fright Night horror movies. I couldn’t sleep even for a moment after that- every noise in the empty house was a lurking axe murderer or sex killer. Every shadow and every closet concealed an intruder. Poisonous spiders were crawling in the darkness. Snakes with razor sharp fangs and cold wet skin slipped into my bedsheets.
Why does fear only intensify my arousal? Just as those scary nights when I’d masturbate myself to sleep, my panties were slick with a buttery goo. Whatever these bitches intended to do to me, I was waiting anxiously. I was mentally preparing myself for anything. I felt like an animal in the jaws of a trap, resigned to its fate. My sexual nerves were stretched taut as ifI was suspended in a device that might at any instant swing me into a wall of spikes. The thought gripped me that with the sudden release of a spring I’d be nothing more than a volunteer slab of putrefying meat. The combination of fear and lust I felt in the presence of these sluts was strange and perplexing. My mouth was going dry and the panties were sticking to the roof of my mouth, my tongue and my teeth with a gummy paste. I attempted to move them with my tongue so I could swallow the goo that accumulated at the top of my throat. All I accomplished was causing me to choke, which came out as some strange animalistic groans from my gagged mouth. Inga looked into my face with a sneer, that sadistic smile, and pinched my nostrils shut. My eyes bulged out of my head and I felt a panic rush over me again. She casually taunted me, “Well, we don’t want our little bitch to choke now, would we? Not before we’ve finished with her.” Her eyes left mine for a moment and she looked behind me,nodding her head.
I felt someone’s hands untying the knotted scarf at the nape of my neck. Sharp fingerprintnails scratched my delicate skin. Inga pulled the panties slowly out of my mouth. They seemed to unravel as she did so. I slowly felt the pressure and acrid taste in my mouth received as she drew out the last of the slopped up panties. They were thick and heavy with slime- my saliva now added to the pasty filth. Inga held them up by the tips of her fingers, snarling and raising her upper lip. Her feline teeth flashed in the light, and turning her head to the side in disgust she squealed “Ewww….” Inga dropped the squishy panties on the countertop. They landed with a wet splat. “Leave these here, Glenda. We might need them later. Ewww, that slut’s mouth smells like a hot cunt. I’d swear there were fumes rising off those hot panties.”
Glenda had been watching me. Her hands were in her jeans as she leaned forward and swwayed her torso. Glenda was glaring at me with lust, masturbating. Her tongue darted out to lick the drool from her wet lips. Bending over the counter to sniff the panties, still redolent with cuntslime, she continued to frig herself. “Glenda,” Inga cooed, “she’ll be ready for you shortly. We’re going to break her in first, but there’s no need to worry. We’ll preserve that cherry up her ass just for you. I’m sure this dirty whore wouldn’t have it any other way.” I let out a moan, and Inga shushed me by putting her finger to her lips. She pointed to the panties. I knew if I spoke she’d stuff them in my mouth again.
My hands were still tied behind my back and my legs were tied at the ankles. I stood as motionless as possible because I did not want to fall. What happened now completed my humiliation. Referring to me as if I was not even present, or as if I were an inanimate object, I was slowly stripped and inspected like a prize cow being audited off to the highest bidder. Inga popped the buttons of my suit jacket and unclasped the front of my bra. All of my suits are lined with silks and satins, or acetate, so I rarely wear camisoles or slips- not even a half-slip. And I rarely wear pantyhose, either. My stockings are typically raw silk and very sheer. Inga pushed the jacket to each side, revealing my nipples. The crisp air of this kitchen, with its stainless steel fixtures and cool tiles, assured that my nipples remained fully erect. I was having an involuntary sexual reaction to this humiliating treatment.
Inga ran her hands over my breasts before squeezing them. I gasped as her fingers dug into the sensitive flesh. She then tugged and flicked my nipples, sizing them up for resilience and elasticity. I winced in pain and hissed through my teeth with a sharp intake of breath. Neither of these women looked me in the eyes as they inspected me this way. I was a slab of cuntmeat to them, nothing more. Their comments, though flattering my luscious body, were very demeaning. “Just listen to her yelping sounds, Glenda, as I slap her tits. She’ll make some interesting noises when she’s being fucked, certainly.” Inga moved her examining eyes lower. “Well, her belly could use some toning.” Inga squeezed a roll of belly fat as she said this, then smacked my belly with a resounding slap. I while. “I suppose we should check her cunt, tighs and ass now. Glenda, help me get this skirt down.”
Their Sudden exclamations made me regret my choice of panties. I have a very chubby and profiler mount and my labia are equally prominent and pulpy. My public bush is rather thick and heavy as well. The result was a very fat set of swollen lips and a thick bush plumping out the front panel of my sheer pink panties. My pee had soaked this panel and rendered it almost completely transparent. As I looked down at my fat cunt, I saw a long vertical glob of nine cream that oozed from my slit and through the thin silk. My fully erect and tingling cliporis was poking out the silk like a tiny hard cock. Inga andGlenda gushed at the purple-pink color and absolutely large dimensions of my cliporis. When I was a girl, my clip grow so large that I thought I was a freak. I cried and whimpered and wo two layers of thick panties until a gynecologist told me not to worry, I was not a hermaphrodite and that my large cliporis should be a source of great pleasure. I suppose she was correct. My lovers always marveled at my huge clip.
Inga hooked the wait of my panties with her thumbs and tugged them down. The gluey paste of my cunt adhered to them like a scab on a Band-Aid. As Inga pulled them off, little stringlets of paste stretched across the widening gap until they thinned out and snapped. As Inga and Glenda toyed with my clip and its fleshy hood, my body shuddered. I nearly had an orgasm right in their faces. Their fingers sent jolts of electricity surging through my pelvis and into my nipples. I felt a buzzing sensing in my itchy cunt.
Glenda stood behind me. I could feel the heatof her body near mine and her steamy breath on my neck. I was started by the sudden touch of her hand on the back of my head. Her voice was venomous, deep and throat, with a sexual undertone. “Bend over, bitch. Inga, I think you’ll have to hold her so she doesn’t fall on her slut face.” Inga grabbed my hair and pulled it hard. Tears welled up in my eyes. Glenda’s thick fingers grabbed my ass Cheeks and pulled them apart. Her nails dug painfully into my flesh, to the point I thought she’d draw blood. The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end with fear and anticipation.
They had threatened me with sodomy. The point of Glenda’s fingerprint lightly scratched along my pumping anus. I felt the fingerprint at my opening, then she pushed it in. I groaned with pain. She slapped my ass and reminded me of the panties she’d thrust back in my mouth. The fingerprint pushed through the ring of muscle. Inga covered my mouth with her hand and pressed my lips between her ring and index fingers.I felt a pain surge through my anus as Glenda twisted her finger around. She bent it inside. The pain was intense. I felt Glenda’s sharp nail scratching the delicate membrane and I had to restrain myself from biting Inga’s fingers as she hand-gagged me. Glenda began to rationally thrust her finger in my asshole, rehearsing my impending sodomy. “She’s a tight cherry asshole, alright. A light eater too. That sphincter is far too tight to pass anything much thicker than my thumb. Of course, the resiliency of the rectal canal can be healed, but I’m sure she’s never had any cocks up her ass. Maybe a small dildo, but she hasn’t been stretched out at all. She’s got a hot, tight satin-smooth ass to fuck.”
Glenda pulled her finger out of my ass and I was allowed to stand again. She put her dirty finger under my nose and told me to sniff it. I twitched my nostrils and sniffled noisily, trying not to inhale the earthy odor of that wet finger. She rubbed it under my nose so the smell wasunavoidable. She then forced my mouth open and made me suck her finger clean. It was an acrid, salty, earthy taste that made me retch. The filter of my asshole mingled with the taste of her nail poison and sweat. I tried to rub the smelled smell off on my shoulder but she slapped me hard across the cheek. Glenda hissed at me, “This whole room is going to smell like the insides of your rectum by the time I’m finished with you.” She told me she intended to ream me open from the ass out.
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