A gavel pounded.
“Court is adjourned; we reconvene in eight hours.”
Janet surprised, closing her briefcase with two succinct snaps. It was a hard won case, but she was almost there; as long as she didn’t fumble something dramatically tomorrow, it was all but closed.
As she walked out of the courthouse, she hummed a tune; stuck deep in her head, an addictive number she couldn’t get out.
Setting her things on the table, she called out to her boyfriend, Wren.
“Babe? I’m home.”
They’d been together for three years now; it was like magic. Compatible beyond belief, they watched the same shows, like the same foods, had wildly different tastes in music, but most importantly, they were like miraculous mirrors of each other when it came to sex. She liked to lose control, but not all of the time; just once in a blue moon. He had a bit of an evil streak, but only when it really counted. For the most part their days consistent of calm conversation, cuddling, theoccasional casual casual coitus… life as a lawyer was busy. That only made the few occasions they went all out so memorable… and undeniable.
She strode into their apartment, shocked by… leaves? Oh no. Flower petals. The anniversary! She forgot!
After a much belabored conversation with Wren, the conversation came to an understanding.
“I’m just… I’m sorry babe. I could have sworn it was next week!” She showed.
He put up his hands; “Hey, we all make mistakes, it’s okay… *buuut*-“
(With Wren, there was always a but. and not necessarily his own shaped one.)
“-as an apology, you have to do EVERYTHING I say for the next 24 hours. Everything.” He mandated with a smile she wasn’t sure if she wanted to smoke or kiss.
“I-I have the final court date tomorrow, I can’t miss it. Can we d-“
He cut her off.
“You won’t miss it, I swear. Can’t be the next day, can’t be the day after. Tomorrow or next year.” He said firmly.
She told. She hated it when he got like this. She loved to hate it when he got like this. “Fiiine, but you gotta give me BIG points for this okay? I’m OVERcompensating for forgetting, right?”
He nodded. “Yep, if you follow my instructions to the letter, we’re totally square.”
From there, it was a whirl. He kissed her like he was trying to steal her breath, and it worked; she was out of her blazer in a heartbeat and they made their way down to the dungeon in a whirlwind of petting and giggles. (no fuck you, the apartment has a dungeon, i will not edit any of this, cope.)
As it often did, they started with a blindfold; a silent ribbon tied around her eyes. It was always a small pleasure to be led around the room unawares, but not nearly comparable to the true adventures awaiting them. He coated her over to a familiar platform, she could recognize it instantly; Shibari. She chuckled; was this his ploy? Maybe leave some rope marks on her wrists for tomorrow? What a scoundrel. Still, nothing long sleeves and posture control couldn’t fix. She shuddered as he began to expertly weave a web around her, each slither and cinch of the rope sending chills out along her chilled body, exposed to the underground air with nothing to shield her. He planted tender kisses and jealous nips along her frame, like a master tailor sizing up a customer, she flowed around her like water with the rope feeling merely an Afterthought. Until she flew. God, she had almost forgotten how good he was at this, all at the same time she felt pressed in on every corner and completely weightless.
With a final flick, her position was sealed; legs spread wide, bent at the knee, poised to strike like the spider who had captured her. Her arms bent down in a similar manner, and each loop was so completely connected to every other that it was all she could to do believe she wasn’t truly a status, carved of stone.
Wren stepped back, appraising his work.
“Delightful. You make a marvelous puppet, you know that? Have you… considered, quitting this whole lawyer business, staying down here full time?” He teased, though most certainly capturing a photo for later.
She snorted. “As if I w-“
She was cut off by an impact on her left thigh, crying out from the sting.
He laughed, loudly. “Well of course I knew that. I wouldn’t be where I am if I didn’t!” He chuckled. Moving towards her, she felt something cold being spread around her rear; lube. Was she to be a buttslut tonight?
She was. With care and confidence, he placed two small egg vibrators inside her, one for each side. Flipping the switch, a humming began, and he leant down and gave her a kiss.
“See you later, little spider.”
“What? No! You co-“
She was once again interrupted, this time by his fingers; probing around her mouth, pulling out her drooling tongue…
He delivered a crisp slap across her face, her tongue still hanging out. “That’s what I thought, slut. Be good for me.”
With that, he fastened the ring gag over her, took the stairs, and left her to her brewing.
She did not know how long she left him; it could have been one hour, it could have been all night. But, blessedly, she heard him descending the staircase once again.
The vibrators were weak, enough to get one or two unsatisfactory O’s out of her, but after This long waiting in the cold, she was practically melting out of the ropes that held her. He undid the fastener of the gag, admiring the saliva that had pooled on the stone floor.
“So, doll, how are we feeling?”
“Puh… hah… ple…” She was barely audible.
“I’m sorry? What was that? You’ll need to speak up for me, I have a hard time hearing forgetful whores.”
She while, Then while again as she felt the vibrators switch off inside her.
“What is it? You want to be down here longer? Maybe till next Monday?” He said mockingly.
He laughed cheerily, as if he had been told a lovely joke.
“Oh, is that all? You want to be let off the hook that easily? We’ve been together for three years. Thirty six months…”
Her ass stung like nearly nothing she had ever felt.
She thought she would cry, but instead escaped a tough moan.
Janet was an absolute mess; her rear was unspeakably red, and she wondered if she would be able to sit down tomorrow at all. Her nose dripped with snot, and her womanhood absolutely poured arousal, drenching a massive portion of the floor.
Dropping the crop, he came around to her front, kissing her tenderly. “You held on so well, my darling whore. My irreplaceable sex princess, Iwouldn’t be anywhere without you. Happy Anniversary.”
He tweaked her nipples and she cried like a woman possessed; wrapped with orgasm after orgasm, the buildup far beyond her usual capacity; all she remembered after that was being delicately carried back to their bedroom; a tender shower and late night cuddles, and off to sleep.
“Oh God, fuck, court! Shit shit shit!” She sat up in bed, scrambling to find her glasses, putting them on to see a smiling Wren… holding her briefcase in one hand, a home cooked breakfast on the side table next to him.
“I pored over the case notes my love, I should have tied up any loose ends you may have worried about. You have just enough time to eat and catch the Uber I called you.”
He walked over and kissed her deeply, she kissed him back. “God, you incorrigible ass. You’re lucky I love you.”
He laughed. “So lucky. Go get em tiger.”
As she walked into the courtroom, there hummed a tune, stuck deep inside her; an addictive number she couldn’t get out. It was a last minute realization; he never took the vibrators out! That devil! Far too late to course correct. She had to bear with it. In front of an entire room of legal professionals… chills ran down her spine. The stakes couldn’t be higher.
“Ladies and Gentlemen of the j-jury…”
Sitting back at home, Wren chuckled. Janet always was so bad with time… and he couldn’t wait to celebrate their real anniversary next week.
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