This story is a work of Fiction [Fixshun: Alternative Reality, Never Happened, Figment of the Imagination], any resemblance of the characters in this story to real persons living or dead, is all in your mind.
c. 2022 by 1SharkDiver, all rights reserved.
It all started w/ Janice…
She was as wholesome as Baseball & Apple Pie. She was a single mom and a school teacher. She was also completely added to my cock, and I made sure that she worshiped it properly.
I am Mondo. Mondo Bigmon to be precise, but Janice was not allowed to call me anything but ‘My Lord’ or ‘Master’. To be fair, she was not naturally a submissive, and she was not easily broken. There were so many times that I had to resort to the whip because she defied the rules, or questioned my orders.
By the time she was properly trained, I could simply {Snap} my fingers and she would begin to leak her sweet nectar into her panties. It did not matter that she had other things to do, whatEver she was doing, or whoever she was talking to. When I wanted her to cum, I triggered her & she came. HARD! Think Meg Ryan in Harry met Sally… Only she was NOT ‘Faking It’.
It did not matter if we were in a restaurant or movie theatre, walking down the produce isle in a supermarket or pumping gas. Hell, once we were out and ran into the Principal of her school in the Mall… Right there in the middle of the food-court, I made her cum in front of at least 50 random strangers, because Janice had to be punished.
She had previously told Kim and several of the other girls at work that I was ‘controlling’ her orgasms, and the Principal had declared that to be both impossible and immoral. “How could you let him treat you like that?” and other such comments were made by the hen-club. Then, she had the unmitigated audacity to suggest that my pet should stand up to her ‘abuser’ (me?). Later that night Janice told me what happened & I distributed her severely for speaking to the otherrs about our ‘activities’ without my permission. “But Sir, I only told them how good you made me cum.” She whimpered to no avail.
It was maybe a week or so later when we ran into Kim in the Mall… Up to that point I had not met her boss, only heard Janice talk about her. Before we had even so much as was introduced, Kim started in on me “How could you be so cruel?”, and “Someone should report you!” To her credit, Janice tried to stop her — “NO Kim, Please.” — But it was too late, the die had been cast & I could not allow this to go without a response. So I exercised my right to control my property!
To Janice, I said “Hush Pet! You brought this upon yourself.”
To Kim, I Hissed “Silence Woman, Watch & Learn!”
Janice begged “No Master, PLEASE, Not Here.”
But obviously it was too late for that. I simply could not allow my authority to be challenged, or the next time it might be Janice herself attempting to deny me.
I did not {snap} my fingers however, this required… more. “On 3 my pet…”
“Master, I’m begging you…”
“ONE!” — She fell to her knees, accepting her fate.
“TWO!” — She bowed her head.
“Master…” She whispered, looking at me with pleading eyes.
“THREE!” — To anyone who did not know better, she might have looked like she might be having a seizure. In truth she was having the atomic-bomb of orgasms, her whole body constructed and convulsed, while she made a small puddle on the floor below her skirt.
I may have neglected to mention that on the day in question she was wearing her shortest legal skirt, and had been denied permission to wear panties. This was in punishment for another violation of the rules (I forget what exactly).
When I allowed her to regain her composition, and salvage whatever Sliver of dignity she had left in front of her boss, I looked at Kim and said “You’re next ‘boss-lady’… you are finished shopping, now help he get her to the car. You will follow us backto Janice’s house and receive 20 strokes with the paddle for making me demonstrate my power in public. Only after all 20 will I allow you to cum, then you will understand why Janice has willingly given herself to me.”
“Yes Sir” Kim said as though she was in a trance.
Back at the house, I had them both stripped naked before they made it from the garage into the kitchen. Janice was told to knee and watch but to say nothing “Or you will not be allowed to cum for a year!”
“Yes, Master”…
“Quiet now pet, while I teach this insolent wench how to obey”…
For the next several hours I available myself of all the pleasures of another man’s wife. I used her for my own enjoyment, and made Kim beg for hers. I taught her that everything she thought she knew about sex was wrong. And all the while I made Janice sit quietly and watch.
This prim and proper Preacher’s Wife (did I forget to mention that the principal was also the Preacher’s Wife?) had never even let her husband see her with the lights on. Yet she was spread-eagle on the coffee-table for my amusement. My cock is much too fat to fit into her virgin ass the first night, so I started her on one of Janice’s smaller butt-plugs… then I bent her over at the waist & tied her ankles to the table legs. Without warning I sank my cock into her tight cunt with one deep thrust.
“PLEASE Sir, You Are Stretching Meeeeeeeee -OH MY GAWWWWWDDDDDDDD!” she cried, when I pulled back almost to the point of falling out, then she expanded just as I removed the ‘cork’ holding back her sweet nectar… She sprayed her juices on Janice as she knelt obediently and watched… Then I {smacked} her ass Hard! “That is your ONE! Wench. You will NEVER again cum without my permission. Do you understand me?”
“Yes Master!”
“Yes, what?”
“I will never cum again without permission…”
“Give yourself to me, Wench!”
{SPANK} “I said Give yourself to Me!”
“Master??? I can’t, please… I’m Married…”
{SPANK} I sank my cock into her again and feel her cervix open to allow me to penetrate her womb. “I am not asking you… I said give yourself to me! I will not tell you again.”
“Master, I belong to you.” She whispered.
“Oh yes please Master, take me… I’m yours!”
“Then prove it, CUM! NOW!” She nearly passed out before I stopped her inner volcano from erupting.
Later that night, I sent Kim back to her Husband and children, barely able to walk across the room. Before she left however, she became me to teach her husband how to make her cum, they had been married nearly 9 years and Kim had been faking it since their first night together…
“Master, my husband is a kind and loving man and a good father who teaches our sons to respect others, especially women… He is a good provider, and I know he loves me… I can never leave him, but after tonight I can’t go back to the way it was either… You have opened my eyes Master, please show my Jimmy how to do what you just did… Please Master, I’m begging you.”
“No wench, I will not give away my knowledge… but I will allow you to serve me until I have decided that you have earned the right to request such an imposition… Until then you belong to me!”
“Yes Master.”
And that is how I got the second of my wanton and willing wenches.
Next Time… Ch. 2 “The Wages of Sin” (Coming Soon)
P.S. I would welcome a collaboration with an artist capable of creating original illustrations featuring submissive women… please send DM to 1SharkDiver if interested.
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