All characters over 18. Meets Literotica Guidelines
The legacy — Chapter 2
A love bondage story continues about two women who are closing the estate of a relative when the true inheritance is discovered.
Emma’s reactions to that were geneuine. Shock. Astonishment. Amazement. She was watching her dead sister tying up a woman. Spanking her. Fingering her. The video rolled to a stop. I reached over her shoulder. Her mouth was half open, still staring at the screen. I rolled the second one before she had got hold of herself. The one with the same woman, hands tied behind her. Eating Grace’s pussy out. Grace pulling on her hair. Grace coming.
To be frank, I stood carefully behind Emma as she watched. I really was wondering about myself at this point. Why this particular video got to me so much. It just did. As it ran, I leaned back against the wall behind Emma and snuck my fingertips under the leather crotch piece on my suit and secretly didddled my clip as I watched it again over Emma’s shoulder. Eventually it ended. I was pretty het up again by now.
I leaned forward again and a tiny bit shocked to see that Emma’s fingers had been resting in her own lap. She moved them swiftly away when the reality of me leaning over her intruded. There was a precious start too, quickly suppressed.
I pretended not to notice my BFF had been touching herself watching her sister dominating another woman though it affected me.
I opened another file with a male and female name. I got a different one this time. A big black man with a tremendous erection was standing between Grace’s spread legs, one of which he held in each hand by its ankle. He was panting like a bellows and, though the angle could not actually show it very well, clearly riding Grace in the missionary position. She was breathing hard too and moaning as she looked over at another woman, a kind of slutty looking black woman with a short nap haircut and big round dangling earnings, mostlikely in her thirties, who was tied to a chair beside them. The woman was staring closely at Grace being fucked. She had her legs tied wide up to the supporters for the chair’s arms and you could make out the head of a purple vibrating penis shoved inside her. It was clearly on. She was moaning continuously and desperately pulling against the ropes holding her to the chair. Straining the muscles on her arms and legs. Fighting her bondages. Rotating her hips in circles almost frantically and watching the man doing Grace.
“Come for us, you hot bitch! Come for us!” Grace yelled over at her.
Chair-woman was obviously close and this verbal prodding was what she wanted because chair tied woman began to shake her head from side to side frantically. Desperately screaming and cursing to the room about how a ‘white bitch’ was taking her husband. Fucking him. My own clip pulsed when she shouted out, “Using my man’s cock while I’m helpless to stop them!”
That seemed to set her husband off too and he pumped a few more times and gave a continuous guttural groan. Driving in and out hard and clearly emptying himself. He then flopped down on top of Grace. He was a big man. I thought he would crush her. Grave glanced at the camera over his shoulder though. She was smiling. She was proud of herself. As if she had staged a theater production. She had just made two people come too. One without Even touching her. Pride was written all over her face.
Emma was breathing unevenly. Squirming about. I switched over to another couple of other women being used by Grace, including the one with the skinny woman abusing the girl on their own.
Emma watched for a couple minutes more and then suddenly sobbed, stood and gathered me up in her arms. I held her and held her and she held me back. It went on for a long time. Many minutes. Beginning almost spastically and ending with her relaxing and the waterworks stopping. All good things must end. She stepped back and wipedthe heels of her hands across her eyes.
“Sorry, Honey.” She said consistently. “This whole business has been hard on me…” Then she surprised me. “Until now.”
I replied super intelligently.
She looked at me. She was only an inch taller than me. Essentially, we were the same height. She gazed into my eyes. They sparkled suddenly. They had gone gorgeous green. I stared at her face there, a few inches from mine. I realized I felt nothing but love for her. She was my BFF for sure. She cupped my face in her hands and I melted.
“You are so wonderful! Thank you.”
I knew I felt the same and fell into her arms again. It took a couple minutes, but I became aware again of those big breasts of her pressing into me. I felt her kiss my forehead. I smiled up at her unevenly. I did not want to stop holding her.
She stared down at me.
Weirdly, this time her honest, loving look made me nervous somehow. On edge. She could see the nervousness. She stepped back and picked up the key ring.
“Let’s see what Grace has behind the locked door number one. Shall we?”
I grinned. She had instantly defused my appreciation.
We walked down to the last bedroom. She tried two or three keys and found the right one. We walked in. I am not sure what I was expecting, but both Emma and I stopped and gasped at the same time.
Grace had lengthened this room
I contained a wide bed between two curtained windows. In addition, she had used two by fours to create a big crossed ‘X’ fixed to the wall just inside the door with heavy metal rings at top and bottom. There was some kind of padded frame in one corner, also built of two by fours. There were two chairs, one also of two by fours, the other a solid antique piece. There were built-in cupboards and cubby holes along one wall that contained lots more stuff, most of which can be found on internet sites. The ones I could identify easily were butt plugs, dildoes,hoods and gags. Then there was some kind of reformement on the ceiling too with hooks and clips hangings down.
Emma was staring at that set up intently.
After seeing the room, I realized where the videos we had viewed had been shot. It was… well it was like some kind of dungeon. A sex dungeon or something.
I turned around and studied the wall to the right of the door. It was about right for the angle Most of the videos that we had watched had been shot from. There were a couple of mounts there to hold cell phones and a mirror and some lighting and lighting controls. Grace had built the place with filming in mind, which partially explained the movies on the computer.
I turned to find Emma staring right at me.
She had this odd look on her face that stopped me.
Then she smiled. A really odd smile. One that I had never seen before. One that made me uncomfortable again. She walked around me to the door and closed it slowly. As if making it clear shewas closing it rather than just securing it. All the while watching me.
It crashed in on me then that I was now trapped in a sex dungeon with a woman in a dominatrix outfit and me wearing a leather kink set of clothes.
“Grace had been busy…” I said, feeling incredibly nervous for some reason.
“I’ll say. Hmm… You know I just noticed the back of your outfit for the first time.” She stepped close and was right behind me as she said this. I felt her fingers on the one of the sleeves back there and felt her tugging on it.
She kept talking almost casually.
“It’s got these nylon strap bits and side clasps along the length of the sleeves… oh I see…” I felt her tug the opposite sleepe. “Yes. I think I see!” I was only half thinking about the conversation about my choice of wardrobe so much as staring at that bed again. It had silk sheets of all things. White silk.
I distantly felt Emma pull my two sleeps above the wrists back by my butt closer together and heard a click. “That’s how it works.” She said to herself with satisfaction.
I went to move my hands back to my sides and came up short.
“What…what did you do?” I pulled. My arms here held together about a foot apart by something really strong. A stick or something. I could not pull my hands back to my sides.
“Do you suppose…” Emma still sounded thoughtful, not really attending. I felt a tug on the sleepe just above my elbow. Then heard another click near the opposite elbow. “Yes! That’s how it works. How clever.” Emma said with deep satisfaction.
“Emma…what… what did you…” I realized I could not separate my elbows now either. Could not pull them away from my body to the sides. They were obviously fastened together somehow behind my back. “Emma!” I said sharply, alarmed now.
She put her hand on my shoulder. I found the touch provided some reassurance.
She put her head next to mine then.
“I thought it odd that the bits of nylonstrap and the clips were sewn to the sleeves of your outfit. I just put together in my head that the straws had one end of the connector that corresponded to the other end of the side clip on the opposite sleep. It is genius really. Here…”
I heard a zipping sound. Nylon being yanked and run over an adjuster. Effortlessly tightened.
Suddenly my elbows were pulled back and towardss each Other more. They were held together somewhere by my supposed blades and I could not move them further apart than a foot and a half anymore.
“Emma! What are…” I said stupidly.
She laughed.
“Once the clips are in place, you can just tighten the strap with a quick tug. Brilliant. Here.” I heard the same sound and the straps near my wrists were tugged towards each other. Now my wrists were fixed about eight or ten inches apart, dangling by my butt. I waggled my hands, endlessly realizing my arms were now secured in a straight line behind my back. The tough leather of the sleeves and the equally tough material of the straps and clips were not going to give. My arms were bound behind me! I was in bondage! I was helpless. There was no way I could even bend my arms to try and reach the clips to free myself.
“Emma… Please… I…”
I heard a click and felt more tugging and tightening again.
Emma walked around me smiling.
“There was a third set between the elbow and wrist ones. Its amazing how simple an arrangement it is. You can’t get loose, can you?” She ended up asking like a scientist studying a bug, rather than a woman who had just bound another woman’s arms and wrists behind her.
I worked my arms left and right a bit, but could not pull the up or down. They were held significantly straight by the leather of the sleeps. I was well and truly trapped.
I found myself breathing hard. I lied to myself about my shortness of breath even as I felt heat in my loins. What was going on with me?
“Emma… I’m… I’m… afraid…” Iconfessed. Looked at her in what I knew was this soft and helpless feminine face.
She pouted looking into my face.
“Don’t be afraid… its just me, darling. I……” She stopped. Hesitated and then leaned her head in below my chin.
“What is it? What are you looking at?” I asked a bit alarmed.
Emma reached her hands up below my chin I felt a tugging on the collar of the outfit. There were those tightening sounds again.
I stepped back from her. It was too late, of course. She had somehow tightened the collar of the suit I was wearing. Zipping it up so that it stood high on my neck. It made turning my head right of left hard.
“Stop it, Emma. I don’t like this!” I stomped my foot. Trying to reassert control of events.
Emma ignored me looking thoughtful instead.
She walked past me. She took one of the hooks hanging from the ceiling on a bit of cable. If felt her grab the collar at the back of my suit and pull me back a step.
“Hey!” I cried, trying to stop her, only to feel my arms fully again. Feel them held in straight lines, rigid behind my back. Useless. “Stop! Whatever you are…” I could feel her doing something though obviously, I could not see at the back of my neck.
Then she walked around to stand in front of me. I took a half a step to the side only to come up short. Something was keeping me from walking… the Hook! She had attached it somehow to the collar of my leather suit. A suit that was now binding my arms and had collared me so that I could be tethered to the ceiling by a strong cable so I could not move more than a foot in any direction.
“Emma! Let me go. Let me go right now!” I demanded, pulling and tugging usefully. I was bound. Writhing about. The leather of the suit might give a half inch, but it was tough and would never break. “Let me go… Emma. Please…” I whimpered at the end, I think. I looked at her like some damsel in distress.
She was standing there. I was suddenly incredibly conscious of her outfit again. The catsuit. The black catsuit. Her breasts bulging up from the front. The outline of her privates. Her eyes. Her earrings. All she lacked was a riding crop to be a total dominatrix. It was a poor choice of imagery since it made my eyes to track over the cupboards Grace had built into the walls. There were a couple of riding crops over there.
She stood calmly. Looking at me thoughtfully.
“Let me go, Emma.” I said, I was pissed that my voice quavered a bit as I said it.
“Go?” She teased me.
“Untie me.”
“Untie you, June? I haven’t tied you. Do you see any rope?”
I stamped a foot in frustration.
“Damn it, Emma. Unstrap me then. Uncuff me. Whatever you want to call it…”
She took a step closer to me.
I looked at her there close in front of me. The dominatrix. I was suddenly really nervous again. I realized I had lost control here. She was in control.
“Oh.” she said. “I think I get what you mean. You are caught up in what you are wearing. You’re own clothes. You want me to undress you. Is that it? You want to be taken out of your clothes…?” Her voice got quieter with each word, dropping to a whisper and she stepped closer still. She was less than a foot from me now. “You want to be stripped. Is that it, June?” She was staring at my mouth the whole time.
I Found myself breathing hard.
“Emma. Please… No!”
She smiled and now she was six inches from me instead. I was her helpless plaything. Bound. I tried to pump myself up for outrage. Instead, I realized blood was rushing to my loins instead. I was a character in one of Grace’s movies. I was getting really turned on. It embarrassed me to do it right there in front of my BFF.
Her eyes were bright. They had changed. I saw the same love that had always been in them, but transformed. Transformed by… at the last second I knew what it was. Lust. She was turned on too.
She ever so slowly snaked an arm around my wait. The other then slowly tangled in my shoulder length hair at the base of my skull.
“OK…” She whispered. I could feel her breath on my face. “I’ll help you out… June. But first, I just have to have that mouth…” She leaned, pulled me against her and kissed me. I remember tugging and pulling on my severely straight arms, bound in their leather sleeps and clips while she did it. Resisting. Physically. Trying to resist. She cocked her head. Her lips grazing on mine. I was helpless to resist.
Suddenly, I did not want to resist. She had me immobilized in leather. I returned the kiss. Surrendered.
I was hanging there wrapped in her arms and my clip got a twininge as her own public region slide over mine.
It was the kiss. Like the one in the video Between Grace and he unknown lover. I cocked my head the opposite way and we were kissing deeply and fully. Taking our time. Enjoying it. If I had not been bound at the beginning, I might have really resisted. Pushed her away. Fled. I have a male husband after all. I couldn’t now though. I was helpless. Bound. My beautiful and wonderful friend was kissing me. Any and every lesbian or bisexual fantasy I had ever had, not matter how short, got rolled up into that kiss. All the bondage fans were rolled up into that kiss. Everything that I loved about Emma suddenly came to the fore in that kiss too. A totality of love and lust. I was kissing her back.
We both sensed the sea change.
Both felt it, because I think I whimpered around her lips and she abruptly moaned into mine.
Before it was over, both of us were thrusting our mons forward and in circles. Our breath was roaring through our noses. It went on forever. Or fifteen minutes which seemed to stretch out to forever anyway.
I think our lips were getting raw by the time she finally let go and stepped back. She stared at me intently. When she spoke, she surprised me.
“You poor thing. You are really horny, aren’t you?” She asked clearly.
I shook my head. The last of my heterosexual denial.
She wasn’t buying it. Slowly she knelt. I was looking straight down that great cleavage, catching a glimpse of rigid dark pink nipple. She fiddled about with the clap on the leather suit. Her knuckles pressing in as she manipulated it. I moved to feel them press on the hood of my clip. The crotch piece fell away. I whimpered. My vulva was in full view.
She grinned up at me, hanging helpless from the ceiling while she knelt there.
“Whew. I could smell you when you first came downstairs.” She giggled at my helpless blushing gaze back. She reached up and pulled my panties down. Slowly. Lingeringly. I whimpered and danced about. I was stripped. I could not stop her. She had me. She stood back up and I gasped as I felt her gentle fingers on me below. Easy teasing my labia apart. I was sopping. I understood in the bondage of that leather suit. “I have wanted to touch you likeThis for a long time, June.” She said, her eyes inches from mine. “I’ve never had the courage or the moment to do it before. Now you’re hanging here. Bound in your leather suit. Her pussy open. Expected. You are mine. Mine to play with.”
I shook my head from side to side. Denial that I should have known she wanted me before. Hopeless denial that I was now panting and utterly turned on.
“Huh! Huh! HUH!” I said as her fingertips pressed my outer and inner labia apart and flicked my clip from the back of me to the front of me. “HAaaaa!” I cried and she wriggled her finger side to side.
“I want you to come for me…June. My darling June.” She said tenderly as she looked up at me. The collar made it hard to look down at her. I looked at the silk sheets until I closed my eyes.
She reached up with her other hand and swiftly unzipped two zippers on the chest of my maroon suit that I had barely noticed. One over each breast. She dug in and seized each of my nipples in turn, pulling my tits out even as she masturbated me. I think I moaned. She teased, pinched and caressed them both, only adding to my excitement.
I had planted my feet wide apart by now without any thought to give her access to my down below. I might have been reluctant at first, but I certainly was not resisting any longer. My arms were immobilized. I was tied-up. By this woman. I could not free myself. She owned me in the moment. She was taking me. She had kissed me. Kissed me in such a way that I forgot who was kissing me. Soft breasts instead of a hard chest against mine. A shaft of flesh instead of a hard bulge pressed into mine. No stubble surrounding the soft lips. I kept squirming as each of these thoughts swept through my mind.
A woman…a woman was playing with me!
A woman I loved. Frigging my wet vagina. Teasing, tickling and rubbing my cliporis. Her fingers seeming to come from different directions each time. I moaned. Woman or man, I was on fire. That kiss had driven me into my head. Into my deepest fansies. I yanked and tugged on the cable pinning me to the ceiling. I pulled on the clips and sleeps pinning my arms behind me. I wriggled. Surrendering. Letting myself go into what was happening.
Bondage and domination were fantasying every woman engages in, but does not expect to have them visited on them unexpectedly. The surprise of this situation would have been tragic, except it was my best friend doing it. A woman I trusted absolutely. A lesbian contact is also in the basket of women’s fans. Not one most women expect to actually live out. And here I was. Tied. Helpless. Half nude. Being masturbated by another woman. The speed of her fingers increased and I was going nuts. A woman in bondage and being masturbated by another woman. One who kissed me like that. Totally. Lovingly. I kept thinking about it.
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