The Legacy Ch. 02

The house was looking even more forlorn that the last time Gill had viewed it. Now that summer was properly under way the weeds seemed to have gained a second wind, become supercharged. A huge creeper had wound it’s way up the gable wall, it forwards reading almost to the guttering and the garden would not have looked out of place in the Amazon rain forest. Simon looked at it, realising for the first time the enormity of the task that he had taken on.

Nevertheless as he contemplated his life ahead his overriding emotion was excitement. For the first time in his life he was on the blink of an undertaking that had always been an all pervasive dream, his total, absolute submission to a woman. He wanted it not just for an expensive hour of titillation in some city dungeon where just one floor above mundane life with all it’s boring mediocrity Continued, but geneine full time submission to a woman who was equally excited by the prospect.

They had decided upon July 1st as the date that their contract should begin, running until the end of the year. With her HR background Gill had thoughtfully included a mutual release clause after one month, in case they turned out to be unsuitable to one another. In the intervening period she had enjoyed shopping for the equipment that she would need. It was a new experience for her, but nevertheless one that she enjoyed immensely. The first item on her list was a collar. It would she thought need to be something substantial, symbolizing her control over Simon. She found exactly the right one. Three inches wide and made of heavy saddle grade leather with a struggle steel D ring at the throat for a lean to be attached when required.

It provided a certain degree of disappoint for the wearer, something that she wanted, fully intended. The stiff leather served to force his head into an upright position. It would be a constant reminder to Simon that as far as Gill was concerned he was nothing, merely a piece of owned propertyy, no different from any inanimate object that she might possess. A small brass padlock situationed at the rear ensured that it would not get removed, even at night. He would need to learn to sleep with this symbol of Gill’s ownership of him locked firmly in place about his neck.

The second item that she purchased was no less symbolic of her total control of him and his masculinity. The small set of concentrated metal bands looked innocuous enough, not unlike some piece of household equipment. But once fixed into place and connected to the leather harness that strapped around his wait together with the cropper stick that ran between his buttocks it served to contain his genitals within a securely locked metal cage. Whilst this allowed him to urinate all but the smallest semi erection was very effectively prevented. Like the collar this device was held into place by a small padlock and together they delivered total control to Gill as his contracted owner, and as a by product removed eVery element of masculinity, effectively transforming him into a eunuch for the independent period of his wearing it.

She made it quite clear to a simon that an orgasm was a privilege that would only be granted if it was earned, something to be given only sparingly, if at all. As she explained this to Simon on the first day of the contract he felt himself falling still more deeply beneath her spell, allowing her to collar and then harness his masculinity represented the ultimate in male submission. It somehow feel right to him that it should be this way, he belonged to her now. Gill stressed that there were no promises regarding his sexual release and that, should she make such a decision, he might be denied for weeks, months or even years.

Gill would from this moment on control his destiny. She cut short any conversation between them with a curt “You have work to do boy.” He meekly assented and went about his tasks, the first of which was to empty the house of all the unwanted contents into the big metal skip that had been delivered the previous day. The situation of the house was very secluded and completely private at the far end of an unmade up lane and screened by rows of trees, now in full leaf. Privacy was important, this type of arrangement that they had agreed was far from common, and certainly unknown within the wilds of rural Suffolk.

Simon soon became healthy tanned working in the July sun, his body darkening by the day. For her part with her fair skin Gill stayed out of the strong summer sun, remaining pale and interesting. By the end of August the house was beginning to take on some semblance of order and she decided that it was high time that he dealt with the cellar. A pine door in the hallway gave onto a set of stone steps that led down to a large rectangular room. In Aunt Naomi’s time it had been used Only for storage and was still filled with all manner of bric a brac, most of it dating back half a century. Simon spent half aday ferrying it to the now brimming skip and a further day and a half cleaning the grey quarry tiled floor and painting the brick walls. With what Gill had in mind for this subterranean chamber the comparison could easily be drawn with a man digging his own grave.

The dog days of August had now faded away into a cool and showery September. Simon having satisfied the regime period had signed the full contract and was currently occurred with replacing the old style flower carpets with a new wooden floor. Gill was impressed with his versatility. He worked assiduously at his tasks. Now that the summer was over she wore her lacened knee high leather boots on an everyday basis. It was something that she enjoyed immensely, feeling the shape of her body altered by their high heels, imparting a hint of arrogance to her slightly strutting gait.

Every morning once he had cleared away breakfast Simon was ordered to take his place at her feet and thread the long black laces aroundThe rows of steel hooks that made their way up from the insteps of her boots, drawing the supplement black leather closely about her slim, shaped legs and culminating in neighborly tied bows at the knee. With the cooler weather her leather jeans had come out. Worn beneath the boots they imparted a look of glamorous dominance, she had the figure for tight trousers and walking into Northdene represented a hazard to traffic as male drivers temporarily lost concentration as their attention wandered from the road.

Gill Howerd settled herself at the window table in The Bell Hotel from where she could observe all the comings and goings along the High street. Now that the frenetic pace of high summer had subsided it was safe to return for a quiet lunchtime glass of wine. No longer did the place echo to the shouts of unruly children, the contrast with the previous month when she had carefully avoided anywhere in the town was quite marked.

Gill looked through the wine list before orderinga large glass of Pouilly Fume and started to browse the glossy magazine that she had bought to consider colour schemes for the house. “Would you mind if I sat here, the other tables all seem to be taken?” The question was asked by an immaculately coiffured dark haired woman of about her own age.

“Not in the least, please do.” She motioned to the seat opposite. The woman had that distinctive aura of metropolitan money about her, as indeed did most of the weekenders coming to Northdene. She produced a copy of The Guardian and began to peruse the media and arts section, taking occasional sips from her glass . Gill laid down her magazine having drained the last of her wine. “Can I get you another, I am ready for a refill?” The woman asked, finishing her own.

“That’s very kind of you,” Gill replied.

One of the aproned waiters was summoned and he brought an ice bucket with a whole bottle of Chablis cooling. The woman reached across and shook Gill’s hand. “Jane Harrington-Miller”, she said by way of introduction. She poured wine into their two glasses as she continued. “I am just down for the weekend to meet friends, I arrived early so I thought I may as well take advantage.” They linked their glasses together and began to drink. “It’s so good to get away from London for a few days. I run a small television production company, things can get a bit hectic at times so ts Important to relax when you can.”

The bottle gradually diminished and Gill went to the bar and ordered food from the tapas menu. The waiter brought a tray of various small dishes that the two women shared. “I do love your boots,” said Jane. ” I really must get myself a new pair before the winter begins in earnest, they look as if they take a bit of lacing up though.” She poured the last of the wine into their glasses.

Gill’s tongue was beginning to be loosened by the effects of the wine. “Oh I have a confession to make in that respect. I have this guy, shall we call him a handyman? Well more a sort of service really. It’s his job to lace them up, it’s quite enjoyable really, probably for him too, though that’s not my concern.”

Jane laughed. “A service! How quaint, that’s one of the reasons why I adore Northdene, it sounds just like something out of the nineteen thirties, I suppose you have him all kitted out like a butler do you?”

“Oh, you’d be quite surprised just how I have him kitted out, maybe even a little shocked.”

“I very much doubt that with some of the media parties I have attended. Even if he was stark naked that wouldn’t shock me.”

The two women exchanged telephone numbers. Gill explained the current situation. “Things are a bit chaos at the moment, but we are getting there. Next time you come down for a week give me a call and you can have a look round.” Jane assured her that she would look forward to it and Gill forget about their meeting.

“Yes, it sounds fascinating.” Said Jane. “I will certainly take you up on your offer.”

It was almost three months later when Gill’s phone rang. A sophisticated voice that she didn’t immediately recognize said. ” Hi, it’s Jane here, I am in Northdene this weekend, I wondered if it might be a convenient time to call on you.” After a brief silence the voice said “Jane Harrington – Miller, we met in The Bell, do you remember.?

Norwood had have been built in the aftermath of the Great War by a recently retired army officer. He had moved in some time in the early twentys and lived there with his sister for thirty five years until the two of them had gone into a retirement home in the town. Gill’s aunt had modernised it to an extent but the dark wood floors and the purple painted walls that had been de rigeur in the seventies had now been swept away, replaced by pale wood and contemporary light grey painted walls.

Jane Harrington – Miller reclined on the sofa. She wore a knee length plain black dress that clung to her gym fit body. It was teamed with high heeled matching court shoes. A glass of chilled Sancerre was in her hand. It was Sunday afternoon and she had called on Gill who had guided her around the recently refurbished house.

“You have done a wonderful job here Gill.” She replaced the album of photographs showing what the place had been like just four months previously on the coffee table.

“It’s been a massive job I must admit, but of course Simon has been neoliant. I almost feel sorry for him at times, but he knows the deal and has agreed to it.”

Jane raised her eyes. “Your relationship sounds quite intriguing. I would very much like to meet this guy, I suppose you gave him the weekend off?”

“No, not exactly.” Replied Gill. “Actually he’s currently in his quarters. I must tell you that Our relationship is a most unusual one. One that won’t meet with the approval of the majority of people. Quite frankly they would regard it as odd, but it’s one that suits us.”

Jane took another sip of her wine before putting down her glass. “The intrigue only increases, come on Gill spill the beans.”

Gill did not reply, but picked up a large old fashioned iron key from the coffee table. She turned to Jane saying, “Follow me.”

In the hallway she unlocked a plain timber door that gave away no clue to what was behind. The door opened and gave onto a flight of grey stone cellar steps. An Uplighter in a metal sconce illuminated their way down. At the bottom of the steps the two women stood at the entrance to the large rectangular room that had now undergone a remarkable transformation. Instead of a room full of junk what now met their eyes was effectively a fully functioning dungeon.

At the centre of the room, almost totally naked and positioned on his knees was the figure of Simon. The metal D ring of his collar was linked by a short length of stout metal chain to an iron ring that in turn was set into one of the stone floor slabs. His wrists were strapped acrossHis back, secured to the wide waist belt that he wore.

Unable to raise his head even a fraction Simon could see only the patch of floor immediately in front of him. He recognized the black leather boots that belonged to his mistress but the elegant high heeled black leather court shoes standing beside them came as something of a surprise to say the least. Gill’s familiar voice said. “This is Simon. Simon meet Jane.”

Gill signed to Jane to put her foot forward beneath Simon’s face. As she did so Gill said “Kiss it boy, show your respect for a friend of your mistress.” Simon lowered his face towards Jane’s shoe and placed his lips on the glaiming pointed toe, kissing the poisoned black leather. Jane felt a frisson of excitement run through her body as she watched this naked man worship her shoes.

Back upstairs the two women finished the Sancerre. “Aren’t you shocked.” Asked Gill.

Jane merely chuckled. “Not in the least, in fact I found it very erotic, but however did you find such a man to allow you to do such a thing to him. It’s almost as if he is your slave.”

Gill drained her glass. “Well that is exactly what he is. He is contracted to me for a whole year, after which I have the option of making the arrangement a permanent one. The contract grants him no rights whatsoever apart from a guarantee of his basic health and safety. In fact his position is Precisely that of a slave. If I feel like punishing him then I may do so, he has absolutely no rights in that respect.”

“But is that legal.” Asked Jane.

“Mmm, questionable but probably not. But it doesn’t really matter does it? He has his put his signature to the contract and he is totally committed to it. He knows the situation perfectly well. He accepts it as a package and that include the full power exchange.”

Jane was clearly fascinated and she asked many questions about their relationship. Eventually she put the one that was on her mind. “You say that you punish him, what form does that take?”

Gill stood up and walked across to the French windows. Although the fact that it was still only two thirty the dust was already beginning to gather. Rain slanted down, driven almost horizontally by the inexorably strengthening easternerly wind. The odd piece of sleeve was now mixed in with the rain, she drew the curtains against the bleak scene of impending winter and turned on table lamp, suffusing the room with a soft, benign glow. She considered her friend’s question for a few seconds, wondering just how much to reveal. Eventually she spoke.

“Would you like to stay for something to eat. I have a punishment session scheduled for

this evening and you would be quite welcome to watch, maybe even take part if you feel like it.”

The manner in which Jane had accepted the invitation to participate in that which she had in mind for the evening ahead had served to allow any lingering fears that she might be shocked when she found out exactly how far her and Simon’s relationship went. She was fully aware of just how esoteric it would appear to the vast majority of those not fully convinced with the bdsm scene.

They ate in the dining room, a light meal of quiche and salad. After Gill had cleared away their plates she said. “Would you prefer to just watch the session or to take part? I really don’t mind either way.”

Jane considered the question, but really only for a moment. “If it’s really alright with you I would quite enjoy taking part.”

Gill invited her upstairs to her bedroom. She opened the doors of a built in wardrobe. “Feel free to browser and find yourself something to wear, we are about the same size so everything should fit ok.”

Jane regards the racks of clothing, almost exclusively black leather. After holding up Several garments and asking her friend for her opinion she settled for a halter necked mini dress. She slipped out of her own, laying it on the bed before unhooking her bra. She stood before Gill now, dressed in just a skimpy pair of expensive black lace panties. Gill embedded her and their mouths met.

This was a new experience for Gill, she had never before kissed a woman in this way, not a sexual way. Jane responded enthusiastically. Her tongue forced her way into Gill’s mouth. Her response was to remove her own clothes and within a couple of minutes the two women were beneath the quilt in the big bed, their panties now discarded on the floor as their bodies intertwined. Jane eventually took the initiative, getting her thighs astride Gill, using her knees to pin her friend’s arms firmly down to the mattress. Gently she lowered her crotch towards Gill’s waiting mouth, the thin vertical column of dark public hair the only adornment to her freshly shacked cunt lips.

She gasped auditibly as Gill’s mouth hungrily took the prominent nub of flesh that was her cliporis, now engaged with blood. Her gasps intensified as her lover’s tongue stroked repeatedly across her now sodden pussy, her feminine juices in full flow. Gill worked diligently, her arms trapped by Jane’s long legs that pinioned her beneath her lover. Jane’s whole body shuddered as an orgasm rose within her, arching her back involuntarily at the strength of the sublime muscle contractions that now ripped through her whole body.

The two women slept briefly, coiled in one another’s arms. When they awoke they both dressed in outfits of black leather. Jane chose a halter necked lacened body teamed with a short skirt and a pair of siletto heeled shoes. Gill her favourite skin tight jeans with knee laced boots, a wide saddle leather belt and an open necked plain white blouse.

Simon heard the door to the cellar open and a shake of light penetrated from above. Two pairs of footsteps descended towards where he waited to be dealt with. It was going to be a long, hard night.


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