The Leather Worker Chapter 2
Depression and Acceptance
I felt sad. I was bound. Helpless. The wide thick leather snugged around my middle, pinning my arms. The leather mittens attached to it prevented me using my hands in any way to free myself. The gag filled my mouth with panty material. The final strap locked my ankles together where I balanced on my sole remaining shoes. I was done. Helpless. Naked. Unable to free myself. Jacki had me. I could do nothing to stop her. Something clicked in my head. A metal and emotional switch.
I just accepted it then. I had to accept it.
I stood still. I think I looked at Jacki with my eyes open and pleading and moaned around my gag, but I stood still looked at her. Staring. A stare of acceptance that she had me helpless. Acceptance that she had stripped me naked. Acceptance that she was in charge of whatever happened next.
Jacki stood there regarding me right back. Her eyes running up and down me. I couldn’t quite meet her eyes. There was shame still in my acceptance. I knew my breasts were hanging out. The top of my vulva and public hair and naked buttocks were on view for her. Nothing I could do about it.
I hung my head. Looking at the floor ashamedly. My body on display. I knew my face and chest were a bright red inn embarrassment.
She stuck her hand under my chin and lifted my head. Making me meet her eyes.
“Give up?” She asked.
I stared at her.
“Surrender?” She asked again, more firmly.
What could I do? I just nodded slowly. What else could I do? I was helpless.
“Very well. I am going to release you partially…” She held up her hand which held a two-inch-wide leather belt. “This is for your ass. If you don’t do What I say quickly or try and escape or anything, you get the belt. OK? Clear?”
I stared at her. Then at the belt. I nodded slowly.
With that nod, becoming complicit in my own captivity. Accepting her conditions. Accepting everythinging really. No belt to my ass though. No spanking. No whipping to gain my compliance.
She knelt and unbuckled my ankles. She tapped my ankles. I got the message. I kicked off my remaining shoes. I felt the rope stretch between my shoulder blades and the big belt around me tighten even further. I was standing on my toes now, they just reached the floor. If I had not stood on my toes, I would simply be almost be hanging from the ceiling by the wide span of leather around my middle. I accepted it. Straining to be on tippy-toe.
I moaned a bit. I was completely helpless. Feeling it all over.
I looked at her.
I am sure I looked talentful.
She reached up and gently put her hand on the side of my face. Half on flesh, half on the wide band of the leather gag. She smiled a smile of sympathy. It only lasted a second though.
She went behind me.
The I felt her hands around my neck along with more leather. I heard buckles clicking at the base of my skull. I feltHer fingers doing something. Sliding leather. Tugging. It took me few seconds to realize what was going on. A collar! She was putting a collar on me! I moaned again and wriggled in protest a bit. I felt a slap on my naked button and went still. Remembering. Accepting. Thus, I ended up essentially just letting her collar me.
Leaving me her naked bound plaything.
She walked around me and stood in front of me again. She had yet another slim piece of leather in her hand this time. It had a clip on the end. She attached it below my chin to my new collar. Probably to a metal ring below my chin. I while and hung my head ashamedly. I was now leashed. Collared and leashed.
It was so humiliating. Jacki had me. I accepted it.
She walked to the wall and I felt the tightness go off the wide belt pinning my arms as she eased tension the rope.
I was at last back on my own feet. Flat on the floor. Finally! Jacki let the rope go slack. She stood there by the cleat regarding me. I noticed she was breathing pretty fast, but did not think much of it since I was busy walking in my own new subservice. She walked behind me. I was aware of some kind of fumbling near my spine and naturally envisioned she was releasing whatever knot held the rope to the wide belt around me. Then she stepped back in front of me and picked up the narrow piece of leather that had been dangling from my collar. She held my leash in her hand. In the other, she held the belt that I knew she would use on my ass if I defied her.
She took the leash and tugged on it.
I stood still. I was wrestling with my feelings suddenly. A last vestige. A final hint of resistance. Something weird had just penetrated through to the whirl of emotions in my brain. I suddenly saw it clearly for the first time. My acceptance of my condition had… had made me feel… flush. Another person, a woman, had immobilized me. Put me into leather bondage. I had accepted it. The heat invaded me. Weirdly, it filled my belly. My loins. I realized fully then that I was hot. Not just body temperature either. My clip and given me a twitch when I realized I was collared. As she tugged on that lean, it throbbed again. My loins had begun to heat up as she made me stand there helplessly. Looking me over blatantly. It had been building in me for a few minutes, but it smoked home into my brain completely at that instant. I was bound and gagged and now I was horny too? Something about this was getting to me? Turning me on? Ms. straight girl. Never ever envisioned anything like being tied up in leather. Certainly not by another woman. Certainly not by Jacki. What the hell?
I just adjusted to it. Accepted it.
Jacki wasn’t waiting. She pulled on the leash until I staggered into motion. Me having to make little circular round baby steps inside the circuitfrance of the strap that held my ankles together. Grunting a bit to accomplish it. My roommate led me around the living room area for a minute, to get me used to just going where she led me, I think. Then she took me almost hoping into her bedroom. She eventually shoved me onto the bed and pushed me up on the mattress towards the headboard a bit. She left the room a minute and came back with yet another leather thing. I rolled my eyes, but lay still. I accepted I wasn’t going to free myself. She unfasted my ankles from their side-by-side position. Then she ended up putting the soles of my feet against each other. I blushed beet red since this spread my legs and left my pussy open and exposed. Then she used this new arrangement of leather she had brought in a complex way that put a cuff on each ankle and a web of straps between them that left my feet fixed to each other as they were. Soles together. Spread. Leather wrapping around Each ankle and instep, like stirrups or something and attached to each other. It left me with my legs wide, unable to close them or do anything with them other than form a big trianglethat left my vulva on open view.
My wet vluva.
Jacki stood there staring at my labia. I am sure they were damping looking, because she smiled and flicked her eyes to my face a couple times, before returning her eyes to my sex again. She stared at me for a couple minutes that way. I squirmed in protest. At least I think it was protest. Moving my shoulders up and down. Jerking on those big balls of leather that keep my hands in fists. Rolling my hips side to side. I guess it was protest in some form, but to be frank, I realized it must look pretty lewd too. It might easily be taken for an invitation.
In the end, Jacki leaned down and finished tightening my ankles into her rigid rig and stood there breathing hard, looking down at me fro thirty more seconds. I squirmed some more. She was staring right at my labia again!
It penetrated my brain fully then.
My acceptance of this had become sexual. With another woman.
I was fearful then. Had never been with anothe woman before. Had to accept it though.
I was completely helpless in her leather.
She walked over to stand beside me. She reached down, almost tenatively I thought, and ever so gently dragged her finger tips up my inner labia which were in plain view since my position held my outer lips wide. I breathed in sharply.
There it was then. The overt sexual line crossed.
I Thought her look was a little wondering as she stuck three of her finger tips, side by side, on the top of my slit. She rubbed it gently in circles. I lasted about fifteen seconds, feigning indifference before my clip betrayed me and I began to raise and lower my hips ever so slightly. Increased contact as far as I could. She drew back her fingers and spanked the top of my vulva. Spanked is perhaps too hard a word. Batted perhaps. Tapped hard. Three times. Iy set up a victory through my cliporis. Then she began to stroke and rotate my cliporis again. She went on like that. For several minutes. Rub. Spank. Rub. Tap. Rotate. Bat. I know after the first minute or so I was fully erect. I am sure my cliporis was jutting out from under its hood down there. I could hear wet sounds from below as her fingers went across the soft rubber of my labial lips.
So, look, I am a straight girl. I’ve had a couple fansies around threesomes, but never about one on one with another woman. Something had twisted in my brain now though. I could not stop it happening. I was helpless. Truly helpless. Bound up in my leather restraints. I wasn’t going anywhere until Jacki let me. I had accepted that. Now I realized that acceptance had gone further. I was accepting what I was feeling too. Enjoying being controlled. Being bound. Being played with while helpless. Some of my deeper, darker fansies were coming true. Not with who I might have imagined three hours ago and left to my own devices, but coming true never the less. I was suddenly breathing hard and pushing my twat upwards for more activeely. Begging with my labial lips for action.
physically urging her on now.
Mentally urging her on now.
She keep it up. Rubbing. Rotating me. Spanking me. She even began to dip a finger into me on each pass and tease my clip from the bottom up, which I really liked. I was panting though my nose over the gag now. Panting. Unable to breath very well through the panties and leather that blocked my mouth. I only had my nose, but I had enough air to keen and moan in the back of my throat as I got closer and closer to coming.
She looked down at me. At my face.
“You are hot for it, aren’t you?” A statement as much as a question.
I groaned. The question a test of my acceptance.
“You want me to finish you off, don’t you?”
I could not look at her. I was embarrassed at being so easy. Made sexy easy by being made helpless.
She sped up her fingers on me then. Spank. Rub. Rotate. Tickle. Pat. Pat.
Almost unconsciously I had set up a series of moans into the panties that filled my mouth. Pushing my loins to receive her play.
“Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.” And on and on.
“You have a… a naughty pussy.” She grinned down at me. “That is what I think I will call you… Little miss ‘naughty pussy!’”
It was crazy, but I was so into my new leather headspace, but being called ‘Miss naughty pussy’ was a further turn on for me.
I began to moan still louder. Begging to come in my bondage.
“Mmm” Thrust. Spank. Tickle. “MMMMnnn!” Rotate. Rub. Pat. “Mmmmph!” Rotate. Spank. Rub. I climbed higher and higher.
I was breathing like a bellows through my nose now. Lightheaded. Oxygen deprivation was part of it. I could only get air in Through my nostrils. I was almost hyperventilating I was so excited. I was right on the edge of coming. Straining against all the leather stuff so that it creamed and groaned as I thrashed about.
Then Jacki stopped.
She stepped back and then slowly anddeliberately walked away.
Across the room to the door.
“MMmmmmmmmmmmmm!” I yelled into my gag. My only tool of protest.
She looked back at me as she opened it.
“Hold that thought. I have a surprise for you.” She walked out.
I know I moaned then. All I could do was wave my trapped hands in their little sacks of leather at her. And groan loudly.
“Mo! MO! Mo!” I begged through her wadded panties watching her close the door.
I lay there in frustration. I wrote a couple times in protein, straining to get the my leather clad fists over far enough to rub on my clip, but it was useless. The leather straps holding to the stiff leather belt around me keep them and inch away from toughing anything that could take me over the top.
I moaned.
I think I was panting, trying to get more air into me as I passed out.
So that was how I awoke there, probably only a few minutes later. On Jacki’s bed. Still bound. Still helpless.
It took a while. Not sure how long as there were no clocks visible.
I estimate it was more than a half hour, when the door opened.
Jacki walked back in.
She was naked.
Her bush was on full display now. Something I had never seen. Silky looking black like the tangle of hair on her head. Her brownish nipples stood out about a half inch form her handful sized breasts. They looked odd. Kind of wet. The nipples really standing out.
She had one of the thin pieces of leather in her hand.
Like my leash.
She grinned at me.
“I brought you a friend, Marie… I mean… naughty girl!”
She two handed tugged on the leash and someone staggered in.
She was an older woman. Probably in her fifties.
She had salt and pepper gray hair in a disheveled looking bouffant style. She had been wearing… well… underwear, but like something out of an earlier time. A foundation girl kind of thing that had strraps over her shoulders and followed her form, squeezing a bit of the weight she carried into an hourglass. One of her big breasts was out of its, cup though, hanging out and dangling. Its huge nipple was distinctly brown and stood out like the end of a little finger. Where the girl ended on her body, just shy of where her labia were, something was wrong. Her neither region should have been covered by panties. There were none. Instead, her pair of fat labia hung down a bit and were squeezed together by her big thighs. The whole show framed a think tuft of black public hair with two bulges of flesh defining her notch.
Of course, the really amazing thing was her arms. They were behind her back. Forearms probably lying on forearms while her palms gripped the opposite elbow. It was impossible to tell, since the totality of her arms was encased in a kind of leather sling, that appeared to cradle her forearms together. Along each other below her shoulder blades. The arrangement held in place by straps that went over her shoulders and crossed across her upper chest.
Another of Jacki the leather worker’s wonders.
Staring at those straps drew my eyes up to her face and I realized in that instant that I knew her.
It was Ms. Moskewitz.
I belonged to the local home-owners association. Ms. Moskewitz was its chairperson. A bit of legend since she owned like six or seven houses in the neighborhood as well as a small apartment building. Rumor had it she owned several other buildings and houses elsewhere too. She was wealthy.
She had a collar around her neck that Jacki’s leash was attached to.
She was standing there and looking at me openly.
I am sure I was blushing bright red. I was after all, lying bound and naked on my roommate’s bed. Helpless to… well… to even move much really.
Jacki shortened Ms. Moskowitz’ lean and pulled her along. She wasn’t resisting much.
Then a naked Jacki was standing there by the bed with a more than naked Ms. Moskewitz behind her, arms bound along her spine in that leather sleepe and gating over Jacki’s shoulder. I am sure that my eyes were big as saucers above that damned gag looking up at two hairy pssies a foot away from me.
“Marie, here is the deal. I need capital to expand my leather business into new products. For example, pieces like the bondage stuff holding you and Ms. Moskevitz here…” She pulled on the leash and the older woman stepped forward half a step until her knees hit the edge of the mattress. I looked up at her in amazement. She was staring at me. Or rather, part of me. Her eyes were fixed between my legs where my own neatly trimmed blond patch lay. “…I heard she might have extra cash so I approached her for a loan. She agreed, but the thing was she had developed this password for a woman who served with her on the board of the homeowner’s association. She is a widow. Apparently, she has developed in recent years a real thing for women. So she tells me. Right now, she’s got this real thing for you, Marie.” She chuckled. “So, I need the money, but I told her that if she wanted you, I might be able to arrange it, but that I had to control the scene. I wasn’t willing to put you at risk unless I could ensure your safety. So, she agreed again. The agreement was that she had to be modeling some of my stuff before she got anywhere near you. She agreed to it as a condition of my introducing her to you. Didn’t you, Ms. Moskewitz?” She slapped the older woman’s buttock forcedly and the woman grunted, never taking her hungry eyes off my bound form. I noticed her breasts were rising and falling rapidly. That big naked boob quivering. The nipple sticking straight out. Hard. Erect. The shaft of the breast behind it quivering as she breathed and her heart ran. It was hypnotic, somehow. Beautiful I realized.
“Up we go, honey!” Jacki said.
Suddenly Ms. Moskewitz was struggling to climb up on onto the bed with Jacki helping her. First one knee then the second.
I could see where this going, suddenly.
I struggled. I shook my hips and jerked my knees side to side. I pushed my elbows against that thick leather of that belt around my middle. I waved my little fists trapped inside their leather pouches where they were fixed by my hips. My useless protest for my departing heterosexuality really. Almost instantual.
All the while Ms. Moskewitz, with Jacki’s help was working her knees around, spreading her legs over my head so she ended up facing my feet. Her pussy was now gaping its dark lips wide so I could see her inner pinkness a few inches from my face. I caught glimpses of Jacki helping her lower herself slowly to lie along my length, stocky weight setting along my own slenderer length. Crushing me a bit. Her arms bound behind her. Suddenly I felt breath of my labia below and with a moan Ms. Moskewitz licked me with the bottom of her tongue.
I screamed into my gag and shoved my hips upwards.
It felt so good. What I had been longing for these last minutes.
Then Ms. Moskewitz was licking and slurping away on me. I’d like to say I was repulsed. I wasn’t.. If felt amazing! She would suck my clip ever so gently, then divide her head and thrust her tongue in to a bit, then drag the liquid that already filled me as a coating on her tongue so that the underlying of it flicked my clip from below, side to side and top to bottom. I waved my leather encased fists around in excitement and shoved my hips up and spread my legs wide as possible to help her.
All I could do was stare at her own pussy a few inches from my face, her wide white thighs were pillars on each side of my head. Smell her. Feel the heat of her.
She was moaning as she licked me and I realized something that destroyed me. That hairy tuft would rub across my chin as she moved and dug her head in deeper in my down below. She was trying to get her head and face in between my tights as deeply as possible. Pushing against her knees since her handswere useless and it all felt so good that all I suddenly wanted to do was to help her out too.
Jacki seemed to have read my mind, because she was suddenly there, looming over the space of daylight framed by the older woman’s ass cheeses. She reached down and did something to both sides of my gag. It loosened. She slowly began to pull it out from under my head and I raised it to assist her which put my eyes a inch from Ms. Mokewitz’ labia. Then the leather gag was gone. She reached into my mouth and pulled out the two pairs of panties to my incredible relief.
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