*** Allan and Randy meet
Allan was casually browsing the latest arrivals in his favorite section of The Book Nook (the only adult bookstore in the college town) when someone else came up next to him. The usual etiquette was to wait until the current browser was finished before moving in. Allan looked over to see who this uncouth individual was. To his surprise and embarrassment, it was Randy, one of his project teammates from work.
Randy seemed equally embarrassed. Both thought to themselves “My secret is out”. After a brief moment, both then realized that their secret was still safe but now it was shared. After an awkward pause, Randy suggested they do lunch.
Although they worked on the same project, they didn’t socialize much with each other or the rest of the team. Both enjoyed the company of their wives more than being with others and much preferred to practice their unique hobbies privately. But now that they realized they had a common hobby, it seemed appropriate to get to know each other better.
Allan asked, “How has Nancy been lately? She seemed a little out of sorts at that last team party.”
“You really mean ‘A little bitchy’, don’t you?”
“I was trying to be polite,” Allan said with a smile.
Randy replied, “She was getting real bad about complaining about everything for awhile last year. We talked it over and decided that sex was getting too ho-hum. We had gotten away from bondage games and I was frustrated and she was bored. We decided to rekindle our password and it had a side effect of making her very mellow in other situations. We figured that if she could complain, she would. When she was bound and gagged, all she could do was enjoy whatever was happening to her.”
Allan seemed to resonate with this thought. “Jan hasn’t seemed Very happy recently. I wonder if it might be the same problem?”
Randy continued, “On a whim last year, we went to a special event. There’s a guest ranch in the mountains thatcaters to bondage enthusiasts. The Lazy B Guest Ranch. Each year during the summer, they held a preliminary competition for the Miss Bondage World content. It was a stretch for Nancy to admit in public what we were into but she began to enjoy herself after a while. She even became a little competitive”.
Allan was puzzled. “How do you get competitive when you’re tied up?”
“When she saw how some of the other girls were being displayed and how turned on they seemed to get, she wanted the ropes tighter and the positions more difficult. We entered the Hog-tie event and got third place!”
Allan wondered, “I wonder if Jan would like to do this?”
Randy suggested, “Let’s take the girls out to dinner and ask them. Maybe Nancy could convince Jan to do it. We’re going this year. Nancy is really looking forward to it.”
*** A Trip Is Proposed During Dinner
They met at a nice French restaurant in a little town south of where they lived. Jan wasn’t sure about goingto dinner with Nancy after the last bad encounter, but Allan had insisted and anyway, they hadn’t been out to eat in a while.
Jan was surprised to see that Nancy was dressed in a sexy low cut black cocktail dress. The last time they had met, Nancy seemed very prudish and straight-laced. It was obvious that she was showing off this time because her breasts were pushed up so that a lot of cleavage showed. She was leaning across the table holding Randy’s hands and Jan could see right into her dress where her lacy black bra was well displayed. She didn’t make an effort to straighten up as Jan and Allan approached. Jan heard Allan takes a sharp breath and was a little jealous.
They all said “Hello” and got caught up on recent events while they waited for cocktails. Jan was surprised how happy and relaxed Nancy seemed, especially after how nasty she seemed at the last party.
The drinks came and they toasted to a good evening. As Nancy held up her glass, Jan was shocked to see what looked like faith rope marks on Nancy’s wrist. Nancy saw Jan staring at her wrist and gave Jan a wink and a sly smile. Jan flushed in embarrassment and quickly looked away.
During appetizers, Jan couldn’t help but make rich glances at Nancy’s wrists. She definitely saw marks on both of them. She couldn’t help but think about times when she had faith reminders of a wild time the night before and feel herself getting a little turned on. She found it difficult to follow the conversation.
Nancy was finishing a sentence, “.. and I find if I rub some cold cream on the rope marks, they fade very quickly. Have you ever tried that, Jan?”.
Jan was caught off guard. “No, I never thought of that. No, I mean I’ve never been tied up. Why would I have rope marks?” She thought maybe she was protesting too much.
Nancy replied, “Now, come on, I saw how you were getting flushed when you saw my marks. If you didn’t know what they were, you wouldn’t have recognized them. THere’s nothing to be embarrassed about – more people are into bondage than you realize.”
Jan was tongue-tied. “I’m a little uncomfortable talking about this.” However, she did feel like she was getting more turned on and felt warm. She excused herself to go to the washroom. As she walked to the back of the restaurant, she felt a suspicious wetness in her sex.
When she got back, Nancy continued. “Randy and I are going on a vacation to a really exciting guest ranch. It’s in a secluded location in the mountains and caters to fansies like ours. They have a special event in July that is just fabulous. If your job is getting you down, this is just the thing to rejuvenate you. Do you remember how bitchy I used to be?”
Jan admitted that she remembered.
“All I really needed to do was to completely surrender myself to pleasure and relinquish control over my life for a few days. It’s like a spa for the brain.”
Jan was feeling very strange. “I could never do something like that, especially in front of other people.”
“It’s a very safe and supportive environment. Everyone is role playing and our role is easy – just do what we are told and accept everything. I find myself sexually aroused almost the whole time. It’s great. Just say ‘Yes’ and Allan and Randy will take care of everything. Please? It will be fun having a friend along.”
“I’ll have to think about it”.
That night when they got home, Allan and Jan didn’t have to do much thinking. Jan was very turned on by the discussions that followed the invitation to the guest ranch and had already decided to go. Sex was great that night!
*** The Fitting
The week leading up to the start of their vacation was busy but Jan was distracted the whole time. One night they went to an exclusive shop in Denver that Randy suggested to pick out a necessary piece of Jan’s vacation wardrobe. All the girls at the guest ranch were required to wear an identification collar and Mr. Leather was the best place to get them.
The store was in a small shopping mall and featured typical leather goods like briefcases, pursuits, and gloves. However, if you were knowngeable, you went through an unmarked door that led to the rear showroom were more exotic goods were displayed. Pretty collars were just the tip of the iceberg.
Each collar was custom designed for the wearer and was a work of art. Allan looked at the various styles offered and selected a particularly elegant one. It was made of a soft black leather with elegant gold rings front and rear and an elaborate gold closure at the back. On both sides, criminal letters spelled out the wearer’s slave name in a flowing cursive script. It was certainly different than anything Jan had ever seen and looked like a piece of fine erotic jewelry.
For the fitting, Jan was shown to a comfortable leather sofa and offered a drink. An older gentleman then took her measurements. It was an odd situation but the surroundings andthe elegant manner of the Fitter put her at ease. Allan was very interested in all aspects of the fitting and insisted on using the highest grade of leather for the collar.
The Fitter brought out three stock template collars to check the fit. They were plain black collars just used to verify that the measures were accurate and the slave felt comfortable wearing it..
The Fitter chose the collar that matched the measures and gently fastened it around Jan’s neck. It seemed perfect. The leather was cool and the fit was snug but it did not seem tight due to careful attention to the details of the shape. It was wide enough to be slightly restrictive if the wearer tipped or turned her head. It was designed to be comfortable but still be a constant reminder that it was there.
Jan shivered as the collar was fastened around her neck, both due to the cool leather and her old fear of having her neck touched. As the Fitter closed the latch, the metallic snick of the lockmechanism caused a slight adrenaline rush and Jan felt herself lubricate.
“Does Madam feel comfortable with the collar?” Jan turned her head and felt the restrictions. It felt good if she kept her head forward. “Yes, it fits perfectly.”
Allan said, “That was the first template you tried. Good guess!”
“Sir, we strive for a perfect the first time. It is rare that we must do more than one fitting. But we like to be ready.” The Fitter was obviously a professional.
The Fitter suggested that she wear the collar for a few minutes to make sure it would be comfortable for extended wear. Another drink was offered as well as the chance to look around the showroom and inspect the other items. He also said that a final fitting for a body glove was being done and they were welcome to observe.
Allan looked around but didn’t see where the fitting was being done. The fitter pointed to a leather covered mannequin in the corner and said that was the slave Pasha. When he mentioned the name, the mannequin moved a bit and its long blond pony tail swayed. “She has been there for about thirty minutes making sure the glove is sufficiently strict. You are welcome to look it over”.
Jan gasped, “There’s a woman in there?”
“Yes, Madam, Pasha is a regular customer and is most discerning. She designed most of the outfit herself.”
Jan looked over the black cocoon and asked, “Why would she want to be wrapped in leather like that?”
“Ah, Pasha has an interesting history. When she was a teenager, she always wore very tight clothing but didn’t really know why. Her parents though she was just showing off for the young men but it went deeper than that. She has a stronger than average endorphin response to being hugged. The more complete and firmer the hug, the better she feels. Tight clothes help satisfied her need. When she left high school, she found a job as a showroom spokesmodel for Denver’s oldest corset company.”
Jan was surprised, “Denver has a corset company?”
“Oh, yes, Madam, Custom Corsets and Foundations has quietly been in business since 1876. They supply elegant undergarments to Denver’s fashion elite and provide quite a few foundations for weddings and proms. You would be surprised how much interest there still is in having a trim waist and lady-like posture.”
“Anyway, Pasha wore corsets almost all the time and the tighter the better. Yet she still feel like she needed more. One day, a gentleman brought his wife in to CC&F to try a corset (against her wishes, I might add). He was quite taken with Pasha and her love of tight-lacing. She became his Mistress, then soon after his wife and slave. Her Master is quite well off and is a prime supporter of our little business here. Since then, Pasha has been able to indulge her need for constant hugging in many most interesting ways. Enough of history – let me show you this lovely item Pasha is testing”.
They walked over to the bizarre object in the corner. It appeared that Pasha was mummified in black leather, save for her long golden ponytail.
The Fitter continued, “As you can see, the body glove is made from the highest quality Conolly leather supplied by the Rolls-Royce Motorcar Company. It is custom cut to Pasha’s desired measures (which, by the way, are considerably less than her normal measures). You will notice that the lower part is designed as a single high heeled boot, making her a mermaid of sorts (that was inspired by the movie “Splash”). The boot continues up to join with a more traditional corset style mid-section. The corset design is specially modified to allow the wearer to fold her arms behind her back where they are well secured, making them disappear when the glove is viewed from the front and giving the wearer the classic Venus de Milo look. There are laces from the ankles to the neck so that the glove can be adjusted as tight as needed.”
Allan asked how Pasha was able to balance on one single footprint.
“Ah, she has some help in that area. The wooden platform she is standing on is actually part of the glove. A stout steel beam is embedded in the base, becomes the siletto heel of the boot then continues up behind her legs to her pelvic area. The beam ends in a leather covered U-shaped saddle that supports much of Pasha’s weight and prevents her from tipping over.”
Jan asked the Fitter if that was uncomfortable.
“Oh, Heavens no. Once the wearer became accustomed to the rather intimate intrusion, it is actually quite pleasant. As a matter of fact, Pasha’s Master requested a special option to the glove. He was afraid that Pasha might be so comfortable by the incredible hug the glove provides that she might fall asleep while wearing it and miss much of the benefit. Do you see that steel knob protruding from the laces just above her knees? That is connected to the support beam. We have designed a ‘thumper’ that attaches to the knob and is programmed to givethe beam a gentle bump at random time periods of one to three minutes. The beam is designed to resonate when tapped and provides stimulating violations. Let me demonstrate with this little hammer.”
The Fitter tapped the steel knob protruding from the glove, producing a solid sounding “Thud” that seemed to echo a bit. The effect on the occasion of the glove was much more pronounced than one would have suspected. There was a brief but ineffective struggle that was little more than shivering. Some “mmmph”-like sounds came from behind the hood and the ponytail waved quite pretty. It was clear that Pasha was not sleep.
“This is the final fitting for the glove. The main thing was to get the beam to resonate properly. I think we have achieved our design goals. There are some other features that you might find interesting.
“Have you noticed the designs around Pasha’s breasts? She wanted the glove to be one piece but her Master insisted on access to her breasts when she wasencased in it. The designs you see are actually the edges a separate bra that can be removed if the Master desires but still remains an integral part of the glove structure when connected. We subcontracted to a local aerospace firm for that design and will use the principle in other products. We’re quite proud of that.
“If you look hard, you can see were the hood slightly overlapses the glove itself. Again, designs in the leather camouflage that joint, making it looks like it’s all one piece. The hood is actually a separate design that Pasha has had for some years and was one of her first erotic designs.
There are some new straps inside the collar of the hood that can be attached to the shoulders of the glove. When these are connected, a rope or chain can be attached to the ring on top of the hood and can then be secured overhead, making the glove even more stable. The Master sometimes over stimulates Pasha and she might tip over if not for the secondary support.”
Justas the Fitter was finished talking about the glove, a doorbell buzzed in the back. He exhausted himself and went to open the back door. Two white uniformed men with a hand truck were waiting in the alley.
“Mr. Wolfe has sent us to pick up his shipment,” one of the men said.
The Fitter pointed to the glove and said, “It’s all ready to go.”
The men wheeled the dolly over to Pasha, tipped her slightly and slipped the bottom plate under her base. They then tipped her back and wheeled her out to the waiting van amid a flurry of muffled moans and excited ponytail waving.
The Fitter said to Jan and Allan, “Well, I think Mr. Wolfe will be quite pleased. Now, how does that collar feel?”
After seeing the body glove, Jan thought the collar was not bad at all. She told the Fitter that it was perfect.
“Very good. We will have your collar ready in two days. The only thing I need now is the name to be used.”
Allan replied, “The slave is named Leia.”
“Ah,a lovely name, reminiscent of tawny skinned South Pacific girls. I think you will be very happy with your new collar.”
As Jan browser other areas of the showroom, Allan paid for the new toy. She was amazed at all the unusual items for sale. There were restraints of all kinds, items to be inserted in all imagineable orifices and things to be attached to various body protrusions. In another circumstances, she would have found all this erotica some disturbing but now she felt a little titillated by the various possibilities. She wondered what else Allan had in store for her. She also wondered what the guest ranch might offer.
*** The Horse Trailer
They were due to leave for the ranch on Saturday. That morning, Jan campered herself to get ready for the trip. A long bath, a fascial mask and some dilatory cream made her feel fresh and feminine.
She was surprised to learn that she would not be wearing much clothing during the week and started to have second thoughts. She was never one for public nudity and didn’t think she was ready to start now. Allan was persistent and argued that Nancy would be in the same state and besides, “Everyone else was doing it.” It was a silly argument but Jan decided to try it. They could always come home early if she was really uncomfortable with the whole situation.
She was allowed some clothes in the form of skimpy costumes that accentuated her full Figure but did little to hide it. For the trip to the ranch, Allan had selected some very sexy new lingerie patterned after 50’s Glamour photos. The Warner’s “Marilyn Monroe” line has a bra and panty set called “Niagara”. The bra was lacy and skimpy and very flattering. The panty was a thong panty with a very short see-through lace half slip attached. The slight fullness of the slip accentuated Jan’s narrow waist.
When Jan was dressed, Allan produced the new collar. “Are you ready?”
“As ready as I’m ever going to be, ” Jan answered tenatively.
Allan stepped around behind her and placed the collar on her neck. As at the store, Jan got a rush as the cool leather enclosed her neck. She shivered. She became the slave Leia.
“It feels good, Master”.
As the Master stepped back to view his lovely slave, he heard a vehicle pull into the driveway. It was Randy, right on time. He was driving a pickup truck and was pulling a horse trailer. Nancy was not in the cab.
The Master directed Leia to bring the suitcase and equipment bag to the garage where the she and the baggage would be loaded. Randy had already backed the trailer into the open garage so that nosy neighbors would not see what was happening. As Leia placed the bags by the rear of the trailer, Randy was unlocking the rear door.
When the door was opened, Leia peered inside and caught her breath, There were two poles inside, spacing equally from the front to the back of the trailer. Nancy, now the slave Sena, was standing against the front post. She didn’t look very comfortable. Six leather straps attached her firmly to the post. The straps were fastened at her ankles, above and below her knees, around her waist and above and below her breasts. Her arms were caught in the three upper belts and were tightly fastened to her sides. Sena looked around as the door was opened and Leia noticed that her collar was also fastened to the post, preventing Sena from lowering her head and forcing her to remain erect. Sena wore exactly the same outfit Leia wore.
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