The Lawyer

As a senior partner in my firm for twenty-plus years, I was a highly accomplished lawyer with an impeccable record in high-stakes cases. My managing partner enrusted me with our most difficult cases. My determination to win was unmatched among my peers.

As I was sifting through the never-ending pile of cases on my desk, each vying for my attention, I came across a file labeled “Rodriguez, Mia.” It contained details of a string of vandalism charges. 

“How’d this get here?” I said under my breath, insulted that something so trivial made it to my desk. I tossed it out into the hallway and returned to my desk, muttering, “I have more important matters to handle.”

The next day, the file had returned, sitting at the top of the pile. Annoyed, I walked it out to my secretary. “Please take This to our junior associates and let them fight over it,” I directed her.

“Are you sure? That file was hand delivered here by your boss,” she replied. “Something to do with Judge Rodriguez?”

“Jesus Christ,” I grumbled, connecting the name to the girl in the file. Xavier Rodriguez was an influential judge to whom I owed more than a few favors.

“You have an appointment with him in an hour, by the way, that I’m sure you forget about,” my secretary added dryly. 

“Great. Thanks,” I said, matching her sarcastic tone. I tossed the file back on my desk to be buried under my more pressing priorities. The last thing I wanted to do was take on this case. Reluctantly, I met with Judge Rodriguez. We greeted each other professionally. “What can I do for you?” I asked. 

“I’m seeking your expertise to represent my niece, Mia,” he replied. 

I leaned back in my chair. “Respectfully, Xavier, you know the cases I handle. This is well below the variety I’ll typically see. I’ve got a big trial coming up, and I can’t afford to spend what little time I have on petty crimes,” I said, doing my best to dissuade him. “I will give this to my best associate. I promise it’ll be in good hands.”

Xavier surprised. “I’m going to have to call in one of those favors on this one. Mia is a struggle kid just trying to show her art to the world. She may not be going about it in the right way, but she’s a good person. She’s had some hardship; her dad was never really around. I need to make sure she doesn’t get screwed here.”

I looked at him, making no effort to conceal my irritation. 

He continued, “She needs someone like you to straighten her out. Give her a chance.”

With a reluctant sight, I finally agreed. “Fine, but I’m doing this to pay a favor back, not because I find joy in babysitting.”

“Great! I’m so happy we could work something out,” he said, smiling from ear to ear. I shook his hand, and he left. I grumbled my grievances as soon as he was out of earshot.

My secretary arranged the appointment, and I met Mia the following day at a cafe down the street. Mia found me easily; I was the only one wearing a suit. She sat down across from me with a bubble smile, almost bouncing in her seat. “So, you’re the hotshot lawyer my uncle got for me?” she said with a smile. 

I ignored her comment and looked her up and down, gathering data. She was in her mid-twenties, confident in her natural beauty. Her eyes held a subtle air of rebellion, and a constant impish smile played at the corners of her mouth.

“So, my uncle says you’re the best. Is this true?” Mia asked, grinning mischievously.

I remained composed and professional. “My report speaks for itself, Miss Rodriguez. Now, about your case…”

She cut me off with a laugh. “Oh, lighten up, Mr. Serious. I didn’t do anything except paint some beautiful art for our wonderful community. 

I spoke, failing to suppress my announcement. I opened the file and pulled out the first picture. It showed a concrete bridge with skyscrapers in the distance. Along the side of the bridge, it read, “I eat cock for breakfast.” in bright yellow and red graffiti. “Beautiful art,” I said sarcastically. 

She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Oh, that was some of my early work. You should see some of my new shit,” she said excitedly, completely ignoring my attempts to steer the conversation to be productive.

“Like this one?” I asked, flipping over to another picture showing a status of a man bending over to pet a dog. On the wall behind it, near the man’s rear end, was a smattering of paint depicting a graphic version of explosive diarrhea.

“Oh shit, I forget about that,” she said, unable to contain her giggling. “The opportunity was just too good to pass up. Don’t you agree?”

“Miss Rodriguez, this may not be a high-profile case, but it’s serious enough. I suggest you take it seriously too. 

I was met with more eye rolls. “Hmm, I see you like to play the stern lawyer,” she said teasingly. 

I countered with a stern gaze. “Mia, this is not a game. It’s your future we’re talking about. The city is cracking down hard on vandalism lately. Now, let’s discuss how we can navigate this case and ensure you don’t end up with more than just a slap on the wrist.”

Mia leaned in, a sly grin playing on her lips. “A slap on the wrist is all you want to give me? I can think of some other places where a slap might be a little more…persuasive.”

“Miss Rodriguez. That’s enough,” I said in a warning tone.

“I would think a professional such as yourself would be a bit more persistent,” she continued, her grin growing more suggestive by the minute.

Her persistence was wearing me down internally, but I remained focused. “Miss Rodriguez, this is not the time for inappropriate innuendos. We’re here to address legal matters. Let’s keep our focus on the case at hand. Your future is at stake, and I won’t allow any distractions to compromise our efforts.” 

While I remained unflinching on the exterior, her sassy attitude was having its effect. Luckily, the table between us hid those effects from her because my suit pants seemed determined to show the world. 

“I’ll come up with a game plan. Let’s meet in a week. Until then, no more ‘beautiful art’,” I said, closing her file and busy packing my stuff up, desperately hoping my erection would disappear. 

“Or what?” she asked coyly. “You’ll slap my wrist?”

I looked her dead in the eyes. “You just don’t give up, do you?” She just maintained her stare with that same suggestive look. “Keep pushing, and you’ll see,” I said, giving in just a little. 

Lingering any longer would’ve been awkward, but my dick was as hard as ever. I stood up quickly, grabbing my bag to hide it as inconspicuously as possible, but her expression gave her away. She saw, and now she knew she had me. I said goodbye and walked back to my car. 

The following week was very unproductive. As I sifted through legal documents and reviewed case details, I found my concentration repeatedlydrifting. Mia was in my head. 

My mind played back our cafe encounter. That little giggle of hers was intotoxicating, and her comment about slapping her elsewhere had me all fucked up. I found myself fantasizing about having her bent over my desk with her bottom presented to me for punishment. In my head, she looked back at me with those devilish eyes. “C’mon, Mr. Serious. Aren’t you going to slap me for my behavior?” I imagined her saying. 

My dick grow once again to full size in my pants. This time, in the privacy of my office, I unzipped my pants, took out my cock in my hand, and stroked away as visions of spanking Mia into submission played in my head. Suddenly, my office door opened. Franticly, I put my dick back in my pants. “Jesus! Don’t you knock,” I rudely said to my secretary. 

“Uhh, not usually,” she retreated, handling me another file. 

“I was just…” I said, starting to preemptively defend myself. 

She interrupted, throwing her hands up inthe air, saying “I don’t wanna know,” before quickly exiting. The moment had passed, but I vowed to return to those delicious fansies as soon as I escaped to the privacy of my home.

As my next meeting with Mia loomed closer, I reaffirmed my commitment to staying professional. I couldn’t risk damaging my reputation by getting distracted with Mia. 

Despite my geneuine attempts to maintain my composure, I found myself at the agreed-upon meeting spot with a heightened sense of anticipation. Mia sat down across from me with that same smile. “Good afternoon, sir,” she said playfully. 

I ignored her feigned respect. “Miss Rodriguez, let’s focus on resolving your case. Time for games is not a luxury we have.”

She leaned forward, her tone teasing. “Who said anything About games? This is very serious.” Her tone conveyed anything but.

I dismissed her teasing and spoke more firmly than before. “We need to address the legal proceedings to ensure you don’t face sever consequences.”

“Severe consequences?” she responded, eyes wide in mockery. “What kind of consequences, sir?”

I was known for having nerves of steel in the courtroom, but she seemed determined to get on every single one of them. At the same time, I couldn’t shake the attention I had towards her, which only intensified by the minute. Calling me sir only added to my strong desire to dominate. She was purposely pushing my buttons, and it was working. 

I made a last-ditch effort to bury those feelings and confess her. “If convinced, you might face not only fines and probation but also the possibility of a criminal record, which could hinder your education and employment prospects. Moreover, the judge handling the case is known for taking a stern stance on repeat offenders. Your history of rebellious behavior might swway the court towards a harsher sentence, including community service, mandatory counseling, or even a brief period of juvenile detention. If you don’t starting taking this seriously, I will not be able to make a belief case for the jury. This is life-altering. Do you understand the stakes here, girl?”

“Oookaay, Mr. Serious, I think I’ll be just fine. Uncle Xavier says you’re the best anyway,” she said, brushing off my warning. 

My frustration was building, and she just carried on without a care in the world. I had to say something to get her attention, and warning her about her future did nothing. She needed something more immediately. I recall what she had hinted at in our last conversation. “Maybe you do need more than just a slap on the wrist,” I said in a low tone. 

This time, there was no witty remark. A sly smile crept across her face. “What do you have in mind, sir?” she asked, her voice dripping with suggestiveness.

I couldn’t stop now, nor did I want to. I fully gave in to the nagging thoughts that demanded to be at the forefront. 

“A brat like you deserves to be punished severely,” Isaid sternly. 

Her breath quickly. “How?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, looking up at me with puppy-dog eyes. 

“A good, hard paddling to your bare bottom should straighten you out in no time,” I said, staring her down. 

She melted into submission naturally. “Will it hurt?” she squeaked.

“Yes, Mia. A paddling is meant to be very painful. You’ve more than earned it. I told you over and over again to take this seriously, and you continued to treat your future like a game. I’m going to show you just how serious this is.”

She nodded in submission. 

“I’m going to make sure you understand just how much trouble you’re in. When you’re bent over my desk, feeling the wrath of my paddle, I want you to think about the conversations we’ve been having during our meetings and your blatant disrespect. As the paddle impacts your bottom, I want you to think about all those beautiful structures and monuments you defined. Am I understand?”

“Yes, sir,” she said, nodding in agreement. Her attitude had changed from bratty, sassy woman to a little girl who knew she’d fucked up. 

“My office is closed,” I said, looking at my watch. “No one will be there, so we can take care of this right now. You drive straight there and wait for me. I’ll pick up something on my way over.”

She stayed seated, hesitating. 

“Now, Mia, I don’t have all night.”

“I’m sorry, sir,” she said with a frightened look on her face. 

“You will be,” I replied seriously as I packed up my things and headed to my car. I picked up my wooden paddle from my house just a few minutes out of the way and drive to my office. 

She was sitting in her car, waiting for me. I parked and Walked up to the main building door, waving at her to follow me. She obediently stepped out of her car, and I scanned the magnetic lock with my keycard, letting us in. Silently, we entered the elevator, which took us to my floor. 

“Have a seat,” I directed upon entering my large corner office. She compiled nervously. I felt completely at ease. My office was a place I was used to asserting my dominance. The room was designed to make my guests feel small and uniform. I allowed the room to do its magic as I took a breath, looking out the massive floor-to-ceiling windows on the city below. 

I set my bag down on my desk and pulled out my Wooden paddle. I stared at her and placed the paddle down firmly on my desk. The sound pierced the silent room, making her jump in her chair. “Where’s the sass now?” I asked as I removed my suit jacket and rolled up my sleeves. She remained silent in her seat. “Stand up and remove your clothes,” I ordered, leaning comfortably against my desk.

“Yes, sir,” she squeaked. She obediently stood up and slowly removed her clothes, starting with her shoes and shirt, then her jeans. She looked up at me questioningly. 

“All of them, Miss Rodriguez,” I confirmed.

She noddedin submission and removed her bra, allowing her full breasts to spill out. She lowered her panties and stepped out of them. Standing back up straight, she covered her chest with her forearms. 

“Hands to your sides,” I directed. 

She lowered her arms willingly. I unbuckled my belt and whipped it out of my pants. “You put yourself here, didn’t you?” I asked, awaiting her answer. 

“Yes, sir.”

“Bend over my desk, young lady. It’s time.”

She trusted over to my desk, her naked body trembling, and bent herself over it. “Lower,” I directed, pushing gently on her back. She lowered herself to her elbows. I caressed her plump bottom, knowing I was about to cause serious pain to it during the next few minutes. 

My hand traveled between her legs, prompting her to spread them. As expected, I feel her wetness on my fingers as I brushed over her lips. I teased her opening, feeling her moving her body hungrily into my fingers. Her little moans had me wantingto take my hard cock out immediately and plume into her. 

I resisted my hungry urges and stepped back, raising my belt. The first strike made a delicious-sounding smile. Her ass cheats jiggled and quickly snapped back in place. Her small whimper only added to the rager in my pants. I recovered the belt back and struck her again, aiming for the red mark made by the first one. Her whimper was a little louder this time. Her toned muscles tightened. I waited for her to unclench and struck her again. 

I kept up a slow, rhythmic pace. Her bottom turned a beautiful red color, deeping with each stroke. I strapped her bottom up and down to get full coverage. I loved watching her body recoil when the belt met the tops of her thighs. 

Once her bottom was a solid shade of red, I stopped and put my belt back on. She was breathing hard and whimpering quietly. I picked up the wooden paddle from my desk. 

“Please, sir,” she sniffled.

“Please what?” I asked with my eyebrows raised, making her artistic her plea.

“Please. I think I’ve learned my lesson,” she said.

“No, you haven’t,” I said rather frankly. “You may be feeling sorry right now, but you have not fully learned your lesson,” I added, resting the paddle on her bottom. Her body shuddered at the touch of the hard wood on her hot skin. Do you recall your inappropriate remarks about getting slapped in other places?”

“Yes, sir.”

I gave her a heavy, resounding swat, causing her to squeal in pain.

“Do you remember me asking you repeatedly to take your prediction more seriously?”

“Yes, sir,” she squeaked, still recovering from the impact. 

I gave her another hard swat. “And do you remember your responses?”

“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry. Please,” she pleased.

I gave her two more directly on the cream where her cheeses met her tights. “I know you are, and that’s good, but you still need to suffer the consequences of that behavior.”

I gave her another, jerking tears from her eyes. “The reason you’re here is because no one took the time to properly discipline you when you messed up the little things.”

I paddled her again. “And now, you have to learn the hard way,” I said, emphasizing my words with three more hard swats in succession. She cried out loudly, the tears flowing freely. A blister appeared where her skin was being impacted the hardest. 

“Put your leg back down and stick your bottom out,” I ordered, correcting her position, which had been steadily getting worse. Shakily, she obeyed. I let her rest for a few seconds while I caressed her bottom. She jerked at my light touch. I rubbed her, calming her down. “You deserve this, don’t you?”

Sniffling, she answered, “Yes, sir.”

I nodded in agreement. “Stay in position; these next ones will be hard and fast.” I put my hand on the small of her back, holding her down. I raised the paddle up and brought it down squarely in the center of her bottom with a thunderous pop. I immediately raised the paddle back up and gave her another and another. She squealed and bucked under my hand. 

I continued paddling her through her kicking and screaming. While focusing on delivering accurate and powerful swats, I lost count around fifteen. Without hesitating, I continued on for another minute or so, spanking her ass hard until her legs stopped kicking. I gave her three final swats as hard as I could and set the paddle down on my desk.

She collapsed onto my desk, breathing hard and crying softly. I stood next to her, waiting for her breathing to return to normal. “Stand up, Miss Rodriguez, and march yourself to the window,” I ordered firmly. 

“Yes, sir,” she said as she obediently hurried herself to the edge of the room, overlooking the city. 

“Put your bottom to the window,” I directed. 

She pressed her burning bottom to the glass, her naked body fully exposed in the window. I sat down at my desk and pulled her file. 

“Now, let’s deal with your case. I doubt we’ll have a problem taking things seriously now. Don’t you think?”

“Yes, sir,” she replied. 

As I talked out my strategy with her, it became darker and darker outside, making my office more and more visible from the street. I went through the boring procedures in excruciating detail, making her stand exposed until I was finished. 

Once she’d memorized what to do in each scenario, I said, “You may step away from the window. I think you are ready now. I’m very proud of you.” Her eyes started brimming with tears again. It wasn’t from the pain this time. I’d hit a chord. 

She walked straight up to me and hugged me. I held her body close as she cried on my shoulder. I consoled her, telling her everything would be okay and that I’d make sure her case went according to plan. 

“You should get dressed, Mia,” I whispered after several minutes. She nodded and quickly donned her clothes, movingabout gingerly. 

“I think it would do you some good to receive another paddling before your hearing, so when you’re sitting your sore bottom on the stand, you’ll remember your lines.”

“Ok, sir. Just please, not as hard.”

“That will greatly depend on your behavior between now and then,” I said sternly. “I look forward to working with you more.”

She returned my goodbye with a wry smile and left for the evening.


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