The Last Stand at the Alamo

She looked at the empty room. Nothing quite as sad as a bare room after you have lived there for a long time. Where did the memories go? They weren’t “in” the room anymore. Somehow they had vanished entirely when she did the final cleaning this morning. Pictures taken off the wall, knick knacks packed up. The wood floor swept. Little balls of dust that seemed impossible to get rid of. And then it was empty. She took one last look, feeling tears forming in her eyes. Time to go. Go. Go before you regret it. And she turned around, shut the door behind her, and with it a chapter of her life.

Driving down the highway later, she kept her phone streaming loud music, and was dancing in her seat, banging on the steering wheel. It was a hot, sunny, end of the summer day. She cruised along trying not to think too much. Of the past, or future. Trying instead to look at things she passed by. Farms and cattle, an occasional stand of trees. She stopped for gas, and a cold drink. Her clotheswere damp from her sweat, in the little time she was out of the car. Another stop for dinner, eat alone in corner booth of an overly bright dinner. The sounds of dishes clinging and shouted orders. She looked around at the people eating, chatting. Wondering what they were saying. Where they were from. Where they were going.

The first day she drove late into the night, only pulling off when she was afraid she’d fall sleep and wreck the car. She found a cheap, slightly seedy motor right off the highway. All she remembered was opening the door, then the next morning, and she was driving again, drinking a horrible cup of coffee, that she got for free in the movie lobby.

In the mid-late afternoon she had enough of driving for one day. Though still pretty early she felt the need to stop. Come to earth. Get rid of the road noise. A series of road signs proclaimed a town ahead with, gas, food, lodging. She pulled off and followed a sign to one of the hotels, The Alamo. Surprisingly it was quite big, built fairly recently out of adobe. It looked promising for a comfortable night’s sleep.

She parked and rolled her suitcase into the lobby. She was glad to see a woman behind the counter. She had always had trouble with men. Her eyes were piercingly beautiful, as was her face. She had noticeably firm breasts and a nice round bottom. Men always tried to prolong the conversation with her. Said all kinds of stupid things, eyed her breasts whenever they thought they could get away with it. But she knew they were looking. She avoided contact with men whenever possible, but came to accept that she was ogled at, and just stared ahead or tried to cut short conversations.

Soon she had her key card, was in her room, and crashed on the bed. The road noise still humming in her head. She didn’t feel like staying in the room though. The pool. Yes it would be nice to get outside and enjoy a pool. She had packed a swimsuit luckyly. Put it on. Took her tablet to read abook. Sunglasses, lotion, ball cap, sandals. She was ready to go. The area pool was very nice, lots of shaded lounge chairs. Though some crowded, she found one. She could feel the eyes watching her, from behind sunglasses as she walked along. She spent the rest of the afternoon reading, and occasionally dipping into the pool. She was starting to feel human again.

She had a nice dinner at the hotel restaurant, which was Surprisingly good, then thought she would have a drink before heading off to bed. Something to knock the edge off. She sat down at the bar. Unfortunately, the bartender was male and tried to keeping her in conversation after delivering her drink. She was only saved by someone else needing his attention.

It wasn’t long before a man sat down next to her. She knew all the signs. He was trying to pretend he wasn’t looking at her, and desperately trying to think of the first line to say to her. To get his foot in the door. It was an oldie and not goodie. “CanI buy you a drink”. She turned her head and looked at him. A salesman type, who spent too many hours on the seat of his pants. Slightly doughy. “No I’m good.” He wouldn’t let it go though. “Whe are you from?” She felt trapped and just wanted to be left alone. She wasn’t really sure where the next words came from. “You look like a nice enough fellow. I am sure your wife thinks so. But you don’t look like someone who could possibly give me a hard enough fuck. So just get the fuck lost”. Maybe it was the drink talking. The guy looked angry, mad. “Fuck you, bitch”. And got up and left. Now her calm was all shattered. She ordered another drink. Then another.

Then she started to get that feeling, she knew only too well. Thoughts ran Through her mind when she had been places just like this before, alone or with her girlfriends, and thoughts of where it had ended up. Her mind was twirling the images around and around. She could feel an ache in between her legs building. Her cheeses flushing. She turned around on the stool and scanned the room. It was pretty packed really. Mostly with men. And most looked like the guy that had tried hitting her up. She kept looking. Then she saw him. Rugged, older than her, mature. His body looked like it had gotten that way from hard work, not lifting weights in a gym. He looked like he could snap the other men in the room in two just by looking at them. They would run and hide. But she could tell by the way he was sitting there, very relaxed, occasionally laughing, he wasn’t full of himself. She definitely felt herself getting wet looking at him. Ok. Another drink.

She patiently waited nursesing her drink, until she saw him get up to go to the bathroom. She followed him back to where the restrooms were. It was very quiet there. She waited for him to Come out. He was going to walk right by her, when she grabbed at him. He looked started. “Yes? Can I do anything for you?” She looked up at him and decided. “Just a second.” She opn her clutch and pulled out a room key card. “Room 312. Don’t knock. I’ll be waiting.” And then she turned and walked away very fast. She could feel her adrenaline pumping as she made her way back to her room. Ok, that was awkward, usually she was able to just talk to someone and take them home fairly easily. She had to admit she had a thing for being fucked by strange men. But they had to be the Right type. She needed a hard fucking. Really hard, dangerous. This wasn’t her “first rodeo”, not even close. But this was out there, even for her.

She got back to her room and went to the bathroom, ran cold water and splashed it all over her face. Yes, she was doing this. She cleaned up a bit then took all her clothes off. She left one of the bathroom lights on. It gave out just enough light to see shapes in the bedroom. She got into bed. She also got some scarves and belts out of her suitcase and put them under the pillow. She tried to relax but it was impossible. She ran her hands down between her legs and started playing with her pussy and clip. She hoped he would get here soon or she would bring herself first. She stopped before she orgasmed. Now she was even hotter than before.

It seemed like forever, but then she her a noise at the door. The door opened letting light in from the hall. Then it closed. Then she could she his shape, backlit by the light from the bathroom. “Don’t Say a word. Just take your clothes off and get into bed with me.” He seemed to get the message as he began disrobing. He has a little difficulty taking off his boots. Then he got into bed and lay down next to her.

She rolled him over onto his back and lay on her side next to him, running her hand over his chest. She could feel the muscles and hair, the power. She liked the feel of him. Just the kind of man who could dominate her. She played with his chest some more, then ran her hand lower over his tight belly and down to his cock. It was hard already. It felt and looked, as far as she could see in the dim light, just the right size for her. If he knew what to do with it, she was going to have a nice evening. She let go of it and then got partially on top of him with her head above his and kissed him. Starting off slowly and tenderly, but building up. He met her password with his password. And before long they were lost in it. And kissing necks as well as lips. She felt his finger go into her pussy and got a shiver al through her body. She pushed against it, driving it deeper. Their kisses got more intense.

She wanted his cock. And he wanted her sucking his cock. He pushed her head down to it, but she didn’t need much coaxing. She got between his legs and wrapped a hand around his member as she lowered her head. First some teasing licks of her tongue. She could feel it respond with pulsing and jerking in her hand. Then she took it all in. It was hot and rigid, yet the skin soft. She loved feeling it pulse in her mouth. Her saliva started flowing in rivers. She rotated her hand as she went down on him, taking him down into her throat. She was good at this. She knew it. She had a lot of practice. She throated him hard again and again as he moaned and thrashed about. Then she sucked on him. All her thoughts, feeling were in her mouth. And she just let herself go. Crazy on his cock. But…But, she didn’t want him to cum yet. Not even close.

She pulled him out of her mouth. “Fuck me. Fuck me like a dirty whore!” She got down on her hands and knees her ass facing him waiting. It didn’t take long. She felt his fingers opening her up and then his cock going into her. It filled her up completely and then some. He grabbed her bottom with both hands and started riding her. “Oh God YES!” She started moaning and cursing. “Grab my hair cowboy and ride me!” He grabbed her and yank her head back, just hard enough she felt used, ridden. He was pounding her hard now. She just let him take her. Arching her back. Shivers ran throw her, exploding out her head and feet. She was moaning with abandon. Lost being fucked. Lost. He was shoving her across the bed with force of his thrusting. She had her first orgasm.

She was just able to swim to the surface of consciousness to say. “whip me.” She ran one hand under the pillow and pulled the scarves and belts out. She handed him a belt. “My ass! ” She pulled forward so his cock came out and then she jumped out of bed and ben over on the carpet, holding her ankles, her bare bottom sticking straight up. She knew what was coming. She had felt it so many times before. It made her pussy dripping wet in the anticipation. It took a minute. Maybe he wasn’t sure he wanted to do it. But then she felt the sharp sting of the belt hit her ass. Each hit sent a wave of energy through her. And she loved that feeling. Intensely. Now she wanted him inside her. ” Fuck me like this”, she was just able to gasp between hits. She kept holding her ankles as he kept hitting, and when he slid his cock deepinto her. If he hadn’t been holding her waist she would have fallen over.

They proceeded from there fucking in all kinds of ways. He bent her over the desk, pushed her up against the wall, turned her around and lifted her up and and impaled her on his cock repeatedly as she dug her heels into his sides and wrapped her arms around his neck. She rode him on top and came again. Then he put her on her back, held her ankles and was ready to go into her. “Tie me up!”

She found the scarves and tossed them to him, while offering her arms to him. The headboard had a few places to attached the scarves as well as the mattress frame. Before too long the cowboy, who knew his ropes, had her firmly trusted open, spread eagle, and her pussy spread open wide and begging. Then he gagged her mouth with one of her socks.

He rode her in a frenzy. It feel like his cock was in her throat when he was deep inside her. Not even all the way in. She was in a total tremble, legs quivering and shaking, her eyes lost in her head. She came several times. Eventually she was just a limp piece of flesh being fucked. But if anything, this was even more intense for her, than ever. Finally he came. Pulsing again and again in her. She could feel his hot cum jetting into her and running out down of her, down to her ass. He shoved a few more times after he was done pulsing. Then pulled out.

He sat on the edge off bed for a minute catching his breath. Then got up and put his clothes on. She panicked a bit. Was he going to leave her tied up. Then he spoke the first words he had spoken since entering the room. “I’ll be back. You’re not done yet.” Then he left the room.

She lay tied up on the bed. Feeling really good. Fulfilled. But still a little worried. Though being tied up like this waiting was intensely erotic.

More than a half hour, almost an hour passed and the door opened again. Her stranger came in. There was an another man with him, the spitting image of him. Histwin brother? ” I’ve already had the pussy. You do the mouth”. With that they retied the scarves a little so her head was propped up using a pillow. But her hands and legs were still firmly tied.

“I’ll leave you to it. I’ll be at the bar”. Then her original man left. She looked up, but really couldn’t tell the difference between this man and the other.

He brought his cock up to her mouth. She wanted it badly. He pushed forward making her swallow all of it, down to the balls. And just left it there. She couldn’t breathe for a second, then he came out. He kept doing this slowly at first then faster and faster. She took it all in. He grabbed her head and fucked it. Fucked it hard. She sucked and sucked. He was really enjoying fucking her head. She could tell he was completely into it. Couldn’t care less about her or what he was doing to her. This only got her more excited. It didn’t take a whole lot of time before he exploded into her mouth. His back arched and he pulled her head even harder. Luckily she had taken a big gulp of air just before. Her mouth and throat were full of cum. She gulped it down, feeling the stringy hot sauce go down her throat. He finally released her and fell back onto the bed.

She loved feeling that both her pussy and mouth had been fucked, and fucked hard. If only there were triplets.

After a minute or so, she nicely asked him to untie her. Which he did. Then putting his clothes back on, he left. She took a nice long shower. Then got into bed and sleep the sleep of the dead, waking up late into the morning. She woke up with a start. Remembered the night before and felt amazingly good, though very sore. It was a nice sore though. It was time to go though. She packed up, and with one last look at the room. Yes, another room of memories she had to abandon.

She spent another night in a cheap movie and then the next afternoon arrived at her destination. Her future in laws awaited at the front door, and gave her big hugs. “Ted is working late, but he will be here for dinner. Come on in.”

They took her over to Ted’s sister place. She was going to stay there until the wedding. They took her to Ted’s sister room. She was almost the same age she was and was away on a summer trip. She pull her suitcase into the room, looking at the photos, and posters on the wall. The desk, nightstands, dresser where jewelry, makeup, knick knacks, we’re lying, waiting for their owner to return. She thought, it doesn’t look that much different than mine did. I wonder what secrets these walls could tell.

She thought back to her old room, now bare. It would have to remain that way. Memories. Only memories. Then she felt her sore ass and pussy. It was an amazing last fling though. She smiled.

Later at dinner, the in laws asked, “How was your trip. See or do anything interesting along the way.” She jokingly said. “I went to the Alamo. Well not the one in San Antonio. But it looked like it. I imagined being tHere, and fighting off men scaling the walls. It was quite exciting. Though unlike those hero’s, I surrendered to their assault.” They looked at her a little strangely, but let it go.


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