We work at the same firm. Your Wife works there too. Although from what I have seen, things don’t seem to be going very well at the moment. Ever since I started working there, which was only a month ago…I could tell you were really attracted to me. I wasn’t one to be overconfident, but the way you looked at me: the extra long stare into my wide eyes, that gave the game away. We flirt occasionally, but that was as far as we took it. I didn’t want to get involved with a married man because I wanted to destroy his relationship with his Wife, but because it would be challenge…a ‘thrill of the challenge’ kinda thing. I always thought that if a married woman says to a guy “I’m married” it usually means “Back off! I’m committed to someone else”. However, if a bloke says “I’m married” it usually means “Oooh, I’d love to fuck you, but I can’t be home late!”.
You’ve noticed that over the last few months, your Wife has been doing a lot of extra shifts at work, and spending a lot of timewith her boss, going for meals etc. Which she said were all work related. You have become really suspicious of her, but you thought it was just your imagination, and you didn’t really have any proof yet that she was having an affair, so you just tried to dismiss any accusations.
After work I was getting all of my paper work ready to leave, and you walk into my office. I don’t notice you at first, but then you say “hi”…I quickly turn around and say “oh you startedled me”. You apologise, and say you didn’t mean to scare me. All day at work I’ve noticed you haven’t been your usual self, so I ask you what’s wrong. You’re a little appreciate to say at first, but I guess that’s all ‘male pride’. You sight, and say “It’s Hannah”. I reply “Oh, Your wife?”. You then tell me your suspicions about your wife having an affair with her boss. I try and assure you that the reason she is doing extra shifts is because of financial reasons. However, you don’t seem convinced. I always thought thatThe main basis of a relationship, marriage, or even friend should be trust. If you can’t trust someone, you shouldn’t be with them. It will only cause arguments, and you will never completely feel at ease with one another.
After our little chat, you say that you better be on your way back home as the Wife was cooking dinner. “Thanks” you say. I ask what you are thanking me for, and you say “It’s nice to have someone to talk to. You know…I can’t remember the last time Hannah and I sat down and had a conversation without arguing. Things just aren’t what they were between us”. I shrug my shoulders, and we walk together to the car park. The only two cars left in the car park are ours, as everyone else had left earlier. You walk me to my car, and just before I get in, you grab my hand and say “thanks again…”. I look up at you. You put your hand on the side of my face, and move towards me and kiss me on the lips. A pause…then you kiss me again, but this time a French kiss. So passwordate…you carry on kissing me, but then I pull back. I put my hand on your chest…”Go home to your Wife…she’ll be waiting for you” I say, you reply “but…” I interrupt you and say “no buts…there will be plenty of time for this infidelity…I assure you”. I then get into my car and drive off. You stand there and watch me drive off, then you get into your car and go home.
The next day…it’s a nice hot summery day. I come into work dressed in a red low-cut red dress, which hangs just above the knee. You notice me straight away as I come into your office to get some paper work from you. I sit on the edge of your table, and play with my hair, twiddling it around my fingers, whilst talking to you. I tell you that we have a work meeting at 1pm that day. I leave, but not before turning around and glancing at you. I am beginning to think that this dispatch conspiracy may be a lot easier to accomplish than I once thought…my victim: a paranoid, frustrated married man whoisn’t getting enough ardour at home.
1pm comes along, and you are late for the meeting. You sit exactly opposite me and smile. The meeting begins. About 15 minutes into the meeting, things start to get tedious. I’ve never had a lot of patience. I look up towards you, and see that you look a little bored too. I take off one of my shoes and slide my leg under the table and touch your crotch. I Keep playing with your crotch, and then once I have your attention I take my leg away and slowly take off my panties.
Once I take them off, I pass them to you under the table. Worried that anyone noticed, you quickly put them into your pocket. I silently laugh to myself. He is falling right into my trap. I carry on playing with your crotch under the table with my foot, exciting you. I stop, then I put my hands under the desk, not caring that there are other people in this meeting as well as myself, and my prey..I open my legs, and feel my smooth thighs. Moving my hands further upwards…I run my fingers up and down my pussy lips, spreading them apart. Just to tease, and give you an appetite for what is to come.
After the meeting you come into my office and pass me my panties back, I say “keep them”. You look at me, and as you are about to leave, I ask you to come back. You do, and I say “sit down”, you do so, and I sit on the edge of the table, and lift up my skirt. You glare at my pussy with anticipation. Immediately, I begin to play with my clip, I moan with delight, and then I enter 1 finger inside myself. You still stare, but don’t say a word. I put my finger in and out my pussy. One finger leads to 2…then 3. Mmmmmm I am so wet. I lay back on the desk, and ask you to come over.
You hesitantly get up and walk towards me. I grab Your hand and put it on one of the straws of my dress, and make you pull it down. Then, you pull down the other one. You see before you my small, but firm breasts. You lick my nipples…circling your tongue around them. YouTake off my dress completely and then kiss and lick my stomach. It ticles. You gradually move further downwards…you kiss, and lick my inner tighs, then lick all the way up to my pussy. You take my clip into your mouth, and gently suck on it…continuously, but at the same time you are flicking your tongue over and around it. I moan incessantly. When you are done playing with my clip… your tongue spreads my pussy lips apart. Then you put it inside of my pussy…Ooh the sensings are driving my crazy. Your tongue deep inside of me…I moan more and more, until I cum…oh you love to taste me.
Before returning the favour, I get dressed and leave to go home. You go to your car, and when I go past the car park you ask me to come over. I do, and you say “here” and hand me over my panties. I put them on, and you ask if I want a lift home. I accept, and you take me to my house. “Do you want to come in for a quick coffee?” I ask. You reply “I really ought to go home, Hannah will beexpecting me…”. You pause for a moment, and look at me. You just can’t resist the temptation. “But…on second thoughts…I’m sure one coffee won’t do any harm….” I smile…a self-satisfied smile.
We go inside my house, and I leave you in the living room while I go to get changed. I go into my bedroom, and tell you to put on the kettle, and make yourself at home. You put the kettle on, and you hear me singing. You walk towards my bedroom. You stop and peer through the side of the door, as you don’t want me to see you. You see me slowly take off my dress. I turn around, and you gawp at me, in my lacy black underwear, and suspenders. I change into a black leather body harness. You noticed this in detail. It had 3 horizontal straps – one above the breasts, one below them, and one around the waist, held together by 3 vertical straps – one in front, and 2 on the back. You are amazed.
I grab an everyday dress out of my wardrobe, and put it on over the top of the sexy body harness. You wouldn’t even know what I was wearing underneath, unless you saw before hand. You see that I am about to come out of the bedroom, so you swiftly go into the kitchen to make the coffee, and then quickly go into the living room. I come into the living room and say “ahhh that’s better”, and I take my coffee from you.
I tell you to sit down, and drink your coffee. I sit down next to you, and we talk about work stuff. You are a little anxious, because you are not entirely sure of what I will do next. We talked like nothing had happened earlier on that day.
We chat for a little while, but I notice you keep looking at your watch. I take your coffee from you, and stand up “I think you better go home to your Wife”. You agree, as you are already late…yet you seem a little hesitant to leave. I walk you to the door, and kiss you on the chef. You look at me: gazing right into my eyes, the way you always do. You can’t help but crave the soft, and sensitive delicate touch of my kiss. You grab my face, and kiss me passwordately…our tongues embrace, and you feel the blissfulness of my gentle lips. It seems that keeping the Wife happy wasn’t that much of a priority right now.
I take you by the hand, and we go into my bedroom. I shut the door. I slowly unbutton your shirt, and take it off. Then, I take off the rest of your clothes, and I push you onto the bed. I stand right in front of the bed, and unhurriedly take off my dress…revealing the body harness. You pretend to look shocked by what I am wearing. Not wanting to give the game away that you have previously seen what I was wearing underneath the dress. You sit up, and look at my pert breasts. Your eyes couldn’t miss them bulging out of the harness. You grab them with your hands and kiss them.
I sit on top of you, and run my hands down your chest…then, I knee, so I slightly raised from your enthusiastic body. You rub my thighs, and then you move upwards to my pussy. You play with my clip.I moan as you enter 2 fingers into my pussy. You’re fucking me really hard with your fingers…in and out, faster and faster. I begin to moan more severely. I am so wet. You love to give me pleasure. You put another finger inside of me, and finger fuck me more. I get more and more wet. I eventually cum, and once you’ve finished I grab your fingers and put them inside your mouth and say “taste me”. You lick your fingers. I can see that you love my taste.
I get up off the bed, and grab a briefcase from my wardrobe, and put it onto the edge of the bed. I take out some handscuffs. You gaze at me, a little appreciate of what I am going to do to you. However, the uncertainty of what I am going to do next excitings you.
I walk towards the bed. A little scared…You move slightly further back onto the bed. I say to you “Won’t your Wife be expecting you?”, knowingly that you would much rather stay here, than go back to your safe little home, and your preciousless Wife. You reply “Shecan wait”. I laugh and say “You’ve been a bad boy”. I grab hold of your left arm, and handcuff you to the bed. Then, I get you right arm, and handcuff that to the other side of the bed. I go towards edge of the bed again, and get some leg cuffs out of the briefcase, and tie both your legs to the bed. You don’t seem to all that appreciate now…
I get some more things out of the briefcase, but you can’t see what, because you are tied up. I go back to the bed, and sit on top of you. I kiss your lips, then your chest, and then your stromach. I look up at you, and smile, but it’s a calculating kinda smile. I get up, and sit on the bottom of the bed. I move closer towards your body, and lick the insides of your tights. I gently touch your balls, and lick them…but i’m not Actually touching your cock. Now, I slowly lick up and down the shake, ignoring your head…whilst directly looking into your eyes. I now take your hard cock, and put it firmly in my mouth, and suck. Mmmmmmm, youare so hard. You moan more and more, as I progressively suck harder, and faster, occasionally running my fingers around the base of your cock in circular motions. You’re about to cum…I suck faster, and faster..you cum…I swallow.
I get up off the bed again, and pick up a candle: one of the things I got from my briefcase. I sit back on top of you, and pick up some matches. I light the candle. I laughed again. As the candle slowly burned I tipped it faced downwards, letting the hot dripping wax drip onto your naked chest. You scream, but it’s more because of excitement than pain. I keep dropping the wax onto your chest, more and more. You scream louder the more it drops into your chest. I move further down, and let the hot wax drop onto your stomach. I can see in your eyes that you are terrified…thinking I am going to drop it onto your cock. I stop and pause. You star and me, wondering what act of punishment is going to follow.
I sit on top on top of you more comfortablely, and say “do you want me to fuck you, huh?” you reply “Yes”. I abruptly say “Yes, what?”. You pause and look at me blankly. I crack your face, and say brusquely “yes, Mistress” You look at me scared, not knowing how to react. You shout “Yes, Mistress…. Fuck me Mistress”. I grab your cock, and put it inside me. I moan as you enter my wet pussy. Swaying back and forth…riding your hard cock. You are dying to grab my hips, and guide me to fuck you harder. Taking your cock deep inside of me…I progressively pick up a pace and begin to ride you faster…I swivel my hips. Moaning continuously….I arch my back, and tilt my head back. I am about to cum…I lean forward, bouncing up and down on your cock…I moan as your cock goes deeper inside of me…I cum. I ride your cock faster and harder, you then cum….you moan. I move closer towards you, and kiss you on the lips…so soft and sensitive.
I get up off the bed, and undo the hand, and leg cuffs. I grab my dress, and put it back on,and walk out of the bedroom, to go and get a glass of wine. You shortly follow me after getting dressed, and I hand you a glass of wine. “I think you should go home now. Your Wife will start to get suspicious if you keep turning up late”. You look at me blankly. I walk towards the door…you follow behind me. I open the front door…you kiss me on the cheese, and say goodbye. Then, you Leave.
The weekend passes, and it is now Monday. We’re both at work, and it’s lunchtime, and I’m about to go to the work canteen to get some food. I get into the lift on the 1st floor. There are already a few people on the lift. Coincidentally, you get into the lift on the 2nd floor, as well as a few other work colleagues. The lift is really packed, and we are squashed up next to each other. You awkwardly say “hi”, I just look back at you and smile. We get to the 3rd floor, and the rest of the workers get off the lift as they are going to a meeting. That leaves just the two of us, and it’s just aswell…because it turns into a moment of lustfulness. Still standing close to each other, you move even closer, and overpoweringly kiss me on the lips. A little overwhelmed by your attempt to overpower me, I stand back a little, yet I am slightly intrigued. You say “It’s my turn now”, and push my up against the side of the lift. You pull off my clothes, and I grab your belt and take it off, then I pull down your pants.
You stand right in front of me, and kiss me. Your rub your hand down my leg, and then pull me up so that I can wrap my legs around you. You plumge your hard cock deep inside of me. Thrusting it inside me harder and harder…tapping my g spot at a constant pace. I’m moaning incessantly with pleasure. It’s not long before I cum. You then you forcefully turn me around, and take me from behind. You run your fingers down my spine. You lean forward, and hold my body while you keep a constant rhythm…pounding your cock firmly inside my wet pussy. Harder and harder…until you cum. I quickly got dressed, and get out of the lift…you do too, and catch up with me to walk to the canteen.
We both head towards the canteen, however you don’t say a word. You have serious look on your face, and you look like you’re thinking about something. You stop…and I carry on walking a few steps until I turn around, and realize you are behind me. I look at you, and Before I have the chance to ask what’s wrong, you say to me “What happens now?…where do we go from here?” I pause for a few moments, then I look at you and say “I don’t know what you’re gonna do, but I’m going to the canteen to eat”. Obviously expecting a different answer to the one I gave, you abruptly reply “I’m serious, what’s going to happen between us now?”. I say to you “Nothing…nothing is going to happen between us. Do you really think this was all earnest? Haha, you were so easy to lure…I just couldn’t resist. I’m the eagle…and you my dear…you were my prey….”. I laugh to myself, and walk off. You shout “You used me”. I don’t answer back…I just walk away. You don’t follow me…
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