The Last Case of Sienna Cross

Content warning: Bondage, Drug Use, Medicinal Play and References, Kidnapping, Electro Play, Slavery, Non-Consent, Mind Breaking and Mental Conditioning. Although her initial denial, the female proteinant does come to enjoy everything happening to her by the end.

If any of the above is triggering for you, please avoid reading beyond this point. All of the characters in this story are fictional. I do not condone any of the depicted actions. This is merely a fantasy to stimulate the kinkier side some of us have.

Please enjoy!


The dry click of the padlock finally giving up felt way louder than it actually was. Although the docks being pretty much abandoned at this time of day, Sienna couldn’t simply go around stomping like an elephant. The odd security guard or, if the tip she’d received turned out to be true, the people she were looking for could turn up to investigate. Sliding her picks back into their pristine leather caseand slipping that back into her pocket, the young private investigator pulled her dark, ash blonde hair back into a ponytail. It left her neck exposed to the frigid, moist air, but better than having her shoulder length locks poke into her eyes in a moment of crisis. Slipping on her leather gloves, Sienna carefully pulled the padlock free, before pushing the warehouse door open. Having a last look around to confirm she was alone, the young woman gingerly took her first steps into the darkness of the building.

It was a moonless night, but even otherwise it would have been impossible to see inside the windowless structure. Reluctant to draw any attention to herself, the girl detected pulled a flashlight out of her tool belt, clicking it on to the lowest setting. Carefully, she directed the beam of light onto the ground in front of her, Before sweeping her immediate surroundings. Packaging materials, crates filled with spare parts and large containers were tough about. Not the most coordinated warehouse, for sure, Sienna thought. But the messy layout wasn’t just a visual announcement for the young detective; it also means that danger could be lurking anywhere. Stepping carefully forward, she raised the flashlight to see a couple of metres in front of her. Passing by a container with a rust pattern that weirdly drew her attention, Sienna almost fell forward into the briny, cold seawater lapping at her sneakers. Inhaling sharply, the young woman jumped away from the canal, only to bump into a workbench with her plump behind, sending something metallic clattering onto the concrete floor.

Sienna grit her teeth at the incredulous amount of noise, hand reaching for her pocket knife while shutting off her torch. She didn’t own a weapons licence, leaving her with only a couple of options in the self-defence front; a pocket knife with a blade just barely longer than her palm and a can of illegal pepper spray. Holding her breath for almost a full minute, waiting for the reverberations of the metallic sound to die down, the detective finally let it out in relief. She was alone in the warehouse after all. At least, she believed that for a couple more seconds, right until the echo of a soft moan reached her ears. Excitement gripped her heart almost immediately. The tip had actually paid off! Something was indeed going on in these docks. And Sienna Cross was about to find out. Flicking her flashlight on again, she advanced further into the warehouse, listening for the clearly feminine sounds emmanating from somewhere deep within.

Despite her careful examination of her surroundings. Sienna didn’t find any signs that there was anyone else in the warehouse, other than her and the person still letting out the occasional moan, accompanied by a persistent buzzing. Whether intentional or not, the sounds led the investigator directly to their origin, a naked, dark haired woman bound to the rafters above with a long strand of rope, her toes barely touchingthe moist floor. She was blindfolded and gagged with the biggest ball-gag Sienna had ever laid eyes on, stark naked save for a pair of straws that held a long tube-like thing between her legs. It took the young detective a couple of seconds to unglue her eyes from the voluptuous, struggling female, and another few to figure out that the tube was actually a wand vibrator. Although the chilling air permeating the room, the captive was dripping with sweat, seemingly having dealt with the vibrations for quite some time. Sienna watched in stunned silence as the woman’s moans reached a peak, thrashing in her bonds as what seemed to be a very pleasant orgasm ripped through her body.

Taking another look around her, half-covering her flashlight with her free palm, Sienna decided to carefully approach the bound woman. Through the face coverings, she could make out that the woman was quite older than her, somewhere in her late thirties. Even so, she stood taller than the detective, withher melon-sized breasts standing upright. Unable to stop her wandering eyes, Sienna took in the rest of the woman, her hourglass shaped wait, the soft, wobbly rear and the full thighs beneath. She didn’t match the description of the missing girl the young woman had been investigating, not by a long shot; alas, she was clearly in need of help. Taking a quick look around, Sienna croouched, searching for the off switch on the vibe. It took her a moment, seeing as she kept being distracted by the flexing muscles and the moaning of the struggle woman. The moment she touched the vibe, the woman froze, stifling a moan on its way out as her body tensed up. With the buzzing dying down, an eerie silence swept over the room, only to be broken by a quizzical groan from the bound woman.

“I’m here to help.” Sienna whispered. “Give me a second; I’ll have you out of these ropes in no time.”

Dragging over a conveniently placed wooden crate, the young investigator hoped on, leaning over the woman as she saw through the ropes with her trusty pocket knife. It was a quick deal, as the ash-haired girl kept the knife sharp. The rope snapped and the woman landed on wobbly feet, losing her balance and graceping at anything so as to not fall over. Which happened to be Sienna herself. With both of them topping over, the woman landed onto the wooden crate with a muffled grunt, while the detective landed on her back, hard. It knocked the wind out of her chest, sending her knife and flashlight flying out of her grasp. She struggled for a few seconds, trying to breathe while simultaneously trying to pick herself up. The naked woman pushed off the crate, illuminated by the loose torch as she reached up to pull the blindfold free and undo the gag. Tired, light brown eyes tried to focus on the investigator, struggling against the light beam. Seemingly dizzy, she leaned her rear on the crate with a thud, a hand covering her eyes.

“Hey, it’s okay.” Sienna said, having found herbreath and slowly taking to her feet. “You’re free. I’ll help you get out of here.”

The woman looked over at her again, as if trying to assess her intentions. Sienna stood with her open palms raised to shoulder height, giving her a reassuring smile. Eventually, the naked woman nodded her head, clearing her throat. Before she could speak however, her eyes snapped to something behind the young detective. It was a moment too late as Sienna noticed the light was moving behind her. Turning on her heels, she almost came face to face with the man standing behind her. Jumping back in surprise, the private investigator immediately raised an arm protectedly over the naked woman now behind her, while the other slipped into her pocket, in search of a knife that wasn’t there.

“Whoa there.” Said the man in a calm, collected tone. He lowered the torch, allowing Sienna a good look at him. He was of a tall but rather slim build, with salt showing on the sides of his slicked back, pepper black hair. “Calm down, Miss Cross.” He added, holding up her pocket knife as well.

“Who are you?” How do you know my name?” Asked the young detective, her voice cracking more than she would have liked. “I won’t let you hurt this woman any more!”

“Please, there is no need for this animosity.” The man said gently, while taking a step forward.

His leather shoes looked expensive, as did the suit pants and coat he was wearing. Not dressed as your regular goon, that’s for sure, Sienna thought. Which made him even more dangerous in the private investigator’s eyes. She reached for the can strapped to her lower back, pulling it forward and uncapping it with one fluid, practicing motion.

“Stay back!”

“As I said, Miss Cross, there is no need for violence.” The man said, though he stopped moving. “I am only here on business.”

“Your business with this poor woman is done!” Sienna said, lifting the can in front of her, ready to press the trigger. “She is leaving withme.”

“But, Miss Cross, my business is with you.”

“What…? We have no business!”

“Your intensity reactions tell me that we do, more than you realize.” The man said with the same, calm tone. “As for the woman…”

Sienna felt a sharp sting on the side of her exposed neck, then a short moment of pressure. With wide eyes, she turned to see if someone had snuck up on her, Only to find the naked woman smiling widely, an empty syringe between her fingers. In shock, she raised her free arm to touch the stung area, but her hand felt heavy, her movements sluggish. It feel as if it took her a full minute to lift her arm, only for her fingers to feel completely numb as she pressed them against her tender flesh. Feeling like she was moving through jelly, Sienna turned towards the man, pushing down on the trigger of the pepper spray. Her fingers refused, and the can slipped out of her grasp, the man snatching it easily out of the air.

“…She happens to be my assistant.”He continued.

Sienna crumbled under her own weight as her limbs lost all feeling, followed by her lips, throat and tongue. She could just barely move her eyes and eke out a tiny breath; maybe cause a finger to twitch, just barely.

“Mrs Morris, I believe I told you to only use half of the dosage!” The man said. “This amount might have unwanted… side effects.”

Even during her struggle to recover, the name uttered set off alarm bells inside Sienna’s head. She had heard of that name somewhere before. It must have been a long time ago though, seeing as she could barely remember where or when.

“It’s fine, Doctor!” Said the woman in an overly cheery voice. “She’s a big girl. She can take it!”

Sienna watched out of the corner of her eye the man press his fingers up against the ridge of his nose, shaking his head in disappointment.

“Please, get dressed and prepare for the transfer.” He said, handing a suitcase to the naked woman, who nodded enthusiastokally.

He proved a pair of glasses out of his breast pocket, before making his way to the now paralyzed investigator, sitting down on his haunches and looking her over.

“I’m terribly sorry for this, Miss Cross.” He said while pulling a pair of black, single-use latex gloves out of his pocket and slipping them on. “I was informed of your condition, yes, but not of the severity. Please excuse me as I examine you myself.”

Wielding Sienna’s own pocket knife, the mysterious man slipped a pair of fingers under her jacket collar, pulling it away from her body before ripping through it with the blade. The sharpened knife cut through the jacket and her blouse beneath like butter and soon enough, both articles had been sliced ​​open. With the same, unsettling ease, the man proceeded to cut off Both sleepes, before tossing the tattered remain of shirt and jacket aside with little care. It seemed that whatever had been used to paralyse her, didn’t remove her ability to sense and feel things, as evidence by the chill running down her spine when her naked back touched the freezing concrete. Unclasping her tool belt and tossing it aside as well, the man then hooked a finger into her jeans, slicing once down each pant leg. Left with only her matching, ninety-three underwear, Sienna was horrified at her inability to react while being methodically stripped by the unsettling man. She couldn’t make heads or tails of him and his claims of her ‘condition’, or his smooth and soft demeanour. Something must be seriously fucked behind those eyes, the detective thought. Fear, actual fear, began creeping up her spine. She was at his complete mercy and it terrified her beyond belief.

“There doesn’t seem to be a loss of bladder control.” He announced with an underlining of relief, seemingly to himself. “That is something, at least.”

Her sneakers and socks followed the rest of her clothes, with the man then making quick work of her bra and panties, cutting through all the straws with ease. Now stark naked, freezing and unable to cover up or even shiver to keep warm, Sienna dreaded whatever the hell would follow. Stripping her buck naked certainly wasn’t a sign of good things to come. Tossing the knife onto the growing pile of her belongings, the man reached into his coat pocket, pulling out a notepad and a pen. Flipping it open, he then took the time to stare up and down the body of the naked girl played out before him. Sienna felt her cheeks burn with shame and humiliation, but also with anger; anger at herself for falling so easily into this trap, leaving her at the mercy of this outlandish pair.

“There appears to be a clear hardening of the tea, possibly in response to being seen naked.” The man exclaimed, as if stating his ‘findings’ to someone unseen, all the while scribbling away at his notepad. “An intense flushing of the cheese and upper chest, indicating arousal, which…”

He stopped scribbling, only to reach over Sienna’s mound with a gloved hand, and divide his fingers between the cleft of her legs, rubbing over and under the soft folds therein. Sienna felt him fiddling around her sex, looking away in shame and disgust as she was violent in this way. The man touched and felt around until he found the entrance to her flower, running a pair of fingers over it, then pulled his hand free. Out of the corner of her eye, the paralyzed girl watched as he separate his fingers, a string of sticky liquid hanging between them. At first, she thought that he had smeared something over her sex, anxiety rising at whatever it could have been. But then she figured out the more obvious, although worrying answer. The liquid was her own excitement, dripping out of her for some unthinkable reason.

“… is confirmed by the clear secretion of natural lubrication in the subject’s vaginal cavity.” He continued, reminding Sienna of a doctor performing an examination. “There is no doubt, as is confirmed by my preliminary examination; Miss Cross is aroused by her current predicament.”

Sienna felt her blood boil at the statement, glaring at the man in disbelief. Her nipples were hard because of the freaking cold, her cheeses and chest flushed because of her embarrassment at being stripped naked. The so-called ‘findings’ were bogus, a forgetting of evidence that anyone with half a brain would have figured out were the results of location and not condition. She would have told him as much, if she could. She would have said a lot more than that, in fact, but she suspected that even if she could speak, her arguments would fall on deaf ears; the man and his assistant were clearly not of sound mind. Whatever game the man was playing, he seemed to believe in it wholly, perhaps even conceiving it as truth. Fear clutched at Sienna’s heart. With any other man, she could have guessed what would have happened to her. The way he spoke and his remarks scared her even more than the prospect of being ravaged did.

“THere is only one conclusion,” the unsettling man said, back to scribbling at his notepad. “Miss Cross is suffering from an undiagnosed, acute form of nymphomania and shows clear signs of repressed masochism. She is in dire need of treatment.”

Sienna could not believe her ears! What the hell was this man saying? What was this twisted game he was playing? Her heart skipped a beat as geneuine terror gripped it at the mention of ‘treatment’. What did he mean by that? What did any of it means? How had she got herself into this mess? The man, seemingly oblivious to the panic that had enveloped the detective, flipped his notepad closed and took a step closer to Sienna’s head, gently gripping her chin and making her look at him. He gave her what could have passed as a kind smile in any other circumstances, but currently only served at scaring the woman even more.

“Do not worry, Miss Cross.” He said softly. “We caught it in time; and, thanks to the tip we received, my assistant and Ihave the proper means to transfer you to our facility and treat you.”

Having said that, he nudged her face gently to the side, bringing the crate she’d used to help the woman in view. The woman was there now, dressed up in a latex mock-up of a nurse’s outfit. Glistening high-heeled boots ending just over her knees, a pair of thigh-highs connected to a garter belt visible over her rosy-white skin before disappearing Under the hem of an extremely short, white skirt. Above that, the straps of a thong were clearly visible as they hugged the woman’s shaped wait. Her entire navel was exposed, with a tight, white button-down shirt covering her ample chest, leaving a ridiculous amount of cleavage visible. Her arms were covered by a pair of elbow length gloves, as was her mouth by a surgeon’s mask. Her dark brown hair had been pulled back into a bun, completing the look of a heavily fetishiized medical assistant. A different kind of shiver ran down Sienna’s spine as she took in that distempering sight.

The assistant, as if on cue, turned the crate to its side with a bit of effort and unlatched it, allowing the side to fall down and reveal the contents. A pinkish foam-like material, similar in look to the stuff packing peanuts were made of, covered the walls of the crate, with obvious and very suggestive cut-outs made into it. The man slide a hand behind the nape of her neck and another behind the small of her back, hoisting Her up onto her rump and allowing her to see better. Sienna didn’t appreciate the shift at all, as she could now look into the cut-outs. The bottom part had a pair of large, phallic shapes extending from it, with another, shorter and more round metallic part next to them. On the same side, a rather indicator shape of where a pair of breasts would fit had a pair of small tubes attached, right where the nipples on said breasts would be.

“These machines are here to keep your cravings in check during transport.” The man explained. “The crate is also completely soundproof, so don’t worry about having to hold back; you can scream to your heart’s content with no fear of someone hearing. We pride ourselves at being discreet with our patients and avoiding any embarrassing encounters with… less understanding folk.”

Fight or flight kicked in, making Sienna wants to scramble to her feet, run away and hide forever in a safe, dark hole. The only thing she could do, however, was moving the digits on her right hand; barely.

“I can see she’s already eager to test them out, Doctor!” Said the nurse, while staring into the investigator’s bright, blue eyes. “Her eyes are all wide with excitement!”

“Indeed, Mrs Morris.” The doctor chimed in. “Let’s get her set up.”

Sienna watched on as the ‘nurse’ slide the top off of the crate as well, setting it aside before walking over to help the ‘doctor’ lift her limp body up. With the two of them holding one arm each, they led the detective into the crate, aligning her legs with the shapes in the foam, which seemed to be oddly the correct size for them. They lowered her to her knees, the man grabbing her around the waist and chest, while the woman leaned down and began fitting and tightening strap after strap over the naked girl’s legs. Her ankles were first, then her calves, then the insides of her knees. Sienna was then brought to a sitting position, her lower orifices lined up with the phalluses beneath. She could barely wince as she was plunged onto them, the front one sliding easily between her folds. The one in her rear needed a bit more finenesse and some added pressure, but eventually the pair managed to pop it inside her. The young detective wanted to scream in pain, but all she could muster was a stream of air gently flowing out her nose.


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