The carriage pulled up outside the palazzo and Kayla took a deep breath. She stood and the cascading folds of her gown shimmered in the fading evening light. A footman reached up for her and she took his gloved hand and carefully climbed down. Her sister followed and arranged the train of her gown. A videographer and photographer met them and took pictures and posed them and filmed her arrival.
“You’re sure you want to do this? ” Lauren asked.
“More than anything I’ve ever wanted Laur.” Kayla responded.
Lauren handed her sister the leather bound folio and they walked together into the doorway the cameras following along recording the sensitive beauty of her gown as it swayed , the golden threads catching the lights and shimmering elegantly. The ancient iron bound wooden doors embedded them in their solemnity and Kayla felt her heart flutter as a trumpet was heard on the other side announcing her. The doors parted and from the darkness emerged a scene of splendor andcelebration. A great hall opened before they and a large group stood at their chairs around dining tables in the center, all eyes on her. She quaked at the sight and nervousness and anxiety came down hard and fast, her breathing shortening, her vision darkening. She couldn’t do this! Panic welled in her stomach and her mind raced out of control all her demonstrations coming at once to claim her. Not now! Not now she begged her inner turmoil! But anxiety knows no master and it chuckled at her internal mind. Silly girl, you cannot stop me it seemed to say as her vision darkened further and all sound was lost.
And then he was there, taking her hand in his and smiling down at her reassuringly. The photographers bulb flashed brightly, the darkness parted and she heard violence playing a processional. Her head swam but she was gaining control of the Surging panic, he did that to her, he always had. He took her arm in his smiling and turning her led her to the first stage on the left side of thegreat room. He looked undertaken in his black tuxedo, a blue sash over his shoulder his bright medical over his heart. His presence comfortable her greatly and she straightened her posture to present herself.
The lights in the hall were dimmed as they climbed the stage, soft spotlights warmed only this corner of the room. Her flowing gown swwayed and danced along her full body as she crossed the stage with him to a table of three ministers dressed in black robes. “Who presents this candidate to our society?” bellowed the bespectacled minister in the center.
“I do, Charles Walker Andrews society member number KA25977.” He beamed proudly and sweetly down at Kayla.
Kayla looked to her sister and nodded. “And I do, Said Lauren, Lauren Stevens, her sister.”
The man gesturing at Kayla and she took a deep breath, stepped forward placing the folio on the table for the minister, and gathering her skirt in her hands slowly and gracefully knelt before the table. “I humbly begmy Lords that you will accept my application to be admitted to the sacrament of enslavement. I present you with my credentials and ask that you look upon me with your favorite. She bowed her head and placed her hands palms up on her thighs.
“Doctor Fellows,” the minister queried, “You have examined this applied and this is your signature upon this approval?’
The man to the left spoke, “I have my Lord Inquisitor, I physically examined her and she has passed all the tests we require to ensure she is physically capable of her chosen avoidance. That is my signature on the document and so do I swear this night.”
“Areas of weakness?” The Inquisitor pressed.
“She has struggled with weight issues and the risks are the attenuate diseases that accommodation problems of this nature. But her youth at this time prevents significant complications. When we met, her BMI was in excess of our approved standards, but you can see from her test results that she has shown the mental fortitude, desire and ability to achieve a healthy result.
Kayla remained perfectly still, but a deep crisis climbed from her throat and reddened her caramel cheats.
“Doctor Lyons,” the Inquisitor went on, “You have examined this applied and this is you signature upon this approval?”
The woman to the right of the Inquisitor now spoke. “I have my Lord Inquisitor, I have examined her and tested her mental and emotional capacity. She has passed all the tests we require to ensure she is mentally capable of making this decision and suitably distributed and aligned for indenture. She has shown all the necessary characteristics to want and to cope with the rigors of her chosen avoidance. That is my signature on the document and so do I swear this night.”
Areas of weakness?
“She suffers from Mild anxiety and has had depressive episodes, but these both seem to be ameliorated by engaging her submissive tendencies. As you can see by her lovely blush, she also reactsstrongly to humiliation and shame, particularly when the question of her weight is brought up. But there is nothing so significant, that would prohibit her admission at this time.”
“Thank You Doctors.” The Inquisitor drew a small leather wallet from the folio and offered it to Kayla. “Your application is accepted and you may begin the sacrament. Will the witnesses please sign the application? Kayla looked up Smiling and received the wallet. Charles and her sister each offered her a hand and she rose to her feet her head respectfully bowed. Lauren bent over the table and took the fine quill pen from the inquisitor chuckling inwardly as she signed the elaborate document with it’s gold leaf and wax seals of the ministers. Really she thought inwardly a contract of slavery and indenture? She signed her name next to her printed title and then pressed her thumbprint in the ink and marked the document. She then turned to her sister.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” Kayla asked.
Yes, I’m sure Kay. You know this isn’t, my thing and makes me a little uncomfortable to think of you going through it. But whatever makes you happy sis.” She kissed her sister on each chef and hugged her warmly. “Call me when you get back from your trip. I love you.”
“I love you too Lauren. Thank you so much for your support through this, you cannot know how much it has meant.”
Lauren went to Charles and hugged him too. “Take care of my little sister Charles, or you will answer to me.”
Charles smiled a charming smile and answered. “I will give her everything her heart desires Lauren.” Then he turned and took Kayla’s arm leading her across a narrow bridge garlanded with ribbon and flowers to the applause of the gathered guests and the flashes of many cameras.
Lauren turned and left the magnificent hall entering the sultry Italian night. When she got to the street a chauffeur opened a limousine door for her. Well, she thought to herself, at least Charles does do everything in style. Her sister bagged herself a good one. She closed the door and the car entered traffic heading back to her hotel.
As Kayla reached the end of the bridge the stage behind her was dimmed and the one in front of her lighted. She stepped onto it alone, Charles turned and moved into the shadows. She crossed to the small footstool and slowly knelt and faced the crowd. “I Kayla Amanda Stevens hereby Surrender my identity to my Master” She said aloud in a strong proud voice. “I offer all the forms of identity this world has given me and will accept only those my Master gives to me from this day forward. I surrender all that I am to him for he to do with as he wills.” She opened the small leather wallet and took out her passport and license bankcards and credit cards and placed them all on the footballtool. She showed that the wallet was empty and stood. “I humbly beg you sirs and madams that you will please witness and accept this as one of the final acts of afree woman.” She turned and walked away from her identity.
The room burst into applause and cheering and another bridge was illuminated, leading her to the next lit stage. The videographer followed her as each passage being dimmed behind her elegantly showed her transition. Upon the next stage was a small elegant antique dresser with a full length mirror. Kayla removed her beautiful rings and the shimmering diamond necklace he had given her only last night. She set them on the dresser, drew a deep breath and faced the crowd. “I hereby freely surrender my worldly goods and possessions.” Two beautifully dressed women came to her side. “And offer myself naked to my Master. I will wear no clothes, nor possess no things that are not given to me by his choosing.” The two women deftly and efficiently removed the beautiful gold gown and Kayla stepped out of the dress naked. “I humbly beg you sirs and madams that you will please witness and accept this as one of the final acts of a free woman.”
She stepped away from her clothes and moved towards the next bridge, her heart in her throat and her skin flaring in goose flesh. Her firm full breasts bounced and jiggled with her every sensuous step. Her dark nipples swelled and hardened. Her blood raced as an excited rush flared her moist intimate flesh. The crowd roared their approval and it buffeted her as she walked to the kneeing desk ahead. She knelt slowly and gracefully, willing her posture to that which she had repeatedly practiced. On the desk before her was the great document with Charles and Lauren’s signatures. There was only one unsigned space left. The largest and most elegantly decorated, hers. She picked up the feathered quill dipped it into the molden gold inkwell and addressed the crowd. “I hereby freely sign this contract of enslavement and Indentured servitude pledging my flesh, my mind, my heart, my service, my obedience, my life and my welfare to my Master. As she put pen to paper the photographercommemorated the moment with four quick flashes. She then drew the small need and priced her finger placing the small droplet of her blood in the circle beneath her name. “I humbly beg you sirs and madams that you will please witness and accept this as one of the final acts of a free woman.”
She stood and though she was smiling inside, she kept her outward appearance demure, respectful and serious. She was doing it! She was finally surrendering herself fully and publicly to him! Her head swam, her heart beat with pride. There was a time when she never could have thought of the embarassment, the humiliation, but he had taught her how to embrace her submission, he had guided her and pushed her, and held her and trained her, and now she was halfway there. Halfway to the life she had only dreamed of with him.
As she crossed the next bridge she climbed up onto an altar and lay back. “As I am shorn and cleansed for my Master, I remove all remaining doubts about my choice for anew life as a slave.” A team of naked women approached her and began gently cleansing her. Two began shaving her head. As her thick dark hair fell to the floor she continued. “I leave behind all regrets and all reservations.” Warm foamy cream was applied to her bald head and her mound. Sharp razors and skilled hands quickly shacked her smooth. The touch of hands between her legs shaving her pussy made an ache open deep within her core. Her wetness flowed and her lips filled and swelled under the attention. She blushed at her arousal. Warm cleaning clothes removed all traces of foam and hair and she was lifted to her feet. She had reached the end of the great hall and turned right to cross the back of it. As she turned a great pool was illuminated before her. She stepped down into the warm water and spoke as she did. ” As I cross this pool I leave behind everything and every right possession and claim in my old life.” She submerged herself fully under the water and all the lights in thehall went out. Perfect darkness and perfect silence. Slowly only the light in the pool was raised and her dark silhouette could be seen slowly rising from the water. “I come into my new life glistening as naked, and pure as I entered my last. The only difference being this life I have chosen for myself. The lights came up in the room as she climbed from the other side of the pool. “I humbly beg you sirs and madams that you will please witness and accept this as one of the final acts of a free woman.” Again the room erupted into applause.
Kayla turned to her right again and crossed the fifth bridge. Fear well in her as she saw the brainer and felt its warmth as she approached. She licked her lips and drew out the iron with the delicate S sigil glowing red. She knelt and brought the glowing brand close to her flesh right above her freshly held mound. ” I take upon my flesh the mark of a slave by my own hand. I offer this pain and sacrifice as a sign of my complete and devotedcommit and my absolute desire joy and pride at accepting a life of servitude and slavery to my Master. She pressed the hot metal to her flesh and bore down internally taking the pain for him, willing herself to be strong for him. Giving herself to him. She whimpered and tossed the branding iron aside. Tears welled up in her eyes as the pain sliced deeply into her seared flesh. She choked and struggled the words to her lips. “I humbly beg You sirs and madams that you will please witness and accept this as one of the final acts of a free woman.” She sobbed in pain for a moment and rose as gracefully as she could to her feet. A handmaid approached and inspected the brand applying a cooling salve gently. The applause continued as she crossed the final bridge to the last stage where under a flowered bower Charles stood. He smiled proudly at her and his face warmed her heart and filled her with joy at her crossings. She went to him and knelt as before her hands upturned offering herselfin prayer. “I offer myself now fully and completely to my Master and beg that he consecrate this holy sacrament upon my flesh with whatever companies he should choose and in whatever way is pleasant to him.”
Charles reached into a gleaming wooden box at the back of the bower and drew out a beautiful gold and diamond collar that sparkled in the dim light. The tears of joy in Kayla’s eyes at being finally and fully Surrendered blurred her vision but the shimmering beauty of the collar he gently wrapped around her throat was visible through it all.
Charles spoke. “Finding you marked as a slave and free of the collar of any other I claim you as my property.” He clicked a golden chain to the collar and spoke again. “Rise slave.” The crowd erupted into chefs and applause and he led her off the stage and down to the great hall instructing her to knee at a cushion at his feet next to a great gilded chair at the top of the hall. “Let us feast!” he shouted and the room burst intoactivity as multiple unseen doors opened and naked slaves appeared carrying trays and platters of foods and drinks of all kinds into the room. Music struck up and a troupe of elaborately consumed and masked dancers began circulating about the hall swaying and grinding in a rhythmic, slow, sensitive striptease. Conversations sprung up around the room. Wasn’t she graceful? Oh the dress! And that collar! A beautiful and moving ceremony!
Charles ate voraciously. Sampling a little from each platter that passed and placing portions on his silver plate. He regularly took small pieces of the foods in his fingers and fed them to his slave. She accepted each morsel offered without comment or reaction eating each dutifully whether she cared for them or not. He smiled at her and leaned over and kissed her forehead. “You did so well today my pet. I am so proud of you. Are you ok? Did the branding hurt much?”
“It did Master. But now it has the warm sting of the whip and I love it.”
He offered her a jeweled silver chalice. “Here you must be thirsty after all of that.”
“Thank you Master” she replied. She drank deeply of the rich red wine. She was intensely thirsty and though she would have preferred water, her preference no longer mattered. That made her smile inside the cup and she drank deeply, feeling the warm velvety excellence of the wine as it lingered in her mouth. She offered the cup back to him bowing her head and holding it repeatedly in two hands. He smiled and said, “Good girl.” but only clicked his own heavy golden chalice against it and said “Drink it up! All of it.” She did as commanded. Though it was a big heavy chalice and very full, she was his pleasure and she would please him, this night and every other. She worked at it diligently and the feast went on around her. After some time she finished the last of the lush red liquid, and she felt it began to swim into her brain. First it was a warm glow and soon a light fog of bravery. She smiled at him and proffered the empty cup.
“Good little slave” he smiled as he took the cup. “Looks like you’re ready for consecration.” he rose from his chair and raised his own cup. He nodded to two servants who lifted Kayla to her feet. “Go with them now slave” he said to her and she obeyed as the led her to the center of the room. “I wish to thank you all for coming” he said “and since we have fed, now we shall fuck!”
The room erupted into chefs as Kayla was led onto the circular dais in the center of the hall. Here she was bent over a leather spanking bench. Her ankles were spread wide and cuffed to the thick legs of it and her arms cuffed behind her back to a chain hung from the high ceiling. The chain was tightened until her arms were painfully taught up behind her. Her naked flesh was displayed vulgarly to all. The bench was short and thinned to a small rise at her breastbone and her breasts hung pendulous and free to each side. Her wide spread legs opened her to the viewng pleasure of all. Her head swam, the wine it seems was strong and the excitement of her sexual display began a warm cloudy drawsiness in her mind as she sank into her submission.
Charles drew close his goblet in hand. “My friends and guests I hereby consecrate this holy sacrament with you as witnesses. But as I am not the most honored guest here, that title belongs to my friend and patron the newly commissioned Lord Gresham. Who only last evening received his passage and the Dukedom of Illoria. And in congratulations, it is to he I offer my right of First Use!”
Kayla heard these words and started, this was completely unexpected. Charles had never shared her with someone else before! But she was his, she had begged him to be his. She had signed the paper and burned her flesh to prove it how good a slave she could be to him. She had no right to object, she was property, if this pleased her Master it pleased her to serve. She wanted only to be exceptional for him as he was to her.
Lord Gresham rose, “You do me great honor sir,” he said, “a great honor that will be remembered Charles, I accept the honor with gratitude.” His clothes were removed from him by maids and his pale round grey pudge was slowly revealed. He was probably fifty or so of average height and might have once been physically powerful, but age and sloth had both had their way and his grey flesh sagged. But as he strode forward towards her on the dais Kayla saw his large, fat semi-erect cock swinging fully under his paunch. A silver basin was brought forward and set next to her along with a stack of cloth hand towels.
The older man mounted the dais eyeing her and worked around behind her. She tensed when she could not see him but her mounting excitement at being used in this very public atmosphere was undeniable. The wine warmed her head and she grinned inwardly, working hard to maintain her outward appearance of calm submission. The ache that had started low in her womb hours ago was now more visceral, more all encompassing, her vagina filled and bloomed, her canal twitched and gripped at the empty ache. She felt her wetness growing quickly knowing soon it would actually drip out of her in a long thick drool of wanton lust. Then his hand was on her hot needy mound. His rough fingers rubbing her swollen lips and spreading them open. “Oh you’ve got yourself a young fresh wet one here Charles, a real juicy little slut.” His fingers and then his whole palm spread her ample flowing wetness around her fleshy cunt. He pressed the tip of a finger inside her and the ache was too much, she moaned softly not even knowing she had done so. The fingertip was removed and after a momentary pause was replaced by the fat knob of the old man’s prick. It was hot and fat and hard as she felt it press the folds of her flesh open, it was strange, because it was not Master, but in her current state of desire and emptiness the hard flesh was welcome. As she felt it spread her open and smoothly plow into her aching needy hole she moaned loudly from the pleasure of it, and the crowd cheered.
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