This is Chapter 3 of the Landlord’s Daughter series. Please read 1 and 2 to get the background. Please also look at the tags. If you don’t like these practices it may be better not to read. Thanks for your interest. Your comments are welcome.
Mark wandered proudly around his new bar and the delights it was ready to offer to paying customers. It had been finished to perfection by Bill and his lads. They had now been paid and all were at home getting ready to come back for the evening.
Mark’s phone had been ringing all day. He had put a lot of effort and the last of his cash into advertising the bar on the Internet and all around the locality. His careful phrasing of innuendo laden text offering a bar with luxury relaxation for gentlemen and service from beautiful female staff had brought many enquiries from men wanting to know exactly what they might expect to enjoy. Mark had been tempting, but a little evasive in his replies. Customers would have tobuild up a little trust before discovering the full extent of The Promise.
It was Friday. That should be a busy evening for the bar, but there would be no Lotto draw tonight and Rose and Hetty would be doing nothing more than serving drinks. Cash in the bank was what it was all about. The bigger treats on offer would come later. Mark was nervous as he reflected on the possibilities for his new business. When he thought about how successful Clyde’s restaurant was he was sure he could do just as well. He would need more than his wife and daughter though.
Before Courtney left they had a long chat. Courtney said he had mentioned to his girlfriend the real nature of the place he was working at. She was excited by his description and readily agreed when he said he would show it to her, but he hadn’t gone so far as to suggest she should get involved herself. He certainly hadn’t told her what he and the others had done with Rose and Hetty. Courtney said he would bring Noleen roundan hour before opening time and they were due any minute.
Mark opened the back door of the Pleasure Palace and walked into the car park. To his astonishment he saw Courtney getting out of his car accompanied by a beautiful white woman with loose, red hair half way down her back. They had never discussed what Noleen was like. Mark had just assumed she was black. He admonished himself for being so stupid. There was absolutely no reason to think such a thing.
“Hi Mark. This is Noleen. She has been looking forward to meeting you.”
“Hello Mark. Good to meet you.” The soft Dublin accent seemed to fit her perfectly.
“Wow! Noleen. The pleasure is all mine. Congratulations Courtney. You have a very beautiful lady.”
Noleen smiled in acceptance of the compliment. She was obviously accustomed to admiring attention.
“Please come in.”
As soon as they entered the room, Noleen’s posture changed. Instead of the self assured, beautiful woman who had emerged from the car, her eyes were cast down and she walked a little behind Courtney while she cautiously scanned the contents of the room.
“Take your clothes off and hang them up. Remember I told you that women are always naked in here.”
Immediately the order was given Noleen responded.
“I have told her a bit more about this place.” Courtney explained. “She could hardly wait to get Here.” Mark struggled to concentrate as a luxury auburn bus emerged from the tiny panties she was sliding down.
“Well she is not quite as naked as we require.” Joked Mark. The two men chatted about whether Noleen’s pubes must go or not while she stored her clothes carefully and presented herself for Mark’s inspection. Courtney put his hand on her pussy. “Feel that Mark. Soaking wet Just because she is showing herself off to you.”
Noleen put her feet apart and stood in front of Mark. He slipped two fingers inside her. She witnessed deeply.
“Thank you Sir!” This time her voice was quite different. The lilting Irish accent was still there, but she was far quieter. Quite obviously submissive.
“I’ve explained the Lotto game to Noleen and she wants to try it. We’ve discussed it and she is really excited.” Courtney took the flogger down from its hook and showed it to Noleen. “Not as hard as my cane, but it will sting a bit.”
“There’s something else Mark. Noleen has Always wanted to show off her body to men, but when we talked about this she confessed that she wants to go further than that. She wants to fuck in front of an audience. I had never imagined anything like that, but now she has suggested it I am getting a real buzz. You have that small stage in the corner. I don’t know if you have plans for it, but do you think that me and Noleen might be able to do a sex show?”
“Christ Courtney. If you want to do that I’m bloody sure as hell not going to stop you. Let’s think about how we will do it. First of all can we see how your lovely lady looks in the whipping frame?”
The men collected the leather and velcro cuffs. Noleen offered her wrists to Mark while Courtney knelt and attached her ankle cuffs. A few moments later she was restrained with her arms and legs at full extension. Courtney ran his hands over her body with the pride of ownership and gesture to Mark to do the same. Leaving her in place they wandered over to the stage and chatted about the possibilities.
Mark had seen Courtney’s cock pumping in and out of Hetty’s mouth. It was big and very black. His mind was now full of every cliché of inter-racial sex. It was the classic ebony and ivory image. Before seeing Courtney being serviced by the women he had never considered colour to mean anything sexually, but now the images of a shiny black body fucking the pale skinned redhead were really getting his imagination going. He was sure it would be a great crowd pleaser for the customers.
They walked around the small stage discussing possibilities. What theywould do, for how long and what furniture they might need. Finally Mark looked at his watch.
“Oh my! We open in twenty minutes. I must get in the bar and see if the girls have arrived and started setting things up.” As they walked past Noleen on their way to the bar she said. “I need a pee. Please let me down.”
“No.” Replied Courtney. “You go when I let you.” With that he truned back to follow Mark into the bar. Rose and Hetty were cheerily polising glasses and wiping down tables. They were ready to go.
“Hi Honey. We wondered where you were. Hello Courtney. Say you guys, have you seen outside the front door?”
“Take a look out the window.”
Mark gasped as he peered through the blinds. There was a queue of men waiting for the door to open. There must have been at least twenty.
“There were already about a dozen there when we arrived half an hour ago.” Said Rose.
“Jeeeeeeeez. The advertising working.”
“We’ve put the word around at work,” Said Courtney.
“I didn’t think you had that many workers in your firm.”
“No we don’t, but think about it Mark. We meet plumbers, electricians, delivery drivers, decorators and dozens of others all the time. When we hear about a good thing we share.” Courtney chuckled. “You know I met Noleen at work.”
“She’s no builder.”
“No she’s a freelance lawyer. She does all our contract stuff and some conveying when we buy and sell properties. She was married to one of our directors, but they divided and he’s gone abroad now. I just happened to bump into her at the right time and wonderful things happened.” He grinned.
“Fuck. We left her strung up in the whipping frame and she said she needed a pee. We had better get back and let her down.”
“No, steady on.” Said Courtney. “It’s good to keep a bit of control. If she pees on the floor she will have to clean it up and she will have to have some punishment for the misbehaviour.” Mark smiled when he realizedCourtney’s intentions although he wasn’t sure. He didn’t want to alienate Noleen.
“The lawsyers I know are not submissive types.”
“No. It’s just a sexual thing. She’s a really strong woman when she is working. Two completely different people.”
“Oh Right.” Said Mark. He was starting to think about this when Rose said. “I’m going to open the doors. We are right on time and I don’t think those guys want to wait any longer.”
“Oh! Of course.” Mark rushed to the door, unlocked it and welcomed the customers who were now crowding around the entrance. Within moments the girls were working at full speed serving drinks. Mark went round the tables introducing himself and thanking people for coming. At a couple of the tables there were mates of Courtney’s who had worked on the building. They were excitedly telling their friends about the Pleasure Palace and saying what the bar staff had done for them in there.
Courtney heard some of this chat. “Hey Mark. I’ve got an idea.” They had a quiet discussion.
“OK. If you really think so. It’s good with me.”
“Yes. Go on.” Said Courtney. Mark quietly spoke to a couple of tables where the first customers were seated. Ten men picked up their drinks and followed Mark and Courtney.
There were gasps and whistles when they saw Noleen spreadeagled in the whipping frame. She was squirming. At first she asumed it was just Courtney coming back for her. She was about to say how badly she wanted to pee when she saw what an audience she had. Her jaw dropped open. The men crowded round while Courtney invited them to have a good look and touch her if they wanted. Within seens Noleen’s breasts were being kneeled, fingers challenged her pussy and there was even a finger in her ass. For a moment her bladder stopped calling to her. Her head was filled with the disorder, but amazing sensings of this invasion of hands. Her squirming turned into a different emrith and she moaned quietly.
“OK gentlemen. You have now introduced yourself to our lovely friend who will entertain you on the stage if you are fortunate enough to be selected to attend a show. You will see how she performs with my friend and her lover.” Mark pointed to Courtney who now stood beside Noleen with the flogger in his hand.
The customers had all dropped back since Mark started speaking and now all eyes were fixed on the couple. “My lady will love you to watch her pleasure me and doing my bidding.” With that Courtney swatted Noleen on the belly with the flogger. It was not a very hard stroke, but it was enough to leave red marks. She winced at this severe reminder of her pressing need to empty her bladder.
Mark led the men back to the bar. He returned very soon with another ten customers and repeated the performance. This time when Courtney flogged her belly, she let out a squeal and let go a little squirt of pee. He told Courtney that there were exactly thirty customers in now so he would bring a thirdgroup and then Noleen could come down.
“OK maybe. We will see.” Courtney now had a very mischievous look on his face. “Please get me a bowl or a big jug from the kitchen when you bring in the next group.”
The final group of men came in and the routine was run through for the third time. When he came to the last part Courtney said:
“Look gentlemen. She’s been a bad girl and made a little puddle on the lovely new floor. We don’t want any more of that. Would one of you be kind enough to hold this jug between her legs…” Before he could say any more a short, tubby man shot forward and took the jug from him.
Courtney positioned him how he wanted and said. “OK guys. You see the pretty, rosy complexion of her belly. That is because I ticked it a bit with This flogger when we were showing the others around. She can have her last one now and the jug is there in case we have any more accidents. This time it will be a little bit harder stroke because she was naughty making Mark’s floor wet.”
He drew back his arm and gave Noleen a hard stroke across the lower part of her stomach.
Dispite her best efforts and knowing what was coming she squealed and another spurt of urine escaped.
“Please, please let me go to the bathroom. I can’t hold it any more.”
“OK then let it go.”
“Wh…what! Here? I..I..can’t.”
“Course you can.” The men all crane forward. “Let it go now or shall I flog you until it comes?”
She couldn’t last any longer. Before Courtney could carry out his threat Noleen began pissing. A powerful jet splashed into the jug. All control was gone. She continued peeing until the two litre jug was weighed down with hot yellow liquid. She could feel the breath of the faces closest to her groin. She looked down and shuddered. She didn’t know if it was embarrassment, fear or excitement. It was strange, but she thought she liked it.
Courtney took Noleen out of the frame and massed her shoulders. They kisseddeeply and passwordately. Nothing was said between them. While Noleen sat in a comfortable armchair Courtney went to the bar to get them drinks. The place was heaving. There must have been at least fifty men in there and less than a handful of women. Without enough room for everyone to sit down there was a crowd around the bar. Mark had joined the girls serving drinks to help them keep up.
The atmosphere in the bar was electric. Most had seen Noleen and the Pleasure Palace and they were enhusiastically telling others about it. As Courtney worked his way through to the bar he retired the comments he was hearing about his girlfriend. When he finally reached the bar Mark served his drinks and told him that he had ordered a couple of agency staff who should arrive soon. Courtney made his way out and relaxed with Noleen while They waited for Mark to be relieved and come to join them.
“Phew. I’m knackered and my girls must be tired out as well. Thank you so much Noleen. You areJust amazing. I don’t know what we are going to do with those guys though. They are about to exploit with anticipation.” He laughed. There was so much relief that money was finally coming in, but he was a bit serious that they had wound up a massive amount of sexual tension and he wasn’t sure what to do about it.
The two agency barmaids were glad to have an evenings work, but they were having a harder time than they expected. It was OK behind the bar, but every time they went out to collect glasses and mop tables they were gropeed or propositioned.
After two hours, the younger of the agency barmaids was furious. She told her colleague that although she needed the money she couldn’t take any more and she was going.
“Oh really. They are a bit naughty I know, but I quite like it actually. I haven’t had this much attention in years.”
“No it’s disgusting. I’m going.” The girl stormed over to Rose and ran out after Rose tried to soothe her feelings. “Hey Carole. Are you OK?”
“Sure, I’m fine Rose. She’s young and I know what she means, but I’m not bothered.” In fact Carole had already agreed to go to one man’s hotel room when she finished work. She was looking forward to having a well paid night and some more fun than she was used to.
Mark and Courtney shifted a screen from the shower area to the stage and opened it out to one side. They move a couple of armschairs onto the stage. One behind the screen and the other on show. It was getting close to midnight when they were going to close. People were drifting away from the bar although there were more than twenty still in. Mark went back into the bar and called for quiet.
“Thank you everybody for joining us on our opening night. We hope you have enjoyed yourselves and will become Regulars of The Promise. Tomorrow is Lotto night when we have something very special in store for you so please join us again, but now we have a little show for you to say thank you for joining us tonight. Will you please drink up and join me in the Pleasure Palace.”
Everything had been silent while Mark was speaking. As soon as he stopped there was a loud whir of conversation and the sound of glasses being emptied. The bar was deserted in moments.
Behind the screen, Courtney and Noleen were naked. She was sucking his dick and getting him stiff for the show. Mark jumped onto the stage. “You have Already met our gorgeous couple earlier this evening and now you can see how beautiful they are together.”
A glistening Courtney walked out from behind the screen as Mark jumped down. There were a few gasps of admission. Carole gripped the arm of the man who had booked her for later. Courtney backoned Noleen out from behind the screen. She peered teasingly around the edge then smiled and emerged to a ripple of applause. The guys recalled how they had touched her and watched her pee.
Courtney pointed to a man right at the edge of the stage. “Show him your pussy.” Noleen approached the man. It was the same short, tubby chap who had held the jug when she peed. She opened her legs and spread her labia wide. She was only an inch or two away from him. He starred silently.
Courntey pointed again. This time it was a man who could have been in his seventies. “Show him your ass.” Noleen crawled towards her target. She knelt low, put her hands behind her and spread her ass cheats. The elderly man lean forward, hesitated a second and then ran his tongue up from her cunt to her asshole. There were whoops and cheats from the crowd. “Thank you mam” he said and gave a gracious little bow.
“Come here.” Courtney’s cock had softened a little. He sat in the armchair. Noleen crawled across to him and took his prick in her mouth. He was quickly rock hard again. Taking Noleen by the hair he pulled her face away from him and stood up. He moved close to the edge of the stage dragging her with him. Probing her mouth again he looked to the audience and said “timefor a throat fuck. Eh!”
There were many calls of approval. Courtney thrust his full length into Noleens throat. She took it without problem despite the size. Audience members crane forward to see the stretching of her throat when her nose was pressed into Courtney’s public bone. He withdraw a little then started a rhythm fucking her face deep and only drawing back enough to keep her breathing. After a few minutes he turned her onto her back and pressed his dick into her sopping pussy.
“Wow she is wet. You guys have sure got my lady excited tonight. Pass me some lube please Mark. I fancy something tighter.”
After a short bout of hard fucking Mark handed over the lube tube. Courtney told Noleen to lie face down over the arm of the chair. He slicked the flavoured lube over his already wet prick, grabbed her buttocks and parted them. Although his large size, Courtney was fully in her ass with two or three strokes. Noleen was groaning and emrithing. “Hey Mark, she needs something to quietly her down. Could you come and fill her mouth for her?” He didn’t need any more encouragement. Mark jumped back onto the stage undoing his flies as he went. He was half hard as he took out his cock, but he had been fantasising about Noleen from the moment he saw her. Now that he was in her luscious warm mouth he went rigid in an instant. She was not only beautiful, she was an expert fellatrice. He was not going to last long.
Courtney worked up a fast pace with his ass fucking and it was clear he was getting close too. Just as Mark reached the brink Noleen convulsed in an orgasm of her own. That was enough, Mark started shooting a copious load into her mouth. As soon as he had finished Courtney withdraw from her ass and came round to finish in her mouth. The moment she had gulped down the last of the cum Courtney raised her to her feet. One man held each of her arms and all three gave a bow to the audience who responded with deafening applause. As people left they shook Mark and Courtney’s hands. Most gave Noleen a lingering hug and a kiss on her cummy lips. They would all be back.
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