The Landlady 4 – ch 10
Dan’s fantasies are revealed.
chapter 10
A lot more in common than I thought
I couldn’t see much, but I could hear everything as if I was in the room with them.
The three women had resumed their places on the sofa, but I could see Dan was still standing.
“Scootch up babe,” he said to Julia.
“Just stay there Daniel,” I heard Samantha saying, in a tone I’d come to know very well in the past week. I’d never heard anyone call him Daniel before this, and it seemed to surprise Dan just as much.
“Ohhkee…” he said, obviously wondering what was going on.
“Dan,” said Julia quietly, “a week ago something happened, you know, with Andre. And when we got home, we had sex, but it was different. Something had changed with you, and that something made me make a decision I’d been mulling over for a while.”
I felt that familiar twentye in my belly at the mentionof my name. All this time I’d assumed she’d been referring to Nicky’s submissive boyfriend.
“Wow, ok. Isn’t this a bit TMI for Sam and Nicky? We can talk about it at home can’t we?”
“Actually, no. Sam and Nicky happen to have a lot of experience with what I’ve decided and I want their advice. So why don’t you tell them what you said to me at the end, before you wanked yourself off all over me?”
“Julia!” he said, sounding shocked.
“Well?” she demanded. He made some noises but nothing comprehensive. “Fine, then I’ll tell them. When you were fucking me, you were getting pretty worked up about the way Sam had made Andre strip in front of me. You said you could tell by how he acted that there was something else going on, didn’t you?”
“Well, something like that I guess.”
That was quite a revelation. I guess my bravado didn’t fool them any more than I’d fooled myself. I was desperate to see Dan’s face now, and when I wiggled the slats on the door I realised they could be tilted to almost horizontal.
“What you actually said was, you liked seeing her make him strip off and treat him like her little service, and she was wasted on a gay boy like him. Didn’t you?”
I saw Julia stand up, but instead of standing to confront him face to face, she walked around to stand behind him. He was holding his suit jacket a little awkwardly in one hand.
She lifted it and dropped it on the floor. Dan instinctively moved to pick it up, but she slide her arms around him from behind. He froze, not seeming to know what to do next.
“So what did you mean by that, exactly?”
“Just that he won’t be able to do much for Samantha, you know…sexually.”
“And that’s what you think it is Then…sexual?”
“Julia, you saw his reaction when he was lying on the floor. Not that I blow him, lying there totally naked with your hands all over him.” His face was clearly redder than when he came in, and he sounded strangely unlike the confident guy I thought I knew.
I’d taken his silence that day for embarrassment, but the idea my straight friend had actually been triggered by me started having an effect on my cock too.
Julia’s hands moved from where they’d been resting on his chest, sliding up to the collar of his shirt. She grasped the knot on his tie and tugged slowly, gently, until it loosened.
“Yes, you used those words a few times when you were fucking me.”
“What words?” he asked.
“Naked. Stripped. Make him.” As she said it, she tugged the tie downward until the knot dissolved, and let it slither out from his collar with the speed of a languid snake.
That seemed to fluster him even more, and she unwrapped her arms and walked around to stand in front of him.
“You’re looking warm sweetie, undo your top button.” He seemed to agree that a very good idea, because he opened his collar and the top button along with it. There was silence for a moment, as if the other women were patIently waiting to see what happened next.
“Stripped. Naked. You wouldn’t really tell me much when I tried to get you to talk about it after, but I knew you were holding something back. So that got me thinking, why those words? We usually got naked when we have sex, so why was this so different? And then I got it, or I think I did.” She looked at Nicky, a momentary smile flitting across her face.
“But I needed to be sure, and then I remembered the computer in your study. If I was right… well long story short, it’s a bad idea to use the same password for the computer you watch your porn on, as the security cameras your mommy put in.”
He looked at her as if she’d just slapped him in the face.
“I almost couldn’t believe it could be true, it was just too coincidental what with Michael, and then Andre. But when I looked at your browser history, it was undeniable. Femdom dot com, CFNMgurlz, Mistress Karla, CFNM kingdom. You even have a subscription to that one.”
“Oh that…well you know, guys will be guys,” he said, trying one of his famous grinns.
“Nice try Daniel,” she said flatly. Her use of his full name throw him enough to make his grin vanish as rapidly as he’d conjured it up.
“Femdom -well that one’s pretty obvious. But the other ones…. well Nicky had told me about her and Michael, otherwise I’d probably never have heard of it. Although once she explained it to me, I totally got it.”
“Michael? er…what do you mean you got it?”
I’m not sure which of those revelations confused him most, but Julia lent him a hand.
“When I told you Michael and Nicky have a specific kind of unequal relationship, I had the feeling you were more interested than you were letting on. At the time I didn’t know all the right words, but Sam helped me out there. They have a CFNM relationship. And you know exactly what that is, don’t you Daniel?”
His face was red before, but it looked a few shades brighter now.
“Clothed..” she said, her fingers nimbly popping open the second button on his shirt.
“Female..” the third followed. “Naked…” and the fourth. “Male,” she said finally, and the
fifth button succumbed as easily as the others.
From seeing him so often at work, I knew he hated undershirts, complaining they made him too hot. The shirt hung half open, revealing some fuzz on his pecs, and a stripe down his belly. Only the fact his shirt was still tucked into his pants stopped it hanging open completely.
“Julia, what are you doing?” It seemed pretty obvious to me, but I gave him credit for at least not making assumptions.
“Don’t you want to know what I decided?” she asked, ignoring the question.
“Well, Daniel, everyone sees you in a particular way. The Masters degree, the car, the job, the parents. We flirted for ages on and off, and you wanted it lowkey as you described it. I don’t like secrets, and I hated hiding it from Andre. But it just developed in a certain direction, and finally I resigned myself to it being what it was. Then out of the blue you tell me you want to make it more serious. I couldn’t reconcile that guy with the one I thought I knew.
“I knew you had a kinky streak from the stuff you’d said when we had sex in the past, but it was only this last week that it all made sense. I saw how you looked last Saturday at Sam’s, how quiet you were. So unlike you, but the expression on your face was…new.”
With that, she yanked the shirt forcedly out of his pants, and yanked it rapidly off his shoulders just as she’d done with me. Except this time she gave one more sharp pull, enough to pull his wrists out of the cuffs, dropping the shirt on the floor beside his jacket.
“I realized this was the missing link, the part you were holding back from me…” He was looking at her now, seemingly unaware of the fact she was undoing his belt as she spoke.
Was Julia actually going to strip my best friend in front of my eyes? My heart was pounding and so was his from the way his chest was moving. He wasn’t exceptionally muscular, but the dusting of hair on his pes highlighted his large pink nipples and lead my eye down the trail on his belly and beyond.
“… and I decided maybe we could give this a shot.” There went the pants button. As if waking from a dream, his hands shot to hers, gripping her wrists before she could go any further.
“You didn’t let me finish Daniel. Let go of my wrists.” Her steely tone seemed to surprise him enough to make him comply. She bent slightly to retrieve the tie she’d dropped earlier, and almost casually grabbed one of his wrists as she stood back up, moving it gently but firmly behind his back. From behind, she did the same with the other wrist, and from the movement of her arms it was obviously she’d tied them together. Interestingly, he’d let her do it without further protest.
“So where was I? That’s right. I decided we can give this serious thing a try…but on my terms.
Meaning you’re going to follow my rules and do things the way I want, to please me instead of just yourself. I’m not convinced you can do it, but-“
I was so focused on the deer-in-headlights expression on his face that I missed the fact she’d been unzipping his pants by inches as she spoke. As soon as she let go of them, they dropped to his ankles with a metallic thud as the keys and phone in his pockets hit the floor.
I’d occasionally managed to catch a few brief glimpses of Dan in his boxers, as he ran from the shower to his room. Perhaps not wanting to embarrass me or himself, he’d always been scrupulously modest around me. Unfortunately. But what was now clearly on display for everyone in the room was sure as hell no boxer brief. It was tiny, a mere scarlet patch at his crotch, held together by 2 strings pulled lewdly high up on his hips. It looked like satin, with a little lace trim at the top where the line of hair on his belly disappeared underneath. With a milk shock, I realized it was a g-string – and not one made for men. Dan hung his head, clearly mortified.
“Well, well, well,” said Julia, as she walked a full circle around him as if admiring a sculpture in a galley. “I wondered where those went. Although actually..”
She grabbed him by the knotted tie at his wrists and pulled him with her, forcing him to turn, shuffling awkwardly with his pants at his ankles.
“What do you think girls, his ass looks pretty good in these right?” she said, swatting him playfully on his right cheek.
The ‘girls’ voiced their agreement, and so did my dick, because Dan’s ass was nothing short of spectacular. Round, muscle, with just a hint of fuzz from his balls up along the crevice – a hint of the furry goodness lurking in there. Julia gave it a few appreciated strokes, but when she pulled his wrists again in an attempt to twist him back around, he stumbled.
“That’s no good. Take your shoes off Daniel.”
“Please Jules…” he said, trying a very poor shadow of his usual smile.
“No. This is the deal. If you want me to take you seriously, you need to start doing the same.
Stealing my panties hasn’t exactly helped your cause, so you need to tread very carefully now. Right out of those shoes in fact.”
He shook his head, seeming to struggle to get his head around what was happening. But I was thrilled to see him kick them off anyway. Julia nodded approvedly.
“Good. Now step out of your pants. He seemed to accept defeat, lifting his feet out one by one. It was quite a sight, my proud friend standing there, in respectable black socks, his torso and legs divided by the garish scarlet gash of Julia’s obscenely tiny undies. Of course I’d occasionally wondered what he looked like naked but I’d never let myself sexualise my best friend. Now I was seeing him in a whole new way and I couldn’t help but hope that Julia wasn’t done yet.
“Excellent. You see howit can be now, don’t you Daniel? How much easier it is when you stop pretending to be the big successful man? I wonder what all the guys at work would think if they knew you wore your girlfriend’s panties around the office? And why is that anyway?”
She was speaking almost into his ear by now, but with his head hanging it was hard to make out his reply.
“Lift your head up and say that again,” she demanded.
“It makes me feel good,” he said lamely, his eyes looking desperately at her for understanding. Julia Shook her head almost angrily this time.
“Not good enough Daniel. It’s time you were honest, not just with me, but yourself. Try again. And no lies, because I found your stash. A few more of mine and a few who came from God Knows where.” The desperate look hung on his face.
“It’s… it’s my escape. All the pressure, from my parents, my boss, my friends.. the expectations. It keeps me sane Jules,” he said quietly.
“Better, but keep going,” she said, her hand now rubbing over the front of his panties.
He closed his eyes and swallowed.
“Because it reminds me it’s ok to be soft, underneath.” It was obvious in his voice this was coming from somewhere deep.
“Soft? Is that what you think I am? What women are?” Julia’s hand was more grabbing than rubbing now, but from my hiding place it was hard to see what. The Underwear was so tight there didn’t seem to be a lot to grab hold of.
Samantha had been silent this whole time, but now she stood. Without a word, she gathered up his scattered clothes and walked out into the hallway. I pretty heard the front door opening and closing again, but instead of walking back to the others, I saw her striding towards me. I realized preciously I’d been unconsciously touching my dick for some time, and I only just moved my hand in time as she yanked open the door. I saw her eyes register my erection, but to my relief she didn’t say anything. Instead her eyes fixed on a row of kitchen implements on hooks next to the pantry door.
“Bring those boy,” she said, pointing to a pair of black handled scissors. Sheepishly, I followed her out. Although his own less than advantage appearance, I was self consciousness about being naked and hard in front of my friend. Not to mention being collared with my landlady calling me boy into the bargain.
She strode to where Julia was standing, her arms crossed in front of her and stood next to Dan, his face still flushed and sweating.
“May I assist my dear?” Julia looked at her gratefully and nodded. But instead of speaking to him harshly as I expected, Sam walked behind him and undid the tie restraining his wrists.
“Better?” she asked kindly.
“Yes…thank you. But what did you do with my clothes?” he said, looking a little saved.
“They’re safe, don’t worry boy.” His eyes were alert again hearing that word. “I want to ask you something.” His eyes were wide, perhaps hoping she’d somehow prove tobe his rescuer.
Poor Dan. I allowed myself to scan his body – and I couldn’t help it – check out his bulge.
It was barely visible from this distance, but as luxury as it sounds, it still felt wrong to think about it too much.
“Why is it that men – boys – like you, associate wearing our underwear with being weak, or soft, or inferior to other men? A woman Wearing men’s boxes isn’t something shameful, so why is it the other way around? Don’t you think thats a little bit misogynist Daniel?”
As she spoke, she inserted her finger into the string at the side, pulling it out far enough that it bit into the skin on his other hip, before releasing it with a snap.
“I… I never thought of it that way Sam,” he said apologetically. Whatever else I Thought of him, I knew Dan was no misogynist. But she had a point.
“No, I bet you didn’t.” She was standing right beside him now, her hand struggling his belly like a puppy’s. “But it simply won’t stand Daniel.” Shelooked at Julia, now sitting next to her sister with her hands primary around her knees.
“I assume you don’t want these back?” she asked.
Julia gave a resolute shake of her head. “Hell no. And they’ll be all stretched out of shape now anyway,” she said, sounding generally annoyed.
Samantha looked at me and beckoned. I was relieved my hard on had partially subsided in the meantime, but getting closer to a practically naked Dan wasn’t helping. She held out her hand and I realized she wanted the scissors. With one manicured finger, she pulled the side strap away from his skin, and as he realized what she was about to do, he actually squeaked.
“Please Samantha, don’t do that. Please?” His begging was both shockingly out of character and – if I was truthful -rather pathic. As well as pointless, although I suppose he had no way of knowing that.
“Daniel, do yourself a favour and shut up right now. Otherwise I’ll have Andre here pick up your clothes from the hallway and drop them down the garbage shute.” She fixed his eye.
“Don’t make the mistake of thinking that’s an idle threat. I don’t say things I’m not willing to follow through on. And your little friend here -” without breaking eye contact with Dan, she pointed her finger at the floor next to my feet and I knew immediately what to do.
“Well I don’t need to explain you wont be getting Any help from him.” With no further warning she snipped through the string on the side his underwear, and being at eye level I had a perfect view of his shortly trimmed pubes on the side where the panties fell away from his body. I guess I was going to see him naked after all. Dan however was still in denial of this now unavoidable outcome and looked to appeal to his girlfriend instead.
“Jules…this has gone far enough. I learned my lesson now, so can we please talk about this at ho-?”
To my surprise it was Nicole whose reaction stopped him in mid-sentence. She was laughing
her odd low-pitched chuckle as she uncurled herself from the sofa. But instead of going to Dan, she grabbed my collar as if I was a dog who’d just pissed on her carpet, and half pulled me along behind her until I was kneeling behind him, with his perfect ass directly in front of my face.
“Poor Daniel. I know you’re used to everyone kissing your ass. I know you always did Andre,” she said looking down at me. In fact, go ahead and do that now boy. I can tell you want to.”
For a moment I thought I misheard, but she pulled on the collar until my face mashed against his bare ass. So what else could I do? I went to work kissing his muscle buttocks, intotoxicated by the hair on his crack and craving more, when Nicole pulled me roughly away again.
“Take it easy piggy.”
She was standing off to one side of him now, playing with the scissors she must have taken from Sam while I was busy worshiping my best friend’s ass.
“That ends today Daniel,” she said with more thana trace of disdain in her voice. “Julia has been far too tolerant of your manipulations for far too long. The only person who’ll be kissing your ass anytime soon is the adoring puppy sitting right behind you. And from what she’s told me.. well let’s see if she’s if its true.”
Without another word she snipped the other string on the ruined panties, and pulled. They dropped to the floor, and I couldn’t Help noticing his balls drop into view between his legs.
Dan had real low hangers apparently, and pretty big ones at that. I heard Sam chuckle, presumably at the humiliation Dan was now showing on his face. But my view was mostly blocked by his beefy ass and the distracting sight of those big dangling testicles.
“Well, well Julia. That’s a new one, even for me. What is it they say – the curtains don’t match the draws?” Sam said, laughing a little more now. I had no idea what that means, unless he dyed his hair, and I knew that wasn’t the case.
Nicole was still standing just to his side, her line of sight directly at his crotch. She turned to look at her sister, although from my position I couldn’t see her face at all.
“Wow. I can see what you mean now.” She stride off toward the kitchen, where I saw her opening the pantry door and coming back with something in her hand.
“Do you mind?” she asked her sister.
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