Your First Time Ch. 03

“I think that’s enough for one night.” You spin around to see your ‘prince charming’ has finally gotten up from your booth to come and take you away. Just when you were starting to enjoy yourself, too.

“Hey, buddy,” the man standing directly behind you say, pointing a finger at his chest. “Finders, keepers.”

“Why don’t we leave it up to the lady?” he Responses, gently removing the man’s finger. “Lydia?” It was the first time he had addressed you by your name all evening. For some reason, it sent a shiver down your body, leaving you tingling. You were suddenly very aware of the plug in your ass and its effects on your dripping pussy.

Your response was immediate and unconscious: no competition. It was as if you knew you belonged to him. You moved to stand next to him, eliciting a chorus of disappointed sounds and comments from the barmen. He smiled. “Goodnight, gentlemen.” And with that, he led you out of the bar.

Once outside, he turned quickly on his heel, deliving a quick slap across your face. You stumbled back a bit, not so much from the pain, but from the surprise of the blow. You start to ask what on earth that was for when you remember his rule about not speaking unless prompted. Instead, you look up at him inquisitively, holding your cheek.

He smiles devilishly. “Just need to remind you who you belong to. I’m sure those men in there would have thoroughly enjoyed you. However, you are not theirs to enjoy without my expressed permission. If and when you will fuck other men is entirely up to me. Do you understand, Lydia?” The sound of your name all but eras everything he just said to you from memory, and you nod. You feel the familiar tingle, coupled with the pressure from the plug. You’re in a daze.

“Good girl. Now, get down on your knees.” You comply without a second thought, the gravel from the parking lot grinding into your skin. Not ten feet from the door of the bar, you hope no one exits it any time soon. Or drives by, for that matter. You consider what it would be like to have a random stranger watch you submit, on your knees, to this man. Although your brain is telling you it would be horrifying, your dripping pussy says otherwise.

You’re pulled out of your fantasy by the sound of a zipper, and you realize what’s about to happen. As he pulls out his flaccid cock, maybe five or six inches You think, surprised at its length while soft, you prepare yourself. You’re no stranger to sucking men off, although you’ve never done it outside of the comfort of a home. The excitement of getting caught only makes you more eager to perform, and you find yourself salivating at the thought of his cock between your lips. Additionally, you find yourself wanting to prove yourself to him, to show him that you can turn him on, too.

“I’m sure you know what to do with this, slut.” His words both hurt and excite you simultaneously, and you keenly pull his cock to your mouth. Suddenly, you realize the panties are still in there. You had grown so accustomed to the feel and taste, you had forgotten. You started to spit them out when he delivers another slap across your face, with his hardening cock this time.

“Did I tell you to take those out?” You look at the ground sheepishly. “Give them to me.” You remove the soaking panties, rolled into a ball, from your mouth and place them in his outstretched hand. “Stand.” You comply, eyes still on the gravel below. He reaches down to the hem of your skirt and pulls it all the way up, tucking it into the top of your blouse. Your cheats grow warm at this humiliation, realizing anyone walking by or leaving the bar has a full view of your naked ass.

He shakes the panties out of the ball they were in and moves his hand to your pussy. In one fall swoop, he lodges his finger into you, bringing the panties with it. He uses two more fingers to shove them the rest of the way in, making sure they’re deep enough to stay. You feel strange with the fabric stuck inside of you; it’s almost pleasant, feeling the cotton move slightly as you fidget your legs.

Without warning, he shoves you back down to your knees and forces your face onto his cock, now a fully erect eight or nine inches. He slams his member to the back of your throat, forcing you to gag. Holding you there, he says, “This is what happens when sluts disobey. Those panties better stay in this time, bitch.” You don’t make a move or a sound. You just knee there, forehead pressed against his shirt, ass and pushesy on display, mouth full of cock.

He grabs two fistfuls of your hair, pushing you as far as possible against his body, seemingly not caring that you’re quickly losing oxygen. After what seems like an eternity, he pulls you off and away from him, suspending you a few inches from the tip of his member. You gasp for air, but are pulled back onto his cock far too quickly. He continues this motion a few more times, pressing you into him for ten seconds or soEach time. You try to grow accustomed to breathing through your nose while trying not to gag, but have difficulty. You begin to coough around his cock, gasping for air.

His response is not what you had hoped. “Choke on it, pet. You’ll have to get used to it sooner or later.” His tone is casual, almost as if he’s about to laugh. He then pulls you off of him, allowing you a second to catch Your breath. The moment ends too soon as he changes his game: he’s now pulling you back and forth faster and faster on his cock, basically fucking your face. In a strange way, you almost prefer this, as you know it will be over soon. You can sense his impending orgasm.

“I swear to God, if you waste one drop of this…” He doesn’t both finishing the sentence, and instead finishes in Your mouth. The hot cum nails the back of your throat and you swallow it down as quickly as possible. You’ve never minded the taste of a man’s ejaculation.

Just then, you hear laughter and cat calls behindyou. A pit forms in your stomach as you realize a few men have exited the bar. With his hands still wrapped in your hair, holding you on his empty cock, you cannot move, even to cover yourself. You try to look up at him, but the angle is too difficult to adjust. What seems like hours is only mere seconds that he keeps you on display like this, showing off his prize to these onlookers. Finally, he releases you.

“Well done, pet,” he prayes, tucking away his shrinking cock. You silently wish he would indicate you could cover up as well. Instead, he leaves you on your knees, ass still exposed. You hear applause behind you, but don’t turn around, knowing it will only humiliate you more. He, on the other hand, pretends to bow for the onlookers. Pulling you up from the ground, your knees grateful for the release, he spins you around to face the four men that have gathered outside for a smoke. Your eyes are glued to the ground as your cheeses redden and your pussy moistens.

“Look good, little lady!” “You’re a lucky man there, pal.” “What service!” The men call out a string of sarcastic praises.

“Alright gentlemen,” he says, snaking his arm around your waist, still refusing to let down your skirt, “I know she puts on a good show. However, it’s time for us to depart. Have a good evening.” And with that, he leads you to his car, opening the door. You climb in.

As he gets in the car himself, he hesitates to put the key in. Looking at you, he says, “Alright, Lydia. Now you’ve had a taste, literally, of what entering into any kind of relationship with me would be like. I’m allowing you one final out. If you’re at all uninterested, please, just get out now. Because once I start this car, there’s no turning back. You will belong to me, mind, body and soul. You need to understand that.”

You remain silent, pondering his words. Mind. Body. Soul. That seems like a lot to give one person. But as you think, you relay the past evening’s events in yourhead. You’ve never gotten so incredibly turned on just by someone’s words before. It was as if he had cast a spell over you, one you weren’t sure could even be broken if you wanted it to. You consider the fact that you did tell him you were interested in being in a submissive relationship, with a man who didn’t mind showing you off now and again, as you so eloquently put it through your online messages. Try anything once, right?

And with that resolution came clarity: you were in it for the long haul. There was no way you could pass up an opportunity like this. “I’m staying,” you declare, looking at him square in the eye. He smiles that devilish smile, obviously pleased.

“Wonderful…” And his tone makes you hope to God you didn’t just make the biggest mistake of your life.


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