The Lady Ch. 02

She entered the huge expansion of Her domain and viewed him, laid on the large leather clad work platform, curled in the recovery position, as Her guards had been instructed to leave him. She waved Her leather clad hand in front of a panel on the wall and overhead lights twinkled into their full brightness. She expected the strong light to cause him to stir but he remained still. She quickly made Her way over to the side of the work platform, a long rectangular construction; longer and slightly wider than an operating table and covered in taut leather padding. She viewed him there for a moment, laid on his side, as the corner of Her mouth turned upwards into a deliciously sweet smile. She, instinctively, feel under the collar of his rain soaked shirt and felt for his pulse. It beat normally and She felt a wave of relief come over Her. She had him back with Her again and She felt complete once more.

Sleeping now, his eyeselids lightly fluttering under some drug induced dream She stRoked his face tenderly then bent to place the softest of kisses on his forehead. A glimmer of a stir showed within him but still he slept. She had time to prepare him now, but She must work quickly.


Dim, soft, blue light entered his eyes as they struggled to open and then failed to focus as quickly as he was used to. He tried to look around but his head was locked in place. Frantically, he charged his senses to evaluate his whole physical being. Quickly, he discovered that he was totally immobile and unable to move. He could feel material against his skin but it felt soft and loose and it certainly was not that which held him in place. His whole body swam with messages; every synapse firing to send signals to his brain. Wrist restrains holding his hands down. His fingers encased in something rigid and unable to move. His fore and upper arms restricted at strategic points. He could flex some muscles but he couldn’t move more than a millimetre at most. His neck restrainted. His forehead and the sides of his skull immobile. His torso strapped down. His hips, legs and feet also strapped, but in a criss-cross fashion and not by straight strapping. No escape! He swallowed awkwardly. The only parts of his body that he could move freely were his toes and the muscles of his face, although his jaw was restricted by the item holding his head and neck in place. ‘I want out’, he thought.

His brain whirred. He wanted to struggle, to get free of these binds. He didn’t know where he was or who those people were that had grabbed him on his way home from work. She must have sold him to another Owner. She had never mentioned it, but he knew it was possible. How could she? After everything they had been through together! He started aching now, the first thoughts of Her swamping his mind, initially blinding him with Her brilliance, as always. But She was gone now. She had discarded him. He felt a sudden sickness well up inside him. He feared he might actually be pHysically sick and feel his stomach spasm in an automatic response. He started to panic, his eyes searching wildly around above his head. Nothing but ceiling and lights. If he were to vomit now he would choke to death! Panic and fear began to smooth him. He breathed in deep through his mouth and out through his nose as She had taught him as a panic control. Not working. ‘Oh, God! Get me out of Here!’ He thought. But, then, he was distracted. The lights, overhead, were beginning to change colour. From blue emerged a purple hue, then magenta pink and finally to a bright red light. A door opened but he couldn’t see anything. ‘What the hell is going on?’ He struggled again. Survival overtook his need to vomit and he began to wriggle as much as he could, which wasn’t much at all.


“Lay still!”

‘Her voice! She is here! My Goddess!’ His mind snapped back to him. Suddenly he felt a deep well of emotion he had never experienced before. She had NOT discarded him. She hadtook him back. She had arranged ALL this. She had bound him. A sense of safety and security came over him and he let out a massive sight, his chest straining against the straws that held him down. He wanted to speak but knew not to in Her company, and he couldn’t have done so even if he wanted to, anyway. A lump grow in his throat and hot tears from the extreme emotion were welling in his eyes, singing as they escaped from the corners and fell down the side of his face into his hairline.

“My slave…” she pursued at him as She reached the top end of the platform to stand by his head.

“I have missed you.” She cooed, leaning to look down into his eyes.

Looking up at Her the emotion took hold of him, entirely, his face controlling into a full blown set of sobs and tears. He couldn’t believe he was looking at Her again. He thought he had lost Her! She looked even more stunning to him than ever, Her powerful eyes reading him through his tears.

She reached over him andgently dabbed at the corners of his eyes with a soft clothes.

“Sssshhhh, my slave…” she whispered, “everything is going to be just fine now.”


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