The Knightlife Pt. 01

“Come on, Jonathan.” pleased Gabriel. “You need this. Trust me. This place will blow you away and you can learn so much. Plus, if you hate tonight and never go back, at least you have an interesting story to tell.” My name is Jonathan. I’m a 21 year old English student in college. The guy before me was my buddy and roommate, Gabriel, who was 22 and studying architecture. Gabriel had been my best friend since we met at freshman orientation. Now we were both juniors and living together in an apartment near campus.

“I don’t know, man.” I replied, rubbing the back of my neck. It was one of my nervous ticks, and I was getting pretty nervous now. I suppose I should explain a little. Since entering college and exploring my sexuality, I had discovered a few things About myself. The first was that I had a huge foot fetish. I had suspected for some time that I had one, but I was afraid to admit it for fear of being “different” or “creepy.” Then I met Gabriel and his group of friends. They were pretty open about their sexuality and often talked about what they liked. After I was introduced to them, it wasn’t long before they started to include me in these conversations.

At first, I pretended that I was just into regular, vanilla sex. Nothing special. That didn’t last long. Some of those friends were very attractive girls, and they were very persuasive. It was also safe to bet that they had caught me staring at their feet a couple of times, and noticed that I was very eager to indulge them in foot rubs. So, one night at one of our frequent parties, after I had a few bottles of liquid courage, they finally dragged the truth out of me. Instead of the mocking and insults that I had expected, they were very accepting, and even encouraging. Some even partially shared my enthusiasm for the beauty that was a woman’s foot. Foot rubs and teasing me with bare feet or games of footsy became a common sight. I even had a casual relationship or two.

That’s when I made my next self discovery. I was fooling around with a girl named Alice. Short, blond, cute, and a big sense of humor made her fun to be around. She was even more fun in bed, but for a different reason. Alice liked to be in charge. She would pull my hair and bite, scratch, and pinch wherever she pleased. She would tease me respectlessly, keeping me hard for hours until she finally gave me release. I knew she took a special satisfaction from knowing that she was the only one that could free me from my torque. She even chased me a couple of times. Not enough to actually keep me from breathing, hurt me, or put me in danger, but enough so that I knew she was doing it on purpose.

She knew how to dominate. I would always find myself pushed onto the bed and mounted before I knew what was going on. “Are you excited, honey?” she would whisper into my ear after biting it. “Does this make you want to cum?” The answer was always yes. Though whether or not I could say it between moaning and gasping in pleasure was another thing. She would sit up over me with that wicked smile and fire in her eyes and say “Well, then you know what to do. Ladies first.” At her command I would use my mouth and hands to bring her to all the orgasms she wanted. Then and only then would I get my reward. Seeing her in such a state of sexual bliss and knowing that I had brought her there was almost a reward in itself. Of course, hardly anything beats a good orgasm.

I loved all of it. The pain she caused me was nothing compared to how much it turned me on. The fact that she loved to tease me, to see me get all hot and bothered, just made me even hornier. I can safely say that I was sad to see her go when she moved in order to get a job opportunity. I fell into a bit of a funk. I throw myself into my studies in an attempt to get my loneliness (and horniness) off my mind. I hadn’t had any action in months.

Then Gabriel had come to me with an offer. He had known what Alice was into. And since I had spent more than one night with her, he correctly assumed that I was into it too. So, he told me about a special place of business that he knew.

“It’s called ‘The Edge.’ It’s a BDSM club.” He told me. My jaw dropped. I had heard of such places, but never did I expect one to be in our city, let alone that my best friend was a member. And so that brings us to the present. We were standing in the living room, and Gabriel was trying to convince me to go with him to The Edge, as he had been doing for the past couple of weekends.

“You’re sure I won’t have to participate in anything if I don’t want to?” I asked. I didn’t want to be roped into anything (pun completely intended).

“Of course. It’s a safe, sane environment where people can indulge in a side of themselves that They don’t normally get to.” He picked up his duffel bag which he had informed me the previous week held several sex toys, torture devices, and bondage paraphernalia. “Everything is consensual and means tobe fun. Please come with me.”

I told. Earlier this week I had decided that I was finally going to take him up on his offer. It just took a little more courage than I thought to actually agree. “Okay. I’ll go. At the very least I can see some naked people, right?” I put on my classic idiot grin. He responded with a matching grin of his own and laughed.

“That’s the spirit! Come on!” I followed him out the door to his car and got in. He drove to the downtown area, which was full of cafes, music stores, antique shops, clubs, bars, and various other hangouts frequently by college students. He parked across the street from a large warehouse.

“Are you sure this is the place?” I asked, feeling a bit unsure suddenly. This all seemed a bit sketchy.

“Yes, yes.” He answered exclusively. “They can’t exactly string out the fact that this is a BDSM club in neon lights you know.” I realized he had a point. Discretion would be preferred for the kind of acts practiced here.After all, you wouldn’t want a coworker or family member to see you going in and know what you were going to do.

We crossed the street and entered a pair of double doors in front. We were in small entry room, where a line waited before a long hallway. At the entrance to the hallway, a security guard was collecting money and checking ID’s. We waited our turn, and then Gabriel presented a card to the guard and told him that I was his guest.

Apparently, you could either pay a standard fee to get in for one night, or become a member of the club and only pay once per year. A membership also means you could bring one guest per night for free.

He checked my ID to make sure I was the legal age and then waved us in. We walked down the hallway, which I noted was furnished with a long rug and soft lighting to give off an elegant vibe. I saw doors on either side of the hallway and asked Gabriel about them. He told me they were dressing rooms. When I raised my eyesbrows, he said that some people have a costume they wear for playing, or they just need to undress and have somewhere to store their clothes for the night. This way, you didn’t have to dress at home and then drive here in costume. I added that to my list of useful information about this establishment.

When we reached the end of the hallway, I gasped. The majority of the open space had been converted into what looked like a grand ballroom. Instead of dancing, this ballroom was used for playing. Scattered here and there were arrangements of bondage devices. X frames, tables with straps, stocks, and other instruments I couldn’t name took up the majority of the center of the room. Along the sides of the room were tables and chairs where people could relax and sit a while, often talking with other nearby patrons. At the back was a long bar, where three bartenders fixed drinks for Those willing to buy them. The catwalk had been modified and extended into an upper floor. I later found out that the secondd floor had rooms where people could go to enjoy more private endeavors.

Everywhere I looked, I saw people engaged in BDSM of every shape, size, and format. Some wore outfits of tight black leather. Others wore casual clothes, like Gabriel and me. Still others wore nothing at all. It was unlike anything I had ever seen.

“Welcome,” excerpted Gabriel, gesturing widely to the room Before us. “To The Edge. The edge of pleasure and pain. Of heaven and hell. Where our worst nightmares and greatest fansies coalesce into something magnificent. Also, a place where you can get a good drink and cum your brains out if you play your cards right.”

I looked over at Gabriel. He was 5’8″, around 140 pounds, with black hair that he kept cut short and hazel eyes. He had a runner’s body. All in all, a pretty handsome guy. He was a good athlete on the track team and keep high scores in all his classes. Looking back, I would never have guessed that he would know of a place like this. And yet he did. And was even a member. In comparison, I was 6′ even and weighed around 150 pounds. I was long and lanky, with blue eyes covered by prescription glasses and a tangle of curly brown hair. I swam regularly, which kept me thin and healthy, though gave me nowhere near the amount of definition that Gabriel had. I considered myself easy on the eyes, but by no means good looking. I witnessed and Shook my head, pushing such thoughts out of my mind. Now was not a time for self goal. Tonight was a night for adventure.

Gabriel led me around the room, letting me soak in all the sights, sounds, and smells. We stopped in front of some stocks that held a man who looked to be about fifty. Behind him was a woman of similar age, holding a black riding crop. She walked back and forth, giving the man a lash Each time before turning around. The man grunted and moaned, and his erect penis waved with every stroke of the crop.

“What do you think?” Gabriel asked. “Something you might like?” I deliberated for a few seconds before shaking my head no.

“I like a little bit of pain and only a little bit. Nothing that harsh.” I had researched BDSM thoroughly after my nights with Alice, and had found plenty of material demonstrating sadism and masochism. While I could appreciate a bite, a scratch, and a fistful of hair, I knew any kind of serious whipping, choking, or other punishment would too much for me. This was not what I was looking for. Gabriel nodded in understanding.

We moved on and continued to wander. Once, a man passed in front of us leading a girl on leash. She tripped over her own and feet and stumbled, causing the man leading her to look back at her with disdain.

“What are you doing, bitch? Can you even walk straight, you whore?” He ranted while jerking on her leash.

“I’m sorry, master. It won’t happen again. I promise.” She pleaded. He witnessed and continued leading her past us where they disappeared into the crowd. Gabriel looked at me and raised his eyesbrows. This time I answered immediately.

“Nope. Definitely not.” During middle school and some of high school, I had been verbally bullied. Not a physical move was made, but the words of my abusers hurt more than any punch ever could. I suffered severe depression, spending most nights crying myself to sleep and hating myself. I never attempted suicide, but there were several bad days when I came close. I never wanted to experience that kind of humiliation and emotional age again. Even if the words were not geneine, I knew they would crush me. We moved on.

After a few more minutes of wandering, I turned to Gabriel. “Hey. I’m going to sit down for a bit. I need some time to process everything. Plus I’m sure you didn’t come here to babysit me all night.”

“Are you sure? I can sit with you if you want.”

“No, you go on. Have fun. Who knows? I may come to a decision and join in the fun.”

At that he smiled and patted me on the back. “There you go. That’s the optimism I like to see in you. Good luck.” He turned and, after checking his phone, walked away in search of a partner. Whether he had prearranged one or was just going to find one, I knew not. I looked around for an empty chair and headed towards one when I spotted it. I plopped down and rested my head in my hands. I had seen so much I hardly knew what to make of it. Most of what I had seen I had no desire to partake in. Serious pain and humiliation was not for me. It held none of my interest. I had seen something that I did like, but something seemed to be missing. Some essential cornerstone that once found and placed, would allow everything else to come together. But no matter how hard I thought about it, I could not figure out what that elegant element might be.

“Have you Figured out the mysteries of the universe yet? Or are you trying to get rid of a brain freeze?” The voice that sounded near me made me nearly jump out of my skin. With my head in the clouds,I had failed to realize that another person was at the circle of chairs I had settled down into. I looked towards the voice and saw its owner. He looked to be about in his early thirties. He was slightly tan, with long flowing blond hair and pale blue eyes. He wore sneakers, a pair of jeans with rips at the knees, and a black hoody that was drawn over his shoulders like a cape, leaving his chiseled arms and chest bear. He had a tattoo of a star above his right peck. The way he was sitting, with his arms on the arm rests and his legs stretched out before him, exuded an air of relaxation and confidence. In fact, it would not have surprised me at all if he had gotten up and revealed that his name had been engraved into the chair, marking it just for him.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. It Just looked like if you started to think any harder, steam would start pouring out of your ears from your brain overheating.” His voice was warm and pleasant, as easy going as his body language.

“It’s no problem. I was just thinking about all of… This.” I gestured to the room before us and the flurry of activities that it held.

“Ahh. Now I see. A newbie. It can be a bit much to take in all at once. What are your thoughts so far?”

I hesitated, not sure I wanted to reveal what I was thinking to a total stranger. “It’s all certainly… interesting.”

He laughed. “Oh come on. I saw the wheels turning in that head of yours. You have to have something more than that.”

I sat in silence for a moment, deliberating what I should do. I finally decided it couldn’t hurt to tell him. He seemed friendly enough. I explained everything I had learned about myself, what I had seen, and my theory about the missing piece.

“Hmmm.” He stared at me, biting his lip as he thought. “You’re an interesting kid. Seems like you’ve stumbled across something that can take people twice your age years to realize.”

My jaw dropped once again, and it wouldn’t be thelast time that night either. “You mean… You know what I’m-“

“Yes.” He cut me off. “I think I might know what that missing piece is you’re looking for. That glue to piece together the pieces of you sexuality. Ah. I guess you’re going to get a glimpse of what I’m talking about right now.” His gaze had shifted from me to the crowd. I followed his line of sight and spotted a woman walking towards us. She was short, and had spiky red hair. Freckles adorned her arms and face. She had piercing green eyes that looked like they could star through solid steel. She wore a black, gothic-type short dress that ended halfway down her thighs and was edged with red lace. The rest of her legs were covered by fishnet stockings and black knee-high boots that featured a peep hole for her toes. Her toes, like the rest of her skin, were a pale white and her nails were painted black to contrast. As an expert admirer of feet, I could safely say they were beautiful, just like the rest of her body. Curves in all the right places, giving her the perfect look of a fem fatale. She glided towards the man with an impressive amount of grace for a woman wearing boots like hers.

“So, Sir Alexander. It looks like you’ve made a friend.” She glanced my way as she said this. He eyes stared right through me. Not in an evil way. Yes, it was intimidating, but this was a look that said “I know everything about you.”

My new friend got up and bowed before the woman, kneeing down on one knee. “I hope you can forgive me for socializing without your permission, my Lady. But the poor boy seemed to be in a bit of a conundrum. I only wanted to help.”

She smiled, which lit up her whole face. “Well, at least your intentions were noble. Now rise. I wish to be seated.” Alexander rose and sat down again, but this time with better posture, as if sitting at attention. I found out why a second later, when the woman sat down on his lap. In fact, she didn’t just sit down in it. She locked in it. She sprayed sideways in the chair, resting her back against the arm and arm rest on one side of the chair, and throwing her legs over the other side.

“Now,” She continued. “I’m guessing that Sir Alexander here didn’t introduce himself. He isn’t in the habit of doing so, since I’m usually the one talking and making introductions.” I nodded to confirm her suspicions. “Thought so. Well, allow me to begin. I am Lady Nails, and this is my follower, Sir Alexander. Pleased to meet you.”

I swallowed hard and ran my hand through my hair, two more of my nervous ticks displaying themselves. “Umm. Hi. Nice to meet you, too. I’m Jonathan. Umm, I don’t have a title I’m afraid.”

Lady Nails laughed. The sound of her laughter was beautiful. “Oh don’t worry About that. I see you’re new here. Let me explain. We don’t really have those titles. They are just part of the persons we put on whenever we play here or anywhere else.” I must have looked confused because she continued. “A persona is an identity that you create for yourself for the purpose of playing. You’ve heard of role playing?” I nodded. “Well, think of it sort of like that. Except, the role in role playing is something that you only do on occasion. You’re not always a plumber or a library. Whereas whenever we play, I am indeed always Lady Nails, and he is always Sir Alexander.”

I mulled this over, trying to sort it out. “So, are you like this all the time? I’ve done a little bit of research in to BDSM relationships and read some about Dom and Sub relationships.”

She shook her head. “No. That is not our type. Not per se, anyways. I’m assuming that you mean a total Dom and Sub relationship. Where he does not speak unless spoken too, he does the majority of the chores, he always knees around me at home, that sort of thing. Well, why I can see the appeal for that kind of interaction, it does not appeal to me. I much prefer to give Sir Alexander here a much wider range of freedom. In fact, to any of our friends and neighbors, we have a perfectly normal and equal relationship. My version of Dominating is much more subtle.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. What she had said had sparked a curiosity in me. I wasn’t sure, but I thought I might have found something. Something incredibly important. She thought for a moment, and wiggled her toes idly. I glanced towards them Instinctually, thinking that they had a lovely, round shape to them. When I looked back up at her face, I found myself looking at a knowing gaze and a sly smile. She had caught me staring. I gulped and hoped I hadn’t offended her. Sir Alexander, who had been silent this whole time, cracked a smile as well. Oh God, I thought. They know. They definitely know. But if Lady Nails had any Thoughts about my obvious admission for her feet, she keep it to herself.

Instead she began to stroke the side of Sir Alexander’s face. “Sir Alexander comes to me for the final say on any big decision. He also frequently paampers me, such as caring for my hair, giving me massages and other things along that line. And, though he is confident, relaxed, and more than bit prideful, he knows that he serves me. Not in the way that most of the Subs here do. They consider themselves servants, slaves, or some other such nonsense. Sir Alexander is much better than that. He is a knight. And not just any knight. My knight in shining armor. My champion and hero. He does amazing deeds for me, and slays all evil that dares come my way. He conquers all that I set before him. He would seize the world, just so he could lay it as well as himself at my feet. He does all this… because I am his queen. I am the noble Lady Nails, and I deserve to have this marvelous man worship me as he does. And he deserves to be adored in return, because he serves me so well.”


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