Returning from another long, tiring day at the office, I hoped Kirsty would go easy on me and act as she sometimes does; like my lover and friend rather than a bitch Domme from hell! Don’t get me wrong, I loved her dominating me but after a long day of executive stress, I just prayed that I could soak in the bath and relax on the sofa with a glass of wine. Either way, I had some annual leave coming up and there was no more work for me for 5 days!
I throw my keys on the hall table and throw off my coat. Before I could sink into the sofa, my mobile rang. It was Kirsty.
“Evening slut. You’re back late. You’ve kept me waiting. I’m upstairs. Come and do your duty,” she said pointedly.
“Yes Miss.” I said obediently and perhaps a little wearily. Yes I was tired but this was my gorgeous, sexy young Mistress. It seemed I was wired and programmed to serve her, even the thought of disobeying never occurred to me anymore.
I climbed up the stairs and headed straight for the bedroom. A gorgeously erotic sight greeted me. Kirsty was spread eagled on the bed. She had on just a pair of black stockings and heels. Her legs were wide open and she was staring straight at me, smiling wickedly. As the bed is at such an angle, as soon as I was in the bedroom, I could see right between her legs. Her fingers were working her clip and she was already very wet. I knew my own fingers would replace them soon. My heart already racing, I motioned to unzip my skirt to start my undress but Kirsty Shook her head:
“No time for that you submissive little slut. Just get your tongue in my cunt. Now!”
I just loved her in this mood, enjoying her dominion over me, ignoring my feelings and needs and just ordering me to do stuff. I loved the way that I didn’t even Both to mentally question direct orders from her, my body just responded to her commands as though I had thought them myself. Ordered around by a woman ten years my junior and working in my office where I wasthe ‘big’ boss and she was just a lowly PA temp. I was in heaven and I forgot all about my tiredness.
I slide across the bed and got to work immediately. I felt Kirsty’s body twitch as it always did when she first felt tongue on clip, like I’d just given her an electric charge. She was soaked already, I guess she’d already been playing for a while. I stiffened my tongue so it slide up her juicy cunt. I feel her hands holding my hair up as she often liked to do while I plesured her. She liked to see my eyes as I served her. It was my favourite thing she had me to do her, she would make me maintain eye contact with her at all times as my tongue burrowed inside her. It was done I think, to emphasise her dominion over me. I would do this whenever and wherever she commanded, for as long as she wanted. It was my favourite thing in the world to have my tongue burrowing inside her, feeling her juices running down my tongue and lips, breathing in her heady scent.
This time she looked down on me, that mixture of physical pleasure and lust and that delicious wicked smile she has as if she is taunting me at how easily she can use me. Struggling to speak coherently as my tongue increased her pleasure gradually and relentlessly, I was given further instruction:
“Now Natalie, my little whore, don’t you dare remove your tongue. Keep doing what you’re doing but look at me as I told you what I have arranged for you during your time off.”
I had no intention of removing my tongue. I’m not sure I could have if I wanted to as Kirsty had clamped her stockinged legs around me and was pushing me into her pussy almost fucking herself with my tongue. I did ensure that my eyes were locked on to hers as I peered over her stomach and she continued:
“You know I booked some Leave for you. I thought you could do with a change of scenery. So, tomorrow, you’re going to take a weekend break in the country. I’ve arranged the accommodation. You’re going to stay with my Auntie Susan and her husband Alan. In fact, you are their present from me, it’s their Anniversary tomorrow. You will do as they tell you for three days and then return to me.”
I removed my tongue and immediately protested, “But Kirsty….I can’t possibly…I don’t even know these people…where do they live…what do you want me to do?” I looked at her pleadingly. I was desperately hoping for Some down time and also some Kirsty time. At that moment I was looking for some understanding and a change of mind. Instead, Kirsty glowered and pushed me onto my back with her feet.
“What the fuck are you talking for and who is Kirsty, you do not address me like that! Who is the slut here? You are. You do as I say, all the time, every time!” As she said this, she knelt on the bed, me lying prone, her face screaming into mine. She ripped open my blouse and pulled my bra down so my tits sprang out in a hurry. She almost ripped my skirt as she hoisted it over my wait.
“And what thefuck is this!?” She roared at me, looking down at my legs. In the confusion of all that was going on I didn’t even know what was wrong. I looked at my legs meekly and realized. Tights! I was wearing tights! I had standing orders from Kirsty to always wear stockings to work. I couldn’t even collect my thoughts to remember why I had put the tights on this morning, probably because I preferred them comfortable wise and I didn’t expect Kirsty would notice as I would be able to change before I saw her.
“Take those fucking tights off now. Take everything off, you stupid bitch. I’m going to remind you of your place. Get naked, right now, and lie on the bed!”
I stood up, my face critic in shame at being chided like a school girl. It was a very similar situation. I had been naughty, I had questioned Kirsty’s orders, called her KIrsty instead of Miss and also directly disobeyed one of her standing commands. I felt a mixture of shame at my complete loss of dignity and overwhelming lust that she was being more forcedly dominant than I’d ever seen her. If she had ordered me to come right then and there I think I easily could have.
I didn’t want any further aborrations at the hands of my young mistress. I stood off the bed, kicked my heels off, unzipped my skirt and slide my offending tights off along with my knickers which were now unbelievably damp. My ripped blouse and bra completed my undress. I quickly lay on my back on the bed, naked. I had little time to think of what Kirsty had in store for me. She knelt next to me and planted her knees either side of my head.
“You need to buck your ideas up girl.” she said, my eyes now looking directly into her moist pussy which was only a few inches above my face. I thought she was going to pee on me. She’d never done so before. Did I want her to? Yes, I actually think I did. I blushed at that reality but that wasn’t what was happening.
“Stick your dirty tongue out whore. I’m going to fuck it. Better do agood job or I might suffocate you. This will remind you of your place you dumb slut!”
As she said this I saw her fingers opening up her pussy and my world went dark as Kirsty clamped her slit down hard over my mouth and face. I could barely breathe as my mouth and my nose were covered with Kirsty’s moist hole. I had a few seconds of panic as she mercilessly forced her cunt over me and I wondered how I could breathe. Luckily she didn’t really want to suffocate me and she lifted her hips once in a while just a little so I could breathe. The next few minutes I was breathing in Kirsty’s pussy fumes and tasting her wetness, feeling her juice running down my chin as she squatted up and down forcedly over my tongue and mouth as she frantically rubbed her clip with her fingers. I heard her cry out in pleasure and feel a blast of hot liquid over me as she came all over my face, her hands gripping my hair in her ecstasy.
She remained in place until I had cleaned her pussy dutifully, wriggling her hips so that her pussy rocked from side to side so I had to chase it with my tongue. She fed her fingers into my mouth wordlessly and I sucked each one clean in turn. Suddenly, she jumped up and left me there, naked, breathless and in a right mess, her come slick on my face, chin and chest.
“Get on all fours, now!” she said. No sooner had I done so than I saw her go inside the bedside cabinet and reach for a strap on. We have three different sized dildos in the house, this was the biggest one. She wasted no time once she was strapped in, she knelt on the bed behind me and nudged my pussy open with the tip of the strap on but maddeningly, left it there until I started to try and push back on it. I wanted my hole stretched open by my younger Mistress. I was intoxicated by her domination of me and I Now wanted to hear her taunt me as she fucked me hard and mercilessly.
“You want this inside your slutty cunt, bitch?”
“Yes Miss. Please take me, fill your slut’s cunt. I need it, fill me with it…please.” I sobbed and begged that statement out. It worked as Kirsty rocked her hips forward sharply and I felt the long thick shake of the dildo open me up and impale me. She gave me a few hard strokes, she pulled my hair and spanked my arse, her hands running possessessively all over my body, tugging at my breasts and nipples, her fingerprintnails gently scratching across my flesh. My pleasure was intotoxicatingly washing over me as I concentrated on being taken roughly by my Mistress. But then, as I felt I was getting close, I groaned and sobbed as she pulled the dildo completely and quickly clean out of me.
Kirsty moved around the bed to look at me. She must have seen the need for release in my eyes. I wondered how she was going to finish me off. I would be Disappointed:
“This is your punishment slut natalie. You must learn your place better and how this whole thing works. I come when I want and you come when I want. What I want now is foryou to get dressed and make my tea. The next time you come, it will be at the permission of my Auntie, on your trip to the country. Is that clear?”
Hopelessly turned on, in a mental muscle, I closed my eyes in frustration. “Yes Miss.” I almost groaned.
Just for good measure, Kirsty grabbed my head and fed the soaking strap on into my mouth. I could taste my cunt all over it as she slide it in and out my mouth. I desperately wanted it back inside me and to come but as I finished cleaning it, Kirsty withdraw it and pointed downstairs where I was to prepare dinner.
Day 1 — Friday
The day after my punishment, I was just finishing what had been a three and a half hour drive. Kirsty had programmed my sat nav. I had been told that Kirsty had agreed with her Auntie the Rules of my service and that Susan would explain them to me on her arrival. Kirsty reminded me I was serving her whilst in her Auntie’s house and that it was important to her that I showed Susan and Alan what a submissive slut I was. As scared and knotted as my stomach felt as I pulled into the gravel path drive in the house, I was determined to do Kirsty proud, comfortable by the fact that so far from home no one would ever know whatever humiliations would befall me during the two days.
I rang the bell nervously. My weekend bag dragged over my arm. I had no idea what I was going to say, what I was really doing There or how these people would treat me. From what Kirsty has said I could guess how I would be treated and that thought gave me my usual mixed sense of dizzy excitement and gut wrenching fear.
A nervous wait followed until the door opened and then Susan appeared, slightly warmly. She was a beautiful woman, mid 40s, very buxom, about 5′ 6″. She was wearing a mock country, floral dress, quite low cut, her massive breasts threatening to fall out. The dress being a long one, I could just see she had dark slip-on shoes on over tan coloured tights. Her brown eyes sparkled as she took me in. Her hair was obviously dyed but was a deep walnut colour, slightly longer than shoulder length as I watched her tuck her fringe behind her ears to see me better. I thought her face was lovely and warm, lit up by her deep brown eyes and her stylish make-up.
“You must be Natalie?” she said, with a lovely, warm reassuring soft lilt to her voice, her eyes exuding warmth and kindness.
“Yes, I am. You must be Susan.” I said, trying to be calm but my voice croaking a little with nerves.
“Yes, Susan it is…for now anyway.” she said, a glint in her eye as she took my bag, hooked her arm round my back and shepherded me in to the house.
I was shown into the front room and encouraged to take a seat on the plus leather sofa. The whole house was similar to mine, neighbor, clean, tidy and plus, looking like an advertisement from an ‘Ideal Homes’ magazine, country classics edition. Susan fetched me a drink and sat on the sofa opposite me. I noticed her looking me overCarefully and studioly before she spoke:
“So, Natalie,” she began, seemingly struggling to know where to begin, “Kirsty, my niece, tells me that you have……er…a certain type of relationship together. Which means that…ahem…..she instructs you in what to do and you have to do it. Is that correct?”
She obviously already knew the answer to all this and more but for whatever reason, was determined to hear it from me and I guess we had to move socially from the politeness of strangers to a place where I volunteerly gave myself up to her control.
“Yes Susan, that is correct. Kirsty is my mistress and I do what she tells me at all times.” Susan nodded keenly and smiled, satisfied with my response, seemingly relieved to have started the conversation somewhere. Not surprisingly, she had never taken delivery of an obedient slut before!
“Good, that is good,” she said enthusiastically, her confidence quickly growing. “Kirsty will have told you why you are here then. You are here as her annual gift to me and Alan. Essentially, you will be our whore for the whole weekend and do whatever we demand…?”
The inflexion in her comment almost turned into a question. She looked deeply into my eyes for a response, perhaps checking that this wasn’t all some kind of early April Fool’s joke.
“Yes Susan. If that is what Kirsty wants then it is also what I will do. I am yours for the weekend.” I took a deep breath as I said this. I guess it was my first mini submission to Susan. It would be the first of many over the next three days.
“Such a pretty woman and I believe, a successful one too. I can’t begin to imagine why you willingly put yourself in these situations,” Susan said, a thoughtful, puzzled expression on her face, “but in this position you are. It is lucky for us. Especially Alan, he’ll delight in fucking you.” Susan paused, we both knew the use of that word seemed out of context with the polite conversation we had shared thus far and I guess, Susan did it for that effect. As I didn’t flinch or show any signs of objecting, she continued:
“Kirsty and I have agreed the rules. From 8pm tonight (Friday) until midnight on Sunday, you belong to Alan and I. You will address us as Sir and Miss respectively during this time. There are no restrictions on our use of you other than we are not to cause you Deliberate pain. We will use you sexually and domestically and you will obey all our requests without question. We will address you however we wish, probably as ‘slut’. You will sleep here every night including Sunday and return to Kirsty on Monday. Is that all clear to you?”
My breathing was ragged and I was innocently turned on by Susan’s brief description, delivered as it was in such a matter of fact domineering manner. I loved how her initial nerves had given way quickly to the authority of the dominant and I was already ready to serve there and then if so required.
“Yes Miss. That is all perfectly…clear.” I said, my enthusiastic and breathless language betraying my arousal as my head was already swimming in lust.
“Wonderful Nat. Only, it’s not Miss yet, Susan is quite acceptable until 8. It’s only 6. You have two hours yet before we use you without mercy.” She smiled widely at this. It was delivered with warmth and humour so I laughed along with it Although it did make me wonder what they had in store for me and was said in such a way that although designed to break the sexual tension, was also probably true.
We spent the next couple of hours drinking and chatting and Susan made me a nice meal. During our chat I learned that Susan and Alan had been married for 20 years and were former guest house owners. They had sold their business just in the nice of time a few years ago before the recession and Alan had since found a new job doing some business consultancy work. While Susan didn’t work, she did a little charity work to keep her hand in. Financially they were very well off. The mortgage was paid off on the house and Alan was only working to further secure their future.
Susan explained to me how I had come to be there. It had always been a fantasy of hers to see Alan with another woman and she had always been the dominant type, she just hadn’t had the opportunity to enact her desires. She considered herself straight normally but, providing she was in control, could see herself enjoying another woman. That woman was obviously going to be me. She couldn’t actually recall how Kirsty and she had got talking about all this, other than something about a drunken house party and when Kirsty had rang her last week and told her about her ‘gift’, she was thrilled and nervous all at the same time. I smiled; exactly how I felt, I thought to myself!
Something that made me cringe next, Alan didn’t yet know about me! All he knew was that a ‘girlfriend’ of Kirsty’s was staying over for a couple of days. This wasn’t all that unusual as they had suh a big house and a wide circle of friends who often stayed to enjoy the country. I blushed at the reality he didn’t yet know, I knew it means that I would be humiliated somehow into revealing my submissiveness to him at the time of Susan’s choosing.
We enjoyed some tea and a drink as we chatted. I noticed the clock above me nervously. It was already 8pm. Almost as if a starting pistol had gone off, Susan swung into action.
“Right, slut, you’re mine now! Follow me upstairs…” She held out her hand for me as the clock chimed quietly. I grabbed it and was led upstairs to her bedroom.
“Clothes off please. All of them. Now!” Susan commanded. I obeyed immediately. The strength of her commands already sending shivers down my spine. I saw her inspecting me closely as my garments came off but for now, she observed only. “Alan is a typical man. He likes girls to wear slutty clothes. Put these on…” As I stood there naked, she handed me a pair of black, seamed stockings and shoes. Kirsty had obviously passed my measurements on to her! The only other thing I was given was a bathrobe which she allowed me to wrap around myself. Susan also changed into a similar ‘outfit’. Black stockings and heels, but for her, she put her dress back on over them. She led me back downstairs.
A few minutes later, my heart fluttered in anxiety as I heard the front door open. Susan looked at me and smiled. A nervous smile that indicated that although in full control of me, she didn’t quite know where the situation would lead herself. This was now her anniversary present to him but thus far, they had only ever fantasized about another woman. I don’t think she really knew how he would react. She needsn’t have worried, he was a man being offered sex on a plate, forbidden fruit being made available, of course he would accept.
Alan appeared at the front door. He was a well-built guy, quite muscle, probably just over 6 foot tall and had short, black hair, slightly greying at the sides. He had sharp blue eyes and had a nice rugged look, not clean saden but not unkempt either, a nice designer stubble effect across a face that had that ‘cheeky chappy’ look I always liked in men. In the right light, a little resemblance to George Clooney, but not quite as attractive!
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