The Kirsty Fantasies Pt. 01


As you may know from reading the “Builder’s Slut” series (which is still continuing), my name is Natalie. I am a senior, executive business woman and run a company in the City where I live. I am also a submissive slut and a whore. Reading the “Builder’s slut” series will give you more background on who I am and what I am doing writing on here.

That series is being written on the orders of Lee and Carl (the builders) for their amusement although I’m not sure they’ve even read it. This series is written on the orders of Kirsty, my 25 year old, gorgeous mistress. She has read my stories so far and has been impressed by what I have written. She has asked me to write a fantasy series based on what I would like her to arrange for me. She has promised that she will make any scenarios she really likes happen for real but the main aim I believe is to make me remind myself of my true nature and of my submissive devotion to her.

The one aspect of this particular fantasy that is completely true is the opening offer; that since writing the Builder’s Slut series, Kirsty really does now work in my office as a temp and covers for my PA when she in on leave. Of course nothing that I depicted below has happened in the real office but somehow I guess and wish it could.

“Kirsty, would you show these gentleman out please.” I asked as my brief meeting had finished. The ‘gentleman’ were not really deserving of the term. Two young, cocky salesman with nothing original to say, full of clichés and deluded self-reg thinking they owned the world.

I smiled politely and shook their hands as professionally as I could. They hadn’t made a sale, they hadn’t made a good impression. They were our account managers for some supplies we occasionally needed. The guys were ‘Simon the sleaze’ as the girls in the office called him and his friend Jeff, who was not a great deal better and went by the self-explanatory name of ‘Sweaty Jeff’.

Simon thought he was God’s gift to women, Jeff certainly knew he wasn’t. I often struggled to maintain a conversation with either of them as they spent most of the time in my company trying to ogle down my cleavage or leer up my skirt or try out their full repertoire of cheesey, suggestive lines when they should have been talking business.

“Of course Natalie,” said Kirsty as she headed for the door, wearing her beige skirt suit as elegantly as always, her bum swaying provocatively in that amazing hip slinging walk she had perfected, her legs looking lithe and athletic inside her opaque tights, her blouse just open enough to reveal the beginnings of her luscious breasts. My beautiful young Mistress.

I rolled my eyes in wear frustration as both men ogled her bum on the way out and I saw Simon lower his hands towards her to pretend he was going to cop a feel of her arse. We caught each other’s eye, my face disapproving and ‘don’t you dare,’ his face dismissively and arrogantly giving me a cockywink as if I should be amused by what a cheese chappy he was.

Just for background, both these guys were I think of a similar age to Kirsty, mid-twenties. Simon was I suppose quite a handsome guy, He was well groomed and well turned out; short black, gelled back hair and no doubt a user of guy liner and numerous male costumes. Fairly athletic, I could tell he worked out and I could guess he spent hours inspecting his own pecs in his mirror at home. He was one of those guys who seemed permanently on heat and ready to pick up ‘some skirt’ whenever the opportunity presented. He had in fact, tried it on with every one of my female staff members, a typical jumped up ‘jack the lad’ who thought he knew it all and could have any woman he wanted because he had a good job and a sharp suit.

His colleague Jeff had exactly the same sleazy character faults except without any of the looks or faux charisma. He was about 4 or 5 stone overweight, his face red and flustered and he always seemsed out of breath. A similar hairstyle of short hated hair kind of got lost on top of his round, blotchy face. He seemed to admit Simon because of his conquests to date, whether they were real or in Simon’s imagination I didn’t know.

Looking at them on their way out after another waste of my time being annoyed by their arrogant chatter and dull spiel, I made a mental note to change our supplier; one of those things on my mental to do list that I never seemed to get round to.

As I returned to my desk and my mountain of emails, glad to be rid of the sleaze balls for another month and hoping to get rid of them completely, I glanced out of my office door. Kirsty was still talking to Simon and to a lesser extent, Jeff. She was giggling like a flirty schoolgirl. Her wide green eyes staring at her, her hands flicking through her blonde, bobbed hair and her fingers touching his arm as she giggled at a joke or comment, whatever it was. As she showed them out, I saw her nod to Simon. I could see she seemed to like him although I didn’t have a clue why.

I hoped she hadn’t agreed to go on a date with him. She was much too good for him in my opinion and would be selling herself short with him. She could be a classy lady, he was a sleaze. Apart from that, she was my PA and she was also my mistress. She was of course free to see, fuck or date anyone she wished, it was me who needed her permission to do any of those things. I was also a cuckold of sorts I guess!

“What were you talking to him about?” I asked her as she returned to my office.

“Er, do you want to re-phrase that? She said, her wide eyes staring at me questioningly with some anger in her expression.

“Sorry…err…. would you tell me what you were talking to Simon about please, Miss” I stutteringly amended. We had an understanding. In work when in company with anyone else I was still the boss, she was still the secretary. When we were alone, I had to talk to her as I normally do, as my domineering mistress.

In the atmosphere at work I always found it difficult to remember this. There is no-one more senior than me in the whole building and most of the time, I talked authoritatively to people. Having to call her Miss and be meek and milk and submissive in my own office was downright weird and deliciously erotic.

“That’s better my little slut. Although I do think you should know better by now than to ask me any direct questions; you really should know your place by now. I will tell you anything I feel you need to know when I think you need to know it. As you did have the cheese to ask I will tell you on this occasion. I was arranging to meet the boys for a drink after work. In fact it’s nearly home time so I’m going now. I’ve told them I’m bringing a friend. That’s you. I assume they will think I want to get into Simon’s pants and that I’m bringing someone along for Jeff. They’ll get a shock when they see it’s you.”

My soul sunk in despair. It was a weekday, I’d not yet finished a long, horrendous day at work and now I had to go on a night out with two guys I despised. Listen to more of their sexist bullshit and arrogant boy talk and pretend to be into them. Of course, knowing Kirsty as I did, there was little limit on what I might have to do with Jeff. I’m not a particularly superficial person but it had to be said, I found Jeff physically repulsive.

“Do we have to Miss, I mean, they’re so….”

“Arrogant, cocky, fake and sleazy? I know…” Kirsty retired, an evil glint in her eye as she told me where I was to meet them and confidently strode out the room to get her stuff together and freshen up in the ladies as usual, not even considering that I had any input into the discussion, I just had to comply.

I was asked to meet them in a neary wine bar. I could just bet it was Simon’s suggestion. It was just his type of place, fake, false and a little bit sleazy. Bar prices that were suitable over-priced so guys could show their wallets off to whatever ‘skirt’ they could find.

As I walked in doubt, I noticed the three of them talking and joking. I blushed even now at the scenario. I felt out of place, I was ten years older than any of these, I just didn’t want to be here. Other than the opportunity to spend more time with Kirsty I was dreading the evening and what it would entail. She practically lived with me anyway these days, or at least, allowed me the privilege of letting me practically wait on her hand and foot.

“Natalie, over here” Kirsty stood up and waved, the smile that lit up her whole face as it spread sexually all over her face.

The two guys turned around and were wide eyed in shock to see me as the ‘friend’ she had mentioned. Obviously the last person they expected to see. I saw Simon looks pointedly at his mate as if to say ‘I didn’t expect her!’

“Well, this is a surprise!” said Simon, looking generally shocked, “Can I get you a drink love?”

“She will have a Corona,” Kirsty replied before I’d had a chance. Simon looked from woman to woman. Seeing me fail to register an objection, he shrugged his shoulders and went off to the bar, obviously trying to get his head around the unexpected turn of events and what it means.

Kirsty motioned for me to join her and Jeff at the table and we spent a minute or two in some pointless small talk. As Simon returned with my drink, Kirsty started leading the conversation. I wasn’t sure where it was going to go but she had a mischievous grin on her face the whole time and I was worried.

“Simon here tells me that he’s in line for promotion. He’s on £40k per year already, has a company car and his own flat,” Kirsty offered.

“Yeah, I’m doing OK. I’m going for Area Manager within 2 years. £100k salary, great pension and benefits. Just need to find myself a nice dolly bird and I’ll have the full set.” He grinned and leered.

A minute into the conversation and I wanted to punch him.Instead I knew Kirsty was playing a game, I just didn’t know what sort of game but I knew I had to play along. I didn’t have to be nice to him though.

“100k heh? Not bad but that’s what I was on a few years ago. There’s more to life than money and fast cars you know.” I glowered at him. I wasn’t into status symbols and superficial things and that’s not something I would Normally dream of saying but I wanted to put him back in his place as a young tosser. He just shrugged his shoulders dismissively in that arrogant style I already hated.

We spent the next two hours talking rubbish like this. Simon was constantly trying his luck with Kirsty and he was seemingly doing very well as he took us all through a sizeable repertoire of dull conversation and plastic thoughts. Cars, houses, how good a dancer he was, how much beer he could handle. I actually saw him try to get his hand up Kirsty’s skirt once or twice, definitely resting his hands on her knees at times.

I must admit though that Kirsty was encouraging him. She was laughing at the sleazy jokes that I knew she didn’t find funny. Her body language seemed to say she was up for it and wanted him. Jeff concentrated on his beer, chugging it back and keeping the table supplied. He was enjoying the view of his best pal trying and seemingly succeeding in getting into another girl’s knickers.

“I know.” Kirsty said Suddenly, during a lull in the flirty conversation with Simon. “Let’s go and see this flat of yours,” she said to Simon.

“…Err…sure,” he said uncertainly at first but soon realising this probably meant he had ‘pulled’ her. “What about those two?” he said smiling cockily and indicating Jeff and I. At that point I thought she was going to take me to one side and order me to amuse Jeff or keep him occupied so she could have her way with Simon. I was very wrong.

“All of us, we’ll all go. You have some drinks in the flat I take it?” she asked enthusiastically, looking at him with her full irresistible, come to bed eyes, batting her long eye lashes suggestively.

“Yeah sure I have babe, OK, let’s do it.” He said. I saw him turning at Jeff. The wink said, God’s gift has done it once more, I’m getting laid again! I assume he was just thinking of how to get rid of me and Jeff so he could have her to himself. I was just very nervous. I had no idea of Kirsty’s intentions.

The best I could do out of this now I thought was that she wanted to fuck Simon so I would keep Jeff company while she did so that he could brag to me in future meetings that he’d nailed my secretary. This was being optimistic though, there were hundreds of other scenarios much worse than this one. You know as well as I did then, it was going to get much worse for me as soon as I got to the flat.

Simon left his car in my office car park and we caught a taxi the short distance to his flat. Kirsty ramped up the pace with him a little and starting kissing him in the taxi, allowing his hands free reign over her legs and skirt suit. His hands lingered on her breasts as he got an unobstructed feel. She was reciprocating and I noticed her hand pause over his crotch once or twice as she obviously felt his hardness through his pants.

I looked at Jeff who watching them leeringly. He had his hand over his own crotch pants, he was obviously a little aroused himself at seeing Simon paw and sleaze over Kirsty and was trying to hide his erection. He caught my eye and grinned, his eyesbrows raised. I couldn’t read that expression exactly; it either said, ‘fancy us two doing the same?’ or ‘What a stud this guy is, he’s about to fuck your secretary,’

We left the taxi and took the lift to the flat. It was obvious Simon had been exaggerating a fair bit about his success. The flat was in an average area. Tidy enough and OK, but modest and not the penthouse ‘yuppy’ flat of a move and shaker as he had seemed made out to us.

A little more small talk followed and thenMy sudden descent into slut-dom happened again. Simon had put some soppy, cliched music on. Kirsty stood up and grabbed my hand.

“Let’s dance!” she said to me, pulling me up into her, and kissing me full on the lips as we both swayed with the music. I wasn’t allowed to object but the drink and the thrill of her command made me as compliant as ever. I put my arms around her and kissed her full on the lips, our tongues entwining, the white thrill of her tongue exploring my mouth as dizzy lust gripped me.

I could hear the guys whooping in the background. When Kirsty kisses me like this, I just go to mush, all my submissiveness and desire for her melts over me. Maybe she knows this as quite often my slut adventures with her often start with us kissing. Its almost like a kiss of comfort and encouragement before she hands me over to my tormentors.

She leant over to me and whispered in my ear erotically, out of the earshot of the guys.”

“I love my gorgeous slut Natalie and I know you hate these guys, I can’t stand them either. I’m sorry Nat, but you’re going to fuck them both, right now. You’re going to offer yourself to them and I’m sure they’re going to accept and do whatever they want with you. I want to watch you being defined by them. Natalie the middle-aged business woman, my boss, on her knees sucking the cocks of two arrogant wankers just so I can watch. Tell me you’re going to do it.”

My face had reddened with humiliation and fear just at the thought. I hadn’t expected this. I thought she was lining me up for maybe sucking Jeff’s dick while she fucked Simon. This was worse. Much worse than that, she wanted me to fuck them both. Not only that, she was going to make me humiliate myself in front of them and make out like I wanted them, perhaps even that all of This had been my idea as a precursor to fucking them.

“We have a surprise for you guys.” Kirsty said, breaking of our kiss suddenly, the guys wide eyed in wonder at what they had already seen. “Natalie here told me when you were leaving the office before how much she wanted to fuck you both. We set this up to make it happen. She’s fancied you Simon for months now and she’s always wanted to try a threesome with two guys, she was just too shy to ask. She’s gagging for it, aren’t you. Natalie?”

My face filled with embarrassed heat as I quickly looked at the guys. Both now sporting open mouthed astonishment on their faces, staring at me eagerly for confirmation and probably wondering what the hell was going on, perhaps waiting to hear that it was just a joke to see what they would do.

A clever trick that was by Kirsty, to put all the onus on me and increase my humiliation ten-fold. She knew the very last thing I wanted was to be made to confirm all of Simon’s ridiculous self-delusions about being god’s gift to women. I was now going to have to pretend I lusted after him and wanted nothing more than to fuck his brains out.

My thoughts were too distracted and disrupted to speak repeatedly. I couldn’t speak at all! Kirsty realized this and, obviously anxious not to spoil her narrative, beckoned me to sit next to her.

To my surprise, she started unbuttoning my blouse and left it on me open so that my black bra and cleavage were exposed. She pulled the hem of my skirt up my legs so my black stockings were on full view (Kirsty always required me to wear stockings for work).

“Let the boys see your knickers Natalie,” she said smiling. Still stunned, almost on auto-pilot I stood up, not even looking at the guys, and unzipped my skirt letting it fall to the ground. I sat back down, my head low and concentrated on the floor not wanting to look at the guys, especially that bastard Simon who I just knew would be grinning like a Cheshire cat.

“Lie back on the couch,” she ordered. She gave her orders in an even quieter and softer tone than usual, it was done to make it sound to the guys as though she was just encourageging me to do what I so wanted to do and not appear as a domme ordering her slut around. I did as she asked and as I did, she spread my legs wide so the guys had a full view of my stockings and my black knickers.

“Come on guys, want to get a closer look?” she said, beckoning them closer. “In fact, let’s get your pussy on view for the guys. You haven’t asked them whether they will fuck you yet.” As she said this, my head in a whirl, the guys stood in front of me. She made me look straight in front of me as she closed my legs together and slid my knickers down my legs, tossing them to Simon who caught them triumphantly, a look of trace-like amazement on his face.

“Now Natalie,” Kirsty taunted, her dominative tones now coming to the fore, “If you want these guys to fuck you, open Your legs really wide for them. Give them a good look at your cunt and show them what you need. Show them you’ve wanted a good fucking since the first time you saw them.”

This was the last thingI wanted to do on a consciousness level. On another my mind was already swirling with thoughts of what I knew was about to happen. Simon and Jeff, sleazy, cocky, sexist and arrogant and they were both about to do whatever the fuck they wanted to me. I was cringing in embarrassment and at the same time dizzy with total lust for it happen. Kirsty was just amazing, she always understood perfectly that the more I disliked a guy, the more turned on I would be at being ordered to fuck him and humiliate myself for his amusement.

“Holy Shit, what a gorgeous cunt.” Simon screamed ecstatically and manically as I compiled with Kirsty’s request. My back and bum horizontal on the sofa, my legs as wide apart as humanly possible, my pussy wide open on display about twelve inches from Simon’s face. I could see both guy’s faces. They each had expressions of wide-eyed shock, some lust and some amusement. They couldn’t believe what was happening, they couldn’t believe their luck.

“I knew you wanted a good fucking since the first time I met you, you dirty bitch. Just like all the other birds. I bet you’ve flicked your bean plenty of times after meeting me dreaming about taking my cock. Well tonight is your lucky night you slut. Tell it to me, tell me what you want. You should have asked sooner darling.”


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