The Kinky Kama Sutra

Notes for Reader. A small amount of French is used in this story. For any non French speaking people the keys words are:

Mon petite = My little | Oui = Yes | Monsieur = Sir




Whenever Bernadette went to her hot yoga class it was inevitable her mojo would perk up. 30 sweaty bodies of all shapes and sizes packed into a relatively small, blow up, purple tent. Tent wouldn’t be doing the hot pod she frequently just. It was like stepping into the warmth of a moist velvet pussy. The design was near perfect for the symbolism. A small round zipped entrance which you needed to duck when you stepped in, veiled by the flap which when pulled back, would reveal the humid womb within.

Welcomed by a very low lit padded studio, the ceiling closed around you in a tunnel which offered rib upon rib of purple serenity. It often skipped through Bernie’s mind she would like to meet the hot pod designer and congratulate them on their inspired creation. It always set her mood just right.

The class itself was challenging, the 40 degree heat was one thing. The twisting and contouring of bodies was another. Needless to say it was hard to resist the temptation to look. The smallest and tightest of yoga gear was the general dress code and were purposefully made for revealing stromachs, arses, abs and tits. From silica mountains that hardly moved to natural double F’s that fell heavily, even when the owner was wearing 2 support bras. Bernie’s favorite breasts to look at were like her’s fairly petite and no need for a bra at all.

It was almost impossible not to think about sex in the pod, for Bernie and her raging mojo at least. In one pose, the humble warrior, the class would lean down over their front leg, bowing to the ground with Their arms clapped tightly behind them. Fingers locked and then drawn up behind them. If a man was to take advantage of a pose like this, the woman would be completely subservient to his desires. Pushing her arms higher, she would be pinned in an arm lock and have no defence against a strong penetrating cock from behind.

Looking between her legs, Bernie could see a row of tits tumbling over tops. The big tits would almost suffocate their owners whereas the seemingly flat chests, rolled upwards towards the chin to create a beautiful bulge and the most perfect cleavage. This was the other sexual position Bernie thought could be interesting. Tit wank or blow job from the humble warrior. Oh it would be a fascinating class if she ever got to teach one. Her creative ideas and suggestions of adding extra play into the mix would be most enlightening, she was sure of it.

Bernie was a MILF and proud of her body, not so much the ironing board stomach, pumped hips and filler lips which the younger attendees seemed to love. Her’s was natural, full of flexibility and grace which she put into every class. A continuous cycle of breathing and moveent she liked to a bedroom work out. Measured, judged and purposeful. The pelvic muscle pulled in and tightened, limbs stretching and sweat pouring.

A few men attended yoga from time to time but never the type Bernie would go for. Rugby players or folks fighting the middle aged spread. One seriously hot teacher but she could never go there. She wouldn’t be able to come to the class anymore if it all went wrong and the sex disappointing. Or if it really good and she went bunny boiler on him. As hot as he was, lose, lose with that one, Bernie had quickly concluded but he was always nice to look at.

So on an average Monday as Bernadette warmed up, an Adonis lined up next to her. Immediately she could feel an energy between them. Was she imagined it? A rush of tingles that made her pussy Instantly awake. From her side, the feeling was tangibly real but he didn’t look over. No one talked in a yoga class but hell, she was going to enjoy taking in the sights of her next door neighbour today.

His muscle tone was perfect, his naked torso revealed and reflected the twelve ribs of the pod only now they hugged his chest. The sweat glistened, as he swan divered down from a plank then up into a half press up or upward dog as the teacher called it. Hips trusting forward almost humping the ground, Bernie couldn’t help but want to be his mat feeling him glide across her body. Alas, the end of the class came too soon, as the teacher thanked everyone for their mindfulness and reminder to wipe their yoga mats, Bernie passed the hot guy a hand towel.

‘Merci’ he replied. Oh god dam could he get any sexier?! French too, Bernie adored an accent. She liked nothing better than to be whispered to in her ear telling her all the deviant desires her lover would like to do to her. All that, with an accent too, that was Total her thing.

The minute everyone stepped out of the warmth of the pod the cold would instantly hit like opening a fridge. Bernie’s nipples became similar to hard nuts, poking out of her top and clearly visible as she reached up to put her mat back on the rails. Being small she always had to be on tippy toes to put them back. Struggling a little, she felt a body move in behind her, a dick rub against her skin tight yoga pants and a strong arm reach over to hook her mat into place. Not wanting to break the moment of welcomed non-consensual contact, firm dick pressing into her Cheek, Bernie casually turned her head, smiled and said ‘thank you, monsieur.’ And she really did mean every bit of the Sir.

Exiting the shows there was a little disappointed to see only her trainers in the locker. Chatting to the teacher and collecting her stuff, Bernie walked out into the bright sunshine and towards the car park feeling vibrant. Distracted and fiddling on her phone, she didn’t notice the French man leaning against her car and Bernie was slightly taken aback to see him.

‘Are you waiting for me?’ She asked quizzically.

‘Yes’ he replied. ‘I believe we have something. Did you feel it?’

Bernadette stood there almost speechless as the hot French guy started to trace his finger across her face and circle the lines of her lips. There was no mistaken his intention, it was just too perfect. She didn’t need to reply with words either as she leaned in to kiss him. Tongues exploring the playful roles of sexual interaction and their individual approach to touch. Dopamine pumping, this was every bit of her yoga fantasy.

Breaking away from the kiss he said ‘Come, I have a motor bike and I want to take you to mine to practice some kindy kama sutra. Does that sound interesting to you?’

Bernie’s mind was racing, this is all she ever thought of when in the class, a hot guy that can stand on his head unaided. Body of a ripped surfer, and the added bonus of the most alluring accent on the planet, asking her to have kinky sex with him. But she didn’t even know his name. Or where he lived. It was a madidea but Bernie’s mojo was totally spurred on by lust and French allure.

‘Kinky kama sutra you say?! Do you have a spare helmet?’




They drove for about 20minutes, high speed, deep into the countryside. The vibrations of the bike teasing Bernie’s inner thighs and tickling her pussy. She wondered if it was tactical move to warm his ladies up. After all, at the rate he worked she could only assume this was a regular thing for him. Shit she didn’t even know his name yet, did it matter? This little road trip was totally insane but it was making her so horny too.

They carried on through smaller and smaller lanes, finally turning off onto a dirt road. Bernie’s mind raced again, ‘god what if he driving me to a gang bang? Or plans to chain me to bed for a sadistic puzzle!’ There was some comfort to see signs of life as an elderly guy, with a dog, travelled in the same direction down the bumpy lane. She instinctively knew the signal on her phone would showing no bars at all but at least there were other humans around Bernie could call upon – if she found herself in an hour of need.

Al slowed his bike as they arrived at a row of dishevelled beach huts. The rugged, untouched shoreline had an interesting juxtaposition of a busy port and industrial docks across the water. Not loud enough to hear but the looming cranes could be clearly seen, suspending containers in the air and moving them to a specific destinations. So controlled Bernie thought, imagining how that could be adapted in a physical human form.

Bernie could see another pair of walkers on the beach further along. As quiet as it was, she decided this wasn’t an entrance situation and could relax. Her hot French yoga guy seemed to be OK.

The wind was fresh and brittle, the strong smell of salt and thought of sex starved sailors swept into her mind. It did last long, as entering the beach hut gave way to a peaceful silence and a stunning panoramic view. Although beaten and batteryed the end of the beach hut was covered in 3 sides of glass & metal while sofa’s hugged the walls. It was dusty and clearly a family holiday home. Body boards and a couple a sea kayaks were strapped to the balcony and the old dusty furniture were covered with boat themeled throws. Al busied himself with a heater, music and a small gas stove for making tea, as he unpacked his well organized rucked sack.

‘Is this your place?’ Bernadette asked while taking everything in.

‘Come here Mon petite’. As he patted the seat next to him. ‘It’s my grandpapa’s. But it’s ok. No one will disturb us here.’ Al was now rolling joints, several king skin sized blunts in one go as if on a production line. Bernie smiled to herself inside, at his age as she would be have been doing exactly the same thing, she also wondered who else was coming to the party.

Bernadette was easily 10 to 15 years older than him. The experience of beinga MILF had its advantages as she was confident, know what she wanted and was use to being control. Pet’s and playthings was how she would satisfy her rampant mojo when the insatiable desire to have sex came. Here was something different. A strong man offering kinky kama sutra – he would be the teacher and she, the one in need of training. Training to Monsieur’s specific positions of lust and selected delights of deviancy. Bernie was intrigued and totally turned on.

They talked for a while, Bernadette found out he was called Albert shortened to Al and was a spritely 33 French stoner that had settled in the UK after growing up in Antibes. His parents were sexual deviants when drunk and, seeing as they starting drinking at lunchtime in France, he had regularly caught embarrassing glimpses of them fucking against the walls, table or bed, through doors left ajar.

Inspired by the password, connection and what he could hear from his childhood bedroom (which he now know to be edging and multiple orgasms), Al had created a kinky kama sutra routine that only the most flexible of people could perform. Which is why, ultimately he had chosen Bernadette.

He had been to a few classes before, different times of days to position himself at the back and watch. He wanted to observe how the women moved, how far they could take their body and even the determination to keep trying when they weren’t quite there yet. When he lined up next to Bernie, it had been no mistake.

They discussed the positions in detail, many of which were familiar from different classes she had attended in yoga and pilates. Plenty of holds and stretches, she wondered if her legs would be able to survive the 10 positions Al had described. He had an answer to this and pointed to a swing in the corner. It was a simple smooth wooden bench hold up to the rafters by 2 sailor type ropes and a soft leather back attached so you could swing or recline if you wanted to. There was lot of rope around she noticed.

‘Do you like Shabari?’ Al enquired as he kissed her neck.

‘Sometimes’ came Bernie’s reply as his hands started to explore her body.

‘What about sharing yourself Bernie, do you like sharing?’

‘I’m a very general person Al.’ Rolling her head back to extend her neck and allow him to kiss her here some more as it was making every part of her body tingling and her nipples go hard.

‘And twists and surprises Mon Petite. Do you get excited with the thought of a surprise between your legs?’

‘As long as its within our boundaries, no anal, no pain, no scat, then I guess yes. Today is one big surprise and I’m happy to be your student.’ Al’s cock was throbbing at the thought.

It was such a turn on for Bernie, Along with accent, when he whispered in her ear,

‘I won’t do anything you don’t want me to Ok, you just have to say and I’ll stop immediately.’ With that she nodded, completely compliant to his plan.

And he had clearly come prepared and with a plan too. Bernie felt pretty excited. Quite how prepared wasn’t obvious with a quick glance around, as what appeared to be ropes and decoration, a navy vibe to the beach hut, was in fact an intricate system for bondage.

‘Please mon petite. I will ask you to wear different items of clothing, out of choice, but for 2 reasons’.

He revealed an eye mask and some sort of mouth gag. Not the type you see online, big black balls, leather and tightening straps designed for suffocating but a small latex and pink one. He continued,

‘All your senses will be heightened from the sight deprivation if you wear the mask and by wearing the gag you will be forced to breathe through your nose.’

Bernie understand, if she wanted to be a good student, trust and flexibility were a must. She had done similar things to her pets and lovers in the past. Now it was her turn to be at the end of a pleasure dom’s dick but with a twist. Yoga always included some sort of controld breathing so, as off beat as a gag might sound to her friends, for Bernie it thrilled her to be immersed fully into the experience he could offer. She wouldn’t be asking him to stop she was sure of it. Kneeing before him she turned round to receive her blind fold.

‘Not yet’ Al said ‘slowly you will underdress and show me how excited you are. When it’s the right time for the blind fold and gag I will tell you. In fact I will just help you to put it on. Oui mon petite?’

‘Oui’ Bernadette replied with a little cheeky smile.

The cabin was warm with the heater blowing so Bernie had no problem doing as she was told. Pealing off the layers, strictly playing with the reveal alongside the music Al had put on. Eventually at the end of her little burlesque show she revealed her pure white winter skin. Still sitting, Al pulled her towards him and dipped his finger deep inside her to see if she was wet. Indeed she was very wet and definitely excited. As he removed his finger it was glistening. She was 100% ready.

‘Ok, let us begin’ Al stood up and dropped his loose fitting trousers, he was hard and she could see the top of his cock pocking out of his boxers. She immediately wanted to drop to her knees. Biting her bottom lip and looking up all innocently, her fingers pulled at the elastic and skated over what she could see of his rising hard on ‘May I Monsieur?’

‘Of course mom petite’. Al replied. A warm up blow job was never unwise he thought. It was just he wasn’t expecting the skill of the MILF before him. He had plenty of older women before. He liked their maturity to passing encounters and when he found a match, the kinky kama sutra poses were guaranteed to deliver wave upon wave of pleasure for both parties. He liked to add a little bit of spice to the whole proceeding on occasion. But that was always a surprise for later, if it seemed appropriate of course.

Al sat back while Bernie claped her hand tightly around the base of hiscock and started to pump. Slowly licking all around his rim while keeping her eyes locked into his. He stroked her hair gently and thought to himself self. ‘She seems the type to enjoy a twist.’ Which only served to make him harder. Pulsing and growing to full size his thick shake got squeezed tighter and tighter. Tongue lapping at the precum which was already forming, blood rushed to both his heads. Then, like blissfully slipping between silk sheets, she released the base and his whole cock disappeared into her mouth. Fuck she was good, sucking him into the vacuum she was making with her cheeks and twisting her head to get him deeper. Al was getting carried away and could feel his balls tighten as her mouth slipped up and down his girly dick effortlessly. Only to occasionally gag when Bernie took him a little too deep. Still holding him there the pressure of throat and tongue writing around his shaft like an electric ell, was ecstatic.

Despite really not wanting to, he knew hehad to pace as he had decided…She definitely deserved everything, the full kinky kama sutra experience with every bell, whistle, twist and knob available to him on that day.

Pulling her up and leaning in for a kiss, he lifted her chin. ‘Now Mon petite, I believe it is your turn. Let me pleasure you in the 10 different ways we discussed. Oui?’

‘Oh yes please, Monsieur. I am happy to Surrender my body and mind to your kinky kama struta. You have my pleasure and full consent in your hands.




The instructions were relatively simple. It’s a flow of poses that started with a standing series, and would allow Al to penetrate mainly from behind. Followed by a ground level where Bernie would get to ride her cowgirl heart out while legs bent in all manner of directions as he rose to knees to nail her pussy in every direction. Finally the would climax was in a balance. Technically everything was fairly standard stuff but to do all of this while fucking. Bernie couldn’t wait to try.

Slipping a handful of lube between her legs and liberally smearing to prepare her gash, they began. The first pose was deep, with Bernie’s head down arms stretching out before her, Al pushing his pulsating pricing inside. His mushrooming head sunk deep in to the darkness as he circled his hips to make sure she could feel him in every corner of her pussy. It feel amazing, she could. Slowly they built up their rhythm as they remained connected through out the first part. Bernadette held on for dear life in her falling star. Arched over, Al supported by her back as she raised her leg to feel the deepest penetration yet. Heavily panting Al reminded her to ‘breath through your nose.’ From the rushing and sharpness of her breath she could tell she was going to come soon. Maybe Al could sense it too as he brought her down to the ground for the next phase.

Riding cowboy was Bernie’s favourite and within two rock and rolls of her hips connecting her g-spot with his dick she could feel her orgasm rising. ‘Oh fuck’ she exclaimed as she pumped hard on his cock, pussy quivering. ‘Oh fuck’ she said again as she could see Al reaching for the gag.

‘Mon petite, you must breathe through your nose, even when you are coming.’

Without any struggles Bernadette accepted the gag. Rocking and riding faster to eek every pulse out of rush. Pussy clenching over and over as her breath now rushed through her nose channeled by the gag. Although never wearing one before, in this context it was totally serving its purpose and made every bit of sexy sense.

Al flipped her over and proceeded to fuck her sideways. Legs split he stretched Bernie’s leg over her shoulder, lightly bouncing in and out of her cunt. Then the other leg so she was in full ‘eka pada sirsasana’ and utterly pinned by her own body. Her curly lips, clip and pink run were exposed. Leaning back Al had the perfect view of watching hiscock dive in the moist pussy again and again. Right from the tip of the head all the way to the hilt. She even surprised herself a little herself quite how far her legs were bending and how her pussy seemed to accommodate the whole of his throbbing dick.


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