Eunice picked up some bark, which would make good tinder for the fire, and now she had to look for some kindling. There were a lot of twigs around, but she knew she couldn’t cut anything off a tree, that was still alive and would make for shitty kindling.
Max and Amber Primrose, his moron girlfriend of ’05, had made Eunice eat a bunch of wood that she’d cut off a tree, just to show her that she needed to pay attention. Of course Eunice hated camping, hated everything about it. Eunice was a hotel girl, but Max put her through it all the time.
Once, Dionard, a vegan sort, had boxed Eunice’s ears after she’d used a bird’s nest for kindling, because Dionard (Max had hated Di’s blowjobs, by the way) was so goddamned concerned about the animal life…the bitch!
“Well, this tent looks good.” Max said to Heidi happily. “I guess you were a Girl Scout leader once.”
“I told you!” Heidi was feeling a little nervous. When she’d discovered that Max’s wife, Eunice had full knowledge of their affairs, it had really freaked her out.
And Max had said he wanted Eunice to watch them fuck this weekend! What on earth?
Heidi thought that she’d be fired-it wasn’t the first time she’d fucked an employee’s husband. Heidi was tutoring Eunice and Max’s son in trigonometry, and she was a good tutor, but Eunice would really be pissed, right?
And to talk about it on a camping trip!
Max and Eunice’s kids were not into camping, they took after their mother, Max said. Maxwell Jr. and Therese had gone to some kind of Woodstock re-enactment in a friend’s van so it was just Max, Heidi, and Eunice.
On the way to the campground, they’d discussed sports, Maxwell Jr’s academic progress, which was very slow, as Junior was an almost hourly pothead, and also they all agreed that the “Handmaid’s Tale” was the best thing on Hulu.
And damn it, why had they killed off Meredith’s doctor hubby on “Grey’s Anatomy?” Netflix’s worst mistake.
Leigh, Max’s daughter from a former marriage was not along either. Leigh was a fattie who did not like the adorable Eunice at all.
“Leigh doesn’t like her stepmom either.” Max said “But she worked through it after I let her give Eunice a spanking during Leigh’s second year of college. Now Eunice calls Leigh Ma’am.”
What a riot Max was!
Max was so pleased with the tent being done. And it had been so fast!
“Seriously, Eunice is no help. Usually I tie her to a tree when I do the tent uprising; keeps her out of the way.”
“Hardy har. Try that on me, mister, and you’ll have busted balls.” Heidi smiled, mock-threateningly.
“C’mon, baby, to celebrate the ten being up, give me a long one with some tongue, Heidi baby.”
Almost unwillingly (Eunice would be coming out of the woods soon) Heidi stepped closer to Maxx
She was really hypnotized by his bulky shoulders and hazel eyes. And he really did have a big dick, the kind that reminds you that size DOES matter.
Heidi fell into Max’s arms.
Heidi was a cutie pie. She resembled someone called “Bernadette Peters” both Eunice and Max (and Heidi’s folks) had told her.
Now, as Max tongued Heidi, what a master of tonsil hockey that man was! Eunice came out of the woods with an armload of mini-timber.
Eunice was a fairly attractive woman, a little older than Max, but with a fair shape on her, and short, dark hair.
God, was Eunice crying?
Eunice looked at them, briefly and went to deposit the wood by the circle of rocks that they’d assembled to make the campfire.
Heidi finally pushed herself out of Max’s strong arms.
“Mrs. Truscott, I’m so sorry-“
Playfully, Max shouted “Get up, forget the wood right now, Eunice. Little Heidi is trying to talk to you!”
“Max, it’s all right. Let me start this fire.” Eunice’s voice was shaking, but if Heidi wasn’t mistaken, the woman had just darted her hand in her shorts for a hot second.
Was she? Nooo. No one does that in public.
“Eunice if you don’t come over here right now, I’ll lock up your wee-wee so you can’t make mischief down there.”
Max’s comment kind of freaked Heidi a little. What the fuck was going on here?
“Really babe. I’ll lock the sumbitch up till September. It’s fifteen days till then.”
“Max, darling-“
“Okay, it’s going to be locked up. Right after you do the fire, but if you come here now, I might not lock up the piercing till Thanksgiving. Or maybe Christ-“
Suddenly, Eunice ran over to them, almost falling over herself to get there.
“Please, please don’t lock me up, Master.”
“September now, cutie pie. Meet me behind the oak over There in about twenty minutes. You really worked up, I’d just started letting you out recently.”
Now it appeared Eunice was really sobbing, and it had nothing to do with Heidi and Max, did it? Heidi wondered if last year’s LSD experience was backing up on her. You couldhave flashbacks, and an old girlfriend of hers still saw trails.
Eunice was now panting and sobbing. She was clad in a polo shirt tucked into khaki shorts that looked a wee bit wet in the crotch. Eunice was fairly attractive for her age, right? What was she, forty-five?
Heidi’s sister had met Eunice once and said Eunice hadn’t had any work done. Heidi’s sister called a lot of the ladies at the mass at St. Irving’s part of the “Face-lift Brigade”
She was attractive, Eunice. But Heidi had youth on her side.
Heidi was twenty-two and wearing a snug tee shirt and Daisy Duke cut-offs.
She didn’t want to look too sexy, but it was really comfortable.
Mom knew Eunice and thought she was stuck up, but said that Heidi shouldn’t encouragement Max to spend money on her that he could put towards his family.
But they were loaded.
And sure, Heidi was not wearing much, but it was friggin’ August.
Eunice was biting her lip. She had to try to make some semblance of dignity, she thought.
“C’mon, Eunice honey, tell Heidi here that it doesn’t both you that we’re making out and about to fuck on the ground in front of you…
…Though that’s really a lie, right? It does make you mad, and embarrasses you, right? That I’ve fucked all these young babes, and let them kick you around.” Max laughed
Heidi’s jaw dropped. How many young babes?
In spite of being turned on in cuckquean mode, Eunice didn’t understand this at all.
How could this little blonde moron be an algebra tutor?
Eunice was seeing inside, but she was also humiliated, watching all this.
In the book “Bobos in Paradise” it was pointed out that intelligence had little to do with looks, and some people who appeared to be complete airheads were geniuses, but…
But watch Max sneer at her, as he felt Heidi up.
The night before, Max had forced Eunice to knee on Theresa’s old jacks, the evil little steel things that just cut into her knees.
Eunice had knelt, weeping silently as Max had g one over his little talk.
“Yes, my lover this year is little Heidi, as you know, and tomorrow you’re going to make it easy for her and explain that you’re just a slave-pig.”
“Can’t I just pretend not to know this year, Max, darling?”
Max had laughed uproariously.
“What, you don’t want to suck my cum out of her vaj like you did to Marlene, the babysitter? Remember, Marlene was jealous ‘cos you have bigger tits, so she whipped them with one of our wire coat-hangers?”
As Eunice had wept, Max had kindly reminded her that on the morning, Eunice would explain to Heidi that she was less of a spouse than a slave-pig, a dirty old cooze and nothing Master Max had to stay faithful to, right?
And Eunice knew all she really was, was a submissive hose bag.
And the night before, Max had let Eunice suck his feet while she frigged herself, which she wouldn’t be allowed to do now until fall…he wasgoing to lock her piercing!
Now, Eunice looked unsteadily at Heidi.
“I’m-I’m okay with your relationship with Max, Heidi. It’s all right.”
“Wow, do you guys have an open marriage thing?”
Max laughed. “Sometimes I have her blow my friends, but it’s not what you’d call “open” Really, Eunice’s dream is that I stay faithful, but who could-to that?”
“Don’t be mean, Max” Heidi said.
Don’t defend me, you little bitch, Eunice thought spitefully. You mincing little-
“Heidi, trust me, it’s more than all right.” Max grinned big, Eunice forced herself to smile as well, and Heidi, not knowing why she was smiling, also began looking cheery.
August 2018
“So you got my dimwit boy into Buttermilk State” Max said as he gave Heidi, his girlfriend of a year now, a deep kiss. “I’d hoped for Dartmouth, but…”
Heidi kissed Max back and reached down, toying with his dick through the cargo pants.
“I’m not a miracle worker, babe. Just because you got into Yale and I was accepted by Swarthmore, and the pig-” Heidi jerked a French tipped thumb at the woods.
“Graduated from Mount Holyoke magna cum laude, doesn’t mean smarts is caught like chicken pox.”
There was a rustle and Eunice came out of the woods with the familiar kindling in her arms.
Eunice looked at the happy couple hesitantly, and blushed. Of course Max and Heidi were still clothed, and Eunice was buck naked except for the clamps on her nipples, her chatity piercing which currently supported a five pound weight bouncing between her legs as she came from the woods, and of course, her ever present Adidas sneakers.
“What’s wrong, scaredy-cat?” Heidi asked casually. “You worried you might get spotted by tourists? Didn’t you blow a park ranger to keep them away?”
Max laughed at Heidi’s jibe. “There aren’t park rangers in a private campground, babe. I did make her suck off the manager and a wino I saw by Interstate 54”
Max let go of Heidi’s embrace and went over to inspect Eunice’s kindling.
“I can look at your wood but you can’t see mine-Heidi hasn’t let you see me naked since February!” Max laughed.
“Eunice, this is damp pine-it’s bendy, this branch. You can’t use this as tinder or kindling.. You know it has to be able to break to be flammable”
Max became testy.
“Jesus, we’ve been camping for so many years now, and you still don’t get it.”
Heidi put her hands on her hips. Perhaps she was peeved because this was her last weekend with Max.
He’d explained to her that she might as well leave town and go to grad school in Montana.
“I have a wonderful marriage with Eunice, Heidi. Don’t cry.” Max had said the night before. “I do like you a lot, but you have to understand-“
“But-“Near tears, Heidi had to ask this. “If you love that old bitch so much, why are we in your bed, and she’s locked under the stairs?”
Max tried to speak, but Heidi wasn’t finished.
“You meant his whole thing, me punishing Eunice, and having her go down on me and all my sorority friends that weekend, and me slapping her face in the supermarket-
-That’s just to get you two off in your pathetic Master -Slave game?”
What the hell was wrong with Max, Heidi thought. And Eunice was in a chatity piercing, and begged to finger herself…
And their friends the Overbys, in that case, both husband and wife were in chatity and being kept by a big black guy. And one weekend, Max and Heidi had looked “after” the Overbys…she just did it to please Max.
Eunice was about five years older than Max, and he’d basically married her so she could support his pathetic garage band and his illegal daughter, ‘cos Eunice was an engineer. Whoop-di-do!
And Max had married this psychological masochist, and cheated on her openly with twelve or eighteen women over a 20 year period…
And Max had been a “slave-master” to other women, AND MEN before that.
And oh, Heidi was in love with him, so in love.
Not that she was a submissive. That did nothing for her. Not Heidi.
And mostly being a dominant didn’t either, except she really was starting to enjoy beating Eunice.
Who the fuck did Eunice think she was?
But if that’s what she wants, and it clearly is, look at her pussy juices running down her leg now, let’s give it to her.
“Oh, silly Max” Heidi said in a singsong voice now, as she walked over to Max and Eunice.
Eunice could feel the anger and tension emanating from Heidi. Yes, Eunice was trembling, her saggy tits looked really pathetic, Heidi thought.
Heidi slapped the wood out of Eunice’s arms.
“Pick it up you stupid bitch!” Heidi screamed, as if Eunice had dropped the load on purpose, and it was a wood holding content.
Eunice dropped to her knees and picked it back up, and now stood trembling in front of Heidi, grasping the kindling as if it were a life raft.
“I’m sorry I droppedit, Miss Heidi.”
Heidi plucked the offending damp branch out of the woodpile in Eunice’s arms and then knocked the wood to the ground once more.
“We’ll teach you how to make fire, you little pig.” Heidi smiled cruelly. “But first, grab your ankles, and let’s see if you can take forty with this damp kindling error.
Otherwise, I’ll make you wear the nipple clamps all night, and your chatty piercing till I go back to school!”
Max grinned, Eunice sobbed. Camping was just so much fun. Max realized that the cashier at the Piggly-Wiggly was eyeing him and looked like she could give Eunice what-for.
The cashier had given Eunice the finger when his wife had criticalized her for putting bread under a crushing bottle of milk…
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