There I was walking down a snow and slush covered street in a pair of not so water resistant running shoes, muttering to myself, “Fucking silly slut!!” Why was I wandering around in the slush and snow you may be wondering? Well let me tell you how it all began and where it went. By the way get comfy because it’s a long story.
It all started a couple of months ago when I answered an ADULT personals ad. It seems this couple was looking for another man to add into the mix. I answered the ad and got the email address of the woman half of the couple. Thank god it wasn’t Skip that read my mail or this whole experience might not have happened.
Debbie (referred hereafter as slut) and I spent quite a bit of time typing back and forth to each other and from our conversations about things we fantasized about; I found one of her fansasies was to be kidnapped. This seemed like an ideal way to meet this particular woman so I decided then and there that this would be how it went. I told her that I would like to make that particular fantasy come true for her but that she would have to help just a little. Had it was summer I likely would have just asked where she worked and told her I would meet her one night after work and then stalked her to find how she went home etc but it was a little too cold to be hanging out doing that. So I gave her a simple task, to write down which streets she took home. Sounds simple doesn’t it? I thought it would be, but as I found out when I attempted to follow the directions from her work to her home, I found my self nowhere near where she lived. I should have driven to do this but I thought it best to walk and see where I could hide and sneak up on her to accomplish the kidnapping part. So there I was wandering around in the snow and slush muttering to myself, “Fucking silly slut!!”
It’s a good thing I gave myself lots of extra time to accomplish the task of plotting where to snatch her. As it turned out I had to retrace my steps and go back to my van and attempt to find the correct way to get to her house. After quite a bit of driving around I finally found where she lived and backtracked to what I thought to be the best route to her work. I found what I thought to be a good spot to park and lie in wait for her. It allowed me to park with the side door to the sidewalk and still be out of sight until she came past the edge of a building. This would be perfect I thought to myself. It was still in the business part of town so I wouldn’t have to worry about being seen taking a woman off the street unless someone was walking behind her or driving past on the street. With my spot picked out I went to park where I could see the door to the bank where she worked.
It was approaching midnight as I climbed into the back seat to wait for my prey. The tinted windows would allow me to see her but not allow her to see me.
I sat and waited (and shivered). She came out once but it was for a smoke break. I thoughtto myself “She’s going to pay for her lack of direction and that smoke. She should be getting her work done.”
Soon enough the time came and I saw the lights go out in the bank. This was it. My heart started racing. I saw her look around and start to walk home. I climbed into the drivers seat and sped off after her. Before I knew it she was around the first corner. I turned the corner and drove past, eyeing her as I went. She didn’t even look in my direction. I quickly made my way to the spot to wait for her. I had no sooner parked and got out of the van to peek around the building when I saw her on the OPPOSITE side of the road. “Fuck!!”, I said out loud. I hoped into my van and went off to get ahead of her and find a new spot. The next place I tried was behind a store but once again she went across the street. “Does she see me? Is she TRYING to piss me off or is it just working out that way?” This would be the third time I’d have to drive by to get in front of her again and this time she did look my way. “Damn she walks fast.” I thought to myself. By the time I found a good place to lurk I was almost to her house so this would be my last attempt to grab her.
It was a dark little side street. Parked two houses away from the corner, I had just gotten turned around and had the front of the van pointed back towards where she would be crossing the street. I made sure the dome light wouldn’t come on and I unlatched the sliding back door before I exited the vehicle. There wasn’t much light on the side street so when she did look right at me I don’t think she recognized me. I felt in my pockets to make sure I had what I needed. In one pocket was some rope and in the other was a ski mask I had purchased that day. I took the mask out of my pocket and made sure the eyesholes were going to face me when I pulled it over her head. I ran up behind her, pulled the mask over her face, put one arm around her arms the other around her neck and applied some pressure.
I grew in her ear “Don’t make a sound!”, although with my arm around her throat I doubt she could have made much noise. I turned her around and started to walk her back towards my van, hoping that no one was looking out their window and writing down my license number. I walked her back to the van, pressed her up against it’s cold surface, took the rope from my pocket and pulled her hands behind her back and tied them There. I slid the door open and helped her onto the van’s back seat, pushed her into the van is more accurate. After hoping into the drivers seat I turned around and positioned her how I wanted her and unzipped her leather jacket. I couldn’t resist and gave her breast a not so gentle squeeze. Much to my surprise she responded with a small moan. Either she liked it or my hands were cold. At that point I really didn’t care which it was I was just glad that the stressful part of the night was over (for me anyway).
I fired up the van and took off for the not so nice hotel district on the outskirts of town. Driving through the snowy streets I would occasionally taunt her. “Do you know where we are now? Have you been keeping track of which way we turned? Bet you’re wondering what’s going to happen to you!” The first two answers were both no’s and the third was a very squeaky yes. At every stoplight I would take the opportunity to turn around and slide My hand into her shirt to squeeze her breast and pinch her nipple. I was sure I could feel her pressing herself into my hand. “This is going to be an interesting night.”, I thought to myself. After nearly sliding through a red light, (really need to get SNOW tires), I concentrated more on my driving than the slut in the back. After about 15 minutes we were well out of town and coming up on a row of not very nice hotels. I had wanted to have the room all ready for the night’s festivals, meaning having already checked in etc, but her lousy directions had fucked that up.
We finally stopped at the last hotel of the lot. I shut the engine off, told her in no uncertain terms that if she moved I would see and her punishment would be severe. Luckily for me she so wanted this to happen or else the crap job I did of tying her would have left me with nothing more than a dive of a motorcycle room, a hard cock and nowhere to put it, or worse, criminal charges. Before I got out of the van I put my hand around her throat, gave a little squeeze and told her I would be right back. I opened the door, hit the power lock switch and assured her that no one would be getting in to help her. I checked in as fast as I could and made sure to ask for a room with no neighbors on either side as I was very hard of hearing and didn’t want to disturb others with the volume level of the television. Fortunately these accommodations were not the first choice of most travelers and my request was easily filled. Having obtained my key (yes a key, no slick key cards in this dump), a clock radio so I could keep trackof time and 2 bottles of water, it was back out to the van to make sure my price was still there. Unlocking the door to the van a quick glance into the back gave me a little sight of relief to see she was still in the EXACT position I had left her.
I drove down and backed into the parking space in front of the room. Reaching back, I gave her nipple a twist and pressed the key to her face. I told her, “This is the key to all the naughty little dreams you’ve ever had.” I instructed her once again not to move while I got the door open and my stuff inside. I almost slipped and fell as I came back out to get the entertainment for the evening and I thought to myself, “That’s all I needed would be to drop and break the slut before I even got to play with her.”
I opened the sliding door and waited until the woman that had checked me in left the office and Then hauled my price out and onto her shaky legs. That was when I noticed what a crap job I had done at tying her. I guided herinto the room without anyone falling in the snow then closed and locked the door. I stood her near the foot of one of the double beds, walked slowly around her and said to her “NOW the fun begins!”
I finished untying the rope that held her hands behind her back and pulled her faded black leather coat off her. I asked her, “Do you have any weapons on you tonight?” She replied that she did not but I checked the coat Anyway. After satisfying myself that her coat didn’t pose any threat to me I turned my attention back to her. I pushed her back up against the nearest wall and frisked her. “A lady walking the streets late at night can’t be too careful. Oh wait I forget you’re not a lady you’re a slut and besides you’ve told me that you usually carry some form of protection so lets have a look shall we.” Having said that I pushed her shirt up under her chin and much to my surprise she was wearing a bra. Although I had told her that I would help her to make her kidnapping fantasy come true I had also instructed her to not wear any bra or panties because she wouldn’t know when or where I would take her. She had failed two tests so far tonight. I became annoyed and slapped her right cheek fairly hard. Normally she isn’t one to put up with any shit from anyone and she got a look on her face like she was about to do something about it when I got right up in her mask covered face and yelled “I told you not to wear anything under you’re clothes didn’t I slut. You probably are wearing panties to.” Without waiting for an answer I unsnapped her jeans, slid the zipper down and thrust my hand into her pants. This action was met with another low moan. Sure enough she was wearing a thong and it was already soaked. I put my free hand around her neck and grew “Strike two and you’re already wet slut. I really didn’t expect you to be that wet so soon, you must really be a horny little slut aren’t you?” Her reply didn’t come fast enough so I tightened my grip on her throat and pussy. She breathed heavily, “Yes I am Master.”
In all the time I had been talking to her (well typing at her), she had been instructed to always call me Master and never to refer to me by my name. Letting go of her neck I throw her onto the bed and told her to strip to her bra and thong.
She hesitated before pulling the shirt up over her head shirt. Next came the shoes, socks and pants. She wrapped her arms across her chest in a vain attempt at modesty. I laughed and pulled her arms down. She was clearly aroused, as I could clearly see her nipples poking out through her sports bra. I commented on them and she told me it was because she was cold. Being that I was still fully clothed I took that opportunity to be a sport and craneted the heat.
She looked so nice sitting there in just a bra and thong but the ski mask pulled backwards over her head really wasn’t doing it for me so I replaced the mask with a nice little blindfold I pulled from my bag of tricks. “I think I can find a way to warm you up slut.” I sat her up in the middle of the bed and went back to my bag of tricks, making sure to tell her what each thing took from the bag was.
“First off we have a nice leather flogger to whip your tits and tights with.” I traced the ends of it down her chest and over her legs then placed it on the table in between the beds. Out next were the nipple clamps. I dropped them noisily on the table so she would get a hint of the weight they had.
The next item was to be put into use right away. I placed them on her chest. They were cold, round and steel and she correctly guessed they were handcuffs.
I took her right hand and locked it up and then her left. I tied a rope in between the cuffs and then laid her out on the bed. When she was comfy I pulled the rope hard and her hands flew up over Her head. I secured the rope to the bed and next went to work on secure her feet. Using nylon straps with velcro I secured her spread eagled to the foot of the bed. Her breathing was getting a little heavier now as she tested her bindings. She wasn’t going anywhere till I allowed it. “There’s one more item in my bag to deal with the clothes you weren’t supposed to wear.”
I took out a small but very sharp knife. I put the blunt side of it underneath her throat and applied a little pressure. Again she let out what could only be described as a sexual moan. Even knowing that I could just have easily sliced her throat wide open she still wanted all I was going to do to her.
I then asked her “Are you scared?” Her reply came quickly and quietly “A little.” I informed her that before I was done she would be shaking and not because the room was slow to warm up. I used the sharp point of the knife and traced it down between her C cup breasts. While I don’t like bras or underwear I had to admit that the bra did enhance the look of her tits. Her nipples were clearly hard and straining to push through her it. I used the point of my knife topush her right nipple down, once again eliciting a moan from the slut. I repeated the action on the other nipple and then commented that her bra seemed to be hampering my ability to play with her nipples. She made no comment but simply waited to see what I would do. Using the knife, I quickly cut holes in the bra for her nipples to stick out through. After scraping the blade over the tops of her nipples I thought to myself that they could probably be even longer so I took each of them in turn into my mouth and sucked hard and bit down on them. This produced a whole new round of moaning from the slut. In addition I could feel her pressing her body up into my mouth, encouraging me to be rougher with her. I did not disappoint her. I bit down and sucked them even harder. When I was done with them they were indeed longer and harder than any nipples I had played with in a very long time.
When I stopped my assault on her nipples, she continued to squirm. If I could have read her mind (which I think I can actually do most times), I would have heard her saying “Don’t stop it feels so good.” As much as I do like a nice set of tits to play with I had more plans for her and not as much time as I would like. I reached for the knife and pushed it up underneath her bra. I dug the tip of it into her just a little and with maddening slowness I dragged it down from under her bra and down Towards her spread legs. Her breathing at that time was hard and fast, but the closer I got to her pussy, the deeper her breaths were and the frequency between them decreased. By the time the knife was running down the center of her soaking wet thong she had stopped breathing altogether. It wasn’t until I pulled the tip off of her that she began to breathe again.
I turned the knife around and using the handle I started to push the thong into her pussy. I had about two inches of the handle inside of her pussy. She was soaking wet. I began to fuck her with the handle. For a while she stayedStill but as her password built, so did her movements. I had to caution her. “You do realize that I am fucking your cunt with the handle of a knife don’t you?” With that thought her movements quickly stopped and she let me go at my own pace. After amusing myself with the knife for a little while longer I withdraw it and then placed the blade against her throat and told her to open her mouth. When she did as told, I placed the handle of the knife between her teeth, pushed her mouth closed and cautioned her, “It’s very sharp so don’t drop it.”
I couldn’t resist her charms any longer. I pulled her thong off to one side and shoved two fingers into her hot wet pussy and began to fingerprintfuck her. Had she not had that knife in her mouth, it surely would have been open. I had been having her practice not coming by playing with herself for a set time every night and it’s a good thing she had been doing it or she surely would have come before I wanted her to. I could tell she wanted to comeAlready but I grew at her not to even entertain the thought, as she had not yet earned that right. I didn’t want her to have an accident (just yet), so I withdraw my fingers. She whimpered when I did and asked me to finger her more, although with the knife between her teeth it was a little hard to understand her. I decided and took the knife from her.
I whispered in her ear, “It’s time for you to be naked slut.” I cut both shoulder strraps in one quick movement and then proceeded to use the blade to see through the material slowly. I was then able to remove the offending garment from her body revealing her breasts in all their glory. I then set my sights on her thong. This time I had no intentions of using the knife. I got right in her face and using a raised voice told her, “Next time you don’t dress appropriately the consequences will be worse!” As I said that I took hold of the front of her thong, pulled it up into her pussy and then ripped it from her body.
“Will you fuck me now?”, she asked. I laughed at her and she had no idea why. “You don’t expect me to fuck a dirty slut like you do you? You’ve been working all night and you need to be clean before I will use you sexually slut.” She bounced her ass off the bed several times in frustration. This behavior was unacceptable and a slap to the side of her face let her know it. I untied the rope from the handscuffs and then undid the handscuffs. I sat her up and then undid her leg restrains. I stood her up and then led her into the bathroom. After helping her step safely into the shower I placed her hands on the showerhead and secured her there with a rope. Unfortunately for her there was a serious lack of hot water. After getting the water as warm as it was going to get (which was by no means hot), I pulled the button to start it coming out of the Showerhead and onto the slut. Her reaction was priceless. She started to squirm and twist to get away from it, but she couldn’t. All the while she yelledhow cold it was and I better turn it off fast. “You my dear slut, are in no position to be giving orders!” With that said I took the soap and set about the task of washing her.
I took a washcloth from the rack and soaped it up then I turned my attention to cleaning the slut. It wasn’t the softest clothes and I was by no means nice in my cleaning of her. I started at her throat and worked my way from there. For a brief moment the soapy rag and my hand was around her throat and I could hear her softly moan. I made no mention of that to her but filed the information away for later use. I washed her shoulders and under her arms then moved onto her breasts. I made sure to be especially firm when washing her tits, spending more time then was really necessary, but I wanted her tits to be even more sensitive then they were usually. I really enjoyed the way her mouth hung open when I used the soapy clothes to stretch her nipples to their full extent.
She seemed almost sad when I moveddown to wash her legs and feet. Lucky for me her balance was good enough that she didn’t fall while cleaning her feet. As I moved higher up her legs her breathing got heavier. After washing both of her legs it was time to wash the most important places that I was later going to be using ALOT. “Spread your legs slut!” She did and I made her wait for my touch. When I finally touched her with the clothes I could see her press down onto it. I spent a good 30 seconds rubbing her pussy with that clothes and then took one of her legs and put it up on the side of the tub. She knew what was coming and started to say “No not there.” A slap to her ass got her attention and she knew there was very little she could do to stop me from doing whatever I felt like. I took that washcloth and scrubbed her ass. I could feel her clench when I took a finger and pushed that cloth up into her asshole. She let out a gasp. “Have to make sure you are clean INSIDE and out slut.” “Why?”, she asked, “Are you going to fuck me THERE?? No one has ever even put a finger up my ass never mind a cock.” I let her know in no uncertain terms, “Tonight that will change slut.”
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