The Keyholder Ch. 03

Ben had been on a high for the next five hours and twenty nine minutes. He loved that she once again had him locked in chatity and even loved the fact that she’d locked him in the cramped locker. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see her legs and her tight black underwear and in his mind he was kissing her again. He’d slept with many women, but somehow they weren’t as special or as erotic. They were Easy, he controlled them, but this woman controlled him and that was a different feeling all together.

It was now light outside and by his watch the time was up. Through the grille he could see the reflection of a flashing red light, which no doubt told the staff that the time was up. Unfortunately for Ben, the locker didn’t just unlock on its own. Ben watched as a harried woman in her twentyties walked up to the locker and swore under her breathe. She wore a long black skirt and white top, neither of which fitted properly. She had a large bunch of keys clipped to her belt which presumably included a master key and, in the absence of his keyholder’s six digit code, would be the only way that he was getting out.

“Just unlock the bloody thing,” Ben whispered under his breath as she walked away again, her keys clattering noisily against her hip.

Ten minutes later the woman reappeared and to Ben’s relief uncliffed the keys from her waist and used the master key to open the locker. She looked shocked when she saw Ben inside and stood there with her mouth open as he climbed awkwardly out.

“Stag night,” Ben smiled warmly, “my stupid mates thought it was funny.”

The girl’s expression changed immediately.

“Sorry I didn’t unlock you earlier,” she smiled, secretly excited that she’d been the one to keep this good looking guy captive, “or Maybe I should have kept you locked up a little longer.”

“No, that was plenty.”

“Oh well, anytime.” she called after him as she watched him go.

Ben ordered two coffees, both for himself,at the station cafe and drank them as he walked back to his flat. The belt once again felt erotic around his waist and for once the pressure inside the front plate was managed. Maybe his cock had finally accepted that it had to obey the mystery woman. His mind knew she was in control, it was about time his libido caught up.

Back at his apartment, Ben stripped off, showed and then lay on his bed. As usual, he could think of nothing but the belt and he used all the strength in his muscle arms to try and pull it open. He enjoyed watching his toned biceps, they were looking good, but most of all enjoyed the fact that the belt remained firmly fastened. With sexual excitement building, he tried to grab his cock, but only managed to smoke his fingerprintnails into the steel of the front plate.

“You sexy fucking bitch!” he breathed with closed eyes and with his keyholder’s body clearly in his mind.

Ben was now on his knees and in his mind she was laying on the bed beneathhim, naked, legs apart and horny like hell. He could picture her toned thighs and her black underwear that he was about to rip off. She hadn’t allowed him to see inside her panties and so he used his vivid imagination instead. He dropped down on the bed as if penetrating the imagination woman and thrust the steel chatity belt on to the empty mattress.

This painfully pathetic display constructed sex for Ben. There was no way for his cock to get any sexual pleasure no matter how hard he thrust, the locked chatity belt made sure of that. As always, his wannabe erect cock remained locked inside its two inch long tube and the only sensing it felt was pain, no pleasure. He thrust down on to the empty bed until he could take it no more and then cried out and ran to the shower and into the flow of cold water.

Around the same time, Amy woke and stretched out across her queen size bed. It was warm and she had long since kicked off the sheet. She was wearing only her black panties from the night before and she’d only kept them on because she wanted to keep Ben’s key close to her. The key was inside there, resting against her wet pussy which she slowly rubbed back and forth against the sheet.

What had she been thinking when she sentenced Ben to a month in the belt? She hadn’t make love in over a year, and now finally she had a guy whose lips seemed intent on worshipping her. ‘Stupid bitch’ she Thought to herself. She should be the one in the chatity belt, it would make little difference to her sex life.

She pulled her vibrator from her bedside table and sucked on it, in her mind it was Ben’s cock and he was able to come. She reached down and nudged the key into the right position. Fuck! At least she could still masturbate and she moaned in to the vibrator as she climaxed. OK, perhaps she was glad not to be Belted. She tucked her vibrator into the front of her underwear and closed her eyes and jumped forward a month.

Amy felt better, but still frusted as she pulled on a t-shirt, running shorts and trainers. She carefully zipped the key inside the back pocket of her shorts and made way her way down to the street and into the park. Running helped and after three laps she stopped and crotched down to catch her breath. Her legs were now wet with perspiration and her shorts were sticking to her body. She lunged down to stretch out her tired muscles before powered off again.


Ben had to wait ten days before he received his next text and again he waited patiently at Bar Ella for the woman to arrive. The tight blue jeans were back and secured around her wait with a thick brown leather belt. She wore brown boots and a thin pale woven top.

“Any chance I can persuade you to give me ten minutes of freedom?” Ben asked as he kissed her cheek, His sexual frustration having been at fever level for the last few days.

“Haven’t you noticed the pattern?” Amy replied as she leaned across the table and sipped her beer,”it depends on what I’m wearing.”

Ben looked confused and looked under the table to check her out again.

“When I wear a skirt, it’s easy for your lips to reach important parts of my body and therefore earn your freedom. Also, it’s easier for me to get at the key.”

“OK so today you’re in jeans…” Ben replied.

“Yes, my body is sealed up and so is the key,” she explained, sipping again at her beer.

Even though she wasn’t going to give him the key, Amy stood up and walked around the table to stand in front of him.

“You can still touch my body,” she whispered.

Ben gently caressed her modest breasts through her thin top. “Hard nipples,” he smiled.


Now with two hands, Ben worked his way down to her waist and firm stomach. Her top was tucked into her jeans and Ben’s fingertips started to follow it down inside the tight denim.

“You won’t get far,” Amy said, now regretting her choice of tight jeans.

Ben pulled his fingersout from the tight confines and ran them down her butt and then up between her legs. Amy breathed out with pleasure which quickly brought both of Ben’s hands down to her crotch, from where he could feel the key through the denim.

“Are you sure you won’t give me ten minutes?” he checked.

With no response from his keyholder, Ben continued down, caressing her slim tights. Amy was still breathing heavily as she bit him gently on the ear and returned to her stool on the other side of the table. Ben had obviously started something though, as Amy was now reaching down between her legs and touching herself. She breathed out quietly as she lowered her head. When she looked up, her dark hair was covering most of her face and she was biting her bottom lip.

“Having fun with my key?” he Winced as his cock crushed once more into the end of its tiny tube.

“Mmm,” she smiled coyly. She had planned to tease him tonight, but this pleasure was real.

Ben’s cock needed respiteand so he walked out to the bathrooms. Shit, the belt prevented him from peeing into a urinal and the only male toilet stool was out of order. He returned and explained his problem in the hope of some sympathy.

“Now you know what we girls have to go through,” Amy laughed, “you’ll have to use the girl’s room.”

Ben sheepishly returned from the girls’ toilet to find another pint of beer on the table. As Amy watched him drink, she realized why she liked him so much, he was obeying her every command, instantly. No one had ever obeyed her like this before, but then she’d never locked anyone’s cock up before.

“Kiss my boots.”

Amy tried to hide her excitement as Ben gave her a sexy smile, looked around and then crouched down under the table. She had imagined how fantastic his lips would feel and now here he was wasting his kisses on her boots, where she couldn’t feel a thing.


It was now three weeks since Amy had locked Ben in the locker and sentenced him to a month in the chatity belt and she was already counting down the hours. It was late, she’d been drinking with friends and she couldn’t help herself as she striped naked and dialled Ben’s number for the first time.

“Hello is that… you?” an excited voice answered. Poor guy, he still didn’t know her name.

“Yes, it’s me,” Amy replied, one hand on her phone and one on between her legs, “what you doing?”

“Fucking some girl.”

“We both know that’s impossible,” she purred, “what you wearing?”

“Nothing, just lying here holding my hard cock in my hand.”

Ben heard laughter on the line which slowly changed into moans of pleasure. A quiet hum then started up, at which point the cried became louder and louder.

“Please don’t,” Ben cried, rolling around on the bed to relieve the pressure, but still unable to take the phone from his ear.

As she climaxed, the belt felt tighter than it ever had and for the first time Ben really wanted to get out.

“Please whatever your name is… unlock me now!”

“Come and fuck me now…”

Her voice sounded even huskier on the phone and her cries were to die for. Ben pulled back his curtains and looked out on to thousands of city lights, with no idea which one was hers.

“Where are you?”

The husky giggling returned and then the line went dead.

Ben tried to call her back, only to find she’d withheld her number. He lay back down on the bed, his hands gripping the front of the belt. He loved the belt again and particularly the woman who owned him.


It was now a month since the woman had locked the belt and handed down the one month sentence. It was also a month since he’d seen or touched his cock. Ben was a wreck and had taken the last few days off work, unable to think about anything Other than his impending freedom. He was dressed and ready to go wherever, and do whatever, the woman wanted.

His phone finally beeped with the name and room number of ahotel.

Ben was buzzing as he left his flat and grabbed a taxi. He had no idea why he was shaking, nor why this forty something woman he’d met in a sex shop had suddenly become his Goddess. As instructed, he picked up the room key at reception and made his way up to the fifteenth floor.

“Fuck!” Ben breathed as he saw the woman lying completely naked in the middle of the king size bed.

Her body was slim, smooth and sexy and completely believed her age. Her long dark hair was loose and still wet and there was a smell of soap and perfume in the air. Her legs were apart and she was arching her back and pushing her hips forward. She rolled over to give Ben a glimpse of her pert butt before rolling back and opening her legs wider still.

“Come here,” she commanded in her husky voice, “undress and kiss my feet.”

Amy couldn’t help herself as she watched Ben undress, his younger body was fantastically strong and sexy.

“Shall I strip all the way,” he asked hopefully, pulling at the belt.

“If you can…”

Amy smiled to herself, closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his lips on her bare feet, particularly when he stuck his tongue between her toes.

“Mmm, keep that there,” she witnessed.

The power was intoxicating, one word from her and his strong sexy guy was motionless, unable to remove his tongue from between her toes. The more she waited, the more the power obsessed her. She knew he could see her pussy from where he was kneeing, but he had to obey her and so it remained out of reach.

“You may remove your tongue from my toes and kiss my legs.”

Amy kept her eyes closed, but could feel his lips and his warm breathe work their way up her calves and on to her thighs. She opened even wider to give Ben all the space he needed.

He took his time, attempting to cover every inch of her beautiful legs with kisses. Midway up her thighs he stopped to breathe in and enjoy her scent. When he reached the point whereThe top of her thigh met her crotch, he buried his lips into the fold and waited, not wanting to touch her pussy until she commanded.

“Now my clip,” she moaned as she thrust forward.

It was too nice and Amy found herself climaxing within seconds.

“Now my breasts,” she panted.

With her breasts worshipped, he moved up until he was lying on top of her, his lips almost touching hers. She felt very vulnerable with his muscled arms resting either side of her head. She was starting to melt and reached up to kiss him. It was the signal he needed to lower his head and kiss her back.

Ben’s cock was in agoy and he had to pull away with a grimace on his face.

“Maybe it’s time,” Amy pursued.

Ben rolled off her and Amy walked over to the hotel safe, her naked but bobbing behind her.

“Just in case I changed my mind,” Amy smiled in response to his quizzical look.

She retrieved the single silver key which she had attached to a pair of black pantieslike a key ring. Ben swallowed nervously as she slowly walked back so inspect the belt.

“Locked for a whole month,” Amy purred as she inserted the key into the lock on the front of the belt.

“Are you going to turn it?” Ben asked.


Ben tried to call out her name, but realized he still didn’t know what it was.

“Make love to me,” Amy smiled as she turned the key.

The locked popped open and Ben eased his crushed cock out of its home. Amy was already lying on her back with her legs apart and her pussy wet, which made it simple for Ben to lie on top of her and slip himself inside.

“Oh fuck… fuck!” he shouted as he came within a seconds and rolled off shaking in ecstasy.

Within a few minutes he was back on top of the naked woman and this time he took them both all the way.


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