“Just that please.” Ben mumbled as he nervously placed the steel chatity cage and padlock on the counter.
He was on his way back from drinks with the football team and the elongation of winning, combined with the alcohol had given him the courage to finally indulge one of his fansies.
Careful not to make too much eye contact, he glanced briefly at the woman behind the counter, who smiled kindly as she wrapped the cage for him and took the cash. He was now really starting to feel embarrassed, but he had to continue with the plan.
“Do you know anyone who holds keys for people?”
“A keyholder?” the woman replied.
She was smiling at him again and Ben looked at her properly for the first time. She was pleasant enough, slim and about average height. She was older than him, maybe mid 40’s, dressed in black jeans and black top and she had a piercing in her lip. She had long dark hair that hung until over a slim face that looked as though it had partied hard.Whether it was the woman, or just because he was in a sex shop, he found the smiling woman intimidating.
“I can look after your key.” she replied, getting a kick from the look of terror on the face of the good looking guy.
“Umm…” he was losing it.
“Why don’t I sell you a second padlock,” the woman suggested as she took another lock from the shelf, “but this time without keys. You can use This padlock once you know the cage fits… if you’re brave enough.”
Ben tried to answer, but the sight of the woman unlocking the second lock, removing the keys and dropping them into the cleavage of her low cut top, took away his voice.
Amy felt the cold keys settle inside her bra. She knew she had a twisted sense of pleasure, she always had. To her, causing embarrassment to cute customers was just a perk of the job. “Would you like handcuffs with that?”
Ben shook his head. “What do I do if I use your padlock? I mean how can I unlock it?”
“You can’t, I havethe keys…didn’t you see me drop from between my breasts.”
The woman slowly touched her breasts, by which point Ben was struggling to swallow on a dry throat.
“I mean, how do I get them back?”
“The keys, or my breasts?”
“The keys!”
“You come back here on one of the days when I’m working… and beg.” she had a teasing look on her face.
“Will I have to pay you?” Ben’s was trying to make sense of her offer.
“How much?”
“I’ll tell you when you return.”
It had been a week since Ben had bought the chatity cage and it fitted well. The ring fitted tightly and the cage was cruelly small and yet it was comfortable and easy to hide under clothing. He found that in the shower he could just slip his cock out, but there was no way he could ever remove the device from his ball, the locked steel clamped down on them just too tightly.
Up to now, he’d only used the padlock that had come with keys. The ‘keyless’ padlock, ‘her’ padlock, had remained untouched on his desk. For most of the time he’d had the keys in his possession, apart from one time when his ex-girlfriend had come around to watch a movie and he’d put the keys under the sofa cushion where she was sitting. She didn’t know, of course, but it still gave him a thrill knowing that he couldn’t get at the keys while she was there.
It was now time to take the next step and so after too much whiskey, he removed ‘his’ padlock and locked himself up with ‘hers’. Fuck, that was it, this woman now had him locked in chatity. What was her name? He hadn’t asked her. In fact he knew almost nothing about her other than where she worked.
Not being able to remove the cage was a huge turn on, even if it means that he hadn’t slept that night or gone to work the next day. Every time he thought about the cage, his cock swelled and the cage did its job. He’d spent hours lying on his bed, playing with the small gold padlock and replaying his memoriesof the woman in the shop.
Ben returned to the shop just before it closed on Friday. The woman was there, this time wearing a tight black top and a short red leather skirt that looked as if it was part of the stock. She looked up at him and smiled. He’d made an effort for her, wearing a tight black t-shirt to show off his athletic body and trim wait. Even his tan chinos were tight around the butt and just baggy enough at the front.
“Am I your keyholder now?” she asked in her smokey voice.
“Yes, four days now.”
The woman walked to the front door of the shop and locked it. She walked back to him and he retired a few steps away from her.
“In that case you’ve worked out how to pull your cock out. You’re nowhere near as desperate as a guy that’s been locked up for four days.”
Shit, how did she know? There was no point in arguing with her though, he already knew he would lose.
“Pull down your trousers.”
Ben looked surprised and glanced over to the front door.
“The door’s locked,” she said, in her husky voice, “which means that no one’s coming in..and no one’s going out….”
Fuck, was this crazy woman threatening him? Ben’s cock was straining to get out as he unbuttoned himself to reveal the cage.
The woman seemed impressed. “Nice, no doubt many girls must think I’m a bitch.”
She fetched a big bunch of keys that contained several key rings that were all connected together so that they jangled like a percussion instrument. She found the right one and inserted it into the lock on Ben’s cage but didn’t turn it. She then picked up a length of chain from a shelf and passed it around the back of Ben’s waist and brought both ends to the front.
“Simple cure for pull outs.” she announced as she clicked open the padlock, slipped both ends of the chain on to the shadowle and then relocked it.
The one padlock now secured both the cage and the chain that she had pulled tightly around his waist. The waist chain held the cock ring hard against his body and he immediately knew that there was no was no way he would be able to slip his cock out to masturbate. He looked at the woman warily.
“That’s ten dollars for the chain.” she smiled pleasantly as he pulled up his trousers.
Padlocking stock to customers was a very effective sales technique, especially when backed up with the scary, semi-goth serving staff. Ben eyed her cautiously as he paid her and then walked around the shop trying to acclimatise to the new wait chain.
The woman watched him, smiled and shook her head. “You know a pair of bolt cutters would soon get you out of there.”
“I won’t do that.”
“I know, but you could.”
She walked up to him and held up her phone with a picture of a solid steel chatity belt. “That’s the Only thing that’s secure.”
“Fuck.” Ben breathed, took aback by how quickly the woman was upping the stakes.
“Shall I measure you up for one?”
Amy could tell that he was out of his depth, but the feeling between her legs drove her on. Locking up any guy felt good, but especially when they were young and cute. She knew he wouldn’t sleep with her, so why should he sleep with anyone else? And anyway, the power of chatity could do strange things to a guy. Give him a couple of weeks of real denial and to him, his keyholder would be the most desirable woman in the world. Yes, she would use everything she had to take advantage of this guy.
She looked back at him. “Just crouch down and make sure the chain isn’t too tight.”
As he did as she asked, Amy walked up to him, opened her legs and rubbed her inner legs against his face. He almost fell backwards with surprise and she helped steadied him with her other leg. She knew her legs were good for a woman of her age and that most guys became more co-operative after a few moments pinned between them.
“You know, I keep some of my keys in my panties.” she breathed.
He auto. They were black and shiny and pulled tightly around an unusually sexy butt.
“But only when the keys need to be kept very safe… like keys to maximum security chatity belts… the ones where a lost key would mean a lifetime of celibacy.”
Men were so easy to manipulate Amy thought as he stood up and again unbuttoned his trousers. She ran the tape measure around the parts of his body she needed to measure and some of those that she didn’t.
“Too bad I can’t get at this.” she complained as she tapped the thick bars of the chatity cage and then kissed his cock through one of the small gaps.
‘You can, you have the key!’ Ben thought to himself as his cock tried with all its might to extend past the two inches that her cage allowed. Fuck, she looked sexy today.
Ben paid and left the shop and walked back to his flat where he spent a surreal evening alones. He had been so turned on bythe older woman, whose he hadn’t even slept with and probably never would. He had to release some of the sexual energy pumping around his body and after much trying had partially come with his cock crushed up painfully inside the cage. It hadn’t been the best and now the cage seemed to hold him down even more tightly, as if in revenge. He’d survived like this for three more days before returning to the shop.
Angain the woman was wearing the short red leather skirt, tight black top and high black heels. Again she had locked the front door behind him, although this time led him into a small room at the back of the shop. He gratefully dropped his trousers and watched with huge relief as she unlocked him and removed the cage.
His cock seemed to have grown and looked enormous. The woman, who was still crouched down in front of him slipped it into Her mouth and sucked. Fuck, it was too good and over too soon. The woman looked up and licked her lips. Why was he letting this totaly twisted woman do this to him?
The woman stood up, her tight leather skirt squeaking as it followed her body. She picked up a box and slowly unwrapped the heavy steel belt and gently folded it around his waist. It was beautifully made and moulded sexually around his hips. She pulled it up between his legs and squeezed his resting cock into a small tube inside the front metal casing. She pulled it all the way up and hooked it on to the front of the main body of the belt. It was tight.
“I love a guy in a belt.” she said in her gravelly voice.
Ben tried to answer, but the sound of his heartbeat was too distracting.
The woman was holding a strange looking key which she inserted into the front of the belt and turned. She then ran her hands over him, checking how it fitted on his body and then motioned for him to knee so that he could watch her closely. Ben hadn’t forgetten what she’d said the week before and watched with excitement as her hand that held the key disappeared up inside her tight leather skirt and then reappeared a few seconds later without the key.
“Like a magic trick, now you see it, now you don’t.” she observed as she rolled her hips from side to side and made hand gestures like a magician’s assistance.
‘Crazy woman’, Ben thought, ‘magician’s make people disappear in boxes or trunks, not in their assistant’s panties!’ But crazy or not, her legs were just as beautiful as before and her skirt was just as tight. Ben leaned forward and ran his hands up her legs calm and tenatively kissed her thigh.
“That’s allowed,” she purred, “in fact worshiping my body is very much encouraged.”
Ben needed little encouragement and continued to kiss her as the pressure inside the belt increased. He tried to adjust the heavy steel that was locked in place around his crotch, but nothing really moved.
“Don’t worry, now even you can bust out of there.”
Ben returned to the woman’s body and angled his head upwards to kiss the inside of her thigh just inside her skirt.
Ben stopped and looked up.
“Everything inside my skirt is out of bounds, forbidden.”
“Then the key…”
“Is in forbidden territory I’m afraid honey,” her husky voice answered, “but you can look.”
Ben knelt lower and looked up into the subdued atmosphere inside her skirt. The tight skirt Meant that her tights could only open so far, but he could still see her black underwear deep inside. It looked to hug her closely, gripping tightly at the edges. There was little chance that the key would fall out on its own and the woman certainly wasn’t going to free it.
The pressure inside the locked belt was enormous and it forced Ben to climb to his feet and distance himself from her body. As he looked around the room to distract himself, the pressure inside the belt dissipated and the belt changed from being painfully restrictive to just restrictive. He saw his reflection in the mirror. The chatitybelt looked good and made him look and feel sexy, even if sex was now impossible.
He tried to push his fingers underneath the front of the belt and inside he could just feel the tube into which she had pushed his cock. But the tube made it impossible for him to touch himself in anyway and therefore even ‘crushed’ semi-erections would out. He inspected the lock that was built into the metal structure of the belt. He didn’t need the woman to tell him that bolt cutters would be useless on that. Daunted by the new reality, Ben pulled up his trousers to hide the steel beneath.
“So I guess I come back when I need the key?” he checked.
“Oh darling, you have a lot to learn,” the woman laughed as she strode back out into the shop and opened the front door for him, “leave me your number, I’ll call you.”
Ben stood in the open doorway looking back at the woman. She looked fantastic and he wondered how much he’d have to pay her to sleep with him. “When will you call me?” heasked.
The woman leaned forward and kissed him on the lips and then closed the door in his face. He heard the lock turn and he knew that this was his new life until she called him, whenever that might be.
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