You walk into my office, take a seat across the desk from me, and lay down a key on the wooden surface in front of me. You’re breathing through your nose as your mouth is blocked up by a black, leather muzzle gag – the key fits the padlock that holds the gag in place. You’ve placed your hands flat on the table in front of you.
Your silky, dark hair hangs to your breasts and down your back, Almost the same shade as your black lace bra, matching panties and suspender belt, black stockings and 4-inch spike-heeled silettos.
I look across the table – first at you, then at the key. Then I look you in the eye.
“Thank you for returning my property. I presume that the padlock associated with this key is also exactly where it should be?”
You nod, once.
“Good. Leave your hands where they are and stand up,” I say, standing myself.
You do so, your heels clicking briefly on the floor as you straighten your legs to leave you bent over the table as I remove thechair.
“Now stay right there and think about what you have done,” I say as I re-arrange your dark brown hair so that it all falls down your back, “and when I come back we’ll discuss your punishment.”
Returning, I hesitate in the doorway to observe my naughty girl leaning over my table, long, stockinged legs running from shiny, teetering heels to firm, barely-clad buttocks.
“I’m glad to see you listened, Anthea.”
I drop some things on the ground behind you as I re-enter, and your head flicks very slightly to one side as the mixture of muffled clumps and clanks make you start.
“Am I to understand that you regret your earlier outburst?” I place the flat of my hand at the base of your spine and stroke up your back as I walk round to face you again. “That your actions were not what are expected of you?”
You look me in the eye and nod – again just once. I hold your gaze silently for a few a seconds.
“I appreciate your sentiment, but…” I also place my hands on the table, either side of the key you returned to me, and lean so that my face is 12 inches from yours. “…you must appreciate that if you don’t do what you are told, you will be punished.” Again, I hold your gaze for a few seconds before leaning back and surveying my shaped beauty before me, gagged and expecting her punishment.
“Put your elbows on the table.”
You do so, and your black-clad breasts swing closer to the surface of the table as your back becomes almost horizontal. Your hair falls to spread round your neck and the muzzle gag that silences you. As I walk to the pile of equipment I dropped behind you, this time I place a large hand on your right buttock, squeezing it firmly and enjoying the well-made quality of my property.
Having picked some things up, I return to face you.
“Hands together now, Anthea.”
You comply, soundlessly, your eyes searching mine. Are you wondering if I will be merciful? Are you hoping it willbe over quickly?
“Punishments must fit the crime, Anthea,” I say clasping the first cuff over your left wrist, “so if you are not going to come when I ask you – ” the second cuff is fastened securely around your right wrist ” – then you are not going to go anywhere.”
With your slender wrists now cuffed together on the surface of the table, I wrap a red nylon rope around the chain between the cuffs and tie it securely in place. I pull the rope sharply towards the edge of the table in front of you, and you bend further as I pull you forwards. Your hips are pulled hard against the edge of the table, and you let a small squeal of surprise escape.
I stop what I am doing.
“You will learn the virtue of silence Anthea – that is what the gag is for, after all.” I walk round behind you and place my hand on your right buttock. “But while you are learning, we can certainly use aide-memoires.”
You feel my hand lifting and a brief coolness on your skin before it is replaced with the sharp sting of a hard spank. You stumble forwards – moving the whole table – and another squeal escapes your stopped-up mouth.
“Oh, Anthea – you must try harder than that.”
You know what is coming and this time, as my hand strikes your other rounded chef, you remain silent. Your breasts dangle quietly in black lace an inch from the table’s surface,
“That’s better,” I say, and return to the rope tied to the chain holding your wrists together.
Being careful to avoid the key in front of you, I take one end of the rope and tie it firmly round the table leg in front and to the right of you. Having done this, I walk round behind you, seeing that both your cheeses blooming pink on either side of your tone, and that your body shivers with the anticipation of a further smack.
I let you shiver in vain and come round to secure the other end of the red rope to the table leg to your left.
The two necessaryspanks have ruffled your hair, obscuring one side of your face. I pull it all clear, gently smoothing it back over your back before re-positioning the key right in front of you.
“This key is mine, Anthea, as is the padlock, these handscuffs, this rope and all the other equipment behind you.” I lift your muzzled face with a finger under your chin. “The only thing that is yours, Anthea, is this gag – everything else is mine.” You hold my gaze, eager to show your understanding of this fundamental truth.
“You don’t help yourself to my things, Anthea – you do what you are told with them.” I remove my finger from under your chin, and move to the pile of my equipment before returning to your left side.
“If you are not going to bring me the things I ask for When I ask them, then what is the point in having them?”
I began winding a second red rope round your left arm, just above the elbow.
“I’m not greedy, Anthea,” I say wrapping the rope round your right arm and pulling it tight to the left one, “I don’t want to play with all my things at once.” I began winding the rope round both arms at once, and wrapping it round the rope stretching between your limbs to pull it tighter. I know you like the feel of these soft nylon cords on your skin, as I know I like putting them there. I finish tying the last knot.
“For example,” I come round in front of you and stop to slide my right hand beneath the table top and your increasing-restrained body, “I’m not going to play with these tonight – “
You feel my fingers on your left breast through the material of your pretty black bra. You look into my eyes, my face only inches from yours as I find the nipple, already hot and hard, and squeeze it between a finger and thumb. I can hear the short sharp breaths from Your nose, and feel the heat of them on my face.
” – and you know how much I like them.” I move my hand and squeeze the whole, full globe of your right breast, and you shudder slightlyas you feel your breast fill my large hand, revealing in the intimate touch in contrast to the unforgiving touch of the steel and rope binding you. Your eyes roll back slightly, the lids fluttering almost shut.
“But greed is a sin,” I say, standing. “We should exercise restraint and self-denial at every turn.”
I gather your long, silky hair in my hands and pull it all firmly into a pony tail. The back of your head is pulled up as I do so, and you are forced to look down directly at the key that is the cause of your current prediction. I forgive the little grunt of pain – for now.
“So tonight, as you couldn’t exercise the self-denial necessary to leave my things alone”, I wrap a rubber band round your hair, and lower the tail into the middle of your back, “you will learn restraint the hard way.”
The room fills with the crack of another smack on your exposed backside.
I stand and admire my progress for a few seconds, before leaving the room for five minutes.
“Did you think I wasn’t coming back, Anthea?”
I re-enter the room from the door behind you, greeted by the sight of my sexy dark brown’s figure bent over – and tied to – the table. It is some time since I spanked you on the way out of the room, and the pink has almost faded from your naked chef. “Were you hoping this was the extent of you punishment?”
You Know better than to nod or shake your head. Still behind you, I pick up another red rope.
“Spread your legs.”
You comply, moving first your right leg and then your left leg. With the rope in my hand, I snake my right arm up between your legs and the rear edge of the table; as it rubs against your pussy through your tone, you try to wriggle away from it, involuntarily, but your stance doesn’t allow you to get very far. With my left hand, I reach under you, take the end of the rope, and withdraw my right arm – rubbing your pussy again.
“There’s more to come, Anthea – much more to come.”
Standing, I tie the end of the rope around the one I have already tied your arms together with. When it is attached, I go behind your bent form and take hold of the end of the rope that dangles between your legs. I pull on it slowly but firmly, and your elbows move slightly back towards the rear of the table until the ropes tying your shackled wrists to the front of the table becomes taut. This slight backwards movement of your torso pushes your ass further out and up, away from the edge of the table.
“That’s better,” I say, pausing to admire this consequence as I notice it. I tie the rope tightly to a stout eyelet set into the underside of the rear of the table.
When I’m done, I survey my handiwork up this point.
My Anthea is bound by steel cuffs at her wrists and red nylon ropes at her elbows. Her large breasts have been squeezed into a bulging cleavage between her arms, and her beautiful eyes radiate a gratifying willingness to please above the shiny leather muzzle gag locked over her mouth. With her upper body now pinned to the table, I know I can now turn my attention to her shaped legs.
“Thank you for remembering that those stockings and suspenders are my favourites, Anthea.”
Unseen by you, I have to re-arrange my cock in my pants as I feel the beginnings of an erection just looking at your underwear from the wait down.
Still behind you, I run my rough hand slowly up the inside of your left leg starting at the ankle.
I move slowly up, savouring the feel of your stockings and the firmness of your thigh, the tenderness of your groin. Your leg fidgets as you feel my hand move from your stocking-top to your bare skin. My hand comes to rest on the fabric covering the lowest part of your mound, and I linger there momentarily, rubbing once, gently, before you feel my touch on the bare skin of your right groin. Your skin is hot to my touch – is it tingling?
“Were you hoping I’d got bored?”
As my hand moves gently down your right leg, barely touching you, I sense a slight squirm pass through your ben-over body as the fine cares on the inside of your thigh tease you, and I hear your breathing slow and become deeper.
“I’ll never get bored of this; I’ll never get bored of indulging in the feel of your body, Anthea, in the excitement I can see you get from the lightest of my touches – and the excitement I get from surprising you.”
With the fingers of my right hand still tracing slowly down your right leg, my left hand lands another scalding slap on your bare ass above me. You buck, started, your helpless body lurching away from the sting; a loud “MMMMMMFFF!” is proof of your surprise.
“Will you shout out, Anthea? Would you make a sound before your punishment is over?”
Your breathing is loud and fast, as you feel me lay both my hands on your bottom – the skin of the left just-spanked cheese incandescent under the full palm of my hand.
“That was quite mean of me,Anthea, so I’ll let you choose if I should punish you for that outburst.” I squeeze your ass with both hands.
“One ‘MMMF’ for no spank at all, two ‘MMMFs’ for a spank with each hand, and three ‘MMMFs’ for a spank with just one hand.” I squeeze again.
“What do you say, Anthea?”
“Mmmmf! Mmmmmff!”
“Enunciate, Anthea: was that one MMMF or two?”
“Mmmf! Mm mmf mmmmf!”
“Four ‘Mmmfs’ wasn’t an option, Anthea.”
I stay where I am and think about this. It takes me a while, but then it registers. My erection throbs.
“You said ‘Two, I want two’. Anthea, you want two…” I’d expected you to not fall for the trap of ‘no spanks’, but didn’t expect you to want two spanks.
“You want to feel my palms, my strong, wide palms striding both sides of your bottom?” I squeeze your ass with my hands again, and you can feel my thumbs slipping into the crevice between your cheeks – one thumb gets hooked over the thin strip of black material covering your modestyThere, and you feel it pulled a little way to one side.
“Is that guilt? Is that to show me just how sorry you are, Anthea? Do you think asking for the worst punishment will get you in my good books?”
I look along your body as it stretches out in front of me, at your dark brown hair pulled into the pony tail that rests between your shoulders as I consider the implications of Your answer. Your breathing is steady, as if you’ve braced yourself.
“Or is it because you like it; do you crave the brief, sharp pain of being spanked?”
SMACK! My right hand strikes your right cheek, hard. You exhaust loudly through your nose.
“That must have hurt, Anthea. Did you enjoy it? Do you want to be punished like this?” Your cheek is bright red, and the shape of my hand is visible on your skin.
“I wonder what you get out of it? Do you enjoy those moments before the hand strikes, waiting helplessly for the spank to come,” I lift my left hand from your behind, “is there athrill of anticipation running through you right now…”
I feel you holding your breath as you brace yourself.
“…does it turn you on to know that it’s coming, but there’s nothing you can do about it, and you don’t…”
You have to exhale, and empty your lungs in a long, loud breath from your nose.
“…know wh-“
You have to exhaust, and empty your lungs in a long, loud breath from your nose.
“…know wh-“
You head jerks back as my left hand spanks your ass as hard as the right did moments earlier. I think I took you by surprise there, but having just exhausted you are prevented from crying out. You manage to refill your lungs, but your breathing is almost hyperventilation and your whole body rises and falls on the table.
“I can see I’m going to have to re-think what would actually be a punishment for you. Oh – and well done for not falling for the obvious trap of requesting no spanks,” I trace a finger round the red handprint on your left buttock, “you have submitted, Anthea, and that is the only choice that is yours to make.”
I lift the string of your thong out of your ass-canyon and stretch it before letting go – it pings back down between your cheeses.
“Now – where were we?”
“Oh yes – your legs.”
I’m still behind you, and pick up your next restraint from my pile of equipment. I survey your long legs running up from your spike heels to the round, reddened flesh of your ass exposed before me. The lace of your stocking-tops is delicate and pretty – I long to touch them and feel the texture of the material stretched around your thigh.
You feel my hand on your left ankle, shortly before you feel a leather cuff being tightened round the calendar above it. You feel the slight squeeze as the buckle is fastened, and then straight away you feel my hand on your right ankle. I lift this leg, pulling it slightly further away from the other, spreading you wider. Your high heel clicks on the floor as it comes back down to earth.
You feel another cuff tightened round your rightleg.
“Legs together,” I order, standing and placing a hand on your back.
You move your left leg inwards, and find that its progress is halted by something jammed between your angles.
“A spreader bar, to keep your legs just where I want them,” I say coming round to face you. You look up at me, and I hold your face between my hands. I kiss your forehead, my lips lingering on your skin, as I remove one hand and push it into your welcome cleavage.
“I’m glad you submitted, Anthea – I’m glad you came back to get what you deserved,” I say watching your face as I fondle your right title, “what you wanted…”
I return behind you, and pick up another rope. I knee behind you noticing that your mound is more visible between the tops of your legs now that your legs are spread a little wider. I wrap the rope round your right thigh, just above the knee.
“Are you getting hot, Anthea? Is your bondage exciting you?”
You feel the soft cords slide around your leg, surrounding your flesh in a tightening noise. I see you pull your head back, your back arching down towards the table as you do so, and wondering if this will squeeze a nipple out of your bra as your chest is forced between your bound arms. I pull the cords tight around your thigh and then start to wind it round the table leg.
“Do you feel helpless yet?” Your knee bends slightly as your leg is forced against the furniture. I wrap the end of the cord round the loops connecting stockinged leg to wooden leg and tie it off.
“Do you feel at my mercy?” I began tying another velvet cord round your left tight. You shift position slightly over the table – are you testing your bonds, or enjoying the sensing?
I tie this rope around your leg and the table leg in the same way that I did previously, and while I am kneeing behind you, my face is level with your pussy – only the thin material of your thong separates my mouth from your lips as I lean closer.
“Can you feelmy breath, Anthea? Can you feel my hot breath on your groin?”
I tie off the last knot and stand.
“Do you feel exposed? How does it feel to be bound, gagged and helpless with your ass and pussy up in the air where I can do what I want with them?”
You feel my hands on your waist, feel the press of my hips against your thighs, and feel the courage of my erection pressing on your labia through two layers of material. I move away and come round to face you once more.
What a pleasure sight: your arms and legs are all tied to the table with soft, red ropes holding you tight. Your legs are spread by the bar at your ankles, held there by thick leather cuffs. Steel cuffs enclose your wrists and you are gagged with your precious muzzle. Your bare buttocks, still pink from the last spanks are raised up on high heels and legs and ready for whatever I decide. The key to whole situation remains on the table top.
“Here is your lesson in restraint, Anthea, here is what your submission means.”
I leave the room to collect some more things.
Your gorgeous, helpless, restrained body is before me.
“Anthea, now you are restrained, I need to be sure you have completely submitted, that you are mine to do with as I please, that you will welcome any punishments met out for your misdemeanours.” I place my hand on your buttock, making you flinch slightly, and run it along your back as I walk round to face you.
“Questions, questions…”
Standing up against the far side of the table, with the key between us, I pull your ponytail down to your back so that you are forced to look up at me.
“Have you submitted to me, Anthea? One MMMF for yes, two for no.”
“So proud, Anthea” I say, smiling and looking into your eyes as I reflect on the implications of your response; my cock goes rock hard as you defiantly hold my gaze.
“So you are going to be hard work.” I release your ponytail and go to fetch from behind you some of the items I brought through earlier.
You feel a cold strip of metal on your right buttock, its coolness making your smoked skin tingle. I slide my left hand under the T-piece of your thong, my nails gently scratching your lower back before I lift the material away. You feel the string of the thong pull at your pussy and up through your ass.
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