Ron opened the door of his home and dropped his bag by the front door. His step-mother didn’t like when he left his bag there, but he had been in classes all day and was tired. Plus, Kelly wasn’t home from work yet. He would make sure to take the bag up to his room later.
Ron was in his second year at college. Since the school wasn’t far, his dad and step-mom decided to save the money and just have Ron live at home while in school. Although at first he thought he would be missing out by not living in a dorm on-campus, he came to realize there were some perks to staying home. His father, Jerry, had bought him a car to get back and forth, and Kelly cooked almost every night. Ron also rarely had to do his own laundry.
He went to the kitchen, got a soda from the fridge, and plopped down on the sofa to watch some TV. He turned to ESPN to catch up on sports news. Ron was so tired, once he got comfortable on the sofa he could barely keep his eyes open. One moment he was watching a basketball game that was coming on later, and the next he heard keys in the door
Kelly entered the house before Ron could even fully get his bearings back. “Hi sweety! How was your day?”
“Long, as usual,” Ron responded to this step-mother. “I had Chem today, and you know how I hate that class.”
“Yes, I do,” Kelly said. She walked over and kissed Ron on the forehead. “But that just means you have to study harder.”
“I know.”
“I’m going for a run. Make sure your bag is where it belongs by the time I get back,” Kelly said with a wink. She went down the hall to her bedroom and Ron heard the door close. He stood up and grabbed his backpack. Ron knew his step-mother would politely nag at him if he didn’t move it.
Jerry and Kelly had been married for ten years now, so Ron was used to how she liked to have things her way. If you listened and did as she asked, Kelly could be the nicest person. But he had seen her temperature also, and knew he wanted to steer clear of that.
While in his room, Ron decided to put on more comfortable clothes. He slipped into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He wasn’t very muscular, but he was confident with his toned, athletic body. He knew he turned quite a few heads at school.
Ron walked out his room and saw Kelly making her way down the hallway in front of him. Her dark-brown skin looked very striking in a blue floral leggings and sports bra set. Ron’s eyes scanned down and he could see the outline of the thong Kelly was wearing.
Because Jerry was White and Kelly was Black, people often assumed that Kelly was Ron’s mother. They didn’t know that she was only fifteen years older than Ron, and didn’t pay attention to the fact that they didn’t resemble each other.
Bu none of that mattered to Ron. As he watched Kelly walk in her jogging outfit, he was just glad they weren’t related.
“I’ll be back in about an hour,” Kelly said. She strapped her phone to her arm, put on her wireless headphones, and headed out the door.
Ron took the time to heat up some leftovers and watch some TV. He had just finished his food and put the plate in the dishwasher, just like Kelly wanted, when she came back from her jog. She was still breathing deeply and had a sheen of sweat over her body. Ron could even see some of the sweat stains on her sports bra.
“Good jog?” he asked.
“Yeah. I worked up a sweat,” she said. Ron tried not to star at some of the mood still dripping down his step-mother’s flat stomach.
Kelly went to her room and came out wrapped in a towel. She walked to the end of the hall and entered the bathroom.
Ron slowly crept down the hall and stopped outside his parent’s bedroom. He heard the shower starting and went through the door. With a quickness that came from practice, he went over to their closet and right to the laundry bag where Kelly put her dirty panties. The things she just took off were right on top. He grabbed them and made his way to his room.
He took off his clothes and sat on his bed. He gently caresed Kelly’s underwear, feeling the soft material rub against his fingertips. He brought them up to his nose and inhaled. The cent of Kelly’s sweat and pussy made his heart beat faster.
Ron took the thongs and slowly started stroking his hard cock. He put his dick right where the underwear would touch Kelly’s pussy. The panties always felt so soft against his dick. Ron closed his eyes, remembering Kelly walking in front of him before she left, her curvaceous ass stretching out the legs. He imagined the way her D-cup tits bounced a little in her sports bra as she ran.
Ron’s breathing got more shallow as he stroked his cock faster. In his mind, he saw his step-mother in the shower, the hot water running down her chocolate-brown skin. Ron’s dick stiffened to the maximum. A moan escaped his throat and he shot his load. He felt the warm cum dripping into Kelly’s panties.
His energy spent, Ron laid back on the bed. His heart was still racing, and his cock was still twitching. Ron waited a few moments for the euphoria to dissipate, then put his clothes back on.
He walked over to his door and peeked out into the hallway. He could see that Kelly’s bedroom door was already closed. He would have to wait until she left the room before putting her panties back in the laundry bag.
Kelly Stepped out the shower and wrapped the towel around her athletic body. She opened the door, the steam billowing out before her, and began walking down the hall. She passed Ron’s room and heard a low moan coming from inside. The door was ajar and she took a step towards it, to see if everything was okay. Through the opening, she could see her stepson lying back on his bed, stroking his cock. Kelly was about to continue on her way when she saw the fabric in Ron’s hands. She immediately recognized that he was masturbating with the thongs she had just taken off.
Standing there, watching her stepson in this moment, Kelly felt a twinge in her pussy. Her nipples started getting a little hard as she saw Ron arch his back and start dripping cum onto her panties in his hand. Not wanting to be noticed, she quickly gathered her composition and went down the hall to her room, closing the door behind her.
Sitting in the bed with the towel still around her, she replayed the scene in her head. How long had Ron been doing This? Did he do this every time she was in the shower? How had this even started? She knew she had some questions for Ron, and she was going to get her answers.
The next day was Friday, and Kelly wasn’t going out for a run. Ron was sitting on the couch, watching television. He was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. Kelly decided to put on a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank-top. Jerry had just come home from work and was changing his clothes in the bedroom. Kelly sat next to Ron on the couch, making sure there was very little space between them.
Kelly feigned interest in the program that Ron was watching. She made sure her leg was pressed against his. Jerry came out from the bedroom wrapped in his long blue bathrobe. He sat on the couch on the other side of Kelly, sandwiching her in between the two men.
Making sure that Ron’s attention was on the program, Kelly leaned towards him and whispered in his ear, “I know what you do.”
Ron quickly turned to his step-mother, confusion on his face. “What did you say?”
Kelly just lay her head on Jerry’s shoulder and grinned at Ron.
“Kelly, did you just say something?” Ron asked again.
“Ron, there’s something you need to know about me,” Kelly said, seeming to ignore his question.
“What’s that?”
Kelly started rubbing Jerry’s leg. “I like getting my way. I enjoy getting what I want.”
“What do you mean?”
Kelly raised herself up from the couch and stood in front of Ron. “I mean that I like being in charge. I like telling people, es”Why are you telling me this?”
“I saw what you did yesterday. I saw you jerking off with my panties.”
Ron’s mind began racing, confusion and embarrassment causing him to try to stammer a response.
“That’s OK sweety. You don’t have to be ashamed.”
“I don’t?” Ron asked, swallowing hard.
“No, you don’t. I’m actually very flattered by it.”
“You are?”
Kelly took a step closer to the couch and leaned over Ron. If her face wasn’t blocking the view, he would have been able to see right down her tank-top. Kelly gently laid her hand on Ron’s crotch, right on top of his semi-erect cock. “I’m also flattered by this, too.” Kelly had a smile on her face.
Ron was confused, stuck between wanting to get up off the couch and wanting to see what happened next. He looked to the side, trying to see what Ron was doing. His father was sitting back, watching everything with a neutral expression on his face.
“Your father has no problem with what I’m doing, do you honey?”
“No, Mistress, I don’t.”
Ron was even more confused. He had never heard Jerry call Kelly “Mistress” before.
“That’s right, you heard what he called me,” Kelly said. “It’s time you understand something. Your father does whatever I ask. I have him properly trained as a sub, which means he knows his place.”
Kelly continued to lean over Ron, her hand in the same place. Ron’s heart felt like it would pound a hole through his chest. “Do you know what that means, Ron? Do you understand what I just told you?”
Ron nodded. “I think so. It means he’s your slave or something, right?”
“Kind of. I don’t abuse him or anything. I just have control over him.” Kelly stood up. “Let me show you what I mean. Stand up Jerry.” At her command Jerry rose from the couch.
“Drop the robe.” As Ron watched, his father untied the belt of his robe and let the garment fall to the floor. Ron was shocked to see Jerry standing there with a pair of yellow panties on. Around Jerry’s neck was a silver slave collar with a small lock.
“On your knees,” Kelly commanded. Jerry promptly obeyed. Kelly placed her hand on her sub’s head and looked into Ron’s eyes.
“We have a mutually-beneficial arrangement between us. See, your father likes being told what to do, and I like having control over Jerry.” Kelly began struggling Jerry’s hair.
“And what does he get out of it?” Ron managed to ask, his voice coming out barely above a whisper.
“The satisfaction of knowing that he’s keeping me pleased. How about a demonstration?” Kelly lifted Jerry’s chin so that she was looking into his eyes. “Jerry, kiss my feet until I tell you to stop.
“Yes, Mistress.” Jerry leaned down and began kissing Kelly’s pedicured feet, altering between the left and right.
Ron sat, bothstunned and fascinated by what he was seeing. He had always imagined his father as in control, never being bossed around by anyone. Even when he had seen Kelly telling him to do things around the house, it was never in a bossy manner, so he figured his father was just doing what a husband should do.
Kelly, who had been looking Ron in the eyes, made a show of moving her gaze down towards her step-son’s crotch. She smiled when she saw the reaction the display was getting.
“Jerry, kiss up to my thighs.” Jerry promptly compiled with the order, leaving a trail of kisses up his wife’s legs to her tights. Kelly let out a low moan. She rubbed her chest and Ron could see her erect nipples poking out through her top.
Without thinking about it, Ron reached down and touched his hard cock through his sweatpants. “Uh-uh, don’t do that,” Kelly said. Ron looked up at her. “Take your pants off.”
Ron sat there on the couch, unsure of what to do. Kelly gently pushed Jerry away tothe side and leaned in closer to her step-son. “I said, take the fucking pants off,” she said, adding more force into her voice without raising it.
With his heart racing, Ron shifted his weight so that he could slide his sweatpants down. “Underwear too,” Kelly commanded. Ron swiftly took off his boxes, his hard cock exposed and pointing straight up.
“That’s what I like,” Kelly said. She reached her hand down and grabbed Ron’s shake. “You’re certainly bigger than your father. He’s only average, I’m afraid.” Ron, not knowing what to do, just nodded in response.
“Slide my shorts down, Ron.” Reaching his hand up, the young man gripped the waistband of his step-mother’s shorts and slowly pulled down. Kelly helped him by shimmying her hips from side to side, making it Easier to slide the garment off. Ron was quickly surprised to see that she was not wearing any underwear beneath the shorts. Kelly’s shaken pussy was right in front of his face, her clip barely peeking out from her lips.
“How does that look to you, Ron?”
“It looks good,” he responded, licking his lips.
“Ron, when I ask you a question, you will always refer to me as ‘Mistress’ in your response. Do you understand?”
“Yes,” Ron answered, nodding his head.
Kelly roughly grabbed his chin in her hand and tilted his head up. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“That’s better.” Kelly stepped closer to her Ron, her warm cunt almost touching his face. “Now, lick it.”
Ron slowly stuck his tongue out and gently slip it up Kelly’s lips. He reached her clip and stopped. Ron looked up at his Mistress, not sure what to do next.
“Keep going until I say stop,” Kelly told him. She grabbed the back of Ron’s head and pushed it into her, burying his face in her pussy. She felt the slow strokes of Ron’s tongue playing all over her crotch. She slowly moved her hips, grinding her cunt into his face. Kelly let out a moan that bordered on a growl.
Reaching up, Kelly lifted her tank top over her head and let it fall to the floor, her mocha-colored tits bouncing from the motion. She grabbed Ron’s hands and moved them up to her chest. Knowing what to do, Ron began playing with Kelly’s tits, rubbing and gently tweaking her already-hard nipples.
Kelly’s grinding became more forceful. Ron alternated between flicking his tongue over her clip and putting it in her hole. Gripping the back of his neck, Kelly mashed Ron’s face harder onto her pussy. Ron had to hold his breath as his step-mother let out a loud moan and shot her cum all over his mouth.
The tension leaving her body, Kelly let go of Ron’s head, allowing him to come up for air. Her step-son took in a couple of deep gulps before he started licking his lips, tasting Kelly’s tangy juices.
“You did well,” Kelly purred.
“Thank you, Mistress,” Ron responded. Kelly nodded with approval.
“Now pick up my shorts.” Her step-son did as he was told. Kelly took a couple of steps back. “Use them like you did my panties.”
Ron caresed the shorts with his fingers before wrapping them around his hard dick. He looked at Kelly as he began stroking his dick, the soft fabric gliding up and down his hard shake.
“Jerry, get my ass,” Kelly said, snapping her fingers. Her husband, still on his knees, moved behind her, gently spread her cheeks, and slide his tongue in her ass hole. Ron watched as his step-mother spread her lips and rubbed her clip. He started struggling faster, seeing the motion of his father’s head bobbing as Jerry pleased his Mistress.
Kelly could see Ron’s body tensioning and his breathing getting more rapid. “Let me see you cum,” she said. Ron maneuvered the shorts so that his head was exposed. Ron grunted as he shot his load, the warm semen dripping down over His hands and the shorts. He kept pumping, milking every drop of fluid.
“You did good today, Ron. Now go put those in my dirty laundry and clean yourself up,” Kelly said. RonWiped his hands on the shorts before standing up and reaching down to put his pants back on.
“No pants. Just go.” Kelly accentuated the command by pointing towards his room. Ron put the pants under his arm and started walking. Kelly watched Ron’s muscle ass while he did as she told.
“Oh, and Ron?” Hearing her voice, he turned to see what else his step-mother had to say to him. “You and your body belong to me now.”
“Yes Mistress,” he said before going to finish his task, a big smile on his face.
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