The Judge's Creative Sentence

The Capture

Kelsey eyed the package on the porch from across the street. The petite 22 year old tied her long brunette hair in a bun and then pulled her face mask down over her face. She got such a rush out of pulling off different heists & stealing. It was exciting and fun. She was good at it. Since her teenage years she has gone uncaught.

Kelsey sprinted across the street and grabbed the package. She put it in the bag with other packages she had stolen earlier, wondering what she will get, hoping it will be something cool.

She fled down the sidewalk only to see police lights light up behind her.

“Shit!” She yelled. She had been being watched the whole time.

An older woman was within feet of were, walking to her car. Kelsey snatched the keys right out of her hand and yelled for her to get out of her way.

Kelsey got in the car, put the keys in the ignition, and began to speed through the town, trying to allude the officer on her tail.

When Kelsey turned down the block of one street she realized a couple of cop cars were already at the other end blocking it off. The one cop trailing her finally arrived behind her. She was closed in.

She got out and began to run. Three cops on her trail. She tried to juke the two officers in front but one grabbed her by the arm. She slapped his arm away and kicked the other officer off of her who went to grab her.

The third officer caught up and brought her down and they finally got her into custody.

“We’ve been trying to get you for ages. You have been putting this community through it for years. Enough is enough. You’re under arrest”.

The Sentence

Several months had passed.

The whole trail had been worrying for Kelsey but she left court with a satisfied smile on her face.

The judge wanted to do a creative unconventional sentence for her to give her a chance. Though she had a long list of serious charges, She had never been in troubleBefore. The Judge also wanted to experiment with a new method of justice.

He offered Kelsey to be an attention at the county fair coming up. The deal was, she would face tickling, feet, gunge, pies, and spanking. How well she was able to endure all of this for all 7 days of the fair would determine how much time she did.

The judge asked Kelsey if she consented to having all of this done by the public. Kelsey happily said yes.

“Then it is final, Kelsey, You have victimized the public for a long time. Now, the tables will turn. I hope you learn something from this” The judge said.

The judges hammer slammed down, making things final.

Kelsey had not been ticked in a long time, but to her this sounded like a walk in the park. In her mind, she was likely gonna get no time at all! She could not believe the judge was letting her get away with everything. She could not wait to get this over with and get back into her old thrills and crime lifestyle.


The day of the fair came. It was a beautiful sunny day. Kelsey arrived early. She was made to sit on a chair.

Her legs were stretched out straight and the bottom of each heel was put on a button.

Her arms were stretched out horizontal and each hand pushing a button that had been set up on either side of her.

She was sitting on a button.

She back was pressed against a button.

The back of her head was also pushing back a button.

An officer from the courts explained to her how this would work.

“OK so per the judge, anytime one of these buttons is de-pressed, you will get a week in jail. You’ll have to arrive here all 7 days of the fair. You’ll be here everyday for 3 hours.”

Kelsey shook her head in understanding.

“Easy peasy” she said, sticking her tongue out.

The officer rolled his eyes at her immaturity. He handed her a glass of a dark blue liquid.

“Per judges instructions you will have to keep this dyed water in your mouth every day as well. It’s a very dark blue so we will be able to see if any of it spills out. Even the smallest bit leaking out is an automatic 1 month in jail, on top of any other time you rack up” The officer said.

“OH I won’t be racking up any time, but I appreciate the instruction” Kelsey said with a smile before snatching the glass and filling her mouth with the liquid.

Kelsey took her place on the chair, all buttons now pressed down and the liquid in her closed mouth.

The judge set up her section outdoors. A vendor had a booth set up, not to far from her selling tickets. All profits are to go to a charity as a way for Kelsey’s sentence to give back. The tickets were:

Upper Body Tickling $20

Feet Tickling $20

Feet to Face $20

Gunge & pieing $20

Spanking $20

Feathers $20

Feithers $20

Feithers (participate in all events) $100

It was time to begin. The vendor calld out to anyone who purchased the feather ticket. A sign was displayed stating: FEATHER TICKLING NOW IM SESSION FOR 30 MINS.

Anyone who had purchased just the feather ticket could approach and begin tickling and tracing all over Kelseys body with just the feathers.

She was completely surrounded by people.

The feeling of the feathers on her neck and ears were Especially dreadful. She moaned in discomfort. She couldn’t really turn her head away or pull away in fear of releasing one of the buttons.

Kelsey was wearing a tank top with the belly cut off. Her whole stomach was exposed.

Someone twisted a feather in her belly button.

Other people glided the feathers down her arms and legs.

The back of her knees got her good. She had no idea that was a ticklish spot at all.

Kelsey just stayed still and moaned. Praying for this all to end quick. The feeling of the feathers was not intensely ticklish but almost more irritating. She couldn’t stand it.

The ticket vendor then announced all the pie/gunge people could come over whenever for the next 30 minutes. A sign was put up for this round.

A table displaying all sorts of cream pies, condiments, and buckets of who knows what was on display.

One at a time people approached. The would smush a pie in her face. Squeeze certain condiments all over her and her face, or dump the gross gun buckets all over her head. Some went behind her and pulled her short shorts back dumping buckets of stuff in them, or the same for pouring stuff down her top.

Some people got creative and were mixing buckets of certain foods, condiments, and other stuff and pouring it on her. Some stuff smelled horribly that she thought she might barf, but she kept it together. She could NOT dare open her mouth to throw up because then she lost the blue liquid as well.

Finally this round was done and she was hosted off. She looked as clean as she started before, but not she was wet, whichannoyed her.

The vendor then called out to anyone with a feet tickling ticket and out the relative sign up.

A benchmark was set out by where her feet were. The first person who got to her scraped just one finger up her sole.

Kelsey squealed and instinctively pulled her foot/leg back.

A horn noise went off, signing the button that had been de-pressed.

The tickers as well as spectators watching and filming and taking pictures laughed and clapped.

“Shit…” Kelsey thought. That’s one week…

She put her foot back outstretched and pressing the button down.

The tickling on her soles went on and on. People dancing their fingers up and down her soles.

Wiggling between the toes.

She flexed and curled her toes and soles but did not dangerous release the buttons. Her whole body tensed up and she kept screaming and moaning with her mouth closed, holding the liquid.

Finally the foot tickling was done. Kelsey was breathing hard, some tears rolling down her now red face.

The vendor announced anyone with a foot to face ticket could come by for the next 30 mins and put the relative sign up.

High chairs were placed on both sides of Kelsey as well as one in front and behind her.

Someone in the chair behind her rested their soles on each of her shoulders. Wiggling them.

Ew! She thought.

She instinctively pulled her head forward releasing the button. The horn went off.

“Fuck!” She thought. She put her head back. Soon all 4 chairs were filled. She was surrounded by feet. Planted on her face. Rubbing all over it. Curling their toes around her nose.

Someone rubbed their toes over her lips.

“Come on…open up. Let’s see that liquid spill out” they said as they laughed.

Some smelled. She tried not to barf, of course not wanting to lose the liquid.

She tried to hold her breathe, people noticed.

“Can’t hold your breathe forever, have to breathe sometimes and our feet will still be here. Just turn your head away or get up if you don’t like it.” The person said, making everyone laugh.

Finally this round was over. Kelsey breathed through her nose…fresh air thankfully.

The vendor called out to anyone with a Upper Body Tickling ticket to join for the next 30 mins and put that relative sign up.

Kelly’s pits, which were exposed were unbearably ticklish. One person stood behind her digging in.

Kelsey screamed and squealed with he mouth closed. It got to be to much and she leaned forward to escape the armpit assault. She released both hands buttons, the head button, and the back button from leaning forward.

She moved back to position and the tickling continued. She was screaming through her closed mouth. Tears streamed down her face as the pit tickling didn’t let up.

Some people approached poking at her sides and tickling her tummy.

One person drilled their finger deep and hard into her belly button.

This the closest she came to losing the liquid on her mouth, as she almost let out a real, open mouth scream.

Her right hand flew off the button and grabbed and throw the person’s hand away from her navel.

The horn blew. She wanted to keep her hand there to guard herself but she quickly returned to the button.

The belly button tickler laughed and fist bumped with others, pound they were able to get that reaction.

The person in her belly button began to basically finger fuck it.

Kelsey was being over-stimulated.

Her body was basically vibrating as she focused so hard on not moving and releasing any of the buttons.

Kelsey’s eyes were bugging out. Years flowed. She could NOT give up. She could not let these people win anymore.

The noises coming from her closed mouth were a mix of muffled screams, laughs, and moaning.

With her big eyes popping out, makeup tears running down her face, and her body shaking, she looked like she was having am exorcism done.

A never ending cycle of hands from ticket holders just kept replacing other hands that left.

Finally this round was over. Kelsey could barely even breathe.

The vendor put up the final sign and called for those with tickets for the spanking round.

For this last round Kelsey was brought out of her chair and put in a real stockade. She was hunted over standing up with her hands and head locked in. She was hand to stand on 2 buttons on the ground. The same rules applied, if these buttons are released, that is a week.

A line formed for the spanking ticket holders. They were given paddles.

Whack after whack. Kelsey yelled but managed not to release the buttons or liquid.

The longer it went on, the harder it got, as her assistant became more tender.

Some people got right in front of her and took pictures at the moment of impact. She wanted to spit the blue water in their smiling faces but had to control herself.

As they were nearing the end her legs began to shake.

It was getting to hard to do. She squealed and tensed her body with each of the remaining spanks.

Finally time was up.

It was definitely gonna hurt to sit tomorrow, she thought.

The court officer approached her.

“Okay Kelsey, Day 1 and you racked up 6 weeks in jail. 6 days to go. They only get harder and More people join and get interested the longer the fair goes on. Good luck and see you tomorrow…” he said.

Kelsey didn’t know if she would make it through the whole week or if she could even bring herself to return tomorrow. This was the hardest thing she had ever done…. She walked away breathing hard, wet, and in a stunned silence. At this moment, She was starting to have second thoughts about everything that had gotten her in that position.

“Fuck..tomorrow is only day 2” She thought, “If this is where our justice system is headed, Maybe that crime lifestyle is not for me…”

Author note: Hope you enjoyed, feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you thought. Would make my day!

Was the judges sentence to far or did she get let off Easy?

Would you attend her fair attention?

If so, which ticket(s) are you buying to participate in?

Or just as a specator?


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