I’ve been a judge for a lot of years, and I’m used to getting exactly what I want, exactly the way I want it. Sitting on the benchmark, I’ve encountered plenty of naive women with misplaced confidence. Jessica Donaldson was one such person. At least until I put her in her place. When you run a courtroom with an iron-will, there’s no room for anyone to be in charge except the ultimate; the Alpha, who, in the case of my courtroom is me. My law is absolute, and I leave no room for opposition.
When a new ADA comes in, I’ve always been very particular in researching them. I want to know their background. What makes them tick. The way they wipe their ass. What they eat for breakfast in the morning.
From my research on Jessica, I could see that she came from a wealthy family, and was top of her class in law school. Her social media would suggest she has some deep-seated ideas to make this world a better place; at least her version of better. Many encounters before with these social worker types told me that they tend to be vacuum social justice warriors with no real life experience.
Watching Jessica enter my courtroom for the first time provided vast amounts of other knowledge of her as well. Her fashionably too-tight pant suit, coupled with her 4 inch spiked heels, and very straight posture, gave her an air of sexy confidence. Jessica had probably never been told “no” a single time in her life. The thought of teaching it to her, and teaching her in the most delicious sexual ways had my cock engaged, and leaking into the inside of my silk trousers. I didn’t know how long it would take for me to have this woman, but I knew that I would have her.
Upon entering my courtroom, Jessica’s eyes were trained on me. I knew right then that she was aware of me. Fascinated, even. That likely my report of absolute dominance preceded me. I could see it in the way she constantly watched me, her eyes drawn to me like a moth to a flame. It was in the way she fidgeted, fussing for something inside her designer briefcase. I could see her attempting to appear calm and confident, but there was a slight shake of her left hand, and a bead of sweat rolled from her neckline, trailing a single line that disappeared into the crevice between her volunteer breasts.
Before she spoke, I was aware of which case she planned to prosecute: a John Addams. I’d instructed my clerk to save the case for last. Instead of calling it in the usual alphabetical order, I made Jessica wait until the very end, studying her in my periphery. My cock hardened anew as I saw her fidgeting, rearrange herself in her seat as case after case was called, pretending to ignore her. I imagined it was probably the most unsettled she had felt in a very long time.
When at last, my clerk called Jessica’s case, she stood suddenly, Nearly tripping on her spiked heels. She approached my bench, along with the lead prosecutor, the defendant, and his attorney. After a nod from the Lead, Jessica began presenting her case. I gave her my direct stare- the one I’d used quite often in the past to assert my dominance. That look often made strong men look away, or wither. It had the same effect on Jessica, and she looked down at the file in her hand, as though searching it for the words to say. As she fidgeted and began to stammer, I stared right at the top of her head.
Finally, she stuttered, staring down at the file in her hands, “Your Honor, the State would like to produce evidence that the defendant was present at the time of the crime, and knowingly withheld assistance from the victim.” The last she rushed, out of breath, and finally looked up, seeming to have difficulty making eye contact.
I looked down at her, finally catching her scent, which was a musky damp smell, mixed with sweat, and what I could Only describe as fear. There was something else. Her curiosity was nearly palpable to me. I’d rarely noted it so strongly in any other. My cock became so full, it bounced, lightly smacking the underside of my benchmark.
“I’ve reviewed the case, and there’s not enough evidence to move forward to jury trial,” I declared.
Jessica looked even paler than before, gave a low gasp, and then replied loudly- probably a bit more loudly than she intended, “Objection, Your Honor,” she replied.
I sat back in my chair, regarding her over my bench, and stated, “Overruled.” The look on her face told me the game was afoot, and it was my game, but a game to which I had just made her a participant without her being wise to the fact. This was only the first object.
I looked at her coolly and asked, “Your objection?”
She hesitated a moment, and I could see the wheels turning in her smart pretty head. Unfortunately for her, I was better at This game, and already guessed what she would say.
“In the case of The State versus John Stowe, there was less evidence, and the defendant was found guilty of much more.” She stated her objection even more breathlessly than before. Her eyes wide, she finally held eye contact with me. More sweat trickled between her breasts.
I sat back in my chair, regarding her over my benchmark, and stated, “Jessica, you are still overruled.”
Jessica squared her shoulders and stood every bit of her five foot six inches, (heightened in heels) before staring me directly in the eyes with more mustered confidence than I’d yet to see from her in my courtroom.
“Your Honor, case law precedent for cases such as these would move to trial. And historically…ahem…the defendant was given a suspended sentence at the least, and five years in jail at the most,” she said this almost smartly, maintaining eye contact with me. I knew it was a ploy that had likely worked for her in the past, and she thought for sure I’d cower to her perceived show of power.
I sat quietly a moment, letting her wonder if her naive rouse had worked. I could see her heartbeat pounding in her neck,and a fresh bead of sweat trickling between her breasts. I then shut her down with a very cool, “Counselor, your objection is noted, and is still overruled.”
Any further argument from her, and I’d have found her in contempt of court; a ruling I could’ve imposed almost indefinitely, had I had the whim. I studied her like a predator watching it’s prey. She quickly looked away, turning red and holding her breath. Her embarrassment was palpable.
While pretending to ignore the cut off gasp that escaped her lips, I quickly turned to William Jennings, the Lead, and informed him, “You need to bring a more prepared Second the next time, William. This case is dismissed.” I punctuated my last word with a bang of my gift.
William, quite used to my iron-clad will by this point, and likely wishing to escape his own embarrassment, was resigned to my decision. “Yes, Your Honor,” he surprised, glancing sidelong at a very stunned-looking Jessica.
Her shoulders slumped, and she gathered her file, leaving what was perhaps her most terrifying ordeal thus far behind her. I could still smell her fear as she walked away, and was sure I also detected a hint of arousal. I studied her tight little ass, and the way the sashay of her heels made it bounce, sure I was eventually going to get to enjoy a game with her.
My cock was becoming achey. The courtroom empty, I knew it was time to take care of it. I pictured Jessica’s mouth as I did so.
Jessica’s next several cases proceeded much like the first, as I worked her like a pawn. With each, she looked increasingly disheveled, her confidence evaporating like a rainbow in the sun. Enjoying my game, I played with her like a cat occasionally swatting it’s prey to prompt it to move.
On the eighth case, I surprised her by having the clerk call Johnathon Zack’s case first. Jessica’s eyes widened, and she approached my bench, the Lead nearly running to keep up.
“Of what crime does the State allege the defensent is guilty?” I asked, staring at her, a slight smile on my face. I’d often charmed women with that exact look.
She beamed up at me, glowing. The cent of her arousal overwhelmed all others, including the cheap cologne the Lead thought he subtly applied this morning, knowing he would be sitting next to her all day.
Jessica leaned towards me and nodded, as though unable to find the words. The Lead cleared his throat, and Jessica finally found her voice.
“The State alleges that Mr. Johnathon Zack laundered money and forgotten various checks in the amount of fourteen thousand dollars, Your Honor!” The enthusiastic way she answered told me all of my predictions were correct, and I could expect a one-on-one visit in my chambers very soon.
“Set his doctor for May first,” I ordered. The seemingly easily won victory, as well as the finality in my tone probably surprised her as much as it excited her.
Jessica’s face was brighter than before, and a low giggle escaped.My cock jerked, and I pictured her on her knees in front of my benchmark, taking the full length of me in her sexy little mouth. I pretended not to watch her as she walked away.
The next time I saw her was indeed in my chambers. She came to argue a pending case Ex Parte, citing previous rulings. It seemed she expected she had my favorite won, and that she could effectively debate my ruling. How wrong was she on that notion!
As she walked into my chambers, I considered her from behind my desk. Her suit was highly fashionable, but even smaller than the first I saw her in. This time, instead of pants, she wore a skirt. It was short enough that I could almost catch her panty line. As she sat herself in front of me, I could once again cent her arousal. This time it permeated my chambers. I attributed this to the fact that she wore panties which scarcely covered the delicious smelling pussy beneath it, and that she was highly turned on being this close to me.
“You may begin,” Iinstructed, giving her permission. I stared across my desk at her, directly into her eyes, as she cleared her throat.
She gave a slight nod before beginning her plea, “Your Honor, I came to discuss your decision in the case of the State versus Mann.”
She hesitated, and I remained silent, fixing her with my intent, intimidating gaze.
After several moments, likely taking my silence for ascent, she continued, “Well, it’s just that in the case of the State versus Johnson, and Miller versus Miller, the State ruled in favor with much less. Will you please explain your rationale to me?”
I watched her another moment, and then simply stated, “Jessica, I think that what will clear this up is for you to open that argumentative mouth of yours wider and me putting my cock in it.”
Her slight smile widened further, and she enthusiastically said, “Yes Sir!”
I then stood, walking around my desk. Sitting on its edge just in front of her, I unzipped my silk trousers and shoved myself into her eagerly-awaiting mouth. She took it all, suckling with a vigor I hadn’t quite expected. It took all of my willpower not to blow my wad in her throat that very moment. But pre-mature ejaculation simply wouldn’t do. I would taste and experience her on our first time together.
Grasping the back of her head, I shoved myself in deeper, feeling her throat muscles construct around the tip of my engorged shake.
“Mmmmmmmmm,” I compiled, before stopping her. I then picked her up and turned, seating her in the same spot I’d just vacated.
Watching her face, I pushed her skirt up higher, and then looked down at the meal I would soon devour. Her hips bucked forward slightly, awaiting my exploration of her.
However, it would not do for her to be hunted over me. With precision force, I pushed her to lie back on my desk. Her head hung over the side. Its width was the exact reason I’d chose this desk- it was perfect for most average sized women to lieback on, allowing me to control their bodies, their head in a slightly vulnerable position. I also enjoyed looking down on them with their hair cascading beneath them.
I then leaned down and ripped her panties to the side. She had a cleanly trimmed snatch. I brought my face close, auditory sniffing her. It sent a shiver through her, which had my cock jumping anew.
Swiping out my tongue, I licked at her, before rubbing my face all over her there. I would surely have her scent on me until my evening shower, and maybe even beyond. As I tasted and twirled over her clip and labia, her hands gripped the top of my head, as if working to hold me closer. I grabbed her wrists and held them at her sides, enjoying her taste at my own sweet pace.
She moaned her pleasure, her hips undulating under my touch. I then gathered both wrists in my left hand and entered her with one finger, then two from my right. She rode my fingers and my tongue in time to the movements I lavished on her.
After several moments of her moaning and emrith, I knew she’d orgasmed, her vagina spasming and clamping around my fingers.
Suddenly, I pulled back, before flipping her over. With a force that had my balls slapping against her, I entered her, fucking her quickly and furiously.
She moaned out loudly, and I quicklyed the pace impossible faster. Gripping her hair, I pulled her head to the side so that I could see her profile; could see the sheer ecstasy I was causing for her.
After pistoning into her several more times, I felt her next orgasm, squeezing and milking me. The tightness and pressure was so exhaust, I emptied myself into her, filling her up. My own orgasm rocked me from the top of my head to the tips of my curling toes, and I lay on her, breathing in the sweet scent of our combined orgasms.
Finished, I withdraw from her before helping her up. Looking down at her, I brushed the straight hairs back from her face, and began instructing her on howit would be; ways I expected her to behave for me.
“We can do this again, Little One, but only if you are completely obedient to me. I expect, and will accept nothing less.”
Her face was soft and resigned. I could sense her excitement, and her arousal. She nodded and smiled.
“Okay, Your Honor,” she answered.
I immediately corrected.
“Okay, Your Honor,” she answered.
I immediately corrected.
“One other thing. I do not like okay, and outside of the courtroom, you will call me Sir,” I commanded.
“Yes Sir!” She agreed enhusiastically.
This is how my relationship with Jessica Donaldson began, and it would become a great one that served to fulfill my particular sexual proclivities for a time.
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