The Joys of Work

Some people would say I have the luckyest job in the world. And some people would be right.

I am a teacher of discline. Dissatisfied husbands and fathers send their wives and daughters to me for lessons in obedience. The success of my one-time hobby enabled me to take early retirement from my office administration work and concentrated solely on this delightful occupation. It is quite amazing in This age of political correctness that my current work should be flourishing, but I am not complaining. I have been doing this full-time for the past four years and last year I was even able to take on an assistant, Maria, a dark haired, late-twenties, lady who’s height gives her a commanding presence and who’s task it is to administrator certain punishments to our unwilling guests. After all, at my age I can’t be expected to do all the work necessary to bring these ladies to heel, so Maria will do very nicely thank you.

Naturally some days are more interesting than others: today for instance was a real delight, when my old office colleague, Arthur Roberts, sent his wife and daughter for some correct training. Apparently the daughter, Nina, nineteen years old but still at home, was very lax with cleaning her room and other household tasks, thinking such tasks were beneath her, and when Mr Roberts tried to assert his authority over his inconsiderate daughter she would run to her mother, Andrea Roberts, who would always take her side and in her well meaning way ‘protect’ her precious daughter from the reality and responsibility of the real world.

So now it was time to make them both, mother and daughter, realise their place in the world, not to mention their place and duties within the household.

Arthur’s requirements were very concise. He would expect the obedience lessons to result in the total submission of the women, an unquestioning attitude to the authority of himself, the total acceptance of the dominance of men, and an end product of consistent submissive and compliant behavior. And we were to use any means we deemed necessary to bring this about.

That was the kind of instruction I liked!

Maria brought the two ladies into my study and showed them to the two chairs placed across the table from myself. They sat down and crossed their legs in unison. This was the first time I had met them so I studied them closely. Both had dark hair In contrast to their pale complexion. Andrea was fifty-four years old, had a round face with, let’s be gracious, chubby cheeks, and carried too much weight to be considered in good shape. This was obvious even though she was wearing a baggy white blouse and loose fitting blue slacks. She had given birth to Nina relatively late in life, and she was her only child, which I would assume contributed to her over protected nature towards her.

As my attention drifted towards Nina I thought how plain she looked. She was tall and thin. Her pleated knee length skirt and navy blazer gave her a prim and proper look and she appeared much older than her nineteen years. Like her mother she displayed not a hint of sexuality. That would have to change.

“Stand up” I ordered.

They glanced at each other and then slowly rose to their feet.

” Undress ladies, down to your bras and panties please”

Nina looked to her mother for guidance. It was plain that she would follow her actions. However her mother did not move. I strode over and stood at her side.

“Please be aware that neither of you will be leaving here until I am satisfied that we have made some real progress with your training. You know why you are here, and we can do this the easy or hard way. It is entirely up to you.”

I know that if I could break the mother, the daughter would follow like a little lamb.

Unfortunately, but not surprisingly neither of them moved to my request. I leaned forward so that my mouth was only several inches from Andrea’s ear.

” Mrs Roberts”I whispered gently, “ We can do this the easy way or the hard way, it is your decision, there is no escape for you, think very carefully about your situation, Arthur has told you exactly why you are here has he not? Now, I will give you ten seconds to start undressing.”

She twitched her nose, a rather squat blob of a nose, but made no move to undress.

I looked over to Maria and held up three fingers. Maria picked up the two-inch wide belt from the desk beside her and wrapped the buckle end around her wrist leaving a good thirty inches hanging free. As she slowly made her way towards the static Mrs Roberts I considered how lucky I was to have found someone like Maria to assist me. She was tall, had a body shape that can only be described as exhaust, sublime facial features and piercing brown eyes. Moreover she revealed in causing pain and disappoint to her hapless victims. She knew she was superior to them and she loved to show it.

Maria stopped at the side of her current victim, looked her up and down before swinging the belt back and bringing it whipping down onto Andrea’s upper thigh.

The older woman gave out a yelp as her leg buckled and her left knee gave way. Before she could recover her balance Maria had dealt a second swishing blow on her lower back, swiftly followed by a third on the back of her right leg. Mrs Roberts was on her knees, protesting loudly, flushed and holding her right thigh. She motioned to stand up but saw Maria hovering over her with the belt poised for a further strike. She glanced up at me. She didn’t speak but her eyes flashed defiance. I indicated to Maria with five fingers. In a flash the belt came thrashing down on Mrs Roberts back, she cried out before three more hits saw her cowering on the floor. Maria looked her over before choosing to bring her final stroke down on the upper part of the poor woman’s back. Andrea’s face configured in pain as she screamed out. Nina was flinching, her eyes screwed up as shewitnessed her mother cringing on the floor a few yards from her. Yes I thought to myself, break the mother and the daughter would follow.

I knelt at the cowering woman’s side and yanked her hair so I could look her directly in the eyes. They were filling with water, not quite crying but not far from it. Maria would have to do some more work on her.

I stood up, rotated my hands, denoting that Maria should now use the buckle end of the belt, and raised three fingers. Thrash, on her back, thrash, on her bottom, thrash, on the back of her legs. As the woman grimaced and compromised about the floor in a vain attempt to evade the lashes coming down on her I stood over her.

“Please tell me if you want it to stop Mrs Roberts” but without waiting for her response held up three more fingers. This time Maria aimed each one at the same area of ​​her body, the bottom of her spine. Andrea swung her hands round to protect herself and one blow cracked against her knuckles. She cried out from the pain. Nina attempted to take a step forward to help her mother but my command of ‘Stay there’ froze her in her tracks.

I surveyed the prostrate woman. She was whimpering. This time, instead of indicating to Maria with my fingers, I shouted, “Five more but harder.”

“No, please no more.” Our victim was beginning to lose her pride, “Please, let me get up, let me speak to you, please.” Her face was red and several tears ran down her fat cheeses.

“Get up, strip to your bra and pants, and I will consider calling Maria off.”

She struggled to her feet and brushed her hair away from her face with her fingers. She tried to regain some semblance of composition.

“Now I said, not in five minutes, now!”

Her trembling fingers reached for the buttons on her blouse. She hesitated on the top button and looked at me pleadingly. I moved so I was standing just a few inches from her face.

” Obedience Mrs Roberts, you know very well that is the reason you are here. This is the last time you will hesitate to obey any of my commands. Do you understand?”

“I don’t see why….” she began, but I didn’t let her finish her sentence and slapped her firmly across her face with the palm of my left hand. Her head jerked to the side and shock filled her eyes. She replaced her balance, looked at me with a practical glance and fumbled for her blouse button. She was obeying. My goodness that was so easy. I noticed the look of disappointment on Maria’s face as she ran her fingers along the length of the belt hanging from her wrist. She was just warming up and it looked like the fat bitch had surrendered already. Still, we would have ample opportunity for some more fun before this particular training session was over.

I shot a star at Nina. She was standing bolt upright and had Already took her blazer off and had started undoing her shirt buttons.

Easy, so easy I thought to myself.


” Stand up straight” I ordered as I surveyyed the two females in their underwear.

Nina had a matching blue bra and panties and it was obvious she carried no bust to speak of. She was thin rather than slim, and you could count her ribs protruding from her tight skin, which made her even more unattractive to me. With her lanky frame she towered above her much shorter mother.

Stripped to her underwear Andrea couldn’t hide the rolls of fat around her belly, indeed it flopped over the waist of her white panties.

“Hands on top of your heads ladies” They both hesitated and Maria immediately brought the belt swishing down on Andrea’s buttocks. She yelped and moved her hand to protect her bottom only for Maria to strike another blow across her back. Mrs Roberts mouthed something I couldn’t quite decipher, but put her hands where she was instructed. Nina followed without hesitation.

By taking the lead from her mother Nina was getting away without any punishment. I decided to concentrate on her for a while.

“ Nina, take down your panties like a good girl.”

She glanced towards her mother. At this hesitation Maria seized her opportunity and cracked the belt across Nina’s bony bottom. The girl shrieked. With no fat to protect her she was extremely vulnerable. Mrs Roberts moved towards her daughter with her arms outstretched. I signed to Maria. In a second she had grabbed the old woman’s right hand and twisted it behind her. Maria pulled Andrea’s wrist towards the top of the poor woman’s back and forced her to her knees. She clasped a handcuff around her wrist and affixed the other cuff to the table leg.

” Now you will not interfere will you Mrs Roberts?”

“Leave my daughter alone, please, she hasn’t done anything.”

” Precisely” I replied. ” She is so prim and proper and so protected by you that she hasn’t put her body to the use it was made for.”

Andrea looked at me quizzically.

” Don’t look so dumb Mrs Roberts, you know exactly why you and your preciousdaughter are here. You will learn unquestioning obedience and you will both learn how to please. You see, with your husband’s permission, we can, and will, subject you to anything we desire. We are going to have fun with you, we are going to use you, humiliate you, degrade you, and you will have to learn to like it. Now watch us have some fun with your skinny daughter.”

With that I turned to the static Nina while Maria stuffed a gag in Andrea’s mouth.

With Mrs Roberts helpless to intervene, both physically and verbally, I concentrated on her daughter. “ I thought I told you to take down your panties young lady?”

Nina realized the hopelessness of her position. She pulled at the elastic around her blue panties and eased them down her legs.

” Leave them around your ankles dear, don’t take them completely off.” I said.

” Now walk around the table, slowly at first.”

She started to shuffle as ordered. Of course, with her panties around her ankles she hadto take very short steps and walk like a penguin. Her face was flushed with embarrassment, especially as Maria was walking beside her giggling.

“Faster, walk faster Nina”

The girl almost stumbled as she quickly her step, but it was clear that this girl would do anything to avoid pain, and without her mother’s protection she was at our mercy.

I allowed the shuffling and stumbling Nina to go on for several more minutes. Each time she slowed Maria would swing the belt across her skinny arse. That quickened her up! While being amused watching this funny sight I pondered my next instruction.

When Nina had peeled down her panties I noticed the very bushy growth around her pussy, goodness, does this girl never shake I thought. I decided this would be the next area for attention.

” Stop” I commanded. “Kick your panties right off and take your bra off.” She struggled to control her heavy breathing caused by the exercise of mimicking a penguin, and looked down ather mother, handcuffed to the table leg.

” She can’t help you now, just do as you are told or I will order Maria to thrash you good and proper.” She kicked off her panties, unclasped her bra and revealed a pair of minute teacup breasts. Maria burst out laughing.

” What on earth can we do with them Sir?” Maria asked.

” It’s not that part of her anatomy I am concentrating on at the moment” I said, as I looked towards her hairy pussy.

” Oh I see Sir, yes it is rather messy down there isn’t it?” Maria giggled.

” Do you ever masturbate?” I asked Nina.

She blushed and cast her eyes towards her feet. Maria gripped her chin and forced it up.

” Answer honestly” instructed my beautiful assistant, ” or I will delight in marking your skinny frame.”

Nina knew she wasn’t joking.

“S..s..some..times, yes” she stuttered.

“I’m sure you do my girl. Now this is what you are going to do and any hesitation on your part will be met by a severe thrashing, do you understand?”


Maria swung the belt across her back, she knew Nina had not given the correct response.

Nina screeched and looked at me.

“That’s yes Sir, isn’t it?”

“Yes Sir” she shot back. Such a quick learner I thought. She does not like to suffer pain at all. I knew she would follow any instruction I gave her to avoid any further punishment.

“Right, this is what you will do. Go over to your mother, stand in front of her. Stand with your legs astride. Prise those pussy lips open and masturbate to completion. And I warn you, Maria and I are very good at spotting fake orgasms, so don’t even think of cheating, do it to completion.”

I looked her straight in the eyes, ” You may commence.”

She knew she had no choice. It was time for her to swallow her false pride and accept some embarrassment. She walked slowly over to her mother who was crouched on the floor, still cuffed and gagged. As she looked at her she noticed a stram of tears pouring down her mother’s cheats. She had never seen her mother so defenceless.

Nina opened her legs and felt for her pussy.

“Look your mother straight in the eyes while you play with yourself” I ordered.

“And you Mrs Roberts, never take your eyes away from your daughter’s pussy. You are going to watch her pleasure herself. If your eyes should stray and turn away then your daughter will be thrashed, not you.”

I turned to Nina. “Come on, get on with it, Maria and I are waiting for the show to start.”

She stared at her mother as she furiously rubbed her clip through her heavy bush. She really went at it. Her legs widened further and she thrust her pelvis forward to achieve a better angle. Andrea gazed at her precious daughter, tears Still tumbling down her face.

“Watch her pussy Andrea” I reminded her. “Look at her go. I think your daughter’s enjoying getting off in front of you. I think you have brought up a very frustrated daughter.” I laughed.

Nina’s hand became a blur as she frantically rubbed her pussy. Her face reddened with the effort of forcing her climax.

Maria offered encouragement.

” Come on skinny arse, get those juices flowing.”

” Wobble those tits girl!” she added mischievously, before adding, “Oh you haven’t any to wobble have you?” Maria thought this was highly amusing and giggled loudly.

Accepting that she had been stripped of all dignity Nina let loose an almighty noise as she reached her climax. Her pelvis shook and her knees wavevered. Her tight little arse squeezed up until she finally finished and stood there blushing and breathless.

Maria and I applauded with gusto. I looked down at the forlorn Mrs Roberts. She hung her head and stared vacantly at the floor.

“Now Andrea, can you better that performance?” I enquired.

The poor woman looked up at me, unable to speak because of her gag but pleading with her eyes. I asked Maria to remove the gag and uncuff her.

“Stand up Andrea” I said quietly. “Well, can you better that?” I repeated.

She stood but looked down at the floor without answering, apparently hoping this would all go away.

“Each time you don’t respond to my question or instruction then your daughter will get six of the best with the belt…. b-u-c-k-l-e- end!”

She looked at me but did not answer. I indicated to Maria who instantly took hold of Nina by the scruff of the neck and forced her to get on all fours on the floor.

Nina began to tremble but before she had the time to contemplate her prediction Maria had brought down the belt on her buttocks. She let out an agonising scream that was cut short by a further blow. Mrs Roberts cried out that she would do anything required if we left her precise daughter alone. I stood behind her and grabbed her arms.

” Look at her, look at your daughter, you are responsible for her pain. Listen to her scream with each blow,”

Maria was getting into her stride and lashed Nina four more times. The girl was sobbing, crumbled on the floor.

” Please, please Sir…leave my daughter alone and I’ll do it” Andrea begged.

“That’s a good girl” I responded. I indicated for Maria to stand off the sobbing Nina and then directed my words to Mrs Roberts. “ Good, very good. But any hesitation on your part and the punishment of Nina continues. Do you understand?”

“Yes..yes..yes Sir” cried the dejected Andrea. I knew by the tone of her response that she was beating. Now it was time for some real enjoyment.

“Off with your underwear Andrea, let’s have a good look at you. And you Nina, on your feet, pay close attention to what your darling mummy is going to do.”

Without further hesitation She unhooked her bra and out flopped her huge and dangling breasts. Her nipples were large and dark brown. Without the support of her bra her tits dropped down towards her waist. I took hold of the left one and pulled it upwards and then let itgo. I repeated this with her right title, and marvelled at the sheer weight of the things.

“It must be a real struggle carrying those around with you all day” I mocked. “However Maria and I would like to see them bounce. Can you bounce them for us Andrea?”

Mrs Roberts made a swinging motion with her hips.

“ good enough. We want to see them really bounce up and down. Start jogging on the spot. Come on, I want to see a spring in your step and I want you to get some height with those knees”

Andrea started to jog, slowly and self-consciously.

“Faster than that Andrea! Get them knees up, put some effort into it woman.”

I noticed the beads of sweat on her forehead as she reluctantly quickened her movement. The fat around her tights wobbled as much as her tits did. Maria positioned herself straight in front of the, by now, heavy breathing Andrea, and began to taunt her.

“If she goes faster she could slap those breasts against her nose Sir. Goon fatso, try and hit your nose with your saggy tits.”

Andrea tried to get extra leverage, she quicklyted her step and bent her head forward to try and comply with Maria’s request. She was smoking profusely and Maria smiled at the woman’s disappoint.

I walked around to Andrea’s rear and observed the fat cheeses of her arse bobbing up and down.


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