The Journey of Harper Part 02 – The Arrival
This story is part of the story series about the four friends Emma, Jack, Harper and Paul. You can find some information about the characters in the story series “The slightly different game show” as well as the first part of the Harper series.
I’m having a lot of fun writing this series. I look forward to your feedback on the storyline. Feel free to write in the comments what you liked or what could be improved. I want to involve you in the development. My head is already full of ideas and if the story is well received, I’ll be happy to continue writing.
But for now, have fun reading.
Paul’s hand moved to the door handle, pressed it and after opening the gray metal door, he held the door open for his girlfriend, as benefits a gentleman. Harper Stepped cautiously and somewhat shyly through the frame. She found herself in a rather unadorned, windowless room. Except for a few chairs, which were probably for peole waiting, there was only a small counter in the room. When both had entered and the door closer let the door fall rudely and locked, a young woman rose from behind the counter. Harper hadn’t noticed her before and flinched slightly when she spoke to her.
“Welcome. How can I help you?” she said in a calm, comforting tone.
Paul stepped up to the counter. “I called you a week ago and registered my girlfriend,” he replied.
“May I know the name?”
“Of course, her name is Harper.”
The lady began to search in her tablet. It wasn’t long before she turned to Harper.
“Ah, here we have you. I see your boyfriend has booked the full program for you. However, we are still missing a signature from you here,” she added, pointing to the screen with a finger.
Harper stepped out from behind Paul’s shadow and studied the long, legal text that presented itself to her, at the end of which a blank signature line awaited her. Without having read the details of theseemingly endless text, she turned to the receptionist questioningly:
“What is all this text for and what do I sign with it?”
“Every woman who places herself in our care signs a declaration at the beginning that she is here of her own free will and agrees with all our measures. This serves as a legal safeguard for us,” the blonde lady explained to her in a calm voice.
“So it’s some kind of slave contract?” Harper replied uncertainly.
“No, not that. This is not one of those typical contracts that you find on the Internet. Basically, we do everything with you here that serves the goal of your upbringing. As I mentioned earlier, this only serves us as security against legal consequences.”
Do everything with me? Harper had thousands of thoughts running through his head. Her bigg eyes made this clear.
“Of course, I won’t tell you everything that’s in store for you, but I can promise you that we’re not working with pain here. Of course, your body can find one or the other situation uncomfortable or react with pain by overloading. However, it is not our goal to educate you through beatings or anything else.”
A sight of relief, relieved breathed through Harper. Her chest, which had been tense just a moment ago, eased in tension after this explanation and lowered again. She was not into beats at all. But Paul knew this, which is why he had chosen exactly This special establishment.
After a few short forms, the contract was signed. The lady stepped out from behind the counter and strutted straight towards the two of them in her high heels, a tight white blouse with a deep neckline and the black leather skirt that was a little too short. In this sexy outfit, Paul couldn’t help but let his suggestive gaze glide over her staged body. Due to the high gait of Her shoes, the woman was about 1.80m tall. Her blond hair was tied back in a braid. Her breasts, which formed a perfectly shaped décolleté with a push-up bra, almost forcedthe top button of her blouse to her knees. The skirt started at her narrow waist, only to end again at half of her thigh. The smooth, long legs completed the picture.
Noticing the look, the woman turned separately at him as she passed. She went to a door next to the counter and began:
“It’s time to say goodbye, my dears.”
Torn from his thoughts, Paul jerked up at her words. He took his Girlfriend in his arms one last time, gave her a kiss and dismissed her towards the open door.
“You won’t need your bag here,” the woman fended off as Harper started moving, reaching for the gym bag she had packed at home with some clothes and travel utesils.
Somewhat puzzled but obeying the instruction, she handed the bag to her boyfriend before she disappeared through the door together with the woman.
When it fell into the lock, Harper turned around uncertainly.
“Don’t worry, my dear, all of our new arrivals are a bit shy at first,” the woman remarked, grabbing Harper’s forearm courageously. “But over time, everyone feel comfortable with us,” she added with a laugh and began to move Harper with a firm grip.
The room in which they were standing was no larger than a typical hallway. The corridor, which was also windowless, led after a few meters into a staircase that led down. Comparable to the stairwell of an apartment building, the steps turned to the lower floors. Past a floor with a door and the inscription: 1st basement technology, they went down another floor until they reached the end of the stairs and found themselves in front of another metal door.
To Harper’s amazement, the blonde woman began to rummage through her cleavage with her free hand until she finally pulled out a small, round chip from between her tightly tied breasts. Holding the chip to a box next to the door, the door buzzed briefly before unlocking itself.
“Are you surprised about our security precautions?” the blonde began to answer Harper’s puzzledlook. “We don’t want one of you to just run away when it gets too much for her. And don’t think you’ll get my chip. From the inside, the door is unlocked with a numerical code.”
One of you? Had Harper heard correctly? There were several women who were brought up here, it flashed through her head. Where was she here? But before she could finish spinning the thought, she pulled the woman by the arm through the door and closed it behind her.
Another corridor stretched out before Harper’s eyes. On its left side, doors began to open after a few meters. But she couldn’t see how many there were. The light was too sparse and the corridor too long.
The floor of this hallway was covered with red carpeting. The walls, on the other hand, were adorned with a simple gray color. The ceiling in exposed concrete look did not necessarily contribute to the comfort and was only interrupted by flat lamps at regular intervals. It was quiet in these rooms, deep underground and Harper was sure: No matter what was going to happen down here, no one up there would ever notice it.
The discreet light made the corridor seems endless. Her gaze wandered around. To her right, another arm of the corridor branched off. A little shorter but visually the same, she could see three doors thanks to brighter lighting. Two of them made a solid impression and seemed to be thicker than the rest. In the area where they were standing, i.e. at the meeting point of both corridors, there was a free space of about two by two meters. In the corner that connected the two corridors, a small niche was indicated, which was illuminated by two ceiling spotlights. Harper used to suspect a status or something similar here. At least this corner would have provided the perfect place for it. The color deviation that the floor had at this point also substantiated her assumption.
“Come on,” urged the receptionist, who was so polite at first, and pulled Harper behind her a little roughly. “I don’t have time for sightseeing. In an hour, the first guests will arrive. Until then, there is still a lot to do,” she continued to murmur.
Harper didn’t quite understand what she meant by guests, but lost focus as they walked down the hallway in front of them and passed the first door on the left. The door had a lock on the outside, similar to the rotary knob for locking toilet doors. Otherwise, it was made entirely of glass and made a stable impression. In any case, the thick, multi-layered glass left no doubt about the durability of the door. But what was on offer to Harper inside made her flinch for a moment. In the small room, on a narrow bed, lay a completely naked woman. Evidently she was sleep. But the bizarre thing about her was the metal strap that wrapped around her waist and hidden her crotch.
She couldn’t see more in the speed she Was pulled down the corridor. Two more doors followed. Same in the presentation and also filled with a naked woman each. The woman in room 2Was also sleep, but without metal straps. Also in room 3 the same picture, with the difference that the prisoner in it seemed to be awake. Crouching slightly, she leaned with her back against the wall, sitting on the bed. They came to the fourth door and stopped. The room was empty. Following her gaze further down the hallway, Harper could see another, fifth door. After this, the corridor ended. With a grip on the lock, the woman opened the door.
“Your kingdom for the next two months” and pointed into the room with a wave of his hand. “And now take off your clothes!” she snapped at Harper brusquely.
“Undress?” she replied questioningly.
The answer came promptly: “Be glad that your training hasn’t started yet. Otherwise, you would have been punished directly for this stupid question. And now do what I told you. You can speak of luck that you are down here with me. Your new mistress won’t let you get away with so much,” she finished her sentence and gestured to Harperto finally undress.
The some astonished brunette gave in to the request and began a little shyly to get rid of her clothes. Her white sneakers were the first thing that found space next to the door, followed by the socks. She then pulled her T-shirt over her head and put it on the floor next to the door. Harper paused for a moment. The thought of having to completely expose herself in front of a complete stranger was not so easy for her.
At the sight of her hot bra and the large, plump breasts hidden in it, the receptionist’s eyes turned into a sparkle.
“Holla the forest fairy. I wouldn’t have thought that there were such treasures slumbering under your T-shirt. Come on, open the thing,” Harper urged her to worry.
Before she had a chance to comply with the request, the blonde grabbed her back and loosened the piece of fabric. All of a sudden, the tall and attractive woman was topless.
Not a second later, she felt the first hand reaching into her delicate, firm skin. Completely perplexed and not at all prepared for this situation, Harper let her be. In her imagination, Harper had imagined that she would certainly spend the two months in her sexy lingerie. But this misconception now evaporated in seconds. Sorting through her thoughts and understanding the situation, she raised her arm to remove the uninvited hand.
“Hands off! Even though I’m not directly responsible for your upbringing, you don’t have any rights down here anymore,” she hissed at Harper and grabbed her arm to hold it as she moved. “Come on, keep undressing,” she finished the sentence annoyed and let go of her pleasure object.
Without further hesitation, the obviously irritated Harper followed the instruction and also got rid of the rest of her clothes.
“Great play. If I had the time, I would go for a first lap with you right away,” she looked at the woman absolutely. “Off to the cell with you!”
With a grip on her arm, the blonde moved Harper into the new home and coolly swung the door behind her. Another sound marked the locking of these and without another glance, the woman disappeared from view in the hallway.
Naked and completely alone, she now stood in her small home.
In fact, the room was more like a cell than a cozy home. The whole room had a dimension of about 2×3 meters and was completely white. Modern-looking, large tiles stretched over the walls up to a height of about 1.5m. Above it followed a white-painted wall.
The floor was also tiled. But contrary to Harper’s expectations, he didn’t feel cold with her bare feet. In general, it did not seem cool to her, despite the lack of warm clothing. A large LED panel on the ceiling floating the room with bright light. This means that you could clearly see into every room from the outside. In the unpainted concrete ceilinging, in addition to a ventilation system and a loudspeaker, only a small camera took its place, whose light flashed red and thus led Harper to suspect that it was switched on and transmitting.
The furnishings of her room were sparse. Next to the door was a toilet on the left side, without a privacy screen. This was not old either and would have fit well into a new bathroom. Together with a small sink, these two sanitary items formed a corner for personal hygiene. However, Harper searched in vain for a shower or something similar.
To the right of the door there was a small flap, which was probably used to pass objects into the room without having to open the door. This opening was also designed in such a way that it was only possible to unlock and operate it from the outside.
On the opposite side was the bed. It was simple and timeless. In length, it took up the entire space, although it proved to be rather narrow in width. Harper guessed a classic bed size of 90x200cm. So she had a small open space in front of the bed up to the door. However, she could not see any bed linen. The bed was only equipped with a comfortable-looking mattress and a matching white sheet.
Still examining the room, she did not notice the petite woman who looked through the door from the outside. Due to the soundproof partition of the room, Harper only noticed it when she knocked on the window. Startled, Harper spun around and noticed her. Full of shade, she covered her breasts and her cleft with one hand each.
Opening the flap next to her door, the woman, who was also completely naked, began:
“Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you”.
Harper recognized her. It was the woman from room 1. She still wore the metal strap around her waist.
“Who are you, why are you naked and what kind of part is that between your legs?” it gushed out of Harper, who was happy about contact in her lonely situation.
Somewhat embarrassed and hesitant, the woman answered her in an auditory cautious and muted voice:
“Be glad that we can talk. That is the exception today. Our mistress is currently too busy to look around for you. That’s why he sent me. I am in charge of the supply this week and am supposed to bring you something to eat. Normally we are forbidden to talk to others,” she drove there. “My name is Lara, I’ve been here for 6 weeks now and… well… I don’t need to explain to you why we’re naked,” she mumbled softly.
Somewhat absently, she shoved a paper bag through Harper’s flap. It was clear from her posture that the delicate woman was afraid of doing something wrong. It almost seemed as if she was not mentally focused.
“Thank you,” Harper replied and happily accepted the package. She hadn’t been here long, but it seemed like an eternity. “What are you wearing?” she asked again.
“Oh that?” she pointed between her legs. “This is a chatity belt that our mistress gave me. In our upbringing, there is a lot of work with orgasm withdrawal and because I couldn’t stand the pressure after one of the sessions anymore and did it myself, I now have to wear this thinguntil I can control myself again.”
“You seem a little tension,” Harper remarked.
“That’s probably because of the day. Today is Saturday. Every week, the operator hosts an evening where you can sign up to have fun with us women. I think they call it Fickfest. It serves as a punishment for our disobedience. But I’ve already said too much. I am forbidden to talk about it. All I have to do is bring you your food and tell you to rest until tomorrow morning. Be glad that you arrived today and don’t have to be in the big room yet.”
Harper’s mouth was open. A thousand questions had joined the ones she had already had.
“Does that mean that we will have sex with others in addition to our upbringing?” she asked, aghast.
Faced with Harper’s ignorance, only the words escaped the timing woman:
“You’ll see what they do to you. After a short time down here, you ask yourself how anyone could have been so naïve and volunteered to do so.”
With these words and a fareWell gesture, she turned to leave and disappeared from Harper’s field of vision.
It was spinning in her head. What had she gotten herself into here? What was this fuckfest? Should she really be at the mercy of others?
Of course, she had already tasted Jack’s penis or smoothed with Emma during their games together. But so far these have only been friends she knew well. She had never thought of making her body available to complete strangers.
After some time of sitting on the bed, lost in thought, she heard voices again. She couldn’t recognize anyone, but they were definitely male voices. Giving an estimate, she guessed about 10 different people. After these had disappeared, it took another 5 minutes until a signal tone came out of the loudspeaker in the ceiling.
Harper started up, so unprepared came the acoustic signal, which rarely reminded me of the sequence of a school bell. Noticing a buzzing sound, followed by a soft click, made her assume that the doors were unlocked. However, the attempt to open hers at that moment failed. Apparently, the opening was only for the other rooms.
With her hands on the glass pane and looking out of the door, she recognized another woman in the poorly lit hallway. With a focused gaze ahead, she strutted upright past Harper’s room, without taking her eyes off it. Harper looked at the beautiful woman. Long, brown hair fell loosely in light waves. Some of the strands partially covered her breasts, which stood out clearly due to her upright gait. With every step, these obviously made bouncing balls bobbed slightly up and down. Her stiff nipples rounded off the picture. Harper looked absolutely at her buttocks, which were also perfectly shaped, which presented themselves to her as the woman continued down the hallway.
When all the sounds stopped, the light in her room went out automatically. Only the faith glow of the aisle lights allowed her to just make out her food bag. Due to the lack of alternativees and the emerging hunger, she devoted herself to the contents of the bag. They were sandwiches. Enjoying the sandwiches, she ate dinner and then decided, as she was advised, to use the remaining time until the next morning to rest. She lay down in bed with her back to the door and tried to close her eyes. However, the loneliness and the longing for her boyfriend keep her awake staring at the wall in front of her for quite a while.
When tiredness overcame her some time later, she fell asleep, despite several thought games about what she had experienced and seen. The night passed quietly, interrupted only by a situation that Harper couldn’t make sense of at the time. In the middle of the night, she was tired up by noises in the hallway. Half sleep, she heard groaning sounds and carefully turned on her mattress towards the door. In front of her room, she saw the woman who lived next to her. But not alone. She was carried by a man and a woman and seemed obviously exhausted. Withoutmuch emotion, she hung with her arms over the shoulders of the two helpers, who supported her right and left. The adjoining room was opened. A few seconds later, the door closed again. The two people disappeared into the long corridor without their roommate in tow.
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