The Journey of Grace Ch. 06

It was late evening as Grace drove home from work. The weather was foul. It had been raining for over a week. No hint of sun had been seen that whole time. And it had been another in a series of long days at work. She had been working with her team on this project for over 4 months. But at last it was done. They had finished that night.

Even better than getting it over with, they had done better than just meeting all their objectives. Through all their hard work, they had managed to bring it in substantially under budget and ahead of schedule. And by doing so, the entire team had earned a nice little bonus. The individual bonuses weren’t huge but they were enough to use as mad money.

Grace thought about what she should do with hers. There hadn’t been much time for rest and relaxation. She had Only managed to get to Corky’s once in the last three weeks. But that visit had been nice. Grace had called Michelle but she couldn’t go since it was a week night and she had a cobInation of a major term paper and a math test to get through that night. Getting there, Grace found the bar to be somewhat empty. And being a slow night, Corky was mostly free to chat with Grace. It was fun in a completely different way. With Corky, Grace had a friend that she could really talk to about her life. Nowhere else was it safe for her to open up. None of her friends in her normal life could understand or probably even accept this side of her.

It wasn’t even being closed. It was being Domme. While some of her friends would be horrified if she came out, many of them would just give her a hug and let her know that it didn’t matter. But how to even explain what being Domme means. Most of them had no frame of reference. Or they had some twisted idea from bad movies. It would be one thing to face her friends with a girlfriend. But to introduce someone to them as her sub, maybe her slave? She just couldn’t see any future circumstances that made that possible. But just coming out wouldn’t be enough. So Grace remained stuck living two lives.

While Corky wasn’t into the lifestyle, she was butch enough to understand. And she was a great listener. She knew that Grace needed someone to talk to that would not judge her. It had been a cathartic evening. Grace went home knowing that none of her problems had been solved, but it still felt better.

But it wasn’t a problem that stayed active in her mind. It was just the way it was. Right now she had to figure out what to do with her bonus. It wasn’t huge but it was enough to be able to use it as mad money and do something she wouldn’t do otherwise. As she pondered her options, she remembered the article that she had seen about a new play that just opened up in San Francisco. At the time, it seemed like a crazy idea to fly to San Francisco on a whim to see a play.

Now, why not? It certainly qualified as a treatment that she would not have done without it. But somehow just going by herself didn’t seem like enough. She thought about talking to her husband but he had just left on another two week business trip. Now that she had it in her mind, she didn’t want to wait. She wanted to go and go right away.

Somehow thinking of her husband made her think of Michelle. They had chatted by phone several times but it had been too hard to get together in person. That didn’t’ both of them. They were Both comfortable with taking it casual. Neither of them wanted to take it to the level of a relationship. Grace didn’t have a place for it in her life and Michelle was still figuring out if this was just an experiment. But maybe Michelle could go with her. Grace knew that Michelle had finished her finals that morning. They even had tenative plans to get together in the next couple of days.

Arriving home, Grace quickly checked a few things on her computer. Tickets were available for the show and flights were not too bad. Her bonus would be more than enough to cover the cost of thoseplus leave more than enough to have fun in San Francisco. She nodded to herself. “I’ll ask her,” she thought.

Picking up her cell phone, Grace quickly checked to make sure that her phone ID was still blocked. She felt uncomfortable doing it but she couldn’t bring herself to take a risk like that. It was a level of trust she hadn’t gotten to yet. She wasn’t sure if she was capable of getting There.

Michelle was in the Student Union finishing up a quick meal before heading back to her apartment when she felt her phone buzz. Looking at it, she felt her breath quicken slightly when she saw the RESTRICTED on the screen. Only one person she knew had her phone restricted.

Taking a little risk, she answered it. “Hello Ma’am.”

Grace smiled. “Hello precise. Are you busy?”

“No, Ma’am. i am just in the Student Union.”

“Tell Me, precise, what are you?”

Michelle swallowed. They had played this game before on the phone. It always thrilled her but it scaredher too. But she still answered in a normal tone, avoiding the temptation to whisper. “i’m Your little pussy licking lesbian sub slut, Ma’am.”

Her smile growing, Grace nodded. “Yes you are. And you are very good at it. My pussy is getting wet just thinking about how good you are.”

Michelle feel a glow of pride. Her own little cunt had started getting wet when she saw the Caller ID but remembering licking Grace’s pussy made it worse.

“Shall I give you a command, precise,” Grace asked. This was another of their little phone games.

“Yes Ma’am, but i am in a fairly public place,” Michelle replied.

“I understand but you are Mine to use as I want. Roll one of your nipples in your fingers for at least ten seconds,” Grace commanded.

Thinking quickly, Michelle pulled her book bag up into her lap. Pretending to search for something in it, her other hand grasped her nipple and gently rolled it between thumb and forefinger for the required time. The combinationon of the threat of discovery and obedience made her cunt really throb and moisten.

“Mmmmm, Ma’am. I did it for you.”

“Good girl,” Grace criticized her.

“precious, you know how W/we were going to get together?” Grace asked.

Michelle felt her heart flop. Was Grace going to have to cancel? She had been looking forward to seeing her again. “Yes, Ma’am,” she said softly.

Grace could tell what was going through her mind. She quickly continued so that Michelle wouldn’t continue to misunderstand her. “Well, I had a thought about something we could do rather than meet at the bar.” Grace quickly went on to explain her idea.

Michelle was stunned. As a student, it seemed like she could never afford to do anything fun. And yes, Grace was her lover but that was just one night. But the idea of ​​going somewhere with Grace was thrilling, especially something so sophisticated. Flying to another city just to see a play. “Ma’am, i would love to. Thank You so much for askingme.”

“you are very welcome, precise. Once I thought about going, I just wanted it to be with you. I am not sure what I would have done if you said no,” Grace laughed a little. But it was only a little because she had spoken the truth. They talked about the details and Michelle gave her directions to her apartment so that they could go to the airport together.

Just before hanging up, Grace remembered to ask Michelle. “Have you been doing your practice?”

Sighing softly, Michelle answered, “Yes, Ma’am. I have practiced every night to hold off cumming. I play with myself for as long as I can. I am up to 20 minutes now. I am so close but I am managing to stop. I only accidentally came once this week and that was at the beginning of the week. I am sorry but it is hard, Ma’am.”

Grace wished she could hold Michelle right then in her arms. “you did wonderful, precise. I am proud of your progress. you are a good little slut.”

Wistfully Michelle added, “I am veryVery horny now Ma’am.”

Laughing, Grace simply said, “Good. I’ll see you tomorrow, pretty.”

“I can’t wait, Ma’am.”

As she pulled up in front of Michelle’s apartment building, Grace could see her standing there with a small travelling bag. Michelle had on a cute shirt that showed a little bit of her cleavage and a long skirt. She quickly jumped into the car after throwing the bag in the back seat. As she sat down, she ignored where she was to do what she had planned. Michelle leaned over and gave Grace a deep kiss. She wanted Grace to know that while she was with her, she would be her little pussy licking dyke, even in front of her apartment.

“Mmmm nice to see you, precious,” Grace licked her lips after the kiss ended.

“i have been counting the hours, and that isn’t Just a trite saying. i woke up around 4 this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep i was so excited.” Michelle smiled a shy smile.

Grace put the car in gear and quickly drove towards thefreeway. As they were waiting at a stoplight, she stopped the small talk they had been engaged in and Grace told Michelle, “Pull your dress up to your hips, little slut.”

Michelle had gotten use to these commands seemingly from random during their phone calls. She had liked the way they reminded her of how Grace had controlled her during their night together. But now in person, the telephone calls seemed to be poor Substitutes. It was so much more exciting to have Grace’s eyes on her as she obeyed. Michelle quickly pulled her skirt up so that Grace could see her small bikini panties.

“I like those but take them off. I want My slut to be accessible,” Grace commented as the car started to roll again.

Feeling very slutty, Michelle slipped her panties off. She had almost decided not to wear them at all. She wished now she had followed her instincts. She knew she hadn’t disappointed Grace. But she wanted to impress her.

Grace laid her hand down on Michelle’s bare thigh. Her nails softly stroked it. “We are going to have a good time, precise.”

“i know, Ma’am. i already am. But i would have no matter what W/we did.”

Quickly glancing over at her, Grace lifted her hand to stroke Michelle’s cheese. “I know, precise. I was looking forward to it too. But I am glad you are doing this with Me.” Grace smiled as she felt Michelle’s lips kiss her hand.

“I have been thinking about what to do this trip all last evening and I have some ideas that I think will make it even more fun. But that is all I am going to say. I want it to be a surprise for you,” Grace said smiling. Michelle tried to get some hints but Grace wouldn’t budget.

But at the airport and once they had cleared through security, Grace revealed her first surprise. She took Michelle into a restroom and together they went into a stall. Reaching into her purse, she opened up a small box. From it, she took out a round egg shaped device. “Now My little slut, open those legs of yours and show Me that wet little cunt.”

And indeed it was wet, the whole way to the airport, Grace had managed to stroke Michelle any number of ways. Already horny from playing with herself while denying her relief, Michelle could tell that this was going to be a test for her. Shutting out the world around them, Michelle just focused on Grace and obeyed.

Grace took the egg and pressed it slowly up into Michelle. It felt odd to Michelle. She felt slightly filled inside but it wasn’t too bad and if she didn’t dwell on it, she was pretty sure she could bear it. And if she squeezed down, she thought she could keep it in. That was until she saw the little pager like device in Grace’s hand. Michelle looked into Grace’s eyes with dismay as Grace turned the knob. A sudden violation exploded inside Michelle’s cunt. She staggered and had to hold onto Grace to keep from falling over. Grace quickly turned it down to the lowest setting. The victory dropped down to a low level buzz.

“Now little slut, don’t you dare let that slip out,” Grace commanded. “And no cumming either, not just yet.”

Michelle closed her eyes for a moment to get her bearings back. “Yes, Ma’am. I understand.”

As they walked towards the gate, Michelle found she could manage if she didn’t try to walk to fast. She sucked on the inside of her cheek to help keep her calm. Even still, she had to occasionally lean against Grace when the victory started to get to her. Finally they arrived at the gate and found a couple of seats off in the corner.

Michelle turned to look at Grace, her forehead slightly moist. “You are wicked sometimes, Ma’am.”

Smiling a big wicked evil grin, Grace nodded. “Yes I am.”

Grace’s grin and comment made Michelle laugh. “Good thing i like that in You!”

Suddenly the egg clicked on to a much higher setting. Michelle didn’t think Grace’s grin could get better but apparently she was wrong. Her fingers sought Grace’s. Holding her hand, Michelle squeezed. She leaned her head back against the wall. Her breath came in short pants. Her eyes were tightly shut.

“Do you want to cum, little dyke? Right here in the airport? All you have to do is ask permission.” Grace was enjoying teasing Michelle. She knew that Michelle had been testing her ability to hold off cumming for weeks now. She had to be torn between wanting relief and knowing where she was.

For almost half a second, Michelle remained in the same position, squeezing Grace’s hand harder and harder. Finally she opened her eyes to look into Grace’s. “Please Ma’am, may this little pussy licking dyke be permitted to cum?”

Grace was surprised but pleased by Michelle’s formal wording. She clearly wanted to play her part right.

“you have permission, Precious.”

As soon as the words were out of Grace’s mouth, she could see Michelle obviously relax part of her control. Small shakes began to fun through her body. But at the same time, her mouth was tightly shut, lips locked together. And her hand was still squeezing Grace’s tightly. Grace stroked Michelle’s arm with her other hand. She was deeply enjoying the power Michelle was giving her.

Michelle was caught up in the cum. She knew where she was but if anything that was just making it stronger. All she could think about were the explorations inside her cunt and through her body. She wanted to scream but she bit her cheek to stop that. Finally she started to regain her control. At the same time, Grace first turned down the egg, then after Michelle seemed to be done, it went off.

Grace leaned over to Michelle and whispered in her ear. “you smell delightful, little slut. And I bet there is a nice wet spot on your dress. Make sure you walk in front of Me when W/we enter the plane.”

Michelle blushed furiously as she thought about it. To her surprise, she was as embarrassed by the pleasure of being such a visible slut as she was by the thought that others might see or smellThe evidence of her cum. Being with Grace was not only fun, it was providing insights into heretofore unknown aspects of herself. She laid her head on Grace’s shoulder and enjoyed the afterglow of the orgasm. Her lips smiled as Grace in turn rested her head against Michelle’s.

Too soon, their content was interrupted by the call to board the flight. Standing, Michelle had to still hold in the egg. It was both easier and harder now. Without the victory, she was not distracted by the ever present tension of controlling her excitement. On the other hand, a little bit had been taken out of her when she came. Her muscles trembled just a bit at the effort to clamp down and hold it in. As she walked, she could feel the remain of her juices dripping a little down her legs. And the moist patch on her dress was slightly cool as it brushed Against her. It was an ever present reminder of the evidence that an observer could see. Walking on to the plane, Michelle keep hearing avoice in her mind, “you are a slut.” But it wasn’t a thought of shame but rather in the circumstances, it was one of pride, especially when it morphed into “you are Her slut.”

Grace too was thinking about what a nice slut Michelle was for her. Her cute ass swayed in front of her as she walked down the gangway with the wet spot clearly visible if you looked. My but what fun they were going to have the next few days. She had spent considerable time thinking about it the night before. Once she knew Michelle was coming, it opened up a series of possibilities. Things that weren’t possible in her real life could perhaps be experienced during this time. It would still just be a temporary game for the two of them but that was as much as was possible right now.

Grace had carefully selected their seat Assignments. She had picked the side of the plane with two seats and, at least as of the time that she booked the flight, there had been no one on the other row of seats across from them. While both of them enjoyed playing in public, there was also a need for discretion and not to get themselves into trouble. She told Michelle to take the window seat. Letting Michelle settle in first, Grace spread her coat over Michelle’s lap before taking her own seat.

Speaking softly to Michelle, Grace told her to remove the egg. “All electronic devices need to be turned off, precise. W/we wouldn’t want to be unsafe,” she chuckled.

Carefully Michelle put her hand under the coat and slowly drew her skirt up. Slipping her hand between her legs, she tried to not be obvious as she tried to extract it. It wasn’t easy since she had to actually reach into her cunt and grap it. The lascivious feeling of her fingers inside there while people continued to walk past was almost enough to make her try sliding them in and out, but that wasn’t the command. Instead, she grasped the egg and gently pulled it from her. Her lips curled back a bit as her lips were stretched wide as the egg emerged.

The muscle of Michelle’s cunt could be slightly detected. Grace smiled. “Now precise, clean it off with your tongue.”

The boldness of the order made Michelle blush again. She couldn’t do that under a coat. How would she make it work, she thought. She turned to look out the window. Bringing the egg up to her mouth, she carefully screened it from the people in the plane. It wasn’t the first time she had tasted her own juices, but now that she had tasted another woman she noticed the difference between the two. It wasn’t a lot but enough. She briefly wondered if all women tasted unique. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted to know. Being with Grace was fun but she was Grace’s little dyke. As yet, she didn’t know if she was anyone else’s.

It was not long Before the plane took off and they were on their way to San Francisco. Grace took the time to explain her plans for the three days they would spend there.

“At home, I have to always be closed. On thats trip, I don’t want to be. Neither of U/us are likely to meet anyone we know. Nothing W/we do here will carry over to O/our lives back home. So for the next three days, W/we are going to be out as lesbians. Alright?” she asked.

Michelle nodded. As Grace said, this was just about the next three days. There were no bigger questions that needed consideration.

“Good. Second, I want to go beyond how you and I normally interact. you are going to be openly submissive to Me the entire three days. I don’t care what other people think. I want to experience the feeling of being Domme in public. I want you to call Me Mistress and you will obey My commands. you can trust Me to treat you well. you know that I am not into inflicting pain. I just want to experience total control. Agreed?”

Eyes bright, Michelle was excited at the idea of ​​adding these new twists to their game. Grace knew how to make life fun and sexy. And if Michelle really didn’t like something that Grace suggested,she could always say she wanted to end the game.

“Yes, Mistress. i agree. For O/our trip, You own me. I will be Your obedient little submissive.” Michelle took Grace’s hand and kissed the palm softly, sealing their agreement.


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