The Journey of a Pain Slut – Act 01

PART 1 – The Guy

Her hair was on the short side, dark with little curls here and there … it framed her face perfectly.

“Another?” The barmaid caught my attention having spotted that my pint glass was almost empty.

“Yes, please same again,” I replied, glancing briefly at her whilst keeping my main focus on the young girl who seemed to love being the centre of attention in the small group that she was sitting with.

I had been watching her for some time and not once had she looked up at me, she was far too vivacious for that. The centre of attention, so why did she need to look away? Who was she? That thought brought a smile to my face.

I knew the answer to some of my question … a student, probably eighteen to twenty years old, it was always hard to tell exactly, but she had too much confidence to be a first year girl, was my thinking, so maybe a second-year student … nineteen then. That was the age I would give her, it seemed to fit.

So, I knew her age, I knew her occupation and … I knew what she was.

The refilled glass appeared along with the barmaid’s hand for my money. I sipped the beer through its smooth, white head and watched the girl some more.

Making some comment and laughing at her own words, along with the mirth filled responses of her small group, the girl, my girl, stretched her body upwards, and the top she wore rode upwards to expose the tell-tale marks, marks that I recognized only too well.

Like I said, I knew what she was.

Deciding that my voyeurism was bordering on the obsessive, I turned away from the small group of Friday-night-let’s-get-pissed students, so that I could give my imagination a short rest.

The pub was busy, but the guys calling in for a pint on their way home from work were beginning to fade away, and the main bar room was looking less full by the minute.

“Are you gonna keep watching me all night.”

I turned to look at the pretty face by my side. For all I had watched this girl ever since I had been in here, her approaching me was a turn of events that I hadn’t really anticipated.

She wasn’t looking at me when she spoke, nor I at her when I replied, “Would you like me to?”

“Free country, do what you like, you pervs usually do.”

I laughed at her attitude, sassy and so damn sexy.

“Perv I grant you, but not in the way you think.”

Now she chuckled and said, “Oh and what way do you perv then?” We still hadn’t looked at one another.

“Well, for a start I’m no danger to you. I’m not going to follow you, or stalk you or …”

“Rape me?” She added. Now I turned to look at her, and was taken aback at the sparkle in her eyes. I nodded and confirmed, “Correct, I certainly have no intention of raping you.”

She did not reply.

“Two pins of bitter please,” her girly voice sounded kind of wrong ordering those drinks.

“You like a man’s drink?” I grinned. She smiled but didn’t reply.

“I know what you are.” I stated somewhat out of the blue. It was a comment designed to be provocative, and to elicit a response. It worked.

“Huh?” She looked quizzically at me, “What did you say?”

“I said that I know what you are.”

Her beers arrived and she handed over the ten-pound note.

“You do huh? And what am I?”

I paused as she looked at me, her change from the ten pounds arrival. I had her attention now, which was what I was aiming for. I took my time, as well as a drink from my beer, while she waited patiently for my answer.

“Your stomach …” I then said, with a cryptic intonation.

“What?” She answered with an undertone of confused announcement.

“… and a little higher. I can see when you sit back in Your seat and stretch. The marks, red still … and your nipples are hard under the sweater, clearly no bra and I would fighter no panties either. And no one knows right … not a single one of your friends knows …” I looked across ather face, directly into her eyes, as she hung on my words.

“No one … except me. Am I right?”

She swallowed hard, this pretty young student, and then said with a marked lack of eloquence, “Fuck you Mister.” Although the obvious attitude she made no move to walk away.

“Now if I had said those words to you little girl, then maybe they would have a more literal intent underpinning them.

Once more she swallowed hard.

“I bet if I asked you to remove your sweater I would see the marks right? Red and raised, the welts from a whip.”

Her eyes widened beautifully as the nail was hammered right on the head.

“Is he your boyfriend?” I nodded my head at the laughing guy in the seat next to one currently vacated. She nodded.

“And did he …?” I raised my eyes to indicated what I was referring to. Again, she nodded.

“You need to get your beers back little girl.”

“I’m not a little girl,” she replied with a contrasting assertion.

“No, I can see that,” I smiled turning back to face my pint glass.

“Go fuck yourself,” she said once more purposely demonstrating a lack of eloquence.

“If you want to do what you’re doing with more skill and technique and enjoy the true pleasures that go with the pain, then in ten minutes I will be standing out at the back near to the toilet block. If you come out to me then I will give you my phone number.”

Did she gasp? I like to think so.

“Now get your beers back to the table before they go flat.”

PART 2 – The Girl

Did I tell you? Well, I was in a bar with the BF and some other mates the other week. One down near where we live. A local, I guess you’d say. Anyway, the usual banter about work and footy and the next learners’ strike and you know. A few beers, a few laughs. And I loved so much feeling myself naked under my sloppy sweater and feeling the material of my jeans against myself and knowing that I had those grogeous red marks that only my BF knew about.

And then there was this bloke. Staring at me. I think he was. The sort of star that turns away when you clock it. He wasn’t a regular, and this wasn’t really the sort of pub that businessmen go to, so probably he was just up on a visit, or something, and fancied a bit of eye-candy peeping at students after hours. Couldn’t really blow him. We (well me and my mates, Clare, Mel – oh, and their BFs – we’re all pretty good eye-candy I think).

Anyway, he didn’t really let up, and well, he was pissing me off a bit. Even more so when he started to talk to me when I was up at the bar. Fuck you I was thinking. Just fuck off. But he didn’t. He said something I didn’t like, but some things that made me a bit scared too.

He said he knew what I was. I was fluttering a bit. He said he knew what was under my sweater and somehow, I knew he knew and he knew what it was about and he knew about that stuff. And I told him he could fuck off. But he persisted.

Not really threatening, if I’m honest. More tantalising than that. This guy I didn’t know from Adam and didn’t care about. I think I didn’t. Then he said he’d give me his number. I pulled out my tongue and went back to the table and deep kissed the BF and nuzzled up against Clare, sort of playing and kissing her ear.

Then I saw him go to the bogs. I knew he was waiting. I wondered what to do.

“I’ll be back in a min” I said and tousled Clare’s hair (long and brown, if you want to know) as I went for a piss.

And so it’s midnight and I’m back in my flat on my own and my mouth tastes of beer and doner kebab and I’m knackered. And I look at my mobile and his number is there, where I saved it. I wonder what to do. I should go to bed. I touch myself up and tweak my nipples and lie back and sight. And then I text him.

“OK. What do you suggest then? Tell me who you are and I might be interested…”


I shouldn’t have, I knew immediately. I phoned the BF and toldhim I loved him and I wanted him to fuck me and whip me on my thighs to make me happy and he said he loved me too and loved our games and we made slurpy noises, like you do. And then the phone pinged, so I hung up on him.

I was so scared of opening his message…

PART 3 – The Guy

I watched her return to the group and place the beer down, one pint by her place and then the other she placed into the hands of her boyfriend …

With, what I thought was a sly glance back at me she leaned in and kissed him, I mean properly kissed him, open mouths, tongues and residual saliva when they parted.

Her eyes, narrowed and she looked over before sliding up to one of the other girls and then she was nuzzling her too … was this all play for my benefit, or was that too self-centred of me to think like that?

I turned away, back to face the bar and sipped at my beer. Ten minutes, I had said … ten minutes and I would wait out by the toilet block for her …

Iwanted to look back across to see where she was gazing, but I didn’t, forcing myself to continue looking away, And then, with ten minutes up from the time when she left me to sit back down, I left my half-drunk pint at the bar, indicated to the barmaid that I would be back and headed for the back door.

The pub was a long established one, a drinking man’s pub some might say, and the toilets were encased in an Outhouse built in matching brick to the main building. It was a warm evening, one of those Autumn nights where, despite the onset of an earlier twilight, the air remained warm until quite late. The small courtyard in which I now stood smelt of urine.

Nonetheless, I felt a familiar excitement building up inside my stomach. It had been a while, but not so long that I forget how this felt.

Would she Come, the little girl with the erect nipples under the loose sweater and the red welts adorning her skin? I sensed she would, but it could be that my radar was not functioning as it once did, and so maybe she wouldn’t.

I leaned against the cold brick and waited. I didn’t have to wait for long.


I turned my head and smiled at the girl’s vitriolic attitude.

“What …” I said, “What the fuck have you got to tell me.”

“You came.” I stated the obvious.

“Well yeah, so now what.”

I paused Letting her sweat a little, the twitch in her finger ends as she rubbed them nervously together exposing her true demeanour, despite her confident appearance.

I let my pause turn into a smile as I handed her a small piece of paper.

“This is my mobile number, put it in your phone, send me your number and I will text you later.”

That was all I said, and as she took the paper from me, I left her standing alone …”


The girl’s number pinged into my inbox later that night, with a short message of her own.

“OK. What do you suggest then? Tell me who you are and I might be interested…”

Reading her words and feeling my groin stiffen, I smiled to myself as her pretty face and firm breasts with those hard nipples flashed up into my mind’s eye. Was she really going to come to me? I suspected so, or else she wouldn’t have taken things this far.

Oh, those marks, red and living on her firm, nubile flesh …

I began typing out the message that I had promised her.

“Hello my Little Girl, it’s me, the guy from the pub. You very clearly want what I have to offer, or is it that you ‘need’ it? You ask who I am? I am the facilitator of your thrill seeking girl, the harbinger of your pain and your pleasure…”

Now I paused. The next piece of this message would be pushing the boundaries of expectation, especially for a girl so young and one would assume so relatively inexperienced. But then again, if she agreed to my instructions, then I had her and she would be mine …

I continued with my typing, feeling my stiffening becoming more extensive …

“… Meet me at the Village Hotel over in Leeds, the one near to the motorways at ten am tomorrow. It is Saturday, as you of course know, and so it will not be as busy as it usually is. I will be in Costa. You will wear the tightest jeans you have and a tight tee shirt. Do not put on underwear. Make excuses before you come to anyone that will need to know, tell them that you will not be returning home until the following day, but feel free to share my mobile and my instructions with someone you trust, should need to feel secure. If you need to get a cab to the hotel then I will reimburse you, but DO NOT be late. You will reply when you read this to confirm our appointment.”

I pressed SEND and poured myself another drink while I awaited her reply.

PART 4 ​​- The Girl

Alone at my keyboard. Feeling so sexy.

I can write about what happened. Term over, so kisses and bye-byes and see you at yours for Christmas after I’ve done pressies and turkey with Ma and Pa. And I’mbuzzing and tingling coz before then I’m off to see a girlfriend from school who’s doing Psych at Leeds I lied to him.

Packing my bag. Just a back-pack.

Booking a ticket online. Off through the rain to the station. Leaning my head on the window as the Pennines slide by, obscured by beads of dank water that drag themselves across the filter glass. Feeling so buzzy. Feeling so sexy. Feeling my boobs tight against my t-shirt (under my pull, coz it’s cold). Feeling my cunt against the material of my jeans. Tight. Like he asked.

Station, bus. Rain and wind. People rushing around. I’m there. At the hotel. Feeling sick with excitement and fear. Longing for something. Knowing I’m transgressing.

Look at my phone.


Go into the lobby. Look around. Business people and a few folks who’ve been up for shopping or stuff. Umbrellas. Baggage. Looking lost I guess. I don’t know what to do. Keep looking around.

And then a hand touches my back.

I turn.


His hand thrusts down between my legs over my jeans. I gasp. Isn’t everyone watching?

No-one’s ever watching.

His nails into my cunt.

I want this.

He smiles, “Glad you came.”

Coffee? I ask him.

Don’t think so, he says. Shall we go. We’ve things to do.

He’s walking away from me and I Just follow him.

I’m petrified. What the fuck am I doing? I want something. He can give it me, I think. But I don’t even know him. I’m a fucking twat. What am I doing?

I want to do it. I want what I think will happen.

Fucking exciting. Fucking sexy. Fucking brilliant. Fucking terrifying.

Butterflying inside and feeling so hot and so pretty. I want what will come. I’m pretty sure I do. I don’t know where he’s taking me.

I don’t even know his name.

PART 5 – The Guy

My stomach dumped when I saw her. The tight jeans that I had asked for were there, but the sweater over the tee shirt was not part of the instruction set, and so despite the inclement weather, such a translation would result in a specific punishment when the time was right …

She was here … she wanted it, though I doubted very much that she knew what ‘it’ was.

I liked this hotel. It wasn’t close to where I lived, that was actually back out towards the Pennines from where she had come, hence why I found myself in the same pub as her and Her friends a few days ago.

The lobby area was large and it was easy to remain anonymous in here. Gym users would worry by as business people fought for the blinde seats. Costa never stopped doing a roaring trade and the time never seemed wrong for someone to be having a beer.

That was why, when I first spotted her a few moments ago, I was able to thrust my hand between her tighs and feel her pussy through the snug denim to fondle her soft folds, so malleable and naked under the fabric. No panties, just as I had instructed.

A gasp, a look of concern on her prettyface and then a nervous smile.

“I don’t think so,” had been my answer to her suggestion that we have coffee. Coffee for fuck’s sake … as I led her away from the lobby and back out towards the car park my smile turned into a chuckle.

I walked quickly and she struggled to keep up. The wind lashed the rain into both of us, perfect weather for making her suffering even more cute.

“Get in,” I ordered as we reached the space in which my car was parked. The Black Discovery was not a new vehicle but it was of contemporary design and large enough to be imposing, not to mention rugged enough to go where we were heading.

“Your car?” She said with an obvious mix of fear and curiosity, a heady mix if ever there was one.

“Yes, of course my car. You will sit in the Passenger seat while I drive. Now get in.” My intonation became more assertive and her eyes widened.

“B … but the hotel?”

“It’s 10am the rooms are not ready yet little girl, we will be back here later to continue your … education.”

Looking directly at me, her pretty features framed by an overwhelming look of delicious trepidation, she climbed up and in.

As the doors closed with a satisfied ‘click’ I pressed the central locking mechanism to secure us both inside. Her light gasp told me that she now know there was no way out unless I initiated it.

“Remember, you want This, so I expect you to be happy about it, grateful even.”

She nodded. “I understand. And I am grateful. Just tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.”

“The truth for a start. Are you wet?” I grinned when she nodded again, red faced.

“Good, now remove your jacket and sweater, I did not say you could put such garments on.”

“But – but the weather …?”

“Take them off!”

I watched as she slide the short, rain soaked jacket from her shoulders and gripped the pullover so that she could ‘pull it over’ her head.

Watching her I swallowed hard and my groIn stiffened. As she dropped the sweater into the rear footwell along with her jacket and turned back to face to face the front, my breath was momentarily taken.


She was stunning, not just pretty but stunning. Her breasts were unfettered by any bra just as I ordered, but they were high and very pert with the firmness of nubile youth. Her nipples, hard and erect, stood out pushing against the thin cotton.

“Put your hands onto the top of your head. Elbows back. You’re a beautiful girl, I want to see you push your breasts out for me.”

My little girl obeyed, pulling herself very erect. Now for the first indication of what her fate on this rain soaked day was likely to be …

“Oh fuck,” she uttered the obvious so delightfully, before biting down on her lip in an extremely cute and submissive manner when she heard the deadly metallic click of the blade from my folding knife locking into place out of her line of vision.

Enjoying the large gulp that was swallowed into her throat, I shuffled in my seat to lean in closely and whisper in her ear.

“Be a good girl, do everything I say, and I won’t touch your face.” I let the cold steel of the extended knife blade brush against the distended nub of her nipple and I grinned as once more she gasped quietly.

“I’ll be good,” she whispered in return.

Chuckling I nodded and reached across her to pull her seat belt into place.

“You will sit like that until we get to where to where we are going. Do you understand?”

Her sassiness from our encounter in the pub was completely gone now as she nodded back at me.

Without another word I turned to face front and switched on the engine. As we pulled away into the driving rain, heading for the dense woodland at Middleton to the South of Leeds, my cock was pushing hard at the thick denim of my jeans.

Part 6 – The Girl

The car. He said.

What – the – fuck. I thought.

I didn’t even know his name.

WTF was I doing here? In some bit of Leeds I’d never been to with a guy I didn’t know. And doing what he said. Pulling my sweater off, putting my hands on my head, pushing my boobs out.

He could be going to kill me. No-one would know. Off to some woods and gone.

I was trembling. Scared shitless.

Then my brain slowly clicked in.

So, he’s going to kill me. Slowly. Maybe he’ll whip me to pieces. Maybe he’ll crucify me on a tree. Maybe he’ll slice my tits off.


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