He let her cling to Him, relishing the feel of her soft curves against His body. Lifting her chin up, He looked deeply in her eyes, His voice low as He spoke, “this is only the beginning, little one, the beginning of your new life, the beginning of your training, the beginning of you seeking what is so deeply hidden within you. The training, the things that you think you can never do, you will do, you will do everything I ask of you and more, you will do this solely to please Me, your Master. I will progress slowly with you at first; we will progress in stages. Beginning the next stage only when I know you are ready.”
Her dark expressive eyes starred up to His, her voice barely above a whisper “yes, Master.”
He smiled to her; “We have already begun the training. There are many things you don’t understand, do not know about yourself…but you will.”
Seeing the confusion in her eyes, He went on to explain, “you have been allowed to grow wild and free, branching off in mAny different directions, which is fine for some, but not for you, little one. I am the gardener who will clip back the shoots that seem to go no where, tend to you to make you strong and beautiful, to grow within My loving guidance. To dream you when you are weak or ill, to praise you for a job well done, and of course, discipline you when you try to break free of the restraints I will set upon you. For only in your complete surrender, total slavery and bondage can you really, truly ever feel free, ever be free to express yourself as a woman should. You will become more feminine, your sexual appetites will grow and you will understand at My feet for a mere touch of My hand upon your fevered flesh.”
She listened to Him silently, her facial expressions changing as He spoke.
He chuckled seeing the skepticism, “you will see, little one, trust in Me to know all the things you need.”
”Now My lil understanding slut, we have many things to attend to before we sleep this night,” Hespoke.
Looking up to Him in consternation, her dark eyes stormy, “why do You insist on calling me slut, I am not a slut.”
Throwing His head back, laughing, “you will be, slut….you will. And there will come a day when you will moan softly hearing Me call to you as slut. Be sure of it.”
Flaring her nostrils, her dark eyes showing a tinge of rebellion as He laughed, she spoke hattily “no, I won’t…not ever!”
“That attitude is not becoming of a slave, slut. Change it now or you will again taste punishment,” He grew, His eyes narrowing on her as she tested Him.
He knew it was in her nature to test boundaries, His boundaries were clearly defined, she would learn.
“I think it is time to start going over rules with you, slut. I will go Through them, telling you what is expected from you and what I demand. Your training will be very strict, rigid and yes, sometimes unyielding, but you will learn or you will be disciplined. Understood, sweet slut?” He askedd.
Her eyes, still stormy with rebellion, merely looked at Him, slowly she nodded her head, her right eyebrow lifting slightly, again testing.
He narrowed His gaze on her, His eyebrow arching high, His face slowly descending towards hers. Shifting uncomfortable beneath the weight of His glare, she whispered, “yes Master.”
She heard, “good girl” before she felt the brush of His lips against her forehead.
Pulling her gently down from the counter, He swatted her ass gently. He chuckled as she jumped, “first rule, slut. Once you enter this house, the clothes, if you have any on, come off. There are hooks just inside the front door off in a small alcohol. You will hang your clothes there and if you are permitted to wear anything it will be waiting for you. Be that a dress, lingerie, or some other tiny scrap of clothing. Your shoes will be placed on a small rug beneath the hooks. This will be done automatically as soon as you step within this house. If it is not, I will rip or cut your clothes from you. Too many times of forgetting and you will no longer have clothes to wear, slut. So remember well.”
She responded softly, “yes Master.”
He kept His gaze on her, slowly arching that eyebrow, folding His arms across His chest as He waited patiently. Her head had bowed down while she was listening, so at this moment she was not aware she was under His scrutiny. Hearing the silence, she lifted long lashes to Him. Seeing His stance, she swallowed once, a blush staining her cheeks. At first not knowing exactly what was expected of her, and then the dawning of realization. Her hands trembled as she slowly reached up to the buttons on the dress, fumbling with them as she proceeded to free them, her pace quickening as she peeked again to Him, still seeing Him in the same stand. His unspoken command hurrying her. He smiled as she fumbled quickly with the buttons, letting His stand go relaxed as He watched her bare herself to Him.
Looking upto Him, she whispered, “Master?”
“Yes, little one?” He responded.
”May I hang the dress now or do You wish me to do something else with it at this time, Master?”
Smiling, He directed her to the utility room, “go, put the dress in the hamper just inside the laundry room, little one and then come back to Me.”
”Yes, Master”, she responded. Her feet moving quickly to the room He had directed her to. Letting the dress fall into a hamper, her bare feet skimming across the stone floor, she made her way back to Him.
Standing before Him, head lowered, He smiled at her submissive action, “you do well, little one, when you seek to please. Remember that.”
“Yes Master”, she whispered.
Lifting her chin with just the pressure of His thumb, He looked into her eyes, His thumb slowly caresing over her chin, He smiled to her, “relax, little one, you are doing well…just remember My rules.”
Recent, she whispered, “yes Master.”
Turning her, His large hand on the small of her back He propelled her through the house, pointing out different rooms before coming to a wide staircase. He directed her up the stairs, His voice low as He spoke, “this floor is the master suite, little one.”
She simply nodded, again uttering “yes, Master.”
Her eyes grew huge as she came to the top of the stairs, indeed the whole floor was the master suite, sectioned off with clear glass walls. No where could she go without being seen. This one thing she had not imagined in her wildest dreams. This was surely His own. He chuckled as He watched her.
“You are right, sweetness, you will never be far from My gaze. When you shower, bathe, save yourself, anything and everything I will see. You will hide nothing from My view.”
She looked up to Him, He caught the panic in her eyes, she simply whispered, “yes, Master.”
He took her on a brief tour of the floor, starting with the walk in closets, fully lined already with clothes, shoes, boots, jeans, lingerie, everything imaginable. Next to the sitting room just off from the bedroom, the outside walls were lined with books, she looked closely at some of the titles, recognizing those which she had in her own collection. She turned to Him, looking up to see His smile.
“I took the liberty of furnishing the books from your own overcrowded bookcases, little one.”
She smiled up to Him, “thank You, Master.”
The room was lush in its surrounding, a recliner, numerous pillows lined the floor, and in the corner a large fireplace, complete with a white sheepskin rug in front of it. She giggled softly as she saw the rug, remembering how many times she had run her fingers through the soft fur, her mind drifting to one of the many Gor books she had read about furring with a Master. She quickly looked up to Him, blushing softly. He chuckled, knowing exactly what she had been remembering.
They continued on, a huge bed set on an equally large dais dominated the nextroom. A grand four-poster bed with a canopy of sheer silk hangings, several thick pillows and thick goose down comforter covered the expansion. She smiled up to Him, squeezing His hand lightly as she again saw all of her dreams realized.
They entered into the bath, the largest bathroom she had ever seen. The usual toilet, but also a bidet next to it graced one side of the wall. A huge tiled shower, big enough, she Thought for several people was in one corner. The walls, of course, clear. Several showerheads were lined along the walls, some high, some low and also hand-held shows. She wondered at this briefly. There was also a low ledge, perhaps where one could sit and shower, she thought.
The next room they came to was just off of the bath. She looked inside the room, His hand propelling her forward. Her browsers wrinkling as she took in the sights. She looked up to Him in question as she saw, what looked to be a gynecologist type examination table.
“Master?” she quietlyasked.
“Yes, little one?”
She looked back to the table and then up to Him again.
He smiled.
“It is a multi purpose table, little one. You will become well introduced with it and its many functions very soon.”
“But…I don’t understand, Master.”
He smiled softly to her, taking her by the hand and leading her to the table. Lifting her up to sit on the edge of the table, He began to explain each function and purpose to her to ease her fears.
“I had this table specially made for you, little one. It is the only one of its kind.” He demonstrated, “lie back, little one, I will show you.”
She lay back, hesitating briefly. “Put your arms out to your side.”
She did so.
He wrapped her wrists in soft leather bands, secured They. Once done, He flipped a lever, the table moved, bringing her arms straight over her head. She gasped softly, feeling her arms stretch, her body elongate. Softly He stroked down the length of her arm, raising goosebumps along her flesh.
“Position your feet in the stirrups, little one” He again commanded.
Helping her set the heels of each foot in one stirrup, He again pushed another lever, the table again moved. Again she gasped, feeling her legs spread wide. Again He wrapped lengths of soft leather around her ankles, securing them.
Looking up to Him, she whispered, “I don’t think I like this table Master.”
He chuckled softly, “it does leave you quite vulnerable, doesn’t it little one?”
Nodding her head, she again whispered, “yes Master.”
Flipping another switch the table again moved, this time her knees bending and if possible, playing her thighs even wider. Another switch was flipped, the table beneath her bottom lifted, her hips lifting. With each flip of the switch, she watched, amazing. He continued to flip switches, the table lifting, stretching, and opening her body completely to Him. When He was satisfied, He looked down upon her body, noticing her nipples standing taut, her breath shallow and erratic.
“You see now some of the special features of the table, little one. Get comfortable with it, you will be spending a lot of time here during your training.”
And, she responded, “yes, Master.”
He left her alone in the room, still secured tightly to the table; her legs played wide, hips lifted and her arms stretched overhead. She looked curiously around the room, a shiver of appreciation tingling up her spine. The overhead fluorescent lights shone brightly on her naturally fair skin, she could still feel the heat of the flush upon her body as she was spread so vulnerably to Him. Her thoughts whirled inside her head, confusing her.
At times when she was a small girl she had dreamed of being taken away and held by a Man…not just any man, but one that would understand her and understand all of the things that peeked at her from time to time within her soul. A man that makes her heart race with just a look, be kind and gentle with her, but also one that know when she was needing…needing security, comfort, and, yes, also discipline.
“Discipline?” her mind shouted at her, “are you crazy? You’re a big girl now…you don’t need some man telling you what to do…how to do it. Wise up, girl! Don’t be so weak!”
Another voice from within her would interrupt and very quietly speak to her, “you know you are different; you’ve known since your first memories…don’t turn your back on what is finally coming to you. This is what you want and desire; most of all what you need to be happy and be at peace with yourself. Don’t turn away. Stay and listen and feel with your heart, your mind, and your soul. Don’t rebel against it simply because you are frightened, because it may be a little difficult. In the end it will be worth all of your hard work. Changing what society has deemed a woman should be. You are strong within…fight for it. Fight for what you want. Fight for what you want. Fight for what you need. Fight!”
She lay there, bound, and listened to the voices war within her and then another voice spoke to her; His voice, it started her. She opened her eyes searching for Him. He wasn’t there, He was deep inside her, speaking to her. A soft smile spread unconsciously over her full lips as she listened to His deep tenor voice, sending butterflies racing through her.
His words became stronger as she listened more intently, “My will, not thy will, little one. My will is your will, it is what you want and need to be whole, it is where you must be, who you must be, little one. Want it, need it. Want my words in your mind, my thoughts in your soul, my pleasure in your body and my being inside you today and forever. Want it, need it, more and more every day, want it and need it More than life. My will, not thy will, little one! I do call you, talk to you from deep inside only if you will listen, only if you will turn your will over, as you know you should. Hear me little one; let me talk to you all the time. You need to not do on your own, but give of your will to me, be guided by my being inside you. Open your heart, your mind, your soul and your body to My will and only My will. That doesn’t mean you are not a person or that you do not think, it means you guide your thinking by what I want, what I have taught you, what you know is true, the only true in life. My will, not they will, little one!”
She listened to His words, the negative voice finally fading away, His voice and His words of wisdom echoing throughout her heart, her soul, and her mind.
So softly she whispered, “yes, Master.”
He had been watching her through closed circuit cameras. He had placed several of these cameras within the rooms of the house. He smiled as He watched the emotions cross over her face and when finally she was the picture of peace and tranquility did He go to her. Stepping quietly so as not to startle her. He knew that she was finally starting to hear Him within her mind, within her soul and within her heart. He sensed it from her and could read it on her face, in her actions. She was an easy book to read if one know the secret code to get within those strdy walls she had constructed over her short life, walls that were finally starting to crack and let Him in.
He drew a line from the arch of her foot, zig zagging lazy up to her inner thigh, His voice soft as He Smiling to her, “how are you doing, little one? Have you had some time to reflect on your new life?”
Smiling up to Him, she responded, “yes, Master. I heard You speaking to me. I couldn’t see You, but I could hear you.”
He touched her left breast, slowly circling the protruding nipple, “here, little one?”
“Oh yes, Master…there…and in my belly…I could feel Your words…I could hear them, Master,” she whispered.
”Always, I am in you, with you. In that special place only I can fill, I am there. Each time you open your mind to my words you let me fill thatspot, I am there. Each time you open your mind to think of me, you let me fill that spot, I am there. Each time you open your heart to care, serve and give, you let me fill that spot, I am there. Each time you open your body and let me fill you, I fill that spot and I am there, little one. I am and will be forever, here, within you,” He spoke quietly, softly caresing her.
He stepped away from her, turning towards a stainless steel cabinet. Her eyes followed His every movement, watching as He took towels, a razor, shaving cream and various other things from the cabinet. Some she didn’t recognize, others she was puzzled over, but kept quiet. She was starting to learn trust and she trusted Him that He would not hurt her as others had done in the past.
He drew a small table along side her, placing each item in His arms with an exacting precision before stepping away again to a small sink. Rolling up His sleeps, He washed His hands, scrubbing them as if He were preparing for surgery like a doctor. She smiled as she watched Him; all of His movements were as finely detailed, as the Man himself. Turning back to her as He dried His hands on a small hand towel,
He asked, “are you ready to begin, little one?”
Nodding her head slowly, she whispered, “yes, Master.”
His words still echoing inside her, “My will, not thy will, little one.”
“On to the business at hand, little one. Tonight I am going to shake you, shake My cunt. My cunt, little one. Every piece of you is Mine, from the hair on your head to the tips of your toes. Your body is no longer yours…I own all of you…inside and out. I own them, I own you…body, heart, mind and soul. And what I own, I hold forever, little one. Understood?”
As He spoke, He defined each part, twisting her nipples, “these tits…they are mine, little one.” Stroking down her belly, “this belly….Mine, little one.” Cupping her sex with His hand, He squeezed as He spoke, “and this cunt…Mine also, little one.”
She listened as He spoke, tingles cursing through her body with each word, her nipples pumping tightly beneath His hand, her muscles tensing beneath the soft cares on her belly, her cunt clenching as He cupped it tightly, her hips lifting up to His touch.
Swallowing back a low, soft moan, she whispered, “yes, Master…I understand. I belong to You, Master.”
He smiled and nodded, hearing her. “Remember, little one, I own you…all of you.”
Saying that, He picked up a hot towel, spreading it over her, covering her cunt to soften the hair that had been allowed to grow. Inhaling sharply, she flinched as the hot towel was placed on her.
“It will help to soften the hair, little one.”
She nodded, responding, “yes, Master.”
He allowed the towel to remain there for a few minutes, before filling His hand with a shaft of shaving cream, generally spreading it over her mound and down between her legs. Picking up a razor, He carefully started removing the hair, taking long, gentle swipes, rinsing the razor in between strokes. He smiled as He looked up from His task to her. Her eyes were closed a small smile on her face as she relaxed under His care. She felt a warmth penetrating from deep inside, spreading through out her body.
Reaching for a small hand held water spray from under the table; He adjusted the temperature of the water until it was fairly warm and proceeded to rinse her of the last remaining foam. Smiling as He saw pinkness of His cunt revealed to Him.
Sliding a hand gently over the silky flesh, He spoke, “this is how My cunt should always look and feel, little one. I will expect you to keep it like this at all times.”
Picking up a handheld mirror, He showed her what she now looked like. She gasped softly, seeing herself completely bare and smiled up to Him. “yes, Master.”
He looked to her and grinned, “you enjoyed the sadness, did you not, little one?”
”Mmmmmmm, yes Master…I did enjoy it” she purred.
“I think we can remove this for the night, little one. You did very well for today.” As He spoke, He slide the small anal plug from her, smiling as He heard the small sight of relief rush past her lips.
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