The Journey Ch. 05

The birds awoke us the next morning. I couldn’t believe the depths of depravity that I’d been reduced to the night before. I’d cleaned you up with my tongue last night, however residual of your delicious indiscretion remained. I lovingly cleaned your pussy while you semi-dozed, accepting, and consuming your morning pee, adding to mine, and swelling my lower abdomen painfully.

“Time for Training Day, my love. Come with me.” I followed you into the bathroom and got into position for you. One morsel. Swirl. Swallowing when told to. Two morsels. Swirl, swallowing again. A third.

“Can you taste the garlic shrimp, and the come that I’d swallowed yesterday?” I couldn’t, in fact, but it was heaven to be under you, serving this way. We’d crossed a bridge, together, and it felt beautiful that we’d shared it.

I was getting better at serving as your toilet slave. I learned to love and crave the honor of receiving your morsels. It wasn’t every day, but each time, I manage to consume more and more. It thrilled me to see that you were pleased with my progress. I knew deep in my heart that I existed to serve you. While locked, controlled, and mercilessly tormented. It had been 6 months locked by then.

The photos of your lunch came to me every day after that. Usually accompanied by teasing texts that would make me swollen and suffering for you. Tuna Nicoise. Vegetarian, Salads, very often Beans and Rice. It made me happy to see that you were eating healthy. Your morsels were fed to me each morning. Training me to be a better toilet. A Thursday arrived, and the pattern changed. Eggs Benedict, with bacon at 9AM. A bagel smoothed with cream cheese at 11. Steak Tartare(you never eat beef!) at 2PM. A McDonalds Big Mac at 4PM! “WTF?” I’d never seen you eat so much food!

That evening we went out for dinner. I’ve never seen you so ravenous. After a huge, expensive dinner, followed by several rich desserts, I noticed that your belly looked a bit swollen, anduncharacteristically “poochy”. You always keep yourself in such amazing shape. I’d never, ever mention it to you, but there was an obvious bulge in your belly. It made me think about all the things you’d eat that day, and about what was going on inside your beautiful, sexy belly.

We made love, with me wearing the long, fat, cock sleepeve over the cage, feeling almost no sensing, and you came hard. I felt and heard your stomach gurgle ominously as we fell asleep together.

“Wake up, slave. It’s graduation day.” I was a bit grggy from a late night of serving you, and suffering for you. I was ready to do anything for you, however.

“Go get the large glass mixing bowl. I want to play a game.”

I wasn’t sure what you were up to, but I obeyed you Without question. “Set it there. On the floor.” I watched, eyes rapt with attention as you took The Key from around your neck. The only key to the cage in existence, since you’d decided to flush the “emergency” spare key.

“Clink.” I’m not a stupid man. I remembered the “story” that I had so blithely penned for your amusement. I knew what that key drop means.

I watched, helped, as you squatted over the glass bowl containing the key, and let it go. I’ve never seen so much come out of a person other than in those ridiculous videos that we’d seen online. It’s been a year now. Locked up for a year. Constantly aching for you.

I watched as you covered the key with more of your gift than any human could possibly consume, nearly filling the bowl to the rim. I felt a deep sense of despair. “Go fetch a spoon. This will be your first of three attempts allowed. You have ten minutes, starting now. If you fail, we’ll try again next month. One spoonful at a time, starting at the top. If You cant get to the key by month three, you will be locked and denied forever, and spend the rest of your life as a slave to me, and my lovers

Of course I failed. The task was impossible, but I tried. “Aw, my poor slave! The timer has expired, and you haven’t even finished half of it! I want to help you try to complete your task for me. From now on, this is will be your only solid food. You’ll do well to remember that I can see your credit card statements, and I will be thoroughly enforcing this rule, so there will be no cheating. We’ll track the daily caloric intake on your Fitbit app. I want you to serve me for as long as I want you to live!”

“I’ll supplement your diet with Soylent drinks, if I can’t supply you with enough calories to keep living. They are a complete nutritional dietary supplement, but they are rather bland, and chalky. I want to train you to crave and appreciate only the earthy, flavorful and nutty, tastes, textures, and aromas that you can get from my gifts.”

Thankfully, your office was near our home. On most days, I got enough calories. On days where I had to travel, it was either the dreaded, bland, Soylent drink, or if practical, a frozen Poosicle kept in acooler in my car. I adjusted my work schedule whenever possible to ensure that I’d be within an hours drive if you wanted to evacuate your bowels.

This was the only intimacy with you that I was allowed, and I always stood inside the cage when I’d get a text from you. Just a 💩 emoji. That was all, but I knew what it means. I’d patiently wait, or race home to wait for you, to get a feeding from you. I’d then sadly watch you leave after I’d hungrily consumed every morsel, then cleaned you with my tongue. Your tongue. My employer began asking why my expense reports no longer included any meals, and I explained that I was on a ‘specialized, personal, diet plan”.

This was the only intimacy that “I” was allowed. You, however, were getting all the fucking and intimacy that you desired. Your bull had lots of friends, and weekends were your time for “parties”. He would come over with a friend or three, and I would be relegated to watching, or serving, as suited you.

By month three, I was thoroughly conditioned. It had been nearly 15 months since you had allowed your cock to be free.

After the first night, and my failure to take in all of your bull’s length, you’d started me on a training program. The progressively larger dildos that you’d used to train your tight ass to accept your bull were now training tools for me. Sometimes, you’d use them first, and leave residue of your gift on them to inspire me. It worked. By the end of three months, I’d learned to relax my throat and accept your determined, merciless thrusts with the largest and longest.

On the third attempt, at minute 09:55 on the timer, I had consumed the entire contents of the bowl. There was no key at the bottom. I looked up at you to see your oh-so-sexy, and beautifully cruel smile. My heart sank, and my sad expression made you purr. I knew that your pussy was wet at the sight of my despair and suffering.

“I’d flushed the other key when we’d started playing this game, three months ago, my slave. I’ve never had any inclination to allow you to win the game. My Bull, and his friend the tattoo artist and body piercer will be here in a few minutes to install your permanent, lifelong cage. This is who you will be for me, forever. My very real, very permanent slave. For as long as you live. For as long as I feel that I want to keep you alive by feeding you. You were trusting enough of me to provide the passwords and security questions to all of your accounts, because I’m “good with family finances”. Ha! I’ve changed them all. You’ll get a tiny allowance each week, and if you wish to earn more, you’ll make good use of that deep throat training.”


I woke up with a start, and a feeling of horror mixed with shadow came over me. Horror and shade about the way everything turned out at the end. The dream had started out so sexy, and had turned so dark at the end! How did I possibly dream such perversity?

I rarely ever remember my dreams, and in the event that I do, the details are always frustratingly vague. I’ve often wished that I could remember them. I wished to myself that I could forget this one, at least the latter parts of it, the ones that frightened me so much. More nightmare than dream. It was so damn uncannily clear! Some of the details of the conversations throughout were a little hazy, but the early part was almost more of a memory then a dream.

As in the dream, we have been playing with the T.S. training stuff!

We have also been playing with the dildo gag, and the strap on that we’d bought together a few weeks ago! Its been almost exactly like that! That part was as much a memory as it was a dream. That has never happened to me before. It was like watching a movie of the things that we’ve done on our shared journey together so far.

We’ve even been including shared fantasy ideas about you cuckolding me. You often whisper filter things into my ear while you tease my caged cock, and the sex is always explosive once you finally unlock me. Cocks don’t lie, and the dangerous fantasy was so fucking hot!

It’s been so hot to be locked up and serving you, in all ways, but you always unlock me after I’ve made you come with my tongue, or the toys, and we’ve fucked like crazy lovers afterward every time. It’s been amazing to finally be with you. To share a life together with you. The sex has been amazing. We belong together forever. I’m so pleased that we’ve begun our loving journey together, and I know that I want to be with you. For you, and for You. Forever. I’ll do anything to make you happy.

In the dream, you were so cruel, though! We’ve joked about it all along, and you’ve had such fun mind-fucking me about actually “going there”, as far as cuckolding me.

You’d even teased me by telling me a fantasy about flirting with a “guy at the office”. I knew that you were just teasing me for fun, but it always made me stir and swell, caged or not. The threat of it made my pulse quicken every time. I was happy that we’d both agreed that it’s way too dangerous and messy to pursue IRL, however. Some things are better left to “fantasy only” status.

I feel you stir sleepily next to me, and snuggle up against me. Still half sleep and heartbreakingly beautiful in your gentle slumber. It feels so damn good to feel your sexy body next to mine. Your hand always finds its way to my cock when you wake up next to me. When I’m unlocked, and you start struggling it, or take it into your mouth, we usually have a sexy, sleepy morning fuck. When I’ve been locked up for the night, or sometimes for several days, your finger lazy traces the surface of the hard cage, and you purr happily. Like you were struggling the fur of a prized pet. A possession. That invariably make me swell up in the cage, and I immediately begin leaving pre-come in a Pavlovian response. You always enjoy pushing your finger into the opening at the end of the cage, and making me lick it up.So fucking hot. “Open your mouth, slave.” You always say, playfully. It’s sexy and fun.

You look so beautiful in the mornings. I’m always so happy to see your sleepy, happy face.

These have been the happiest three weeks of my life.

Today, as your eyes opened to look over at me, I bent forward to kiss you good morning as usual, but you stopped me.

“Baby?” You asked. “Yes, my love? I said.

“The plastic toys aren’t really doing it for me, my love. I want to feel another cock inside me.” My heart froze. That was almost exactly what you’d said in the dream.

“Remember that guy that I tell you about in the fantasy stories, the fictional ‘guy at my office?’”

“Y-es, my love?”

“He’s Actually a guy that comes into the library that I volunteer at on Saturdays. He comes in every week. He has been flirting with me. A lot. I haven’t actually been discuraging him. I would never, ever, cheat on you, and ruin what we have, my love, but I think I’d like tofuck him. Are we ready to take the next step?…”

The End.


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