She sat with her head slightly bowed down, her mind whirling, feeling the power of the car beneath her naked flanks. Her thoughts turning as she thought the car matched so perfectly to Him. It was a midnight blue Jaguar, with cream-colored leather interior. Sleek and powerful just as He. Without her knowing, a small smile graced her lips as she made the correlation between man and car. At the same moment, He glanced at her seeing the small smile. He wondered at this, but left her thoughts to herself, this time. This was all very new to her He would give her time and the patience she needed. He knew of the battle raging within her.
He slowed, easing the car off of the interstate to a gas station. Her head snapped up as she felt the car slow, her dark eyes observing. Bringing the car to a halt in front of a pump, He slide from the car. Filling the car, he washed the window, giving her a dazzling smile from the other side of the windshield. Grinning as He saw the stain of a soft blush creep over her face, her dark eyes peeking from the cover of lowered lashes to Him. Ahhh what a treasure He had found He thought to Himself. She knows nothing of what she does to Me. He smiled once again before returning to the pump, topping off the tank and striding inside to make His purchases. She sat quietly as she waited the thought of escape no longer in her mind.
Startled from her thoughts, she jumped as He opened the car door, juggling a sack of bottled water and some fresh fruit He had been lucky enough to find in the gas station. Handing a bottle of water to her, she smiled softly to Him in thanks, He nodded in response. Dumping a bag of ice into a cooler in the back seat, He arranged the remaining bottles within, adding the fruit on top to keep cool for the long trip ahead. Sliding back into the driver’s seat, His long legs stretching out in front of Him, He again glanced in her direction. She sipped at the cool water, carefully twisting the cap back on.
Once she had the bottled secured, He handed her a blindfold, His voice soft “put this on lil one and leave it until I have said otherwise”.
Arching a browser at Him, she looked from the blindfold to Him, her dark eyes again showing that curiosity. Instead of asking her question, she merely nodded, taking the blindfold from Him and securing it over her eyes.
He checked the position of it, satisfied she was completely blinded, He again started the engine, turning the air conditioning on high, a smile playing over His lips.
Sitting perfectly still, she felt the car slowly picking up speed, turning twice and then gaining speed rapidly. She knew they were on the interstate once again. Settling back against the lush interior, she let her head rest lightly against the back of the seat, listening to the soft classical music playing on the CD player, letting the soft, sensitive music penetrate into her wear mind.
Shivering slightly from the cool air blowing directly against her, she made to turn and curl into the seat. He had anticipated this, tapping her thigh lightly giving her an unspoken command to remain seated as she had been. He smiled as He watched her head tilt lightly to Him, reversing her motions to again sit as He had placed her.
“You learned quickly, lil one. I know you are chilled, but it pleases Me to have you seated as you were.”
She nodded slightly hearing Him, her voice soft, “yes Master”.
Once again she shivered, but remained in position, feeling her nipples pumping tightly against the gauzy fabric. He noticed this also, He had been waiting.
He would let her get comfortable again before starting His next phase of her training. Slow, baby steps is what she needed, He would know when she would be ready for the next step, even Though He knew she would balk.
The miles seemed to fly by, her eyes closing as she relaxed again. Feeling His hand on her knee, she tensed. He was slowly pushing the dress up as He caressedher thigh.
His voice, low spoke to her, “unbutton your dress lil one, I would see you.”
She gasped auditorally, “Master, please…”
He inhaled slowly, “do as I say, pet.”
She answered softly, “yes Master”.
He smiled as He saw the deep blush creep up her neck, her fingers fumbling as she slowly started to unbutton the dress, starting from the bottom. Her fingers hesitating longer and longer in between buttons as she worked her way up, as if she were waiting for Him to tell her to stop. He didn’t.
Feeling the cool air against her belly, she turned her head towards Him. “Master?” she asked softly.
“Yes, lil one, go on…all of the buttons.”
Taking a deep breath, she continued to fumble with the buttons, feeling the heat of the blush, warming her. He smiled, knowing how difficult it was for her and proud that she was not fighting Him as violently as He had thought she might. Her nipples seemed to become more rigid under the confines of the fabric, He knew that it was from her excitement now and not because of the cool air.
With only a few buttons left on the dress, her breathing had become shallow, knowing that soon she would be completely bared. She was grateful at last for the blindfold. He knew she would be.
She trembled at His touch on her thigh, slowly struggling along the sensitive inner flesh. His voice soft and husky as He encouraged her, “two more buttons, lil one.”
She nodded in response, feeling like she was all thumbs as she negotiated the buttons through the holes. Finally when the last button was freed, she let her fingers move slowly down along the two edges of the fabric, feeling the material still against her flesh, still covering her nakedness. He watched her from the corner of His eyes while moving through traffic. He would allow her to become relaxed once again before moving on to the next step.
His hands continued to pet her, softly stroking her inner thigh, feeling her muscles relax under His touch. Using the control panel, He slowly reclined her seat, her head snapping up as she felt the seat move beneath her. “relax lil one, I’m reclining the seat for you to make you more comfortable.”
She nodded, setting back against the supplement leather covering. He smiled softly as her thighs fell open a little more to His cares.
“You are learning to enjoy My touch, aren’t you lil one?”
Sighing softly, almost in a dreamy state, “yes Master” she responds.
Hearing her response, His touch becomes bolder, slipping down within the folds of her sex, feeling the silk petals wet with mood. She inhales sharply, feeling His invading fingers.
“Shhhhh, lil one…..enjoy the sensings….relax.”
Settling back again, she becomes lost within the sensings of His lightly called hands, the friction of the work-roughened finger sending tingles through her. Her hips starting a slow undulation as she loses herself within the pleasure He is bestowing onher.
He continues teasing her flesh, watching her body move, lift to His fingers as He cares her most sensitive zone. Using His elbow, He methodically starts to move the fabric from her, making sure to move the dress slowly, so as not to startle her. The gauzy fabric slides away from her, leaving her breasts bared to Him, the nipples standing taut and rosy. She seems not to notice the dress falling away from her, leaving her completely bared to all whom may pass by and notice. She is lost within the pleasure, aware of only Him…her Master.
His voice, so low brings her to the surface, “lil one, pleasure yourself for Me…I want to watch you.”
Her mind fuzzy, she slowly realizes what He is asking of her. “Master….please.”
“Pleasure yourself, it will please Me, lil one.”
Slowly she nods, her thoughts only of Him, not knowing why she feels so strongly to want to please Him.
Her fingers drift over her flesh, her head lifting as she feels the dress is nolonger covering her, started, she panics. “Master!”
”Shhhh…lil one, the dress has been gone from you for some time. Do as I ask.”
”Yes Master,” she responds haltingly to Him.
He smiles as He sees her distress, knowing she is overcoming another hurdle. His fingers again seek out the hard nubbin between her silky thighs, smiling as He sees her hips buck to meet them. Slowly He increases the intensity, rolling her clip between His thumb and forefinger, watching as her body responses, her hips undulating, her breath quickening as He rolls and pulls against the hard nub.
Her fingers play over her nipples, slowly brushing over the turgid peaks. He watches, with one eye on the road as her back arches tightly. He pinches the clip, hearing her low guttural moan, her back arching, hips bucking violently, she pinches hard against the nipples, moaning low in her throat.
Talking softly to her, “yes, my lil slut, let yourself go, but do not cum…I will tell you when youare to cum…and not before. Do you understand, slut?”
Whimpering softly, she responds breathlessly, “yes Master.”
Easing His fingers from her cunt, He sucks off the sweet nectar, smacking His lips as He tastes her juices. “mmmmm, you are a sweet cunt, My lil one. I will enjoy tasting you often.”
Grinning, He watches as she again blushes deeply, a small smile spreading over her lips. Smacking her cunt, chuckling low as He watches her body wrong with the new sensing, He speaks, “don’t get too vain, cunt….you are still My slave…and a slave you will always be…vanity is not becoming.”
Gasping from the new sensing, the singing sending delicious tingles through her, she nods. He smacks her again, this time a bit harder. She responds, “yes Master.”
“Good girl” she hears and smiles.
“You seem to have a bit of a masochistic side to you, slut. Your body responds nicely to a bit of pain, and you will become quite familiar with pain throughout your training.”
Smacking her wet slit again when she doesn’t respond, He questions her. “are you listening slut?”
Swallowing back a moan, she answers “yesss Masterrrrr…”
She continues pinching and pulling against her nipples, her body understanding against the soft leather seat. Her moans becoming more frantic with her need.
“Beg Me for it, slut. Beg Me to let you cum.”
“Pleasssssee, Master….pleaseee” she begs pretty.
He continues to torment her, spanking her cunt and then stopping just as she is about to climax. Her moans becoming louder as she nears the peak.
“Fuck yourself, cunt. Let Me see you fuck My cunt.”
“Pleaseeeeee, Masterrrrrrr…..pleaseeeee let me cum” she begs.
Barking out a single word, “CUM.”
“Cum for your Master, slut.”
She gasps, sucking in a deep breath as she screams, the scrill sound ripping from the depths of her belly as her body convulses. She continues to understand, screaming and moaning as the orgasms rip throughher. The sound of a jake brake hissing to her right invades her consciousness, starting her.
He chuckles low and deep in His throat. “You have given Me great pleasure, sweetness…and also have made the truck along side of us very jealous.”
She gasps, a deep blush covering her as she realizes what has happened. Turning her head to Him, she accuses Him “You know and did nothing…how could You?” her voice quivering, on the verge of tears.
He stroked her thigh, hushing her. “it is part of your training sweetness, I know you would not do so willingly. I would never cause you pain or hurt. You are Mine and I will do with you what I please…when I please. No one will ever share you…you will not be touched other than by Me. You are safe within My possession.”
She sat quietly listening to His words, wanting to crawl beneath the seat and hide, but she feel His hand on her thigh, keeping her still.
“You may button your dress now, but only enough buttons to cover you…the remaining buttons from My cunt down will stay unbuttoned. You have done well. You have pleased Me, little one. Relax and enjoy the rest of the ride, we are almost there.”
She nodded slowly as she listened to His words, finding comfort in them… and a feeling of pride, knowing that she had pleased Him. She wondered why, but set the thoughts away from her, buttoning the dress. Leaning back once again against the seat.
Lifting her head, she can’t help the words that flow from her mouth in askance, “how much farther, Master?”
Chuckling, He had anticipated this question, patting her inner thigh, He answers, “not long now, lil one.”
Nodding, she once again settles back, a small contented sight slipping past her lips. He smiles as He hears the soft purr.
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