The Journey Ch. 01

Like most folks, the smell of shit disgusts me.

The first time that you’d summoned me into the bathroom to take the first steps towards serving as your toilet slave, I had steeled myself before I walked in the door. I fully expected to have the natural reaction that anyone would have to the smell. As I knelt before you, I was happy to find out that I liked the smell! Your smell. A lot. I wouldn’t say that your shit doesn’t sink, but it triggered a response in my brain. The smell made me horny.

I don’t know if it’s pheromones, or just the fact that it’s yours, or a combination of both, but I was totally turned on by the scent. I was even more turned on when you’d ordered me to lie on to my back so that you could squat over my face to be licked clean.

When we’d first settled in together, we’d started gradually. Occasionally, when you’d finish, I would hear the bell that you’d ring deliciously and I’d immediately come to you. Sometimes your beautiful rosebud would be perfectly clean already, with no residue for me to clean up. Other times, it would be a bit messy, and I could smell and taste it, and feel the texture on my lips and tongue as I served you. I honestly enjoyed it more, and was more turned on when that happened.

You’d noticed (you notice everything), and announced, “I’m going to feed you a bit on Friday. We’ll start slowly. It’s time for the next step.” I’d kissed your feet, and you’d smile that beautiful, cruel, sexy smile that makes my heart melt, and your cock swell up inside your cage. You’d began keeping me locked up at all times after you’d arrived. That was the new default. My new “normal”. I was only let out when you wanted your cock, and thankfully, that was frequently. At least at first.

On a Thursday, I’d gotten a text, and a photo. “Black beans and red rice for lunch! It’s so good! It tastes even better knowing that you will be eating it after I’m done with it. It should be a #5” I immediately swelled uncomfortablely, and began leaking. Excited to take the next step.

On Friday morning, as soon as you woke up, we did it. You have such control! In many ways. Sure enough, as I watched your beautiful asshole expand, and crown, you’d released just a bite-sized morsel. It dropped cleanly into my open, eager mouth. I immediately swallowed it, like an oyster, and opened my mouth for Another. I immediately felt a hard squeeze on your locked up, swollen balls. I cried out in pain.

“No. Not so quickly. I want you to chew, swirl, and savor each morsel. I want you to acquire an insatiable craving for my gifts. I’m conditioning you for more. Take your time with the next one.”

“Yes, Ms!” I’d immediately replied. I watched another morsel appears, and felt it “plop” onto my tongue. I closed my mouth, felt it with the tip of my tongue, then began chewing. When thoroughly chewed, I swirled as you held your beautiful ass above me. I swelled painfully inside the cage, and kept swirling, getting to kNow every bouquet of flavor in your waste. I wish I could say that it tasted wonderful, but it didn’t. It was feces. I’d endured it, because you’d commanded it.

After a few seconds, you’d said “Good boy. You may swallow now.” I’d gagged and retched a bit, but didn’t throw up, even if it felt like I would. I saw a disappointed look on your face. I felt a sense of loss and despair as you stood up and crouched over the toilet. Your gorgeous ass and pussy drifting away from me. “That’s all you get for now. Kneel beside me and watch me give the rest to the sewer. You’ll lick me clean after I’ve finished. After that, you’ll brush your teeth and take a shower.”

All that week, I’d get a texted photo of your lunch. No words. Just a photo. It made me swell inside the cage painfully every time. Each morning, I expected to be told to follow you into the bathroom, or for the bell to ring, but it never did. I began to crave. The photos came every day. Every day locked, with every daily phot, or a tease at home, I’d become ever more submissive to you.

After the first few weeks, we’d selected a stick on for me to wear for you when you wanted to be fucked, and filled up. After a while you didn’t need to unlock me anymore. We’d used the stick on, or the dildo gag, every time that you wanted to be filled up by a fat cock. A fatter cock than mine, even if it was a fake one. It was incredibly frustrating, and every week or so, you’d ride the dildo gag to orgasm, then use a powerful vibrator to make me have a ruined orgasm inside the cage. I wanted to have a real orgasm so badly, and my anguish and despair obviously turned you on. It was a vicious cycle. The more desperate my yearning became, the more you wanted to deny me and make me suffer for you.

After a few weeks of this, with no hint of being unlocked, you’d said “The plastic toys aren’t really doing it for me, my love. A man at the office has been flirting with me. A lot. I haven’t discouraged him. I thinkI’d like to fuck him. I would never, ever cheat on you, and ruin what we have together, but I’m going to fuck him, soon, if we both feel we are ready for the next step in your slavery to me.” I’d felt your hand close tightly around your trapped cock and balls, and squeeze. It made me helpless to resist. It’d been three painful months of being locked for you. I dropped to my knees, and kissed your feet. “I want you to do what makes you happy, my love. I always want you to be satisfied, and feel fulfilled. Your pleasure is the most important thing in the world to me. I think I’m ready to be your cuckold slave.”

“I’m so excited, baby! I do have one confession to make to you. I’d confessed to him over coffee that we were considering doing this, and that I’ve wanted to, but that we wouldn’t do it until you were ready. He’s been very patient. I’m going to call him now to make a date for tonight. We’ll also resume your toilet slave training tomorrow. I want to know what it feels like to know that you are eating the remains of the meal that I’d eaten on my date, that you paid for. I also want to think about the fact that the come I’m going to swallow from him will be mixed in with your morning meal. I love you! This is going to be so much fun! At least for me!*SQUEEZE*


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