“I’ll take the your car tonight.”
I handed her the car keys, and my credit card. I saw her smile, and my heart melted. For several reasons. I was growing deeper in love, and more submissive to her by the day. I also felt anguish and despair that she’d very likely have another man inside her mouth and her pussy tonight.
She looked absolutely stunning. Wearing a skin tight, but tasteful LBD that showed off her beautiful curves, paired with the Choos that I’d bought for her. It was the first time that I’d seen her wear them. She had said always told me that she was saving them for a “special occasion”. This must be it.
She turned around and presented her sexy back and grogeous ass. “Zip me up.”
My hands were shaking with sexual excitement and a deep sense of dread and fear. I’d managed to zip it closed although my hands were trembling with fear and lust. “Thanks slave”, she laughed, and I feel myself swell up in the cage.
As I watched her walk towards thedoor, my heart sank, but the cage told the truth. Her cage was stuffed full of frustrated, excited cock. Cocks don’t lie. This was sexy as fuck.
“I’ve left a few things in the nightstand, along with a note. Don’t look in there yet. I’ll text you when we are on our way back here after I’ve had dinner and a couple of drinks to loosen up. I want you to read the note and follow the instructions when I tell you to.”
The hours passed so slowly. I’d go from thinking that it was wrong to try this, to being excited and leaking. I was horribly tormented. I had received one text. It was a photo of her dinner. No text. It looked like Garlic Shrimp Pasta. It warmed my heart to know that she’s thought about me on her date, but I also realized that she was tormenting her toilet slave and soon-to-be cuckold.
I was tempted to text her and tell her that I was having misgivings about all this, but I knew that A: It would be a big mistake to interrupt her during her date, and B: There was no going back now. This was going to happen. This was happening. Tonight.
After an eternity, her next text arrived. “Baby. It feels so good to go out on a date with such a sexy man! I’m so happy. I’m so pleased that we are doing this. We are having so much fun! He stroked my thigh under the table, and I nearly came just from his touch! I love you so much for this!” More mixed feelings on my end. I felt jealous and threatened. A deep anguish knowing that things could never be the same. I also felt incredibly proud and happy that I could help the love of my life enjoy herself, and be so happy.
A few minutes went by, then another text arrived. This one was all business: “Go to our bedroom now, and follow the instructions. We’ll be there in ten minutes. Put a few of your beers and some bottled water in a bucket of ice by the bed for us. We are going to be working up a thirst.”
I resented the thought of this guy drinking MY beer while he fucked my girlfriend. I couldn’tRefuse to comply, however. After setting up the refreshments, I opened the nightstand drawer. I read the note with trembling hands.
“You will strip naked, and put on your slippers. You will install the plug, and you will apply these clamps.” The plug was the big one. My hands shook a bit more as I continued reading. “You will sit in the chair, and pull the black clothes hood with the string attached completely over Your head. You will cuff your hands to the chair behind your back, and you can hope that I remembered where I put the key.”
The plug did not go in easily, but I was highly motivated. It slipped in after a few minutes. I set the clamps to the lightest setting, and put them on. I wasn’t a big fan of them, but she likely wanted to use them for exactly that reason. It was about pushing me further and further for her.
I sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair, and feel the tip of the device and her swollen balls slap onto the chair. A small snail trail of pre-come smeasured on the seat’s surface as I settled back into it. I took a deep breath, and pulled the hood over my head, wondering what the long string was for. I snapped the opened cuffs closed behind my back. With no sign of a key anywhere, I was completely helpless, and totally dependent on her mercy. I heard her key rattle on the front door lock, and her delightful giggle, accompanied by the deeper, powerful voice of her love.
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