The Journey Ch. 02

Looking up to him, her desires evidence in her dark eyes, she asks, “what do you mean…’This is only the beginning’?”

Chuckling to her, his finger still delving deep within her now wet folds, he speaks softly, “just what I said, slut…this is only the beginning…once you stop fighting your own mind and let yourself go with your body, you will know exactly what I am talking about.”

Trying to cool her fires, her mind whirling, she again tries to close her tights, his hand laying softly against her knee, but her own body refusing to stop the tantalizing torque he is giving to her. Smiling to her as he sees her inner struggle, he stops circling her clip.

Standing up from the bed, he looks down at her body, the dim light casting a soft glow over her nakedness. Her eyes lifting to his, smoke with her need, opening her mouth as she starts to ask him to continue, her mind screaming at her to stop. She clamps her lips shut, her hips still softly undulating with her desire tobe released.

She watches him as he moves around in her room, opening drawers and the closet, looking through her clothes. Irritated by seeing him disturb her neighborly organized drawers. Becoming more irritated as he continues to snoop through her things, like he owns her possessions.

Finally she speaks, her voice angle, “what are you doing, what are you looking for?”

Turning to her, he smiles again, “just taking inventory of the clothes you have here, what I will be taking and what will be left behind”.

Gawking at him, her face exposing her shock, “just what in the hell are you talking about….what YOU will be taking and leaving behind?”

Striding to her quickly, he grabs her chin, forcing her head to look at him, his voice low and authoritative “don’t ever take that tone with me again, slut. I will do what I want, when I want and you will not question me.”

Increasing his pressure on her chin for emphasis, he asks, “do you understand slut?”

Looking up to him, her eyes showing her fear, she tries to respond, her words barely audible, “yes Sir.”

Looking inter her eyes, he speaks to her “hmmmm, you are catching on quickly lil one…a ‘yes Sir’ so quickly. I’m impressed.”

Gasping, her mind rethinking the words she had just uttered, a deep flush covering her face as she realizes what he is talking about. Lowering her eyes, she bites her lip, thinking, her mind a trying to make sense of all that is happening.

Leaving her there on the bed, he finds a suitcase on the top shelf of the closet. Placing it on the foot of the bed, he unzips it, going first to the closet, taking only dresses, skirts and blouses. Folding them neatly, he places them in the large suitcase, moving to the dresser to take only the filmest of bras, leaving the rest.

He feels her eyes watching him; he glances over his shoulder, throwing a dazzling smile to her. He continues going through the drawers, finding lacy garter belts, thigh high sheerstockings and to his surprise, a black corset, the price tag still hanging.

Looking to her, his eyes raised as he held the corset up to her, “hmmmm, you have very good taste lil one.” Smiling as he sees her look of confusion.

Folding each item, he places it in the suitcase, looking up as he hears her soft voice. Her voice timing, halting as she asks, “what about the rest of my clothes, my jeans, leggings, shoes, and…uhmmmm, my panties?”

He states, “you don’t need them anyway, I will be selecting all of your clothes and frankly, I don’t like jeans or panties. I want you open to me at all times, can’t have any kind of barrier between me and MY property, slut.”

Gasping in shock, she starts to protect, he lifts one eyebrow, his eyes locked to hers as if in a challenge to her. Clamping her lips closed, she nods her head, quickly looking up, she answers, “I was just wondering is all.”

Her mind in turmoil, struggling to gain back control, she waits until his back is turned, bringing her bound hands to her mouth, trying to untie the knot with her teeth.

Seeing her in the mirror, he watches as she struggles with the tight knot, letting her think she is getting the upper hand on him. He turns back to her, seeing her gasp softly as she quickly lays her hands against her flat belly. Looking up to him, trying to look innocent, but looking more like a child getting caught with her hand in a cookie jar.

Ignoring her obvious signs, he walks casually back to the suitcase, dropping in a few pairs of strappy sandals and high-heeled pumps. He smiles, turning back to the closet, wanting to know how far she will attempt to try to free herself.

As soon as he turns his back, she lifts her hands to her mouth, her teeth working frantically at the knot. Her eyes watching for any movements from him as she works struggles.

Smiling to himself as he watches her, he turns suddenly back to her, seeing her hands at her mouth, teeth working theknot.

He asks, “what are you doing?”

In response, she mutters, “uhmm my nose itched and I was trying to scratch it” her eyesbrows lift slightly with her lie.

Nodding, he walks to her, putting her hands back to her belly and gently rubbing her nose. Smiling as he asks, “all better, lil one?”

Looking up to him in slight examination she responses, “yes, thank you.”

He looks down at her, “Well, only a few more things and then we will be ready to go, just need to get some toiletries from the bathroom. Do you have anything that you absolutely need…such as medicines, certain lots, contacts, or contact solution, sweetie?”

Looking up to him, she tries to keep her tone light, “yes…I need my contacts, solution, there is also a bag of cosmetics, brush, comb…basically everything that is in the bathroom.”

Knowing that this will take him some time to gather everything she has requested, she tries to maintain an air of calmness, her plan taking shape.

Walking into the bathroom, he keeps his senses on high alert, knowing that she is planning to escape him. He starts putting the various bottles and other needed items into an overnight bag.

Hearing him in the bathroom, she swings long, sculpted legs over the edge of the bed, nearly fainting as the bed squeaks. Looking up in panic, she waits a few seconds, making sure he hasn’t heard the noise.

Slowly she stands on shaking legs, her eyes darting from the bathroom to the closed door of her bedroom. Small steps carrying her as quietly as possible to the door and to freedom from him.

Hearing the squeak, he turns, leaning against the door jam, just out of sight of her as she moves to the door. He starts moving after her in long strides just as she reaches for the handle on the door.

He slams the door closed, looking down at her, his eyes firece, his voice low “cannot’t get the knot untied, so you thought you would try to sneak away from me, huh, slut?”

Looking up, her eyes panicked, her voice lost, she takes a step back, fearing the look in his eyes.

Bending down to her, his face in hers, he thunders, “WELL SLUT, I ASKED YOU A QUESTION.”

Panicking she tries to move quickly away from him, his hand catching a handful of her long tempers as he pulls her back to him.

Throwing her over his shoulder none too gently as he carries her back to the bed, throwing her down against it as he ties her hands to the headboard.

A whimper escaping her in frustration, she begins to fight against him, her legs kicking against him, hands pulling against him as he ties her hands.

Looking down to her, he smiles, turning her body over as far as her bound hands will allow, his large hand coming down hard against a pale chef, his handprint bright red.

Her gasp echoing as she feels the sting, tears forming in the corner of her eyes, she renews her struggles, fighting against him, his hand coming down again hard against her otherCheek, again the red imprint visible against the pale flesh.

Screaming, she struggles, her mouth uttering insults at him, he chuckles hearing the vulgar language, leaning down to pin her body, he starts spanking her bottom, the crack of his hand punctuating each word she utters.

Her screaming words dying in her throat as mournful sobs replace them, her body emrithing underneath him as she tries to move free of his punishment, her tears soaking into the pillow beneath her face.

He continues this abuse, her ass cheeses becoming very red, her body slowly relaxing, her sobs lessening in the intensity, only then does he cease.

He smoothes one hand over her burning cheeses, slowly soothing the heat and sting. He continues this gentle touch, feeling her back arch, her ass lifting to him as he continues her soft whimpers muffled against the pillows.

Seeing her reaction, he slides a long finger down, delving into her, feeling her wetness, smiling to himself as he feelss the soaking wet petals, her ass lifting higher to him.

Standing up, he lightly runs his hand up her back, leaning down to slowly turn her over, pressing a soft kiss to her browser.

He looks down to her tears streaked face, gently lifting her chin with his finger as he speaks, “I didn’t want to have to do that, but you left me no choice. This is the type of punishment you will receive when you are disobedient, understanding pet?”

Lifting teary eyes to him, she nods her head, her voice barely a whisper, “yes, I understand.”

“Good! Now be a good girl while I finish packing your things that you will be needing.”


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