The Journalists

I started in the participation journalism business because of my wife. Of course we started back before we were married. We met in college and quickly realized that we were soul mates. The fact that she was so easy on the eye certainly helped My wife is beautiful, long auburn hair, votelain complexion. Fabulous legs and great tits. I won’t lie, her looks opened a lot of doors. She started working for “Participation” magazine even before we graduated. Because I am handy with a camera and many of the adventures related by the magazine required partners I ended up being hired by the magazine shortly after Ruthie.

I’m sure you have read at least one of out articles. Our journalists participate in events and give first hand commentary on what its like to skydive for the first time. What its like to cliff dive in Acapulco, run with the bulls in Spain, everything under the sun. The editors also like adult themes, as those sorts of stories can double or triple circuitry.

Thefact that Ruthie is game for anything means that among other adventures, we have gone as a couple to a nudist colony, served as maid of honor and groomsman at a nude wedding, and posed for an adult calendar. The stories feature Ruthie’s excite first person narratives and my tasteful photographs that SEEM to reveal a lot more of her flesh than they actually do.

A new editor had come on in recent months and she Really got pumped by the circuit spike “Participation” had after Ruthie and I wrote about our adventures at the world’s largest strip poker tournament. Ruthie was a much better player than I was . She could hold her own against the pros My photograph of her on the cover of the magazine clad only in her underwear was a best seller and Ruthie even sold the movie rights to the story to Hollywood. The magazine got a hunk of that money as well which, of course, thrilled the editor. Ruthie got a fat raise and the editor got a big idea. Barb called us into her office.

“Ruthie, Jim!” Have a seat.” She said in a voice that was falsely honeyed. “I love the piece you did for the September issue, our readers have ordered so many extra copies that we had to order another press run and the digital downloads! You two are a big reason why this magazine has such a great bottom line. Which started me thinking.”

Ruthie and I braced ourselves, Barb’s mind can go in some wild directions.

“The two of you work great as a team but I think i can get two stories out of our next venture, that is if you are game. What do the two of you know about the BDSM community?”

Ruthie said, “You mean whips and chains and collars? That sort of thing.”

“Precisely!” said Barb wearing a smile she hoped would look since.

It was my time to speak up.

“Look Barb, we have done a lot of things for this magazine but I’m not about to turn my wife over to some crueler with a whip and a bad attitude.”

“Hear me out.” Said Barb. “First take a look at this check.”

She displayed a check from a major Hollywood studio It was made out to both of us and the amount of zeroes on the check made our heads spin.

“Don’t get too excited this particular check is a dummy but I have the letter verifying that a real one will be issued to the two of you once you turn in your stories. Your deadline is three months from the end of this month. That gives you a couple of weeks to do your homework.. Each of you will tell the same story from your relative genders. The studio is so excited by this story idea that they bought the films rights from the magazine even before the story has even begun to be written. This check is your share of the movie rights. I’ll be honest with you. This story could support this magazine for the next three years without even having to sell a single line of advertising. That is, of course, if the two of you are willing.”

I looked at Ruthie. She met my gaze.

I spoke for both of us.

“What do you have in mind Barb? No bullshit! Tell us what hair brained scheme you have in mind. No surprises. Lay everything out. If we can accept the terms, we will do your story.”

Barb looked into our eyes, exhausted and began her tale.

“I have been contacted by members of the local BDSM community. They like our magazine and they like you two. They feel that our magazine will give an honest portrayal of their community. Like all groups who are considered outside the mainstream, there is a great deal of misapprehension of what their community is all about and how they operate. What they propose is a two part story, one part told from the male perspective and the other from the female perspective of a two month volunteer entry into a submissive relationship. In simple terms Jim. Ruthie you will be collared slaves of a male and a female dominant. You will have to do EVERYTHING they ask of you for two months. You spend the next month after that writing your stories and the check is yours.”

“The representatives of the BDSM community feel that they have found suitable matches for the both of you. They also want to assure you that neither of you will be permanently marked or scarred. Both of you will have a safe word that must be obeyed immediately. It WILL involve a great deal of sex, especially for you Ruthie but the two of you are promised patience and gender. However, obedience IS expected and you MAY be compelled to obey if you are recalcitrant.”

Barb began breathing regularly again and faced us, a forced smile on her lips.

I looked at Ruthie, she looked at me and things got very quiet. After five years of marriage I am very good at deciphering my wife’s moods. I could tell that she wanted to talk this one out. I felt the same way. I asked Barb to leave us alone in her office while we talked. The subsequent conversation was the most heartfelt of our marriage. Ruthie prides herself on her bravery and her willingness to take ANY story, especially ones that brought her outside her comfort zone. This story would require infidelity. We had done stories before that had left us stark naked in front of strangers but this was a different animal.

I knew that if I were given a slave that looked like Ruthie for two months, I would fuck her silly every chance I got. Ruthie would also be entrusting me to another woman. I’m not bragging, I’m a handsome guy, six foot one, dark features and lots of muscles. Ruthie hides it well. But she HATES it when other women look at me. I on the other hand am flattered when other men ogle my wife.

Ruthie and I talked for nearly an hour. Preemptively we forgive each other for our respective infidelities and spend a great deal of time proving our love for each other. We know that whatever the two month ordeal entailed both of us would survive as a couple. We were united as we summoned Barb back into her office. When we told our editor that we would take the story, she let out a little cheer and wore her first authentic smile of the day.

For the next two weeks, Ruthie and I did some research and read everything we could about BDSM. Partly as a result of my research and partly because I liked it I began referring to Ruthie as “Goddess” and she started calling me “Master.” There was only so much preparation we could do however.

Finally the day arrived that Ruthie and I were to report for duty. We dressed casually. We locked up the apartment, arranged to have it watched, the mail brought in, and the plants took care of and headed to the city hotel where the BDSM convention was in its third day. Our contact was a woman named Juliet Dane. We found her in room 101. She was tall and clad in skintight leather. Ruthie and I were given a brief interview verifying that we were who we claimed to be and assuring her that we knew what we were getting into. There were clearance forms for us to sign and we were assigned our safe words. Ruthie’s was “Quizzical” and mine was “Cabbage.”

Juliet finally confirmed in us. “I’m sorry for the third degree. Lots of people have so many delusions about who we are and what we do. When you boil it down we are just a parallel sexuality to the vanilla world. No better and certainly no worse than theirs. We found people that we think are perfect matches for both of you. They are just across the hall. This room is actually that of your Goddess, Jim. Ruthie will be led across the hall to her Master’s room. You will be processed and collared tonight. We know that the two of you have been doing your homework. We have also been researching the two of you. A great deal of conceptions will be made at first since the two of you are complete neophytes but we DO expect two bright people like yourselves to learn quickly. If you would like to exchanges kisses and say your goodbyes now is the time to do it. Once your Doms enter this room neither of you will be allowed to display affect towards your spouse.”

I leaned across the table and kissed Ruthie deeply, I understand that I would rarely, perhaps, never, see her for the next two months. She embraced me as best she could then she reached under the table and gave my penis two quick squeezes. She had told me that missing my cock would be one of the hardest things about this assignment.

Once we finished Juliet picked up a phone and a a short time later came a knock on the door. Juliet opened the door and Ruthie and I met our destinies. He was tall and broad, with close cropped blond hair. Built something like a professional wrestler, his muscles were clearly defined by the outfit he wore also clearly defined was his enormous cock.

She was a bit shorter than Ruthie, with long brown hair and a face that could have come from a china doll. Her eyes were brilliant blue. She wore an outfit that barely concealed her large breasts and accentuated her fine legs and hips. To be honest I was silent immediately

“I am Goddess Erica.” She said. Even her voice was lovely.

The hulking man next to her said. “I am Master Paul. You are my woman. Come.”

He extended his hand and, a bit hesitantly, Ruthie took it. She turned on me as Master Paul led her to the hotel room across the hall. My heart was beating hard as I saw the door close behind Master Paul and my wife.

With that Juliet exited the room. The door closed once More. I was all alone with Goddess Erica. She looked at me. Eyed me head to toe and allowed a brief smile to cross her otherwise emotional less face.

“Strip worm! To your skin!”

I began to take off my clothes. For the first time in a long time I felt intimidated being naked. Once I was unclothed, Goddess Erica examined me head to toe, even rolling back my foreskin. I had one of the strongest hardons of my life. I could have pole vaulted with no problem at all.

“Your wedding ring too big boy. You belong to me now and my collar will be the only adornment you will be permitted.”

Sadly I slid off my wedding ring and placed it on the table. Goddess Erica eyed my erect cock.

“I see that you are eager .” She said. “That is good. I will give you relieve tonight but after that you are going into chatity. You will have to earn the right to future orgasms by being VERY obedient to me I am your Goddess in that I am your superior in EVERY way. As something less than a man you are an evolutionary backwater. Only by pleasure me can you find your proper role in life. You will see to my needs, cooking for me, bathing me, dressing me, cleaning my home. You will come to relish your service to me. Later we are going to the bathroom where you will bathe. As an act of submission and a symbol of your enslavement, you will be shaken from just below your nose to the tips of your toes. You will maintain yourself in a hairless state for me. Now knee on the floor and grovel. Confess your worthlessness and beg me to accept you as my slave.”

Something deep inside me responded to Goddess Erica’s order. I found myself on the ground, kissing her boots and proclaiming how worthless and useless I was. I implemented her to accept my miserable service. I have NO idea what came over me. After a few minutes of this Goddess Erica smiled and said,

“I accept your service. Kneel before me with your head down.,”. I did as instructed. I heard a drawer open and then I sensed Goddess Erica behind me. She had me raise my head and then Goddess Erica slide a leather collar about my neck She closed the clasp and sealed it with a small padlock.

“On your feet slave.” She said. “You no longer have a name, I will choose one for you once I have gotten to know you better. That door leads to the bathroom. March yourself over to it.”

In the bathroom I was instructed to fill the bathtub. I noticed an array of razors and other hair removing devices upon the vanity.

Tonight I will be removing every hair on your body. From this day forward you are responsible for maintaining itin a pristine hairless state. For those places that you can not reach, you may ask for assistance from your Goddess. Were we in a long term relationship and not just one of two months you would pay to have your every hair removed by laser. We will have daily inspections, if I find any trace os stubble you will be punished. I favor a ping pong paddle for minor infections. As for major infections? Well let’s just say that you should believe me when I tell you that you do NOT want to commit a major infection. Is that clear slave?”

I was still experiencing the hardest erection of my life. What the hell was happening to me? I found myself beaming and replying, “Yes Goddess!”

Once the tub was full Goddess Erica arranged her utesils and began lathering me up. Her touch was like electricity coursed through my body. I’m not the most hairy guy in the world but my hair is dark and obvious. It looked very strange when Goddess Erica had finished with my left leg. Hairless it feltVery strange. It took Goddess Erica several hours to completely depilate me. At last she had me stand and had me towel off. My public hair was all that remained. We retired to the bedroom to remove that. Goddess Erica had me lie on the bed on my back and then she fastened me to the four corners of the bed with leather cuffs. My erection never faded as Goddess Erica ever so slowly and tantalizingly shhaved away every trace of hair.

While I was still immobilized, Goddess Erica took a long look and my eager shake and said,

“I haven’t forgotten about this. I will give you release and then you get introduced to your device. Ordinarily you would be allowed to cum only once a month. I have been known to keep slaves in chatity for much longer periods of time. As a conception to this being a short term enslavement and, in light of the fact that the BDSM community has high hopes for the quality of this article; you will be permitted to come an average of once a week. That is IF you are an exceptionally good boy.”

With that her small left hand neared my crotch. I felt her cool lacquered fingers encircle my shaft. Her hand job was out of this world. When I came, I practically explored into the towel she had ready. It was easily one of the best orgasms I had ever experienced in my entire life. Goddess Erica looked down at me and smiled.

“As you can see, I am very talented slave. HOWEVER, mostly, when you are very obedient and submissive, your form of release will be your own hand. I generally don’t fuck my slaves but I will be pegging you. You will also see me engage in sex with men as I cuckold you.. Understand something, despite being of the male gender you are NOT a man. You are my slave, my submissive. As my submissive, your sole purposes are to serve me, to please me, and to amuse me. I neither need nor do I want a fuck toy. When I DO have a need it is almost ALWAYS for MEN. You will be many things to me and you will serve me in many ways but I will NEVER see you as a man. The sooner you understand that the easier these two months will be.”

With that she rose from the bed and took something out of the nightstand drawer.

“Let’s try this on for size.” She said.

I watched as Goddess Erica approached my penis with a cage! I pulled at my bonds but I was fastened tight. I felt the metal cage slide over my penis and watched as Goddess Erica locked it in place. She placed the key on a chain and hung it about her neck. Only after checking the device several times and assuring herself that I was not capable of removing it did she loose my bonds.

“There now my slave’s brain is locked away. Only submission, humility and obedience will grant you release. Now follow me.”

I stumbled to my feet. To my complete consternation my little soldier was erect in his cage. To my complete astonishment I found that I REALLY REALLY liked the feeling. It dawned upon me that the two months ahead would be the most transformative ofmy life. I knew on an atomic level that whatever task Goddess Erica asked of me, I would take delight in performing it. I also knew that whatever else might happen over the next two months, once it was over, Ruthie and I would never live a vanilla lifestyle again.

Goddess Erica had me comb my hair and then she produced a leash and led me out the door and through the hall of the hotel and into the elevator. The elevator doors opened just outside the ballroom. Ordinarily public nudity doesn’t both me. But those other times I was not hairless, collared and locked in a chatity device. I understand, even before it was explained to me that this public exhibition was meant to humiliate me.

We toured the exhibitions and met the various guests. Goddess Erica had me pose for pictures with her and I was told to keep silent and to pay attention as we made several circuits of the ballroom. At one point I spied Ruthie at the distant end of the hall. I could just make out that her bush was gone. I had wanted Ruthie to shake for years but the further she had been willing to go was a rather wide racing stripe. Seeing her now, the fact that she had never shavled for me stung a bit. It seemed to me that Ruthie was about to knee on a cushion and preform fallatio on someone but at that moment the view became obstructed and almost immediately after that Goddess Erica tugged my leash and urged me on.

Several hours later Goddess Erica and I returned to her hotel room. She ordered from room service and I acted as butler. When not tending to her, I stood at attention. Once she was finished eating. She made up a small plate for me. Goddess Erica placed my meal on the carpet by her feet and I ate while she stroked my head as though she were feeding a pet dog.

By now it was very late. Goddess Erica supervised me as I prepared for bed. I was informed that privacy was the domain of free men of which I was neither. But then came the greatest part of the day so far. GoddessErica had me undress her in preparation for putting on her pajamas. Naked Goddess Erica was unbelievably beautiful. Her breasts were amongst the finest I have ever seen either in real life or in photographs. Aside from a wine birthday mark on her left hip her skin was flawless. Her crotch was thickly carpeted but nicely trimmed. Her long legs and lovely hips were firm and she was well muscled everywhere. If I was smitten with her before, now I was experiencing something akin to love.

Before I dressed her in her pajamas, Goddess Erica decided to test out my abilities at cunnilingus. Now I had always been able to make Ruthie happy but I was completely intimidated by my Goddess. Although the fact that we had known each other only for a few hours, my greatest fear in life now was disappointing her. I worked diligently. I kid you not, I worked harder on her pussy than just about any other task in my life previously. I was somewhere between the orbit of Mars and Jupiter when my Goddess came with a massive groan.

“Well done slave.” She said. “Well done I think we will have so much fun over the next two months.”

Equipped with just a blanket and a pillow, I slept on the floor that night at the foot of her bed. As I slide off to dream land I realized that serving Goddess Erica would indeed be a lot of fun. That night I had some of the most pleasant of dreams.


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